My human Mate

He places an oversized denim jacket and a white shirt in my hand. I pull off the shirt I have on and proceed to wear the new clothe.

"I take it you'll stop your madness now" he states with a frown on his face.

Andre has always been against how I bullied annah.

Although he knew why I did it, it didn't make sense to him or me for that matter, but i had to do it, or atleast that's what i kept telling myself.

"Let me handle my love life" I say looking at my reflection in the mirror before me.

"You're forgetting your love life is not just yours.

Savannah is your mate and whatever decisions you make influences the entire pack"

"A pack that is against my mating a human" I hiss angrily

"Exactly why whatever decisions you make are of great consequence " andre argues.

I finish lacing my brown boots and stand upright looking him in the eyes, he is about three quarters of an inch taller than I am.

"Are you also of the opinion that I should reject her as my mate?"

"I am not saying that zach" he says placing a hand on my shoulder

"But whoever's your mate is going to be our future Luna, and we don't know if savannah will be up for that. Dude she hates everybody and everything "

"you know nothing about her" I say with clenched teeth, I pick up my backpack and stomp out of the restroom.

"I'm going to prove all of you wrong, I will show you that annah being my mate is not a mistake" i say through our mind link.

I am Zachary Waters and i am a wolf. I was born to Alpha Mack Waters and Luna Betty Waters, I had an elder sister, rebecca who died 3years ago. Her death didn't just affect me, it broke my mother and she hasn't been the same ever since.

The shadow pack is the second richest and third biggest pack in the world.

My father Mack Waters has decided to retire earlier than most alphas are known to retire ,and his major reason being my mothers constantly deteriorating health conditions .

I am next In line to be alpha but there is one little issue, my mate is human.

There has never been an alpha with a human mate in the history of werewolves.

Once in every blue moon(literally) common wolves have mated humans but even that hasn't happened in the last 50years or so. The major reason why wolves didn't mate humans is because they couldn't stand the mating process.

I get into class and sit on my chair and as usual the guys hover around me wanting to hear about annah. Simon is the most enthusiastic among the group, he has always had a soft spot for her especially after we found out she was my mate.

"She looks happy today" Simon is saying.

"How do you know that?" I ask smiling, I look over at her, her shoulder long black curly hair hiding her face

"She has been looking at you too since you stepped in" Lucy adds,

"Has she?" I ask again teasing them, this earns me a slap on my arm from Lucy and I laugh.

"She isn't the only happy one " Andre comments, i thought he was mad at me?

I look sideways at him and furrow my brows in a mock frown

"You don't look too happy to me" I say to him, he smirks hitting me on the head

"Ouch, come on people no more hitting".

I look over at annah and at the same time she turns her head and looks at me, our eyes meet and I wink at her before looking away.

"So you're really going to go ahead and mate her?" Reu asks puzzled.

I drum my fingers on the desk ignoring his rude remark, the last thing I want to do right now is lose my cool and going into that discussion will only end one way like it has done the past few days.

I see Andre signalling him to drop the topic but it doesn't matter to me, right now I am filled with euphoria, I look over at her again.

A figure stops in front of me blocking my veiw, I don't need to look up to know that its Jessica.

She bends down and hugs me giving me a peck on the lips.

I am wary of her but she has been a really good friend to me so I always let her have her way.

She leans into me and whispers,

"Hope she didn't kick you out today? Well even if she did atleast you went with your car this time".

We all laugh at her joke remembering how I had to walk a long distance the last time before Andre showed up.

I see Annah get up from her sit, I see the anger burning In her.

She walks over to us and pushes Jessica away from me causing her to stumble backwards. Shock is an understatement for how we all felt.

I stand up and hold her hand before she decides to do something else.

"Is everything okay?" I ask stupidly for lack of a better question.

How can I not know what is going on?

The mate pull heightens certain emotions like anger, jealousy and sexual feelings.

Jessica standing so close to me must have triggered it.

"I just don't want her close to you" she replies looking down at her Feet.