Chapter 8

Adina regretted wearing the blue t shirt as it was made out of a fabric which was not breathable even more so it was pretty hot that sitting just below the fan didn’t stop her from sweating.

“ Adina you seem in a bad mood today? Is everything alright” Amanda asked

“ It’s just hot and I am sweating”

“ you sure that the reason and not because your love isn’t here yet” Sam teased

“ Look who is talking. You are the one cranky because you didn’t have your daily dose of Elina”

The conversation went on as everyone sitting at the table had started roasting each other. They were sitting in the inside cafeteria for obvious reasons

“ oh please you both love birds can’t breathe without each other,” Brinda said

“speaking of birds your love is here” Sam teased Adina.

Everyone’s head turned towards Grey as he walked in. as soon as Adina was in the line of sight of grey he stopped. His face turned red with embarrassment while Adina was too stunned too speak a word.Everyone started laughing as both Grey and Adina were once again wearing the exact same clothes.

“ that is too good to be a coincidence”

“ Even universe wants you to date”

“ how long are you going to fool us?”

Ignoring everyone’s teasing Grey walked up to Adina

“ don’t you have clothes other than what matches mine?”

“I always dressed like this you are the problem here”


“How the fuck ! three days in a row??!!!”

Adina and Grey had gone out for a walk at their usual spot.

“ can’t you just dress more feminine?”

“ huhhh? You should dress more masculine. I have always dressed clean and basic”

They both were bickering about who should dress like what. In the end, they both came to an agreement that they both dress cleanly and basic. Dressing fancy was something they both hated but what they hated more was looking not presentable. So the product of being too lazy to dress and fancy but wanting to look good at the same time was them twinning with each other. Even the colors were the exact shade not even an ounce lighter or darker but the same.

“ dude even your rings match mine”

Talking about jewellery reminded Adina about the necklace. Did she ever gave an impression that she might like things like that necklace?

“ hey, can I ask a question?”


“ uhmmm what kind of jewellery do you see me buying? what style do you think I prefer?”

Grey frowned at her odd and out-of-the-blue random question.

“ why do you ask that?” off course Adina couldn’t tell him the real reason because she was too ashamed of it so she lied about Jasmine saying that she had weird taste in jewellery.

“ well! I haven’t noticed much but you tend to go for simple things whether they are clothes, jewelry or shoes” Adina still stared at Grey telling her non verbally to continue so he did

“ you go for convenient things which look clean and chic even when you go for something fancy you make sure it’s simple and isn’t funky or has too many colors. Like I have never seen you wear a bracelet but watches don’t leave you wrist and ummm you don’t wear necklaces a lot but whenever you do they are feminine and small. You think you are a tomboy but tbh you are more feminine than you think you are”

“ did you ever see me wearing something that’s weird, bad or funky?” Adina asked while her mind screamed ‘ and here I thought I was not feminine’

“ aside from that brain of yours no you always dress nicely”

Adina punched Grey lightly on his shoulders.

“ attitude too” he added faking hurt.

Adina’s mood was pretty bad since last night but when Grey faked hurt she couldn’t help but laugh as if nothing was going wrong in her life.

She forgot all her problems for that moment and just laughed as if she was the happiest person out there.


*Three years later*

“ Adina darling! You didn’t eat today as well” Adina’s mama held the spoon full of food in front of her precious daughter's mouth. She was the youngest daughter who was a very good child.

She never had to worry about her at all.

“ Adina sweet heart just eat something for Papa” Adina’s eyes remained unchanged.

“ darling it’s your favourite food” anything her mama made was Adina’s favourite but her favourite among all the favorites was butter chicken with rice. Adina’s mama made the dish in hopes of her daughter eating but seeing Adina not even reacting broke their hearts.

“ Eina” everyone’s heads snapped towards Kai who came running towards Adina.

Kai was Adina’s four-year-old nephew. The only person Adina is willing to respond to even if it’s just acknowledging his presence.

He climbed into her lap and hugged her tightly. “ Einnnaaa” Kai called ever so lovingly in his sweet childish voice.

Adina’s lips started quivering and she couldn’t hold back when Kai once again called her name. She hugged him and started crying.

Everyone was a little taken back when they saw this. Adina hadn’t been responding to anything for the 5 days she has been in the hospital. Not eating nor talking nor reading just nothing. They would often find her crying but even when she looked like she was about to choke on her own tears she didn’t make a single sound. Not even a hick or sob was heard.

Her parents did everything they could to get her to just respond and not have that look in her eyes but it failed.

Seeing her respond to Kai gave them hope.

Outside the room stood Sam along with Jasmine and Lilly.

Lilly and Jasmine seeing their sister finally respond to Kai made all of them take a sigh of relief.

“ thank you Sam. ” it was Sam’s idea that Kai should meet Adina. Adina wasn’t the type who talked about her personal life a lot with others but one name was always on the tip of her tongue.

“ She would always look at kai’s pictures and videos. Proudly telling what he did or what he learned. She even told us her most favourite word to hear was Eina”

Sam left out an important detail in the information that just moved Lilly and Jasmine to tears.

‘ That was the least he could do’