Adina was a little taken aback. What was she supposed to say to that? Adina was the type of person who would never text anyone including her girlfriends. It was never something about ego but rather that she wasn’t the type to ever immerse in long chats. She just couldn’t but with Grey it was different. She could talk to him all day and not get tired even so she could text him first.
“ Why? Are you mad? “ she texted wanting to know why he didn’t like it. Almost immediately she received a reply saying “ I don’t know. I just don’t like it”
For some weird reason, Adina chuckled. Was he like this with just her or everyone?
“I don’t care if others don’t text back but if its you or Aurora I just hate it” Adina sat there and just stared at the text. She didn’t know how to reply to that. How was she supposed to reply to that?
It wasn’t that she felt weird but just special.
“ I don’t know how to reply to that” Adina texted
Sunday night was particularly hot or maybe Adina felt hot because she was about to start her periods. It was a problem with her that whenever she was about to start she would also start feeling hotter than usual and No this wasn’t the hot that would make you feel good.
She was irritated and remembered that she needed to iron her clothes for tomorrow but it was too hot for that so she just pulled out a black shirt which wouldn’t need ironing and blue jeans.
After taking a bath she laid down and scrolled her insta when she saw a meme and sent it to Grey then she remembered something.
“ what are you wearing tomorrow?” she texted
Almost immediately she received a picture of his clothes which were black shirt and blue jeans. Now Adina wanted to smash her head across the wall. She got up and sent a picture of her outfit to Grey and he was too stunned to speak.
What the actual fuck was wrong with both of them? Why do they match so much?
That night they both mutually decided that from now onward they would tell each other what they are wearing beforehand.
“ I am skipping the class” that was all Sam needed to say for everyone to skip it as well.
Sam was the heart of the group. If he was there everyone would have fun but if he wasn’t it would be gloomy. Everything was better with his energy around.
“ Guys we might have skipped the class but what are we gonna do? The next class is in 3 hours” Adina didn’t like that they were skipping classes but Grey just informed NOT ASKED NOT TOLD but just INFORMED her that she is staying.
“ let’s go out and have breakfast”
That was what all Elina needed to say and before everyone knew it they all were sitting at a café ordering food. Adina didn’t know what was good so she asked Sam and Grey for suggestions.
“ Try peanut butter pancake it’s an absolute banger” Adina wanted to tell Sam that she didn’t like peanut butter but before she could Grey replied.
“ She doesn’t like peanut butter”
“ Look at you taking care of your wife” Brinda teased. Adina told grey months ago that she doesn’t enjoy the taste of peanuts. Not that she is allergic just that It sets her off for some reason. That was the tinniest detail about her but he remembered. He remembered and it made Adina melt. Never in her life has someone paid attention to small details like this not even Fredrick.
Sam asked whether or not Adina was allergic but Adina explained that it wasn’t and that she just didn’t like the taste. After they all were done ordering Adina turned her attention towards Grey.
“Someone’s fashion sense didn’t get up today did it?”
“Someone didn’t let me wear what I was supposed to wear” Grey replied after giving a bombastic side eye.
“We talked last night you could have ironed something” Adina defended herself. Grey told her that he had planned to get up early and iron something else but then he didn’t wake up early and even forget their conversation and wear the clothes he ironed. Just as he was about to leave he remembered their conversation but by then it was too late to iron something else, so he just changed into whatever he got his hands on.
Adina couldn’t suppress her laugh as it was low-key funny earning yet another bombastic side eye. “Anyway you don’t look bad. Just okay”
“ As if I care how I look”
“ That’s not how it works Elina” Everyone’s attention was turned toward Sam and Elina.
Elina was looking away from Sam pissed while Sam sat there trying to get her to cool down. Everyone sighed as they knew this was yet another stupid fight where Elina would get angry for the silliest thing and Sam trying to be a good boyfriend validates her feelings even if they were childish as hell. This was why Adina kept her distance from Elina. Even though Elina was older than her she still acted like a child. Adina wasn’t the hateful type and she did validate her behaviour after all who the hell was she to judge what happens between them but the problem was that their fights don’t just happen between just the two of them. Whenever Elina gets angry she would not only give cold shoulder to Sam but also to everyone. This was what pissed off Adina. The moment she gets angry over something stupid she turns her mood sour.
The worst part was that she also sours up Sam’s mood and If Sam didn’t console her or if argued back she could just start crying. Sam was the heart of the group and the moment his moods turns off so does everyone’s. A few times Grey and Adina tried cheering up Elina but instead of responding she completely ignored them.
She didn’t understand that no matter how angry she is with Sam it didn’t gave her a free pass to treat others like that. The only person who was oblivious to the fact that everyone put up with her just for Sam’s sake was Elina herself.
“ pass me the pod please” Adina said