Everyone got out of the Uber at the gate of university in a sour mood. Shutting the doors they all started walking towards the class completely silent when Grey asked
“ Who has pod?”
“ didn’t you take it in the café?” Sam looked at Adina but she told him that she had returned him before getting in the Uber. That was when Elina gasped and told Sam it was in the Uber who just drove away.
Elina took it from Sam in the uber as she didn’t like want him to smoke it and had placed it cup holder but forgot to take it. Sam was pissed. Everyone was pissed.
“ Don’t even think about taking it away from now on” Sam was angry, he didn’t hide it and he was right. He called the Uber back and took his pod while apologising to the person for the inconvenience. Instead of apologizing to Sam and trying to get his mood good Elina just got angrier and walked off with Brinda. Not only were they late to the class but the whole day Sam’s mood was sour because of Elina.
Grey and Adina didn’t like the vibe of the group so they just went to south.
“ Elina is just too childish” Adina said in the middle of their conversation.
“ she hasn’t been in the real world I guess”
“ Grey this has nothing to do with the real world. She is a grown ass woman! Older than all the girls in the group and yet she acts the most childish.”
“ Towards her boyfriend whom I think is totally fair”
“ Look I am not saying that she can’t act like that with Sam heck he is her boyfriend but there is something called “too much”. That is what she is doing not to forget she gives everyone the cold shoulder whenever something happens. What the hell did we do wrong?”
“ Can’t argue with that! You don’t get a free pass to treat others like that just because they are your boyfriend’s friends”
“ I sometimes feel that she does that on purpose.”
Elina wasn’t a bad person that was what Adina and Grey agreed upon. She was nice and fun just too childish for Adina and Grey. They both belonged to the world where they had to grow up too fast. From responsibilities to letting go of dreams to being at the lowest and handling everything thing on their own they didn’t much time left for being childish.
Grey was the oldest child while Adina was the youngest. Despite this dissimilarity, they both understood that being in the real world meant they needed to be tough and strong.
This was also something they both hated. Understanding too much meant they didn’t get to act how they wanted rather maturely. A part of them yearned to be stupid and act childish but another part of them didn’t allow that. When they met they both instantly clicked. They understood the things they didn’t even speak. That was what made their friendship special.
“ it’s particularly hot today. I hope the weather doesn’t contribute to Sam’s bad mood”
“What do you want for dinner?” Neither Jasmine nor Adina was in the mood to cook dinner.
Being tired from their routines always left them with no energy to do anything. Now if they wished to cook anything they would need every single utensil from their room to the kitchen.
The day Adina complained that she had enough Jasmine did all the dishes and told Adina to take them in the room. Cooking pots, spoons, plates, knives even groceries were in that one room.
Adina and Jasmine weren’t the type of people who didn’t share. They were brought up with the concept that “ by sharing blessing is bestowed” but that didn’t meant you should let someone finish your entire months groceries in 2 weeks. Liana used everything that they put in kitchen whether it was rice, sauces or even sugar. It wasn’t that she needed them. Liana came from a financially stable family and was taken care of well. Adina was never able to guess why she acted the way she did.
“ burger and fries” it was Friday night and once again Adina hadn’t eaten for the entire day. That was her first proper meal after 4 days. When the food delivery arrived Adina was about to go downstairs to receive it when Liana stopped her asking if she was going to the shop too.
Even though Liana was going to she replied No. Liana had a habit. She wouldn’t do her work but put it on others. Even more so if Adina had said yes Liana would have given Adina a list of things she wanted Adina to get and the worst part was she would not pay Adina.
“ What happened?” Jasmine came out of the room. She didn’t like it one bit when Liana talked to Adina about anything. Seeing Jasmine Liana backed out immediately and went to her room.
Sighing Jasmine told Adina to go back to their room. Adina wanted to go with Jasmine but stopped when she remembered the incident.
The third month of them living here they went out for dinner and their room was unlocked. Upon arriving they found that their products like shower gel, shampoo, and lotions were half empty. They both were left furious. Jasmine stormed into Liana and demanded an explanation as to why their products which they bought yesterday were half empty. To which liana replied that she ran out of stuff so she just took a little.
That was the day they started locking their room and don’t leave it open. Jasmine came back with the take out and some other stuff from the shop. They both started eating in silence.
“ I will start looking for new apartments”
Adina’s eyes shot up. They both along with their parents have been thinking about getting an apartment of their own for quiet sometime. Liana was being a catalyst to that idea.
Well that’s some good news for Adina as she was starting to hate Liana.