Chapter 21

“Thank you taking care of her and I am really sorry for all the trouble” Jasmine was embarrassed. She had a text from Adina telling her that she was going for drinks with her friends. Jasmine told her she would pick her up at 9 and to not drink a lot. Clearly, Adina paid no attention to her warning.

“ it’s alright. She wasn’t trouble at all” Grey replied to which Jasmine thanked him again before driving away with Adina. Grey took a deep breath as his smile dropped. He could still feel it.

The soft and cool feeling against his cheeks was still there burning a hole in his cheek. He swallowed hard while trying to remove the scene from his mind but it kept playing on and on driving him to the absolute edge.

“ You…areee sooo nice….. I amm affriad….i mighttt fell…. “ She literally fell after that. Grey was as much as glad as he was annoyed that she didn’t finish her sentence. Even though he knew what she was about to say.

If she had completed the sentence he wouldn’t have been able to hold himself back and would have done the exact same she did to him but at another place. He knew it was wrong to think like that so he was glad that she fell and didn’t get to finish yet he was annoyed.

His mind and heart were fucked and the one who did that probably wouldn't even remember what happened. Adina once told Grey that she tends to forget everything after she gets too drunk. So he doubted that she would remember any of it. once again he was glad and annoyed.

Glad that she wouldn’t remember it because it would mean she cheated even though it was not her mistake that she just passed out and her lips fell on his cheeks. With a personality like hers she would count it as a kiss and feel guilty so he was glad she wouldn’t remember it yet he was annoyed.

He was annoyed because she had done something to his heart that no one was ever able to do and he is the only one who would remember that. If she was single he would have……. Grey immediately stopped himself from thinking further. He couldn’t think like that. He wasn’t allowed to think like that. Even if she was..... there was no telling whether she felt the same about him. Adina was a woman of her word. if she said she didn’t like something that meant she didn’t like it end of the discussion. There was never room for adjustments. Not to forget he also wasn’t sure how he felt. Yes, he was attracted to her but it was momentarily and it would go away. Right?

He sighed and pushed her thoughts to the back of his mind. He wouldn’t ruin the friendship he has with her for momentary feelings.

The next week went in a blink of an eye and mid-term exams came. Everyone got busy studying, especially Adina. She was studying her ass off since the semester started and it showed every time someone had a question because she either already solved it or managed to solve it.

The mid-term was a blur for Adina. She didn’t remember much about what happened as all she remembered was studying while eating Ramen. Everyone was washed with a sense of relief as they walked out of the examination hall on the last paper.

“Finally it’s over until finals” Sam exclaimed. They all were done studying non-stop. The stress of studying and getting good grades was really underrated for university students.

“ whose up for drinks?” Elina asked as both Grey and Adina tensed up.

Grey who had forgotten the kiss due to exams now remembered it vividly. He subconsciously looked towards Adina hoping to see any fragments of her remembering what happened.

Adina apologized about passing out on him the next day. Just like Grey expected she didn’t remember. A part of him was happy yet another part of him was angry.

“ I can’t drink” After getting drunk Adina woke up the next day with a terrible headache, and stomachache, and Jasmine lectured her about how reckless of her it was to get so drunk. Adina still wasn’t feeling well. Who could blame her? She was a university student so it was given that she would loosen up sometimes like this besides she was with Grey so she was safe.

“ Why? Is something wrong?” Amanda asked.

“ I still have the stomachache so I think I shouldn’t drink until I recover” Everyone understood so instead of going for drinks they all went to a burger place. Everyone had their orders and was eating. Adina had suddenly started feeling a little too much. she tried ignoring it up until now but the intensity was growing and it got to a point she couldn't eat or even sit still or that matter.

“ Adina? You look pale are you alright?” Grey had been observing Adina more than usual ever since that night. It wasn’t intentional at all but subconsciously his eyes would end up on her after every few minutes. She had been in quiet a lot of pain ever since that day and on top of that she was pale that much he had noticed but right now she looked ghostly pale compared to last couple of days.

“ I am alright I just need to go to the toilet” she barely managed to say those words as she got up to go. Suddenly her head spun like crazy, her body felt as if it was light like feather and her head became heavy causing her loss of balance as she fell hard on the floor.

“ ADINA!!” Grey immediately went to her and saw her unconscious.