Chapter 22

“How’s she?” Jasmine asked as soon as she saw Grey. Grey had called her while they were on their way to the hospital. Grey explained how she was having stomach aches and then suddenly fainted.

“the doctor is still examining her” Grey replied. Jasmine nodded and realized there was another person beside Grey. “Hello! I am Sam.” Sam introduced himself. The girls stayed back at the restaurant to settle the bills. They had called asking if they should come to the hospital. Grey refused saying it was best they go home as it was getting late.

“ Oh, so you are Sam. Adina mentions you two a lot” Their conversation didn’t progress further as the doctor came out and started explaining Adina’s condition.

He explained that she had gastritis caused by drinking on an empty stomach but it wasn’t the primary cause of her fainting. It was due to high fever, dehydration, and exhaustion not to forget her body had no resistance power left because of her messy eating habits.

“It’s not even been a year away from home and she…” Jasmine took a deep breath trying to calm down. “Is there anything else?” she asked the doctor

“Yeah, she is anaemic too” Jasmine’s jaw dropped. That would take a while to explain to Mama and papa. The doctor explained it would be right for Adina to go home after she had finished her IVs. Jasmine got busy with the paperwork and called their parents to inform them. Sam went out to buy something light for Adina to eat as for Grey he stayed beside Adina waiting for her to wake up.

He sat next to her bed and stared at her. Her forever-glowing face and her red lips both were colorless but for the first time he saw her at peace. Whenever she was awake she looked as if she was in constant battle and maybe she was. Her routine was enough to make anyone tried to death in just a week and there she was doing it all and never once complained. Sometimes she did complain. At the very least he would know what she is going through but this foolish woman always refused to show her problems. Grey rubbed his eyes and said

“ you really are one foolish woman”

“ I know right” Grey’s eyes snapped open as soon as she heard Adina’s sarcastic response.

“ You still have the will to be sarcastic after scaring us to death” Grey pushed the bell which would call a doctor over.

“Can’t help it”

“You should have gone to hospital sooner. What if it was something life-threatening?”

“My life is stubborn. Trust me it won’t end so soon”

“Do you think this is a joke?”

“What? Being sarcastic?”

“Your life”

This was the moment when Grey saw Adina giving a smile he would never forget. Her smile was so lifeless and sarcastic as if she was actually saying “yes”. There were times when Adina went quiet for weeks and looked zoned out. Grey had a vague idea about Adina’s depression but it wasn’t until now that he knew it was that bad. Grey wanted to say something but the doctor arrived and he had to walk out of the room so that Adina could be examined after that he didn’t have a chance to continue their conversation as Jasmine and Sam had come back.

Sam went back home and Jasmine went to convenience store to buy something as they had to wait the night before the IVs were completed. Grey offered to stay until Jasmine comes back so once again they were alone in the room.

“I am sorry I was just trying to lighten the mood” Adina broke the tension in the room.

“Never joke about something like that” Grey was in utter disbelief at how much Adina cared so little about her life. He didn’t want her to joke about herself in that manner. They started talking about other things after Adina promised she won’t do that again and those other things were Grey nagging Adina about all the time he told her to eat properly and she didn’t listen.

“ your nagging is way worse than my parents”

“ cuz you deserve it. Try saying I will eat later from now on and see how I shove food down your throat”

“Yeah right as if I would let you do that. Fuck, you yourself won’t do that”

“ I will make sure you don’t end up in a hospital again”

This was the bickering that Adina and Grey did until Jasmine returned.

In the morning Adina’s parents arrived. They both had hopped on the first flight they could get their hands on and now they were taking care of Adina. She had listened to an earful from both her parents on neglecting her health so much. Adina took an entire week off from university as her parents took care of her and by taking care they made her eat so much food that she would faint. Her Gastritis improved and she finally returned to university and her parents returned to their homes. Finally, Adina thought she was free from nagging while she was in university but there Grey was. Making sure she had full course meals and eat till her plates were sparkling clean. His words echoed in her mind every time he made her eat.

“ I will make sure you don’t end up in a hospital again” those words brought not only joy to Adina but some strange feelings that she didn’t even realize. All she knew was that she needed to finish her meal or Grey would make a meal out of her.

*Five years Later*

“ I will make sure you don’t end up in a hospital again” Those words echoed in Adina’s mind as she stood in front of hospital once again. Unlike the past those words brought nothing but pain to her but even if those words brought pain she wasn’t willing to let go of them and that was what she hated.

she would rather hold on and feel the pain then let and feel nothing.