*present time*
“You are too stressed for someone your age. What do you think might be the cause of your stress?”
‘YEAH DOCTOR! I am a freaking university student who has 5 assignments due next week, 3 upcoming tests, needs to study for the upcoming final exams, and a boyfriend who doesn’t give a shit that his girlfriend ended up in the hospital. What in this fucking world can stress me out?’
As much as Adina wanted to rant she pulled back her urge and gave a toned-down summarised answer that she was a university student. Adina had recovered fine from everything except the lack of blood in her system. According to her, it wasn’t her fault that the university loved sucking on that. She had come to the doctors hoping to know how to recover from being anemic quickly only to be diagnosed with extreme stress. How could she not stress?
She had fallen behind in her classes as she took time off to recover. Her performance was affected a lot; the harder she tried, the harder she felt sick.
“ Well I agree that grades are important but are they aren’t worth compromising your physical and mental health”
‘Says the one who studied their asses off to sitting in front of me, I am still better’
Adina suppressed her urge to scoff. She just needed to get through this semester and have a good GPA. For some reason, she needed to prove she could have a good GPA. It wasn't very comfortable for her to not be able to have a good GPA and she was willing to pay the price.
“ for now I suggest you take the iron pills I gave you. Eat good food and on their dedicated time. You can’t afford to skip meals at all from now on. As for your stress, take a step back and relax. You are standing at the edge right now. One thing that goes wrong and you would come crashing down”
Adina listened carefully before going back. She wasn’t stupid and knew what her physical and mental state was. To sum it up in simple words it was trash but for now, she needed to push through until just the end of the semester.
Adina got back home and opened her laptop to study only to get grey’s call asking how did the appointment went. Adina told him everything that concerned Grey.
“ the doctor told you to relax and the very next hour you are studying? For god sake, Adina having a bad grade won’t kill you but your obsession with getting a good one would”
The anger was clear in Grey’s voice. Adina didn’t like it one bit and snapped back.
“ so what do you want me to do? Fail the classes?”
“Who cares about failing Adina you are messing your health up”
“ I care” Adina yelled.
“ I Care because when I failed the last time it made me feel beyond stupid. It hurt like hell. All my confidence and self-worth came crashing down and nothing seemed to work in uplifting it but why would you understand? You aren’t the one going through it”
"you are fucking stupid that's your reason....." Grey paused abruptly
" Okay so Don't talk to someone fucking stupid"
With that, Adina hung up the call. She pushed the laptop away and brought her knees to her face only for them to get soaked. When did Adina start crying? Did Grey go silent because he heard Adina cry?
why does no one understand her? She didn't wish for other understanding. All she wants is a good grade. Was it too much to ask for?
Once again Adina’s phone rang but this time it was Fredrick. Adina wiped her tears and picked up the call. “Hey Adina how are you?”
“Fine. What are you doing?”
“Working on an assignment while talking to you” Fredrick's answer pissed Adina off. When was the last time he had given her his full attention? Everything on the call or video chat Fredrick is always doing some sort of work while Adina sits there giving him her full attention. Many time she pointed it out too but he didn’t change a single bit.
When Adina had fainted Fredrick didn’t have a single clue. He didn’t care that his girlfriend hadn’t texted or sent him a meme in the last 52 hours. When Adina finally called him to tell him what happened he told her to rest and talk to him when she felt better. That was when Adina made a decision but couldn’t find it in herself to say it out loud until now.
Now she knew even if she came crushing down she needs to do this.
“ Fredrick!” she called
“Wait a minute I need to get this done”
‘ Fredrick I need to talk to you”
“Just wait 10 minutes babe. I would be done”
“ Fredrick it’s important”
“Shoot this will take a while. I call you back in half an hour”
It was always like this. Even at this moment Adina was hesitating but seeing his constant ignorant attitude all her hesitance vanished
“I want to break up you idiot”
The long silence was pretty loud. If Adina hadn’t spoken further who knew how long would it have lasted?
“ I want to break up. “
“ why?”
“What do you mean why? Because you are a fucking asshole who only cares about himself. You never listen. You don’t care about me. you don’t give a fuck if I live or die, I never have your fucking attention the list goes on and on.”
“what do you mean I don’t care about you? I even sent you a gift”
“ that ugly necklace doesn’t count as a gift. Did you pick it with your eyes closed? We have dated for years and you fucking don’t know what kind of jewellery I like? Why do I even send you my pictures? just to lust over?”
“ if you didn’t like it why didn’t you say anything?”
“ because that was the first thing you ever gave me. I cared enough to not hurt your feelings but you didn’t care enough to care for mine. I am breaking up with you.”
“ why all of the sudden? We were fine last week”
“all of the sudden? And we? In what dictionary you have became we? YOU were fine because you never cared to notice how I wasn’t fine. You know what I don’t care anymore. Good bye Fredrick”
Fredrick was so taken back that he couldn’t even say a word when Adina hung up the phone. Yes he was bad at showing that he cared but why didn’t he notice Adina turning sour. Adina was the sweetest girl he knew. She would never say something so harsh to the person she cares about. Why didn’t he notice? Or maybe he noticed but he didn’t care to say anything.