"Eunhae?" He was extremely fuming in anger.
He threw the phone away, triggered the gear, and U-turned on the empty, lighted road while maintaining the same speed.
At the old house of Woo-Sunk, which Choi and Woo-Sunk loved as a married couple, he knocked on the door.
Receiving no response, he called again. "Where are you fools?" Stop doing that if you want to live a peaceful life, or else I will make it worse." She yelled uncontrollably at Woo-Sunk, who was still on Eunhae's naked body.
Instantly, Woo-Sunk jumped off the bed and told the address of the new house with high-stream fright.
A few minutes later, Yeong-Kwan arrived at the house and knocked on the door in a provoking way.
Woo-Sunk opened it and ran inside the house, hiding behind Eunhae, who was standing there dressed up, and sweat over her face penetrated already, distinguishing it as an oily face.
"Yeong-Kwan, why are you threatening him? He doesn't like her. His love is me, Eunhae." Eunhae calmly explained, keeping side with Woo-Sunk as Yeong-Kwan wrinkled his brows disgustedly at her and at Woo-Sunk, who was standing behind her confidently.
As he heard those, he smirked scornfully before dictating sarcastically, "His love is you?" He then stepped closer to them like a devil, as if he were going to swallow them like a starving snake. "I don't think it is you, his love."
Eunhae subtly narrowed, her brows twitching in confusion, while Woo-Sunk stepped to her front, sliding her to his back from his brother's extreme fury.
"Hyung, I love Eunhae. You already know about that. Why are you behaving rudely to her?" Woo-Sunk mournfully asked for justice from his brother.
"Do you even know how much Choi loves you? For you, she endured all of the pain you praised her for. Even knowing that was rude, she decided to stay with you. Is this what you pay back her?"
Yeong-Kwan asked for justice for Choi, while Woo-Sunk kept saying that Eunhae was the only one he loved.
"I don't think that you will be blind like this, Choi-"
While criticising him, when Choi's name popped up, he realized Choi must be waiting for him for the food in the office. He twirled his wrist, checked that the time was 10:00 PM, and rushed outside without finishing his word, leaving two of them in slight confusion.
At the office, after being tired of waiting in one place for half an hour, Choi was walking here and there, stepping her feet long as if she were playing with her walking style and smiling to herself foolishly, which echoed inside the deserted moonlight office.
Bang opened the door.
She twirled and turned to him while admiring the nighttime city view through the window.
Seeing her normal face, he calmed his fluttering heart as he headed towards her while she came and sat on one of the chairs after she spotted a food box in his hand.
"Sorry, I was stuck in traffic." He lied professionally.
"It's okay; let's eat first." She switched on the cell light and offered a nice smile that seemed his lateness didn't matter. With an upbeat glance towards the food he was arranging on the table, she chomped her lower lips as saliva kept drooling inside.
"Get started," he permitted her as he pressed his seat on the table's plain work surface, pushing the blocking paw on the floor.
Can I ask now? He asked himself, distrustful, with a suspicious stare already fixed on her starved, sparkling eyes.
"Choi," he calmly pronounced.
"Yes," with a bulged mouth and a downward face, she replied.
"Did you perhaps... forget the life memory between the age of 16 and the current age?" Asked abruptly.
Choi's munching mouth malfunctioned. With a thunderbolt-sounded heart, she uprighted her trauma, her nonplusing glance meeting his questionable fixed gaze.
"Ah, I predicted it correctly," he surmised, assuming that his suspect was true.
She hurriedly munched and devoured all of that in one mouth. "Daebak! Kwanna, you are something. No wonder my phone has your mobile number only." Choi was astonished and unbelievably stunned by his prediction of the age gap.
"What is happening to you? Did you paralysed because of the night with Woo-Sunk?" He concerned.
"No, I don't have a memory of that night." She amalgamated her mind to expose the secret since she mirrored the great soul connection between them that he would easily find if she went through something bad.
Yeong-Kwan was like, 'What?'
"You predicted it half correctly, but I don't forget the memory. I just travelled here from sixteen-year-old Choi." As she willingly dug out the buried secret, Yeong-Kwan's concerned face gradually transmitted into an enigmatic one.
"That's why I have no memory of the four-year gap. I don't know who you are, but my instinct ordered me to believe and be open to you." Incredibly beaming eyes at her, adorably glancing at his spontaneous charm.
"So you are 16 years old, Choi? Not an adult one?" He suspected again.
"Yes, sorry. I apologise for calling your name informally. Sincerely, I'm sorry, Mr. Yeong Kwan." She apologised immediately, slightly pushing the foot plate away as she noticed his always delightful face's muscles wrinkling, brows braiding together, and darted his glance away from her so quickly.
However, while she thinks that he must throw her off of friendship, Yeong-Kwan devours her into serious thought.
How is it possible for humans?
No, 16-year-old Choi doesn't know my existence. Am I making her uncomfortable these days? Oh no, I'm also closer to her right now.
His whole body twitched away from the working table and kept some distance from her as she felt guilty and downwards her face in disappointment, munching an empty mouth.
"Sorry, I must be making you uncomfortable with my overcare. Sorry," with nervously rubbing his neck, he excused himself in a stuttering voice.
Choi's eyes expanded in wonder, and his lips were wide open in an exulting smile. "Oh my God, he didn't think of me as a burden. Just thinking he must be making me uncomfortable this whole time. What a man!"
She thought to herself.
Yanked up her head and twisted that overwhelming, uncontrollable smiley face towards his hesitating face. "No, no, no, I don't feel uncomfortable. Be as usual. Please," she pleaded with him to be actual with her.
Yeong-Kwan unbelievably blinked at her and obeyed her plea because he couldn't regret her wants or likes.
He relaxedly sighed, seated back again as the same, and smiled delightfully before confessing, "I'm glad that you don't dislike me."
She then pulled the food closer to her chest and started to have it, saying, 'Yes, I'm.
Suddenly, she yanked her head up again. With a curious, seething glance, she asked, "So it is possible that you know about my unlived four years of life? Can you help me with something?"
"What?" He was quick to propose everything she wanted.
She picked up her phone that was near his palm, pressing it against the working surface, and showed that foggy lavender rose icon app. "Do you have any idea about this app?"
He gently stripped the phone from her tiny hand and glanced at it carefully once before giving it back to her.
She glimpsed at his pupils and met the corner of his milky-white eyes as if he were unpleasant with it.
He pulled back his memory to the early night when Choi and Wun-Sook had to have sex.
Drunken twenty-year-old maturity Choi showed the exact app to a slightly worried Yeong-Kwan. "Kwanna, see, I found it was me. His long-term love. I'm going to tell him about that after a month."
He slickly moved his pupils to mentally 16-year-old Choi but had twenty-year-old Choi's body. "Do you really want to know?" he asked, as if he told her, it might hurt her.
With slight conflict, Choi waved at his pupils and confidentially nodded once her memory read, 'Laveleaflovesher***'
"Even after travelling to the future, she still wants to know about him only," As his mind said that, he hopelessly sighed before starting to dig out the secret.
"That is the only app that you and Woo-Sunk have."
"Woo-Sunk?" She was enfolded in suspicion as soon as he started the first secret.