17- Attending get-together

Kwan glanced at Choi. Warning himself not to make the same mistake again, he introduced her: "She is our family cutie pie."

"Cutie pie?" That woman was still splashing jealousy over Choi.

Choi scoffed and introduced herself politely to that woman, "I'm his sister-in-law." She then threw her vehement-shaded eyes to Kwan before encouraging, "Since your girlfriend is here, how about I go to my room and she can help you?"

That brought tension to him. So he opened his mouth to explain, "She is no-"

"I'm leaving." She dodged his words again and went upstairs, leaving Kwan stressed out.

Jiin veered around towards him and dictated scornfully, "You said she was your girlfriend, now you are saying her cutie pie?"

That hit Choi's ear. She blinked with a confused mentality, and she turned to them, looking at Kwan questionably.

Kwan saw her, but that didn't even stay for a second; he dropped his head disappointedly.

"Did he mention me as his girlfriend while he has a girlfriend?" Choi asked herself and couldn't believe that.

"You lied because you want to keep the cool image?" Jiin teasingly asked, poking his chest playfully as Choi splashed extremely covetous.

"Why are you here at this hour?" Kwan queried instead of answering, knowing Choi was watching them.

Jiin scanned the whole living room. Finding there was smoke covering the kitchen, she ran quickly as Kwan rushed there.

Fanning the smoke and coughing at the result of the dirty smoke, he turned off the stove and yelled at Jiin uniformly, "What exactly do you want from me? It's been more than 7 years since we broke up!"

Choi's eyelashes blinked emotionally upon hearing his rage.

"It was you, not me," Jiin replied shortly and neatly, without even shaking for his rough behaviour.

"Yes! Do you think that I don't know you cheated on me with someone else?" Kwan broke the truth blatantly in front of shocking Choi, causing Jiin to be exhausted.

Jiin scoffed in anger and voiced scattering, "W-what are you talking about? W-when when did you see something like that?"

Kwan looked up at Choi watching them once and hoarsed to Jiin, "Let's talk about this later. Leave first."

"I can't! You have mistaken me for someone else. I'm still a virgin. If you don't want to believe me, let's go che-"

As Jiin was outraged with emotion, Kwan pressed his palm over her mouth and stopped her from overflowing with words.

Choi's brows wrinkled, spotting his hand covering her mouth.

"Stop saying something like this in front of Choi," Kwan murmured the warning as Jiin collected breath, gasping.

Despite the hatred Kwan expressed towards her, Choi couldn't tolerate their proximity, and Kwan's hands got a touch of Jiin's soft cheek skin. So she went to her room, stomping her feet madly on the staircase, which earned Kwan's attention in no time.

Thereafter, Kwan took back his hand, warning, "Leave this place first!"

Exhaling her last vehement, she left the place.

Inside the room.

Choi was staring at the random floor as her mind reverberated, "You said she was your girlfriend."

In Russia.

Woo-Sunk's younger sister, Yejin, entered his room in the costume of a maid.

Woo-Sunk scurried to that trolling table and took the axe from that big, covered plate. A bright beam approached his face, and soon he saw that axe. He then thanked her, showing a thumbs up.

She grinned like a proud sister and left immediately before her grandfather announced his presence.

In the kitchen, the original maid was staring confusingly at the place where she had halted the food-trolling table before cleaning the spilled water.

The evening approached Switzerland. Kwan entered Choi's room with the lunch.

He put the plate on the table, saying, "Help yourself." He then turned around to leave the room.

"One minute!"

Choi stopped him.

He veered around to her and looked at her conflict-overflowing eyes.

Hesitating for a while, glazing into his stubborn eyes, she asked, "Was she your ex?"

He nodded. "Yes."

A lenient smile peeked from her lips, but she was quick enough to encrust it, twisting her tongue.

"Yes, I broke up with her 7 years ago. She isn't my girlfriend anymore, and I don't love anyone." He pulled out everything he could explain to her regarding the misunderstanding between the two.

However, Choi's face wrinkled in disgruntlement upon hearing him mention, "I don't love anyone."

Kwan was scared inside, not knowing the reason for her long face. "Did I misspoke again? Aish!!! What concerns her like this even after I explained?" He was pissed off behind a masked face and screaming with fear that she misunderstood him again.

"Does anything bother you?" Kwan asked. Repeating inside his mind, "Say openly, please. Say openly, please."

Instead of replying, she gave him disappointed puppy eyes and shook her head wearily as if she couldn't explain her exact problem to him.


Kwan folded his wrist out of exasperation, knowing she was hiding it again.

"Then eat that," he pointed out, having no choice but to leave once she nodded.

Woo-Sunk was biting his nails nervously as his manager booked a flight to Switzerland.

Meanwhile, his manager looked back at him and informed him of his concern: "If Mr. Gu finds it, I can't have a house meal for life." He was howling like a child, not wanting to book the flight ticket.

"I will feed you; do it fast!" Woo-Sunk rushed him.

The sob turned into a dispirited one, and then the manager declared, "You will be in that state too."

"Do you want your nose to bleed?" Woo-Sunk rolled up his sleeves, showing his fist.

"No, no, no."

The manager regretted it instantly and began to continue the process.

"I can't let him have her," Woo-sunk muttered under his breath as if he hated his brother.

Kwan arrived at the entrance of the get-together, and everyone welcomed him with a gleeful smile. The press's camera's lights flickered fast once they saw Kwan offering his hand to Choi.

The rustling of people's talk and the camera flicks. Everything went mute soon after witnessing that was his sister-in-law, who recently got divorced.

Now the gossipy sound grew. The cameramen began to take shots of every moment of them.

Thereafter, Kwan dragged Choi inside while she kept her eyes shut in fear.

Press people and attendees gossiped, "Isn't that his sister-in-law?"

"Why are they here together?"

"She got divorced a month ago."

"Ooo... Then, is it possible that they have a secret relationship?"


"A big headline we got today," one of the pressmen enthusiastically declared and commented to his assistant, "Don't miss any moment of them; let's get inside."

They followed the other media members hurriedly.