A drop of tears spewed from his eyes. Not knowing what he could do right now, he left the place without saying anything. He wiped his tears as he walked out of the hospital.

Soon after Kwan entered the office with Choi, his manager rushed to him and extended a letter to him, informing him, "Someone asked me to give you this."

Kwan got it and went towards the elevator.

Once they reached his room, Choi sat on the sofa, throwing his back on it, and Kwan went and sat in his seat.

He opened the letter and read it: "I hope this will find you, Kwan. I'm really sorry for everything. If you don't mind, can we meet tonight? I really want to talk to you. Please."

Seeing Jiin's name at the right bottom of the letter, he crumbled the paper and threw it directly in the dustbin with the chloric face.

"Why did you..." Choi's voice got swallowed back once he spotted the extreme irritation that stayed in his face while throwing the letter inside the dustbin.