In Woo-sunk's room, he was crying alone, hating himself for liking Eunhae. Whenever he remembers that he has had so much intimacy and care for her, he feels like his heart was burning. Unable to distinguish it outside, he fist-punched the mirror with grunting teeth as tears streamed down from his eyes.
Whenever Eunhae's voice echoed inside his head, he folded his fist vehemently and punched the table harshly until his fist bled to distract him from thinking about Enhae.
Just when Kwan finished his lunch, Choi awakened and asked for some water.
He handed her a cup of water. Stroking her hair gently, he declared, "Go and wash your hands. It's already noon."
He stood up. Her swollen eyes indicated her need for sleep. With half-sleep, she went to the restroom as he watched her tiredly moving body.
Suddenly, he felt his heart prick sharply. He helped his left chest and sat right there, finding it hard to breathe.
She went inside the bathroom and locked it.