The Holbrooks 2

They rejoined Elena, who was reviewing the recordings and data from her equipment. Her face was grave, a sure sign that she had found something significant.

"There's definitely something here," she said, playing back a recording. The air was filled with a low, whispering sound, the same voices Richie and Sarah had heard the night before.

"It's like they're trying to communicate with us," Sarah said, her brow furrowed.

Elena nodded. "Yes, but it's more than that. There's a dark presence here, something that's been feeding off the fear and energy of this place for decades. We need to find a way to banish it."

Richie and Sarah exchanged a look, their resolve hardening. They had come too far to turn back now. Together, they would face the darkness and reclaim their lives.

That night, they prepared for the ritual that Elena had devised.