Jael stopped to grab coffee on his way to FluxCorp, he already knew how Rosie liked her coffee, sweet, with almond milk.
As he made his way through the quiet but bustling foyer, he considered convincing Asher to get a company. The serious-faced employees all walked to their respective stations quietly, snippets of softly-murmured company-related conversation drifting to him.
If he was truly being honest, it was usually quiet around this time at Asher's clubs. It was mid-morning so all of the late night stragglers would have been kicked out, the only buzz came from the cleaners and the morning shift staff prepping for a new day.
By afternoon, early day drinkers would have already shown up, mostly camped out in the bar area of the club. The one consistent thing throughout all of that, was the music, low thumping rap, smooth blues, catchy hip hop; it was constant.