Chapter 6: Tactics and diversions

Detective Rozman stood in front of a large map displayed on the wall of the briefing room at the Melaka police headquarters. He looked closely at every dot and line, trying to put together the pieces of information they had about Alejandro's escape. Beside him, Bayu and the rest of the team waited closely, ready to receive further instructions.

"Okay, team," said Rozman in a calm but firm voice. "We know that Alejandro managed to escape and is now hiding somewhere in Melaka. This information was kept from the public to prevent panic and avoid giving Alejandro an advantage. Only we and the government know about its existence. So, we have to work quickly and effectively."

Bayu nodded, noting down the important details. "What are our plans, Rozman?"

Detective Rozman pointed to several points on the map. "Based on the latest report, we know that Alejandro was seen at the minimarket where Mia works. From there, we will trace his footsteps. I have put together a strategy that involves several steps."

Rozman began to detail his strategy carefully. "First, we will divide the team into several small groups to monitor all exits from Melaka. This includes major exits, public transportation routes, and even minor routes that may be used for escape."

He turned his attention to Bayu. "Bayu, you and your team will focus on monitoring the area around the minimarket. Check all the CCTV footage and the day of Alejandro's escape until now. Look for the slightest clue that could lead to his hiding place."

Bayu nodded again, understanding the task given. "Okay, Rozman. We will start immediately."

Rozman continued. "Meanwhile, another team will check every inn, hotel and shelter that Alejandro might use. He might try to blend in with the crowd or hide in an inconspicuous place."

One of the team members asked, "How can we make sure we don't miss the mark?"

Rozman smiled faintly. "We will use all the resources we have. This includes gathering information from informants in the field, collaborating with intelligence units, and utilizing the latest tracking technology. Every step will be calculated and every possibility will be taken into account."

He added, "Don't forget, Alejandro is an intelligent and dangerous individual. He has proven his ability to escape and hide his tracks, even though he made a blunder in the incident at the mansion, he will definitely learn from his mistakes. We must always be one step ahead."

With a carefully designed strategy, Detective Rozman's team moved quickly. They combed every corner of Melaka, making sure that no gaps were missed. Bayu and his team searched the CCTV footage, looking for Alejandro's face in the crowd. They expanded their search, checking every possible place to hide.

Detective Rozman, with his sharp instincts and analytical abilities, continues to monitor developments. He gathered all the information, combined the facts, and formulated a hypothesis. Every small clue develops into a larger strategy.

"Bayu, I want regular reports every hour," Rozman ordered. "We can't let Alejandro get away again. This time, we will catch him."

Bayu nodded enthusiastically. "Ready, Detective."

2 days later.

Detective Rozman stood in front of a white board covered with notes, maps, and photographs. Beside him, Bayu and other team members worked with high intensity. The briefing room was filled with the sound of radio communications and the tapping of keyboards as they analyzed the latest data.

"Bayu, what is the status of CCTV monitoring?" Rozman asked, his eyes sharp observing every development.

Bayu nodded. "We have identified several points where Alejandro may have crossed. CCTV footage shows him walking towards a remote area in Melaka."

Rozman directed his gaze to the large map on the wall. "We have to narrow the search area. He is intelligent, so he may avoid places that are too exposed or too crowded. Focus on more remote and less monitored areas."

The team is divided into small groups. A team was deployed to comb the area around the minimarket and its surroundings, checking every possible hiding place. Other teams were deployed to check inns and hotels throughout the city, checking for new or suspicious guests.

Rozman gave the final instructions. "We also have to work together with intelligence units and informants in the field. Every piece of information, no matter how small, can be an important clue. "Make sure communication remains open and updates on any findings in real-time."

Meanwhile, Alejandro and Mia are in an old house located on the outskirts of Melaka City. The house looks unkempt from the outside, but inside, Alejandro has turned it into a quite comfortable and safe hiding place. The two of them work together to make sure the place goes undetected by the authorities.

Alejandro was arranging some equipment on a worn wooden table. He installed several electronic devices to monitor police radio frequencies. "Mia, we have to make sure no one finds out about this place," Alejandro said while checking his device.

Mia, who was still nervous but determined to help Alejandro nodded. "I'll check the windows and doors, make sure they're locked and there's nothing suspicious."

Alejandro smiled faintly, appreciating Mia's thoroughness. "You're great, Mia. We must remain vigilant. They will definitely look for us at all costs."

In his heart, Alejandro felt satisfied. "I did it," he thought. "From the start, I planned this well. Mia has become an important part of my plans. With him here, I can focus more on the next step."

That evening, Alejandro and Mia sat together in the small, dimly lit living room. Alejandro began to explain his escape plan to Mia in detail.

"Mia, we can't stay here forever. We have to move so we don't get caught. I have planned several escape routes that we can use. All this must be done with great care."

Mia looked at Alejandro with eyes full of trust. "I'll come with you, Alejandro. Whatever happens, I believe in you."

Alejandro smiled and took Mia's hand. "Thank you, Mia. You have no idea how valuable your support is."

Back at police headquarters, Detective Rozman continues to receive reports from the field. Each team provides an update on the results of their investigation. Bayu comes with a new report.

"Rozman, we found several tracks leading to the outskirts of the city. There were several witnesses who saw a man with a description matching Alejandro."

Rozman nodded, his eyes shining with enthusiasm. "Good, we are getting closer. Send a team to the area and check every house, every building that might be a hiding place."

With a mature strategy and hard work, Rozman is confident that they will soon find Alejandro. In the back of his mind, he knows that this is a very dangerous game of cat and mouse, but he will not give up until Alejandro is caught and justice is served.

After three days of non-stop work, Detective Rozman's team finally got a significant clue about Alejandro's hiding location. At the Melaka police headquarters, the tense atmosphere turned into enthusiasm when Bayu arrived with a new report.

"Rozman, we managed to find traces of Alejandro," said Bayu in an enthusiastic tone. "There is CCTV footage showing him walking towards an old house on the outskirts of the city."

Detective Rozman looked at the tape carefully. "Here he is. We have to move quickly before he escapes again."

Alejandro knows that time is ticking and that the police will soon find his hiding place. With a sharp mind and a well-thought-out plan, Alejandro decides to leave behind false clues that would lead Rozman's team down the wrong path.

Inside the old house, Alejandro left several items that looked like they had been neglected - a pair of shoes, a pile of clothes and a notebook that looked as if it had fallen accidentally. In the notebook, Alejandro wrote some notes that looked like his next escape plan. He also attached a map with several locations highlighted, giving the impression that he was going to these places.

Alejandro also realized that there was CCTV around the area. In one carefully planned moment, he made sure he was caught on camera walking towards the old house, giving the police a clear enough clue to track him down. However, on his way, he accidentally dropped a fake key and a piece of paper containing an address that would lead Rozman's team to the wrong location.

"Perfect," thought Alejandro with a faint smile. "They'll think they've found my trail, when it's all just a diversion."

When Detective Rozman's team arrived at the old house, they immediately combed every corner looking for clues. Bayu finds the notebook and map that Alejandro left behind.

"Rozman, look at this. "It looks like this is Alejandro's escape plan," said Bayu while showing the marked map.

Rozman looked at the map intently. "Okay, we have to check all the locations marked on this map. Don't let any of it slip by."

Quickly, the police team moved towards the locations marked on the map. They checked every place carefully, but everything looked empty and there was no sign of Alejandro. Slowly, Rozman began to feel that something was wrong.

Meanwhile, Alejandro has moved to another, safer location, far from his old hiding place. He had planned all this carefully, including setting traps that would distract the police.

Detective Rozman experiences stress and pressure over the two cases he has to solve, making him unfocused and easily deceived by Alejandro. Alejandro really took advantage of this, manipulating Detective Rozman and his entire team, because Alejandro knew that Detective Rozman would be under pressure because he had to solve two cases.

Detective Rozman begins to realize that they may have been framed. He went back over all the evidence more carefully, looking for any inconsistencies he might have missed.

"Bayu, we have been tricked," said Rozman finally. "Alejandro left all this behind to distract us. We have to think about our next steps more carefully."

Bayu nodded. "So, what's the plan now, Rozman?"

Rozman thought for a moment before answering. "We have to go back to square one. "Check the CCTV footage again, interview eyewitnesses who might have seen him, and look for the slightest clue that leads to where he is actually hiding."

Back at headquarters, Detective Rozman's team worked non-stop, double-checking all the data they had. Rozman, with his analytical skills, began to piece together previously overlooked pieces of information.

"Bayu, look at this," said Rozman while showing different CCTV footage. "There's something strange about the way Alejandro moves. It seems like he showed himself on purpose on this camera."

Bayu looked at the recording carefully. "You are right, Rozman. This is too obvious. It was as if he wanted us to see him."

Rozman smiled faintly. "We're almost there. Continue the investigation and make sure we don't miss a single clue. We will find Alejandro and end his escape."

With new enthusiasm and a more mature strategy, Detective Rozman's team continues their search. They know that Alejandro is a tricky opponent, but with hard work and dedication, they are confident they will catch him. Meanwhile, Alejandro remains vigilant, aware that time is running out and that the police will not stop until they catch him.