Chapter 7:Alejandro is always one step ahead

Adam Faris stood in front of the class with a firm and confident attitude. His sharp eyes reflect his enthusiasm for sharing knowledge with his students. Around him, the classroom walls are covered with inspirational posters and neat blackboards containing subjects.

The classroom atmosphere feels warm and comfortable, with sunlight coming in through the windows and lighting up the room. The noisy sound of enthusiastic students' conversations filled the air. They look forward to the new lessons their new teacher will give them.

Adam smiled kindly at his students, giving them a warm and friendly welcome. "Good morning, kids," he said in a calm but enthusiastic voice. "Today we will learn about…"

Full of energy and enthusiasm, Adam begins his lesson, explaining complex concepts in simple language that is easy for his students to understand. He is not only a teacher, but also a mentor who cares about the development of each individual in his class.

When Adam speaks, he not only teaches, but also inspires. He provides real-life examples to illustrate each concept taught, making the subject matter lively and relevant for his students.

In a warm and enthusiastic atmosphere, Adam succeeded in creating a positive and supportive learning climate in his class. The students feel comfortable asking questions and discussing, so the learning process becomes more interactive and fun.

When class finished, Adam Faris left the classroom and headed to the school library to organize study materials and make preparations for the next classes. However, on the way, his eyes fell on a female student who was sitting alone in one corner of the corridor.

The student looked pensive, with his blank gaze glued to the floor. Her body language conveys deep sadness: her shoulders are slightly slumped, and her facial expression is somber. Adam felt something was wrong, and he felt interested to know what happened.

With careful steps, Adam approached the female student. "Hey, what are you thinking about?" he asked in a soft voice, trying to break the silence.

The student turned to Adam with a surprised expression, as if unaware that there was someone else nearby. "Oh, sorry, Mr. Adam," she said in a small voice, trying to hide the sad look on her face.

Adam took his place next to the female student, giving her a little space and time to get comfortable. "It's okay," he answered with a warm smile. "What is making you feel sad?"

The student sighed, then began to share her concerns. She felt pressured by piles of schoolwork and pressure from her friends. She felt unable to overcome everything and felt alone in her struggle.

Adam listened attentively, nodding occasionally as a sign that he understood his student's feelings. "I understand that it can be very challenging," he said in an empathetic voice. "But, believe me, you are not alone in your journey. I am here to support you."

With his expertise in understanding emotions, Adam uses words that calm and motivate his students. He inspired the schoolgirl to keep believing in herself and showed that she had the ability to overcome any obstacle.

"Now, why don't we talk about ways to manage your tasks so they're less stressful?" Adam offered kindly. "We can find solutions together."

The student felt relieved to have support from Adam. Her facial expression began to lift, and she felt more confident to face the challenges before him.

With Adam's guidance and support, the student left the corridor with a lighter heart and renewed enthusiasm. Adam smiled with satisfaction at the change in his student's face, knowing that he had succeeded in making her feel better.

"You'll be fine," Adam said to himself as he continued his journey to the library, feeling happy to have been able to help one of his students with his problem.

Detective Rozman sits in his quiet room, surrounded by stacks of files and notes about unsolved cases. In the silence of the room, he ponders the steps he must take to catch Alejandro, as well as solve the mystery behind The Smiley Killer.

With a tense face, Detective Rozman racked his brain, looking for a bright spot in the darkness of these cases. The only dialogue heard was the rustling of papers as he searched for relevant information.

"No fingerprints… this is getting difficult," he muttered to himself, his voice breathless from the weight weighing on his mind.

His mind is torn between these complicated cases, pressure from above, and the desire to bring justice to the victims. However, he knew that losing control would not help in solving the problem.

Detective Rozman took a deep breath, trying to calm himself. "I have to stay focused," he said to himself in a steady voice. "We will find a way to solve this."

The Rozman Detective Team continues to carry out intensive investigations to find Alejandro, narrow down possible hiding locations, and monitor any possible access abroad. On the other hand, Alejandro and Mia have carefully planned their escape strategy.

That night, as the city plunges into darkness, Alejandro and Mia install alarm-triggering devices at various strategic locations along their escape route. Each device was set to release false alarm signals sequentially, creating the impression that they were moving randomly throughout the city.

Meanwhile, Detective Rozman and his team are at the main headquarters, analyzing the city map and considering possible locations for Alejandro's hideout. The dialogue between Detective Rozman's team members reflects their level of tension and concern over the success of this mission.

"We have to divide teams to monitor every possible exit point," said one of the team members. "Alejandro definitely won't be easy to catch."

Detective Rozman nodded, understanding the importance of tracking every possible escape route. "I want all teams to remain alert. "Don't let ourselves be fooled by Alejandro's tricks."

Meanwhile, elsewhere in the city, Alejandro and Mia continue their journey cautiously. They knew they had to move quickly and cleverly to avoid police pursuit.

"We have to leave this city immediately," Alejandro said, his voice low. "They are getting closer."

Mia nodded, her face filled with tension. "I believe you," he said firmly. "We will get through it together."

The second layer of strategy, Alejandro takes drastic steps by hacking the city's surveillance system. With his technical expertise, he managed to infiltrate old video recordings that had been arranged in such a way into the police control center. Detective Rozman and his team were shocked when they saw video footage showing Alejandro and Mia in a different place than their actual location.

While Detective Rozman's team was busy checking video recordings, Alejandro and Mia moved along the street where the cameras were not watching. They drove carefully, taking every opportunity to avoid capture. Behind the quiet peace of the street, the two continued to move forward towards their goal.

Detective Rozman, who has experience and sharp instincts, realized this fraud in just a blink of an eye. However, unfortunately, this realization came too late. In a matter of seconds, he managed to conclude that Alejandro had devised a sophisticated strategy to trick the police. However, efforts to chase them on streets that were not monitored by cameras proved futile, because Alejandro and Mia managed to escape the chase.

Detective Rozman, although disappointed because he realized Alejandro's trap too late, quickly calmed himself down. In the stressful control room, he stood straight, trying to maintain his composure.

"We have to think ahead," he said in a firm voice, drawing his team's attention. "Alejandro is a very intelligent person. We cannot rely on conventional tactics."

Bayu, Rozman's loyal partner, nodded in agreement. "He uses technology to its maximum advantage. We need new ways to deal with it.",

Meanwhile, in the underground tunnels, Alejandro and Mia move quickly through the dark and narrow underground tunnels, which are connected to the city's pipe network. Alejandro was carrying a sophisticated device that he had prepared to disrupt radio signals and police communications. Carefully, he activated the device, creating a dead area where radio signals could not penetrate.

"Mia, this device will disrupt their communications," said Alejandro in a low voice but full of confidence. "We have to make the most of this time."

Mia looked at Alejandro with admiration and a little worry. "You really have planned this very well."

Alejandro smiled faintly. "I know how they work. They would lose contact with each other, and it would confuse them."

Back at the police control center, Detective Rozman and his team experience a communications breakdown. The radio, which is usually full of coordination sounds, now only produces static sound.

"What happened to the communication?" asked one of the officers frantically.

Rozman soon realizes that this is part of Alejandro's plan. "He's jamming our signal," he said, his eyes intently fixed on the city map in front of him. "Alejandro and Mia are probably moving through an unmonitored area."

Rozman took control of the situation. "We need to narrow the search area. Bayu, check the map of underground pipe networks and tunnels. They probably used that route to escape."

Bayu immediately worked quickly, scanning the map and providing the required information. "There are some tunnels that lead out of the city, but there are also some that lead to the old industrial zone."

Back in the tunnel, Alejandro and Mia continued to tread carefully, hearing their footsteps echo through the damp tunnel. Every now and then, they stopped to make sure no one was following.

"We're almost there," Alejandro whispered, making sure Mia remained calm. "After leaving here, we will head to the industrial zone. They won't think we're going there."

In the control center, Rozman plans his next strategy. "We need a team that moves quickly. Bayu, lead the team to the old industrial zone. I will lead another team to check out the tunnel leading to the city."

The teams immediately moved according to Rozman's instructions. They knew that every second was precious in this hunt. Impaired coordination makes their task even more difficult, but their determination to catch Alejandro never wavers.

Back in the tunnel, Alejandro and Mia reach the end of the tunnel, seeing a glimmer of light in the distance. Carefully, they exited the tunnel and found themselves in an old industrial zone, full of abandoned buildings and rusting machines.

Alejandro stopped for a moment to check the surroundings. "This is the perfect place to hide and plan your next move."

Mia nodded, even though she was tired, she still felt safe with Alejandro. "What are your plans now?"

Alejandro smiled faintly. "We will stay here for a while. I'm sure Rozman won't give up, but we will be ready."

Alejandro and Mia exited the underground tunnel quickly. The fresh night air greeted them when they stepped out, and without wasting any time, they immediately put on the black robes that had been prepared beforehand. These cloaks help them camouflage themselves in the dark and provide extra protection from the eyes of authorities.

At the police control center, Detective Rozman and his team monitor city maps and movements through field reports. Rozman realizes that this trap is one of Alejandro's many cunning strategies, and he is not fooled. Quickly, he gave orders over the radio.

"Don't waste time with false alarms," he said firmly. "We know they are heading towards the industrial zone. Immediately surround the buildings in the area."

In the old industrial zone, Alejandro and Mia move quickly towards the old buildings in the industrial zone. Their steps were light but quick, avoiding unnecessary noise. Alejandro knew that the next seconds were crucial. He leads Mia into an abandoned building filled with rusty machines and dark shadows.

"We have to hurry," Alejandro whispered. "The police will arrive soon."

Meanwhile, Rozman led his team to carefully approach the building believed to be Alejandro's hiding place. His team moved in orderly formation, ready to surround and capture the fugitive. Although they were wary of traps, Rozman knew that time was of the essence.

"Hold position and prepare to enter," Rozman instructed over the radio. "We can't let them get away with it again."

Inside the building, Alejandro quickly activated several explosive devices that had been installed earlier in the tunnel. He knew that this was a backup plan that could buy them time to escape. While at work, Mia watches the entrance anxiously.

"Will this work?" Mia asked in a trembling voice.

Alejandro turned his head and smiled reassuringly. "We have no other choice. This has to work."

As the police team started to approach the building, the explosive device in the tunnel exploded loudly, producing a thunderous sound that shook the ground. Dust and debris flew about, creating a confusing mess.

"Retreat! Withdraw!" Rozman shouted, realizing the approaching danger. Quickly, he led his team away from the explosion to avoid its impact.

Alejandro took advantage of this moment. He pulled Mia and took them to the alternative route that had been prepared. With speed and precision, they moved towards the small hidden harbor.

At the port, a small boat was waiting. Alejandro helped Mia get into the boat and then jumped in, immediately starting the engine. The boat glided quickly away from the dock, along the dark waters of the night.

After the explosion in the tunnel, Detective Rozman stands outside the old building which is now filled with dust and debris. His team was securing the area, looking for further evidence, but Rozman knew that Alejandro was no longer there. Frustration and exhaustion were evident on his face.

"How can we always be fooled?" Rozman muttered, more to himself than to his team. He looked up at the partially collapsed building, feeling the weight of failure crush him.

Bayu, his close colleague, approached. "Rozman, we have done our best. They are very cunning and always one step ahead."

Rozman nodded slowly, but his gaze remained blank. "I know, Bayu. But every time we come close to catching them, they always manage to escape. I've given up. It's like chasing a shadow."

Bayu patted Rozman's shoulder in sympathy. "Maybe we need to reevaluate our strategy. Maybe we need a new approach."

Rozman took a long, heavy breath. "Maybe you're right. But for now, I need a break. We all need a break."

Back at headquarters, Rozman gathered his team. All eyes were on him, waiting for his direction. In a tired but firm voice, he spoke.

"Guys, we've worked hard. We've been chasing Alejandro relentlessly, but he always manages to escape. I decided to stop this mission temporarily. We need time to reevaluate what we did wrong and how we can fix it."

The team looks disappointed, but they understand. Bayu tried to lift spirits by saying. "We will come back stronger, Rozman. This is not the end of everything."

Rozman nodded. "Yeah, we'll be back. But for now, we all need a break. Thank you for your hard work."

Meanwhile, Alejandro and Mia are on a boat that is speeding away from Melaka. Alejandro looked at the city that was getting further away, then turned to Mia who was sitting next to him.

"We made it again," Mia said with a small smile.

Alejandro nodded, but his eyes remained alert. "We have to stay alert, Mia. Rozman may have given up for a while, but he won't stop forever. We must always be ready."

Mia looked at Alejandro with trust. "I know. But as long as we are together, we can overcome anything."

Alejandro smiled faintly. "Yes, we will keep moving. Always one step ahead of them."

With the boat continuing to move forward, Alejandro and Mia enter a new chapter in their escape.