Chapter 8: Two sides of Adam Faris and the Book of Fairy Tales

A bright morning shone on Collage, sunlight came in through the classroom windows, providing pleasant warmth and light. In Adam Faris' class, the atmosphere seemed different from usual. The tables and chairs are arranged to form small groups, each group contains two to four students who are busy playing chess.

Adam Faris walked around the classroom with a smile on his face. He was happy to see that his students could enjoy a moment away from busy academic work. Adam believes that providing occasional time to relax and play is also important for his students' mental and emotional development.

The classroom was filled with the cheerful sounds of children laughing and discussing their chess strategies. Some students appeared to be seriously thinking, observing the chessboard intently, while others were more relaxed, talking and joking with their friends.

The bookshelf in the corner of the classroom is full of reference books, while the blackboard at the front of the classroom still contains remnants of previous lesson notes. On the walls, educational posters and student artwork are proudly displayed.

Adam stopped at one of the groups of students who were playing. "How was your game?" he asked enthusiastically.

A student named Hana answered enthusiastically, "Very exciting, Mr. Adam! I almost won, but then I made a mistake."

Adam smiled, "That's good, Hana. In chess, we learn from every move we make, whether it's a good move or a mistake. Keep playing and learning."

He continued his journey around the classroom, occasionally giving advice or praise to his students. "Good, Ryan, you are very careful in paying attention to your opponent's movements. And you, Aisyah, your strategy is amazing, keep it up!"

Adam feels satisfied seeing his students learning while having fun. For him, moments like this are an important part of teaching. He wants to create a learning environment that is balanced between serious and relaxed, where his students feel comfortable and motivated.

In the middle of the crowded classroom, Adam stood for a moment, looking at his students. In his heart, he felt proud. "This is the next generation," he thought. "I want them to grow up not only academically smart, but also emotionally strong and able to think critically."

That morning, under the guidance of Adam Faris, the classroom became a place where learning and play combined, creating a harmonious and enthusiastic atmosphere.

Adam smiled as a brilliant idea crossed his mind. He decided to challenge all his students to a game of chess. With his inherent charisma, he announced his challenge to the class.

"Okay, students," Adam said enthusiastically. "Today, I'm going to challenge you all to a game of chess. But there's a little twist. I'm going to play against all of you, and I'm going to do it with my eyes closed."

The students cheered happily, feeling both excited and a little nervous. They quickly set up the chess board on their desks, while Adam sat at the front of the class quietly, closing his eyes and concentrating his thoughts. The classroom was filled with an enthusiastic atmosphere, and the students began to arrange their chess pieces.

Adam started giving orders for each chess move without opening his eyes. "Board one, e2 to e4. Board two, g1 to f3."

The students followed the instructions carefully, amazed by the teacher's abilities. Adam visualizes each chess board in his mind, processes every move his students make, and plans complex strategies for each game.

Board 1... I calculated about billions of moves, boards two, three, four, and also five, so on to the next...

One student, Rafi, commented, "Mr Adam, this is truly extraordinary! How can you remember all these steps?"

Adam smiled, although his eyes were still closed. "It's all about practice and focus, Rafi. If you train hard, you can achieve extraordinary things."

As time passed, Adam continued to provide the exact steps for each board. "Board five, Bishop to C4. Board eight, short castling."

After a while, Adam started to reach the final stages in some games. "Board three, rook to e8, checkmate." The student on board three gaped, unable to believe that Adam had just beaten him without even looking at the board.

"Mr. Adam, my board is also checkmate!" Aisyah shouted from another corner of the class. Adam nodded calmly, remembering each board position precisely.

One by one, Adam gave his final steps. "Board twelve, queen to D7, checkmate. Board fifteen, Queen to E7, checkmate." Until finally, all the students had been defeated.

Adam opened his eyes and looked around the classroom. The students were silent, amazed by their teacher's abilities. Adam smiled, feeling proud of his achievements and also of the enthusiasm of his students who dared to accept the challenge.

"This is an important lesson, students," Adam said wisely. "Nothing is impossible if you train hard and believe in yourself. Now, let's continue our studies with renewed vigor."

The class came alive with cheers and applause. That morning, Adam Faris not only taught chess, but also taught his students valuable lessons about hard work, dedication and self-confidence.

Adam Faris, with enthusiasm that never fades, decided to continue the day's lesson session with a quiz to train his students' deductive skills. He wanted to test the extent of their abilities in analyzing and solving complex problems.

Adam stood in front of the class, holding a piece of paper containing quiz questions. He looked at his students with a smile full of enthusiasm.

"Okay, students," said Adam. "Today, I have prepared several questions to train your deductive skills. These are not easy questions, so you have to really focus and think hard. Let's get started!"

Three friends – Ali, Budi, and Citra – sat at a round table. Each of them had a blank piece of paper in front of them. On the back of one of the papers was a number. You have to determine who has the numbers on the back of the paper, based on the following clues:

1. If Ali doesn't have numbers, then Budi definitely has numbers.

2. If Budi has numbers, then Citra has no numbers.

3. If Citra doesn't have numbers, then Ali definitely has numbers.

Who has the numbers on the back of the paper?

There are five books arranged on the shelf in a certain order. The instructions given are:

1. Book A is not next to Book C.

2. Book B is always next to Book D.

3. Book E is always between Book B and Book C.

4. Book D is never in first or last position.

In what order are the books arranged?

Four people – Dina, Eko, Farah, and Guntur – each have a different profession: Doctor, Lawyer, Engineer, and Writer. The following guidelines should be used to determine the respective profession:

1. Dina doesn't like the legal field and doesn't work in the medical field.

2. Eko is a close friend of the writer and engineer, but not a lawyer.

3. Farah often exchanges ideas with a lawyer, but is not an engineer.

4. Guntur is often assisted by doctors in his daily work.

Who has what profession?

Adam distributed question papers to his students. They immediately started working, looking serious and focused. Time passed, and Adam observed each student who was trying hard to solve the problems.

After a while, Adam realized that none of the students had managed to find the correct answer. Students began to show signs of confusion and frustration.

"What happened, students?" Adam asked in a caring tone.

"This is very difficult, Mr. Adam," answered one of the students. "We don't know how to solve it."

Adam smiled gently. "Don't worry. These questions are designed to challenge you. Let's discuss them together and see how we can solve these problems."

### Question Discussion by Adam

Adam leads the class discussion, guiding students through each step of deduction necessary to solve the problems. It explains how each clue should be analyzed and how to combine the information to find the correct solution.

Patiently, he helps his students understand the importance of logical and deductive thinking in solving complex problems. Even though his students were unsuccessful in answering the questions, they learned a lot from Adam's discussion and explanation process.

After discussing challenging questions with the students, Adam Faris decided to demonstrate his extraordinary abilities as a teacher. He stood in front of the class, facing all the students who were still confused about the questions.

"Okay, students," Adam said with a calm smile. "I'll show you how to solve these three problems in a moment. Pay attention."

Problem 1: Three Friends Puzzle

Adam held the first problem and quickly analyzed the clues.

1. If Ali doesn't have numbers, then Budi definitely has numbers.

2. If Budi has numbers, then Citra has no numbers.

3. If Citra doesn't have numbers, then Ali definitely has numbers.

Adam concluded, "Ali has numbers on the back of his paper."

Question 2: Mystery of the Book

Adam immediately moved on to the second problem, looking at the clues.

1. Book A is not next to Book C.

2. Book B is always next to Book D.

3. Book E is always between Book B and Book C.

4. Book D is never in first or last position.

Adam said confidently, "The order is B, D, E, C, A."

 Problem 3: Mysterious Identity

Adam looked at the third problem and started analyzing the clues.

1. Dina doesn't like the legal field and doesn't work in the medical field.

2. Eko is a close friend of the writer and engineer, but not a lawyer.

3. Farah often exchanges ideas with a lawyer, but is not an engineer.

4. Guntur is often assisted by doctors in his daily work.

Adam concluded quickly, "Dina is a writer, Eko is an engineer, Farah is a lawyer, and Guntur is a doctor."

### Evidence and Reactions of Students

Adam wrote his answer on the board quickly and firmly. The students were silent, amazed by how quickly Adam solved the problems. They watched every step Adam took in awe.

"Wow, Mr. Adam! How did you get it done so quickly?" asked a student with sparkling eyes.

Adam smiled, "Strong deductive reasoning skills and consistent practice. Remember, you can also achieve this by practicing hard and continuing to learn. Never stop honing your skills."

The students nodded, inspired by the extraordinary abilities displayed by Adam. They feel motivated to continue learning and strive to become better at solving complex problems.

Adam Faris, with his calm and skill, managed to show that with the right thinking and consistent practice, every problem can be solved quickly and efficiently.

The bell signaling the end of class rang, and the students began to pack their things. Adam Faris stood in front of the class, giving a warm smile to all his students.

"Okay, students. Our class is finished today. Thank you for your participation. Don't forget to do the assignments I have given you and keep practicing. See you in the next class," said Adam in a friendly voice.

The students responded enthusiastically, "Thank you, Mr. Adam! See you!"

Adam left the classroom, walking down the quiet school corridor. He looked around him carefully, making sure no one noticed his movements. He then entered the toilet, making sure the door was closed tightly behind him.

In the toilet, Adam stood in front of the mirror. His usually calm and friendly face had now turned tense. He stared at his own reflection, gritting his teeth in frustration.

"Don't bother me..." he muttered in a low voice full of anger.

Adam's face turned darker, his eyes radiating a different glint. His second personality, which he had been hiding, began to take over. This personality is the dark side of Adam, the perpetrator of the murder that occurred five years ago.

"What do you want this time?" Adam asked himself, his voice sounding colder and sly. "Why do you always appear at times like this?"

The voice in his head answered in a mocking tone, "You know why. You can't lose me. I'm the part of you, the part you fear the most. And you know very well what we did five years ago."

Adam closed his eyes, trying to calm himself. "I'm sorry... I don't want to live like this. I want to be a good person."

The voice chuckled. "A good person? You can't erase the past. The guilt will continue to haunt us. But I... I will always be here, ready to appear at any time."

Adam opened his eyes again, staring at the mirror blankly. He knew that his dark personality was always there, always lurking beneath the surface. So far, he has managed to keep this a secret from his parents and everyone around him. But the guilt never went away.

"This isn't over yet," Adam whispered to himself. "I have to find a way to control this. I won't let you take over my life again."

With a strong resolve, Adam took a deep breath and exited the toilet, returning to his life as a respected teacher. But inside him, the struggle to control his dark side continues, leaving the question of whether he can continue to maintain control or will ultimately lose this internal war.

Adam came out of the toilet, wiping the traces of tension from his face, trying to return to his role as a teacher who was full of charisma and cared about his students. However, he knew that the dark shadow was still there, always lurking, waiting for the right moment to appear again.

Adam walked down the quiet school hallway, his steps were steady but his heart was turbulent. Every step he took felt heavy, as if there was a huge burden that was always haunting him. His calm face tried to hide the inner turmoil that never stopped.

**From the Heart**

"In my life, thinking is the only way to stay sane," Adam muttered to himself. "Every moment, every second, I have to keep thinking, have to stay focused. That's why I always encourage my students to think critically and deductively. That way, I can also train my brain, keeping myself busy."

Adam felt his heart beat fast. "My second personality, that dark side, is always trying to take over. But if I keep thinking, keep using my brain, it won't have a chance to emerge."

He continued walking, passing the quiet classrooms, feeling a strange sense of calm. "I have to control myself, have to stay strong. Five years ago, I lost control and did something terrible. I can't let that happen again."

Adam recalls his past, an incident five years ago that changed his life. "I know I'm guilty. I know what I've done. But I can't let the past ruin my future. I have to be a better person, a better teacher."

He stopped for a moment in front of the window, looking out, gazing at the view of the green school yard. "My students don't know what happened to me. They see me as a caring teacher, someone they can trust. And I have to keep that trust."

Adam gritted his teeth again, feeling his second personality trying to emerge. "You will not take over," he whispered firmly. "I'm in control of myself, not you. I'll keep thinking, keep using my brain. I'll find a way to control this."

He continued his steps, growing steadier with each step he took. "I will make sure that my dark side never takes over again. I will protect my students, my family, and myself."

When Adam reached the end of the hall, he felt a little calmer. "The classroom is a place where I can be my true self. Teaching, thinking, pushing my students to reach their potential. It all helps me stay focused, stay sane."

With strong determination, Adam entered the teacher's room, ready to plan his next lesson. "I will continue to think, continue to use my brain. I will not let the past destroy my future. I am Adam Faris, a dedicated teacher. And I will take control of my life."

Alejandro and Mia are in a wooden house, located in the middle of the Negeri Sembilan forest. The night was silent, only the sound of chirping could be heard. Alejandro's plan to escape from Detective Rozman and the police actually worked.

Mia lay on the sofa with a tired face, her eyes half closed. "I can't believe we made it," he said slowly.

Alejandro poured hot water into a cup, the aroma of coffee immediately filled the room. "We have to stay alert," he answered, handing Mia a cup of coffee. "They might just find our trail."

Mia nodded, accepting the cup with trembling hands. "You think we can hide here forever?"

Alejandro sat in the chair next to him, looking at the flickering fire in the fireplace. "Not forever," he said quietly. "But long enough until we can plan our next move."

The night was getting late, and outside, the wind was blowing gently, bringing a rare calm to their escape.

Alejandro drank his coffee slowly, his eyes focused on the bookshelf in the corner of the room. Among the rows of old books, one thick book caught his attention. Carefully, he picked it up and read the title on the cover: "Angel and The Endless Witch."

"Interesting," Alejandro muttered, his brows furrowed. "A fairy tale book like this has never appeared in this world. How could a book like this appear here? Hmm..."

Alejandro opened the first page of the book and started reading the story of Faruza, an ordinary human who lived a miserable life for twenty years. Faruza hates God and angels despite believing in their existence. His hatred was so deep that when a demon who was in his final years offered dark magical powers, Faruza accepted without hesitation.

As Alejandro read, he felt unease creeping up inside him. Faruza uses that dark power to commit heinous acts. He built cults, manipulated his followers into worshiping him as God, committed genocide, human trafficking, and even taught his people to eat their own people. Faruza becomes an extremely evil entity, destroying billions of lives across multiple dimensions.

Alejandro was stunned. Inside the quiet room, the sound of the pages rustled as he turned them. "How can someone have such hatred?" Alejandro thought. "This story depicts a figure with extremely high envy."

In the story, an angry God sends an angel to stop Faruza. The angels surrounded him in the center of the Faruth Universe, a place where all existence gathered, beyond all dimensional boundaries. Faruza is cornered, but with his remaining strength, he uses his final power, Reverse Life, and disappears from existence. Angel was surprised because Reverse Life should not be able to be used by creatures who have sins, let alone a sorcerer as evil as Faruza.

Alejandro closed the book shakily. "Faruza really uses complex tactics," he said to himself. "His hatred of God and angels was so great that he was able to surpass limits that were considered impossible."

Alejandro felt extraordinary tension from the story. Every word, every sentence depicts the depth of Faruza's envy and hatred so clearly. It is as if this story is not just a fairy tale, but rather a warning about the potential destruction of unbridled hatred.

As he placed the book back on the shelf, Alejandro took a deep breath. The night in the wooden house felt increasingly quiet, as if Faruza's story was still echoing in every corner of the room. Mia, who was asleep on the sofa, seemed unaware of the tense silence that enveloped Alejandro.

With his thoughts still rumbling, Alejandro sat back down, staring at the flickering fire in the fireplace. "We have to stay alert," he muttered. "There is a lot we don't know in this world, and hate can be a more dangerous force than we imagine."

Alejandro felt increasingly curious, he turned to the next pages. However, to his surprise he found the pages blank. He continued turning page after page until he reached the last page, everything remained blank.

A strange feeling crept up inside him. Why does this book only have a few pages with text while the rest are blank? There was something unusual about this book of fairy tales, something he had never encountered before.

Alejandro closed the book slowly and sighed. "This fairy tale book is really strange," he muttered. "There has never been a fairy tale book like this in this world."

He looked at the cover of the book once more, contemplating what he had just read and the mystery behind the blank pages. However, exhaustion and the need to stay focused on his escape were more pressing.

"There's no point thinking about this now," he thought as he put the book back on the shelf. He decided to just ignore it, dismissing the curiosity that kept teasing his mind. The night was getting late, and he needed to maintain vigilance to ensure their safety.

Alejandro sat back in the chair next to Mia who was still asleep on the sofa. He stared at the flickering fire in the fireplace, trying to calm his restless mind. Tomorrow was a new day, and they had to proceed with caution.

With that thought, Alejandro took a sip of his coffee which was starting to cool, trying to erase the image of Faruza and Reverse Life from his mind. However, deep in his heart, he knew that the mystery of the book might come back to haunt him someday