Chapter 9: Control behind the scenes

Detective Rozman lay on the bed with a feeling of despair crushing his chest. All his efforts to catch Alejandro always ended in failure. Alejandro is always one step ahead, outsmarting every plan and trap set by Rozman and his team. However, his biggest failure was in the case of The Smiley Killer. It has been five years since the cold-blooded killer took the lives of his wife and two children, and until now, he has not found a single piece of evidence that is sufficient to identify the perpetrator.

Detective Rozman stared at the dark ceiling of his room, thinking about every detail of the case he had gone through. Every time he felt he had gotten close to Alejandro, reality said otherwise. Alejandro always manages to escape, leaving Rozman and his team empty-handed and with more questions than answers.

Patience is something Rozman must maintain. Vengeance against his family's killer, The Smiley Killer, burned within him. The image of the smile left by the killer at the crime scene is still clearly etched in his mind.

 Rozman felt as if fate had brought him together with two great enemies in his life.

"There is no other choice," he muttered to himself, "I have to keep fighting. I have to keep looking for truth and justice for my family."

Rozman knows that the road he has traveled is still long and full of obstacles. However, his passion to avenge the death of his wife and children will never die. He will continue to chase Alejandro, and at the same time, find an opening to catch The Smiley Killer. These two cases seem to be a part of his life, and he will not stop until justice is served.

With that thought, Rozman tried to close his eyes, hoping to get some peace. The world is full of darkness, and he is one of the few who dares to challenge it.

In the middle of a quiet empty garden, under the dim light, a man can be seen bowing down to plead with his girlfriend. His face was filled with regret and tears slowly flowing down his cheeks. He grabbed her hand desperately, begging for forgiveness for his trivial offense.

"I'm sorry, please don't break our relationship just because of this," he said with a trembling voice. "I really forgot to buy that bag, but I promise I'll fix it. Please, give me a chance."

The woman stood straight, her eyes staring at the man coldly and full of arrogance. His face showed an unforgiving expression, as if the man in front of him was the lowest being he had ever met. She pulled her hand roughly from the man's grasp, folding her arms over her chest in a haughty manner.

"You're pathetic," he said in a tone full of contempt. "Forgot to buy that bag? How could you forget something so important to me? I've told you many times, but you still ignore it. It's not just about the bag, it's about how indifferent you are to what I want."

The man sobbed even more, his knees almost touching the ground. "I'm really sorry. I know it's my fault, but I promise, I'll be more careful in the future. Please, don't end this relationship. I love you."

The woman rolled her eyes, then sighed as if listening to the man speak was a burden for her. "Love?" he said sarcastically. "Love means nothing if you can't do the little things I ask. You think your apology can fix everything? You really don't know anything."

With a face full of pride, the woman turned away leaving the man still kneeling on the ground, frozen in despair. His step was firm and full of confidence, leaving the man sobbing in sorrow in the increasingly quiet garden.

The man ended up sitting on the ground, sobbing, feeling the weight of failing to keep the relationship he cherished. However, in his heart, he knew that his apology would probably never be enough for the arrogant woman.

Adam Faris stood on top of a building, looking striking in a hip-length black coat lined with brown fur. He wore a plain black long-sleeved v-neck, black pants, and dark brown shoes. From that height, he watched the man beg for forgiveness from his lady love, laughing at her weakness and humility.

"Humans are really funny, I hate them," muttered Adam with a sarcastic smile on his face.

With a nimble movement, Adam jumped down from the building and landed smoothly in front of the man who was still sobbing on the ground. The man was shocked, seeing the figure of Adam who suddenly appeared in front of him, with such a strong and creepy aura.

Adam looked at the man with sharp eyes, a cynical smile that never faded from his lips. "A man should be a king, you are even a slave," he said with a mocking laugh.

The man could only stare at Adam with fear and confusion. "Who... who are you?" he asked, his voice shaking.

Adam stepped closer, bowing slightly so that his face was in line with the man who was still sitting on the ground. "I am a reflection of what you should achieve," he said coldly. "Look at you, humbling yourself in front of a woman who doesn't even appreciate you. You're begging like a starving dog. Don't you have any self-respect?"

The man was silent, feeling Adam's every word pierce his heart. "I... I just want her back. I love her., he said slowly, his voice filled with despair.

Adam laughed again, this time louder. "Love? You think love is everything? Love won't save you from this humiliation. You let yourself be destroyed by feelings that should give you strength. You're weak, and she knows it. That's why she's playing with you."

The man began to cry again, feeling the weight of Adam's words pressing him harder. "But... what should I do?" he asked in despair.

Adam crouched down, bringing his face close to the man's ear. "You have to take control of your life. Stop being a slave to emotions and feelings. You have to be the king of your own life. Get rid of all these weaknesses, all these doubts. Or you will continue to suffer like this forever."

The man felt an urge within him, an urge that was terrifying but could not be ignored. "But... I don't know how," he said weakly.

Adam smiled wider, feeling the success of his emotional manipulation. "You know what to do. Free yourself from this shackle. If this love only brings suffering, then let it go. Or you can end it in a more permanent way. The world won't care, people won't care. Only you can decide your destiny ."

The man looked at Adam with eyes full of tears and despair. Adam's words were like a knife slicing through his heart, piercing through every layer of fear and doubt. He felt so small, so insignificant.

Adam stood back up, staring at the man coldly. "Think about it. You can continue to live in this suffering, or you can end it with one decision. Be a king, or remain a slave."

Adam pulled out a small knife from behind his coat and held it out to the man who was still sitting, sobbing in despair.

"I'm giving you a choice," Adam said in a low, manipulative voice. "You can continue to live in suffering, or you can end all of this now. Take this knife. With one cut, all your pain will be gone. You no longer need to feel inferior, no longer need to feel humiliation and rejection."

The man stared at the small knife in Adam's hand, his eyes widening in fear. "I… I can't," she whispered, her voice shaking.

Adam laughed softly, his tone of mockery getting sharper. "Look at you, even now you don't have the courage to end your suffering. You are truly pathetic. That woman left you because she knew you were weak. This world has no place for weaklings like you."

The man shivered, but his eyes couldn't take his eyes off the knife in Adam's hand. "But I don't want to die," he said with tears in his voice.

"Really?" Adam brought the knife closer to the man. "Is this life so precious to you? A life where you are constantly insulted, ignored, and played with? Do you think there is something better waiting for you in the future? You have failed as a man, failed to be someone worthy of respect. The only the only thing left for you is to end it all with dignity."

The man sobbed harder and harder, the inner conflict destroying him. "I... I don't know," he said weakly.

Adam looked at him coldly, forcing the knife into the man's hand. "You know what you have to do. Don't act stupid. This world doesn't need people like you. Just one move, and it's all over. You will no longer be a burden to anyone, including yourself."

The man gripped the knife with a trembling hand, tears streaming down his face. "But... I'm scared."

Adam shook his head with a mocking expression. "Afraid? What else are you afraid of? This already miserable life? Or the fact that you don't dare to take the necessary action? You are nothing more than a coward, afraid to face reality and afraid to take control of your own destiny."

The man began to breathe rapidly, panic and fear mixed into one. Adam looked at him with a sharp gaze, pressing deeper into the man's emotional wounds. "Do it. Or spend your life in eternal shame. You have no choice."

With a final push from Adam, the man, in despair and deep humiliation, turned the knife on himself. With one swift movement, he ended his life, blood flowing on the lonely garden soil.

Adam looked at the scene with a cold smile on his face, satisfied with the success of his psychological manipulation. He watched for a moment, making sure that the man was no longer moving, before finally turning and walking away. His last taunt was uttered softly in the still night air.

"A king? You don't even deserve to be a slave. The world is better off without you."

Adam sat on the bus, enjoying the peaceful morning ride. As the bus drove through the streets that were starting to get crowded, his eyes were fixed on a small TV set up in front of the bus. On the TV screen, the morning news was playing, featuring a headline about the death of a man in a park.

The news broadcaster reported, "A man was found dead in a city park yesterday. Police are still investigating the cause of death, but initial indications are that it may be a suicide. The man's identity has not been released to the public."

Adam looked at the TV screen with a sympathetic expression. Sadness and concern radiated from his eyes. "What a pity," he thought. "How heavy a burden he must carry to make such a decision."

He took a deep breath, and his mind began to ponder. "I took sleeping pills last night," he whispered to himself, trying to reassure himself. "I hope my evil side isn't the culprit. I really hope it's not me."

A feeling of anxiety began to creep into his mind, but Adam tried to ignore it. He gripped his briefcase tighter and looked away from the TV screen, trying to focus on the day ahead. However, he is a teacher who has great responsibility towards his students and colleagues. He had to remain strong and professional, even though there were worries that kept haunting his mind.

The bus arrived at a stop near the college, and Adam got off with the other passengers. He straightened his shoulders and put a smile on his face, trying to show the best side of himself. Today, he will give his best to his students and colleagues, even though there is a dark shadow that continues to stalk him from afar.

"One step at a time," thought Adam. "I have to focus on the things I can control."

With that determination, Adam stepped towards college.

Detective Rozman stood in the middle of the city park which was still filled with police lines. That morning, the warm rays of the sun began to illuminate the quiet garden. Several police officers roamed around, securing the area and looking for clues that might have been left behind. However, the calm atmosphere actually added weight to Rozman's mood, who felt more and more hopeless with every step taken.

He looked around, his eyes sharp for anything that could be a clue, but nothing looked suspicious. The soil is damp from the morning dew, the park bench is empty, and the shady trees stand firm; everything looks normal. There is no evidence to show what actually happened the night before.

Bayu, Rozman's partner, approached him with a serious expression. "Rozman, something is strange here," he said, his voice full of caution. "There were no tracks, no eyewitnesses, no signs of a struggle. It was like... the man was completely alone and decided to end his life."

Rozman took a long breath, his eyes still sweeping the surrounding area. "That's what frustrates me, Bayu. It's as if someone wants us to believe that this is pure suicide. But my instinct says there's something more than this."

Bayu nodded in agreement, glancing towards the place where the man's body was found. "You think there was someone else involved? Maybe someone who manipulated him?"

Rozman stared sharply at Bayu. "I don't know for sure, but I can't ignore the possibility. It's too clean, too neat. There's no message, no clue as to who he is or why he's doing this."

Bayu sighed, folding his arms over his chest. "You're right. This case is really strange. I'll check the CCTV footage around the park, who knows if something was missed."

Rozman nodded, appreciating his partner's initiative. "Good. We have to check every angle, every possibility. I'm not going to let this case go. There's too much at stake."

Bayu smiled faintly, encouraging Rozman. "We will find the answer, Rozman. Don't worry."

Rozman stared back at the deserted garden, his eyes full of determination. "I hope so, Bayu. I really hope so."

Detectives Rozman and Bayu arrived at the police station after going around the city park to check the CCTV footage. They sat in front of a computer monitor, ready to analyze the footage taken from the surveillance cameras.

However, when they opened the recording file, all that was visible were pictures taken during the day. No nighttime recordings could be found.

Rozman stared at the monitor screen with a frustrated expression. "This is impossible," he said, trying to understand what was happening. "Why are only daytime recordings available? What happened to the nighttime recordings?"

Bayu shook his head, also confused. "I don't know, Rozman. But it looks like someone edited the recordings that night."

Rozman pondered for a moment, trying to solve this puzzle. "This doesn't make sense," he muttered. "There is only one person who has access to edit the CCTV footage."

Bayu looked at Rozman with a curious look. "Who is that?"

Rozman took a deep breath, doing quick abductive reasoning. "CCTV guard," he replied sternly. "He was the only person who had the ability and access to edit the tape."

Bayu was surprised to hear Rozman's conclusion. "But why did he do that?"

Rozman nodded, his eyes shining with determination. "There's something wrong here, Bayu. Someone has manipulated the CCTV footage to hide something important. And I'm sure the CCTV guard is a part of it."

Bayu nodded in agreement, understanding the seriousness of this situation. "We need to interrogate the CCTV guard as soon as possible. We need to get answers from him."

Rozman looked at Bayu with determination. "We'll do it. But I'm sure he's being pressured by someone to do this. We have to find out who's blackmailing him, and uncover the truth behind all of this."

The two of them then prepare to interrogate the CCTV guard, realizing that they are in the middle of an increasingly complicated case.

Detective Rozman sat across the table in the modest interrogation room. The CCTV guard, a middle-aged man with a worried and sweaty face, sat in front of him. The room was quiet, only the sound of the clock ticking on the wall could be heard. Outside the room, Bayu stood anxiously, waiting for the results of this interrogation.

Rozman began with a calm, yet authoritative tone. "Alright, let's get started. Can you explain why the CCTV footage of the night in the city park is missing?"

The CCTV guard, whose name is Anton, looks nervous. "I… I don't know what you're talking about, Detective."

Rozman looked at Anton sharply, trying to read his expression. "Don't lie, Anton. We know you're the only one who has access to edit the recording. Why did you delete the night recording?"

Anton shook his head, trying to avoid Rozman's gaze. "I really don't know anything about that. There might be a technical fault."

Rozman sighed, then bent a little closer to Anton. "Listen, Anton. This isn't a game. We're investigating the death of a man, and every second counts. I want you to tell the truth right now."

Anton remained silent, but Rozman could see the nervousness in his eyes. He decided to change the approach. "Anton, I understand you might be scared. But the longer you cover up, the bigger this problem will be. You can help us uncover the truth and get relief, or you can continue to lie and face the full consequences."

Anton began to tremble, his gaze shifted to the floor. "I... I can't, Detective. I'm afraid..."

Rozman saw an opportunity. "Afraid of who, Anton? If someone forces you, we can protect you. But you have to cooperate with us."

Anton still looked doubtful, but Rozman continued in a softer but urgent tone. "Whoever threatened you, they are not here now. We are here to help you. But we need the truth."

Anton swallowed, then finally began to speak in a low voice. "There was a man... He forced me to delete the tape. He threatened to blow up this place if I didn't comply."

Rozman looked at Anton intensely. "What did he say? What did he want from you?"

Anton shook his head, his eyes glazed over. "He just said that I should delete the tape and not tell anyone. He's threatening to blow this place up right now if I don't. I have no choice, Detective. I don't want anyone to get hurt."

Rozman nodded slowly, trying to calm Anton down. "You did what you thought was right to protect others. But we need more information. Can you recognize the man? Did you see his face?"

Anton shook his head, looking frustrated. "No, Detective. The area was dark. I couldn't see his face clearly. I only remember his voice."

Rozman thought for a moment, then stood up and walked around the room, trying to piece together the information. "Okay, Anton. Thank you for being honest. This helps our research a lot. But remember, if you remember anything else, no matter how small, let us know right away."

Anton nodded weakly, his eyes still full of fear. "I just want this to be over, Detective."

Rozman put a hand on Anton's shoulder, trying to give some sense of calm. "We'll handle this. You've done your part. Now it's our turn."

With that, Rozman left the interrogation room and found Bayu waiting for him outside. "We have new information," he said, his eyes full of determination. "Someone is blackmailing Anton. We have to find out who the man is and prevent his threat."

Bayu nodded in agreement, ready to continue their research. "We're not going to let this go, Rozman."

Rozman stared at the door of the interrogation room, his heart heavy with the burden of this case. "No, Bayu. We will not stop until all these puzzles are solved."

Detectives Rozman and Bayu left the police station and headed to the house of the girlfriend of the man who was found dead in the park. Based on preliminary research and a quick analysis of the man's cell phone, Rozman concluded that they should speak to someone named Leyla, who is suspected of having a close relationship with the victim. Photos on the phone showed Taufik often with a woman, and from some of the messages, Rozman discovered that their relationship seemed to be full of tension.

Arriving at Leyla's house, they were greeted by a young woman who looked anxious. Leyla tried to hide her nervousness, but Rozman could clearly see the change in her expression.

"Good afternoon, Leyla," Rozman began in a calm but authoritative tone. "We would like to speak with you about Taufik's death. We understand this may come as a shock to you."

Leyla tried to smile, even though her face was pale. "Good afternoon, Mr. Detective. I really don't know what happened. Taufik... he never showed any signs that he would do something like that."

Rozman nodded, his sharp eyes watching Leyla's every move. "We found some photos of the two of you on his phone. From the messages we read, there seems to be some tension between you and Taufik. Can you tell us more about your relationship?"

Leyla was silent for a moment, searching for the right words. "We do often argue, Mr. Detective. Sometimes small things can make us argue. But I never thought it would make him take such a decision."

Bayu, who was standing behind Rozman, also asked. "We also know that you met Taufik in the park that night. Can you tell us what happened?"

Leyla looked increasingly restless. "Yes, we met in the park. We argued again, this time about... about the bag he forgot to buy me. I must have been too hard on him. I feel so guilty now."

Rozman noticed the way Leyla spoke, the tone of her voice, and her body movements. He knew there was more going on here. "Leyla, did Taufik say or do anything strange that night? Did he meet anyone other than you?"

Leyla shook her head quickly. "No, no one else. Just the two of us. After arguing, I left him in the park. That was the last time I saw him."

Rozman decided to press further, using his charisma to try to get more information. "Leyla, I know this is difficult, but we need all the details you can provide. Are you sure there was nothing strange or suspicious that night?"

Leyla bowed her head, tears began to well up in her eyes. "I really don't know, Detective. I just want this to be over. I can't stop thinking that maybe... maybe he killed himself because I was too hard on him."

Rozman stood up, ending the interrogation in a softer tone. "Thank you, Leyla. We will continue to look into this. If you remember anything, however small, please contact us."

They left Leyla's house, Rozman and Bayu walked back to their car. Rozman spoke firmly, "We didn't get much from Leyla, but I'm sure there's more she's hiding. We need to dig deeper."

Bayu nodded in agreement. "We will continue to search, Rozman. We will find the truth."

Rozman stared far ahead, his determination getting stronger. "Yes, Bayu. We won't stop until we know what really happened."

Detective Rozman sat in his small office but full of documents and evidence, his eyes fixed on the research board in front of him. On the board, there are photos of Taufik, Leyla, CCTV footage, and various notes he has collected. He sighed deeply, trying to assemble every puzzle piece in his hand.

Rozman began by recalling every detail he had learned. That night, Taufik met Leyla in the park. They had a big fight because Taufik forgot to buy the bag that Leyla wanted. It was a normal, yet emotional argument. Leyla left Taufik in the garden in a rage, and that was the last time she saw him alive.

However, there is something bigger behind all this. Anton, the CCTV custodian, admitted that he had been threatened to delete the footage that night. Rozman is convinced that the threat is not a coincidence. Someone who desperately wants to hide something has manipulated Anton. But who and what are they really hiding?

Rozman remembers how Anton was so scared when he confessed that someone threatened to blow up the place if he didn't delete the recording. This shows that the perpetrator has enough power and influence to make someone fear for his life. And the fact that Anton could not see the perpetrator's face because of the dark conditions shows that this was a carefully planned action.

He also couldn't ignore Leyla's reaction. Although he claimed to know nothing, there was something in his tone of voice that made Rozman suspicious. He seemed overly anxious and defensive, as if he was hiding something. However, there is no direct evidence linking it to threats against Anton or Taufik's death.

Rozman decided to look at this case from a different angle. If Leyla wasn't directly involved, there might be someone around them who took advantage of the situation. Someone who knows about the strained relationship between Taufik and Leyla, and uses the moment to do something evil.

Looking at the research board, Rozman tried to imagine the actions of the perpetrator. He thought about how the perpetrator might be following Taufik and Leyla, waiting for the right moment to act. Most likely, the perpetrator manipulated the CCTV footage to cover his tracks, ensuring that no one could see what really happened that night.

One thing that is clear to Rozman is that this is not a simple case of suicide. This was a well-planned murder, involving complex threats and manipulation. And the perpetrator behind all this has the ability to handle the situation in a very effective way.

Detective Rozman knew that he had to keep digging deeper. Every little detail, every piece of information, could be the key to unlocking this mystery. He needs to find out who blackmailed Anton, and why they were so keen to hide the recording of that night.

With growing determination, Rozman stood up and took the folder containing all the evidence he had collected. "Bayu," he called in a firm voice, "we're going to see Anton again. I think there's something he hasn't told us yet. We also need to find out more about the people around Taufik and Leyla. This isn't over yet."

Bayu nodded, ready to continue his research with Rozman. They both know that this journey is still long, but they also know that the truth will be revealed in the end. With each step, they get closer to putting together all the pieces of the puzzle scattered in front of them.

Detectives Rozman and Bayu sat facing Anton in the interrogation room. The lights in the room were bright, highlighting Anton's face which looked increasingly pale and anxious. Detective Rozman knew that they had to dig deeper, using a more emotional and in-depth approach to get the information they needed.

Rozman started with a calm voice but full of determination. "Anton, I know this is very difficult for you. We have spoken before, and I appreciate your courage in telling us about the threats you received. But we need more information to protect you and solve this case."

Anton nodded slowly, but his eyes avoided Rozman's gaze. He looked tired and depressed, as if the weight of the world was on his shoulders.

Rozman continued, his voice becoming softer but firm. "Anton, try to imagine that night. Remember every detail. I want you to imagine the face of the person who threatened you. Try to remember his voice, his movements, anything that can help us."

Anton took a deep breath, trying to focus his thoughts. "Detective, I really can't see his face. It's too dark..."

Rozman nodded, still patient. "I understand, Anton. But maybe there's something else you can remember. His voice, maybe there's something he said or the way he moved that could give a clue."

Anton closed his eyes, trying hard to remember. Rozman and Bayu remained silent, letting Anton process his memories. After a few moments, Anton began to speak in a low voice.

"He... his voice was heavy, like someone who often spoke sternly. There was a clear tone of menace. He said that if I didn't delete the tape, he was going to blow up the place. I could tell he was serious. I had no choice, Detective ."

Rozman leaned his body forward, his eyes keenly observing Anton's every reaction. "What else do you remember, Anton? Maybe there are small details that you think are not important, but could mean a lot to us."

Anton frowned, trying to remember more. "He... he was holding something in his hand, maybe a cell phone or some other device. I couldn't see clearly because it was dark, but I remember there was a small light from the device."

Rozman nodded, taking down every piece of information. "Good, Anton. That was very helpful. Now, try to imagine the situation again. Is there anything else you remember? Maybe the way he stood, or how he approached you?"

Anton opened his eyes, looking increasingly restless. "He was standing very close to me, just a few steps. I could smell cigarettes on his breath. And he kept holding the device, as if ready to use it at any moment."

Bayu added, trying to ease the tension. "Anton, you have been very helpful. Every detail you have given brings us closer to the truth. You are doing the right thing by talking to us."

Anton nodded, his eyes still filled with fear. "I just want this to be over. I haven't been able to sleep since that night. I'm scared every second."

Rozman put his hand on the table, trying to give Anton a sense of security. "We will protect you, Anton. We are here to make sure nothing happens to you. But we need you to stay strong and continue to help us."

Anton looked at Rozman, looking a little calmer but still alert. "I'll try, Detective. I just want this to be over."

Rozman stood up, motioning for Bayu to follow. "Thank you, Anton. We'll work hard to resolve this. If you remember anything else, don't hesitate to let us know."

As they exited the interrogation room, Rozman and Bayu walked down the quiet corridor. Bayu spoke in a serious tone. "We're getting more information now. Threats with devices and the smell of cigarettes. That's a good lead."

Rozman nodded, his mind swirling with various possibilities. "Yes, Bayu. We should check everyone who might be involved and possess those characteristics. The threat is real, and we have to move fast before anyone gets hurt."

With growing determination, the two of them stepped into their workspace, ready to dig deeper and find the culprit behind the threat. The truth is getting closer, and they won't stop until all these puzzles are solved