Chapter 10: A Long Case

At the Melaka Police Station, Detective Rozman and his team are still trying hard to find evidence that could reveal the perpetrator behind the mysterious deaths in the park. Bayu sat in front of the computer, reviewing CCTV footage from various locations around the park, trying to find clues that he might have missed. Meanwhile, Rozman researches case notes and witness reports, hoping to find a common thread that could bring them closer to the truth.

They have contacted various parties, including the victim's family and friends, but each of their efforts ended in failure. Taufik, the man found dead in the park, does not appear to have any close family who could provide further information. This further complicates their investigation, but Rozman does not give up.

"Bayu, are there any results from Taufik's background search?" Rozman asked, glancing at his colleague.

Bayu shook his head, his eyes still glued to the computer screen. "There's not much we can find out, Detective. Taufik seems to live alone and has no contact with his family. His co-workers don't know much about his personal life either."

Rozman snorted softly, marking several notes on the folder in front of him. "This makes things more difficult. Without family or close friends, we lose a valuable source of information. However, we still have CCTV footage and Anton's testimony."

Bayu nodded, trying to encourage himself. "That's right, Detective. We can also focus on the threats Anton received. The smell of cigarettes, the device he was holding... maybe that can help us identify the perpetrator."

Rozman agrees. "We need to find out who is often around the park at night. Also, we need to check shops or places around the park that may have additional CCTV footage. There may be something we missed."

They continued to work diligently, digging up every bit of information they could. Rozman thought hard about the possibility of another motive behind Taufik's death. Is there something in Taufik's life that makes him a target? Are there any connections that may not be apparent at first glance?

"Bayu, try checking the report from the patrol officers that night again. Maybe they saw something suspicious but it wasn't considered important at that time," said Rozman.

Bayu immediately carried out the order, looking for the report in question. Rozman, on the other hand, tried to recontact several witnesses who might be able to provide additional information. Every small step can matter in this investigation.

The clock on the wall showed it was past noon, but Rozman and his team were still working non-stop. They know that every second counts, and they must make the most of their time to find answers.

As the afternoon approached, Rozman received a call from one of the witnesses who finally remembered something important about the night of the incident. "Detective Rozman, I just remembered something that might be important. There is a man who often hangs around that park at night. I saw him a few times, but never thought it was strange until now."

Rozman recorded the information and immediately planned his next steps. "Thank you for the information. We will follow up on this soon."

With this new lead, Rozman and Bayu feel there is some light at the end of the tunnel. They know there is still a lot of work to be done, but each additional piece of information brings them one step closer to solving this mystery.

"Let's meet this witness and find out more about the man he saw," Rozman said with new determination.

Bayu nodded, ready to continue the investigation. They're out of the office, headed to a new location that might provide the answers they're looking for.

Rozman and Bayu immediately went to the address of the witness who provided important information. They are determined to exploit every clue that can help solve this case. On the way, Rozman thinks about the possible motives behind Taufik's death, but everything still seems vague.

On arrival at the house of the witness, a middle-aged man named Pak Hamid, they were greeted with cautious hospitality. Mr. Hamid invited them to sit in the living room, which was simple but comfortable. Rozman immediately directed the conversation to an important topic.

"Mr Hamid, thank you for taking the time. You mentioned in the phone call that you often see a man around the park at night. Can you tell us more about the man?" Rozman asked in a calm voice.

Mr. Hamid nodded, trying to remember clearly. "Yes, Detective. That man is often seen walking around the park. I don't think he lives around here, because I never saw him during the day. But that night, I remember him sitting on a bench near the scene."

Bayu carefully noted every detail conveyed by Mr. Hamid. "Do you remember the man's physical characteristics, Mr. Hamid? Maybe there is something that can help us recognize him."

Mr. Hamid thought for a moment before answering. "He was neatly dressed, always wore a black suit. Tall, maybe around 180 cm, and always carried a briefcase. I didn't see his face clearly because of the dim light, but he had a firm posture."

Rozman asked further, "Is there anything strange or suspicious about that guy? Maybe the way he moves or something he does?"

Mr. Hamid shook his head. "Nothing too obvious, Detective. He just looked like someone who was waiting for someone or maybe thinking."

Rozman glanced at Bayu, both of them sharing the understanding that this might be an important clue. "Thank you, Mr. Hamid. This information is very helpful. If you see the man again or remember anything else, please contact us immediately."

After leaving Pak Hamid's house, Rozman and Bayu had a brief discussion in the car. "Men in black suits always carry briefcases. This could be a good starting point," said Bayu.

Rozman nodded. "Yeah, we need to find out more about that guy. Maybe he works around here or has some reason for being in the park so often at night."

They returned to the police station and immediately checked CCTV footage from the area around the park, trying to find the man's appearance. After several hours of poring over the footage, they finally found a man matching the description walking towards the park.

"This is it," said Bayu, pointing to the screen. "We have to track his movements and find out more about him."

Rozman agreed and began making plans to trace the man's identity. They decided to contact places around the park, such as cafes and shops, that might have additional CCTV footage or could identify the man.

Day turned into night, and they were still working hard. Rozman called several other officers to help speed up the process. Everyone on the team knows that every second is precious, and they don't want to miss the opportunity to uncover the truth.

"Bayu, send the man's picture to all units. We need all the help we can get to identify him," Rozman said in a firm tone.

Bayu immediately carried out the order. "I'll do it now, Detective. We'll find him."

With renewed vigor, the team got back to work, ensuring that every clue and every trail was followed closely.

The night is getting late at the Melaka Police Hall, but Detective Rozman and his team are still enthusiastic about solving the mystery of Taufik's death. After circulating the picture of the suspected man throughout the unit, they hope to soon get more concrete information.

Meanwhile, Rozman continues to rack his brains, trying to understand the motive behind Taufik's death. There are too many holes in this case, too many unanswered questions. At that time, Bayu came into his room carrying several new files.

"Detective, we got several reports from other units. It seems the man in the recording is often seen in several cafes and shops around the park," said Bayu while handing the file to Rozman.

Rozman opened the file and began reading the reports from the witnesses. "Hmm, this man seems to have certain habits. He is often seen at this cafe, and he seems to be quite well known around here. We need to investigate further."

Bayu agrees. "I've contacted the cafe owner and they are willing to cooperate. Maybe we can get more information from there."

Rozman nodded and immediately planned a visit to the cafe. The next morning, they headed to the cafe in question. The cafe owner, a friendly man named Pak Hasan, welcomed them warmly.

"Good morning, Detective. I've heard about this case. How can I help you?" asked Mr Hasan.

Rozman shows a picture of the man they are looking for. "Do you recognize this man? He is often seen around the park at night."

Mr Hasan looked at the picture and nodded. "Oh, yes. He comes here often. He always orders black coffee and sits in the corner, sometimes he brings a briefcase. But I don't know much about him."

Rozman tries to get more information. "Has he ever spoken to you or any other visitors? Is there anything suspicious about his behavior?"

Mr Hasan thought for a moment. "There wasn't much that was strange. But once, I saw him talking to someone outside the cafe. They seemed quite serious. Unfortunately, I couldn't hear their conversation."

Rozman recorded the information. "Do you know who the person he was talking to was?"

Mr Hasan shook his head. "Sorry, Detective. I've never seen that guy before."

Bayu, who was standing next to Rozman, asked, "Is there CCTV here that records the area outside the cafe? Maybe we can see who the person he met was."

Mr. Hasan nodded and directed them to the back room where the CCTV system was located. They checked CCTV footage and found the moment the man was talking to someone outside the cafe. Unfortunately, the person's face could not be seen clearly because his back was to the camera.

Rozman looked at the details of the recording over and over again. "We need to enlarge this image and try to identify other features. Maybe we can get further clues."

They returned to the police station with a copy of the recording and began analyzing it. Every movement, every detail is carefully checked. Rozman felt like there was something big behind all this, something they didn't fully understand yet.

Over the next few days, they conducted interviews with witnesses who may have seen the man or people he encountered. However, many of them do not provide significant information. The man seemed to be very careful in his actions.

Meanwhile, Rozman and Bayu try to understand the patterns of all the information they have collected. They begin to build a relationship map, figuring out how each element in the case relates to each other.

"Bayu, I feel like we're almost there. All these pieces will come together if we find one more clue," Rozman said in an optimistic tone.

Bayu nodded. "I feel it too, Detective. We just need a little more time and effort."

A few days after the intense investigation, a member of the police team, Zamran, was patrolling the area around the park. While walking on the sidewalk, his eyes caught a figure familiar from the description given earlier: a smartly dressed man with a briefcase. The man appeared to be walking alone towards a residential area.

Zamran immediately remembered the briefing they had at the police station. The man matched the description given by witnesses and CCTV. Not wanting to lose track of him, Zamran decided to follow the man secretly.

He kept a safe distance, following the man while pretending to be an ordinary passerby. The streets were starting to get quiet because it was approaching evening. The man seemed unaware that he was being followed, walking at a leisurely but purposeful pace.

Zamran observed every move and turn the man took. They passed several quiet residential blocks, with houses neatly lined up on both sides of the street. Street lamps provided dim lighting, creating long shadows that made the atmosphere even more tense.

The man finally stopped in front of a two-story house with a small garden in front of it. Zamran wrote down the address quickly, trying not to attract attention. After confirming that the man had entered the house, Zamran immediately moved away and looked for a safe place to make a call.

With steady breathing, Zamran took out his cell phone and contacted the command center at the police station. "This is Zamran. I found the man we were looking for. He just broke into a house on Jalan Taman Sari number 18. I need a team here immediately."

At the command center, Bayu received the call and immediately informed Rozman. "Detective, Zamran found the man. He is at Jalan Taman Sari number 18."

Rozman nodded firmly. "Gather the team and prepare the vehicles. We're leaving now."

It didn't take long for the police team to gather and go to the location given by Zamran. They moved quickly but remained cautious, ensuring that they did not give any early warning to their targets.

When they arrived at Jalan Taman Sari, they met Zamran who was waiting at the corner of the street. "He's in that house," said Zamran, pointing towards the house in question.

Rozman gave brief instructions to his team. "We have to be careful. No one knows what could happen inside. Bayu, Zamran, follow me. The rest, stay on guard outside and prepare for further action if necessary."

They approached the house with silent steps, weapons ready in hand. Rozman knocked on the door with a firm but not too loud knock. The door opened slightly and the man appeared behind it, looking shocked to see the police.

"Good evening. We're from the police. Can we come in for a moment to ask a few questions?" said Rozman in a polite but firm tone.

The man looked uneasy, but had no choice but to let them in. Rozman, Bayu, and Zamran entered the house, keeping their guard up.

Once they were all inside, Rozman started with simple initial questions, trying to make the man feel comfortable. However, the tension in the room could not be hidden. Rozman knows they are close to the truth and is ready to dig deeper to uncover this mystery.

"Surely you know why we are here," said Rozman with a sharp look. "We just want some answers. This could end peacefully, or it could be much more complicated. The choice is yours."

The man swallowed hard, realizing that there was no easy way out of this situation. The pressure from Rozman and his team begins to build, and Rozman is ready to uncover every hidden layer of the truth.

With sharp sparkling eyes, Detective Rozman stared intently at the man in front of him. The atmosphere in the room became tense when the questions were asked.

"What did that man die of?" Rozman repeated, his voice low but full of pressure. "You know exactly what happened to Taufik, right?"

The man looked at Rozman with changing eyes, trying to hide the panic that was starting to creep inside him. "I don't know anything about Taufik's death," he answered in a slightly trembling voice.

Rozman knew that the man was trying to cheat. However, he was unfazed. "Don't pretend, we have enough evidence to draw you as the main suspect in this case. And I'm sure you know who is behind all this."

The man bit his lip, trying to resist the growing pressure. However, his gaze was still sharp, indicating that he would not give away a single bit of information.

Rozman sensed that the man would not confess easily. But he won't just give up. He keeps digging, trying to uncover the truth behind the neat veil of deception.

"We already have enough clues to know that you are involved in blackmailing Anton, the man who guards the CCTV in the park," continued Rozman firmly. "And I know that Taufik's death did not happen by chance. There is something you are hiding, and I will find out what it is."

The man remained silent, looking at Rozman with a cold gaze. He didn't flinch, even as the pressure mounted.

Rozman knew that he would not get the answers he was looking for from the man. However, he wouldn't just give up. He will continue to dig, continue to follow the existing traces, until he finds the real truth.

"You may think that you can evade justice, but believe me, we will find enough evidence to prove your involvement in this case," Rozman said in a firm voice. "And in the end, the truth will come out, whoever is behind all this."

The man remained silent, but Rozman could see the unease beneath his calm. He knows that they have disrupted part of a much larger plan, and he vows to continue following every trace until he finds the answers he seeks.

After a few moments of bending his knees in the face of intense pressure from Detective Rozman, the man finally admitted his actions. In a trembling voice, he admitted that he had blackmailed Anton, told him to delete the CCTV footage, and manipulated Taufik.

Detectives Rozman and Bayu looked at the man with mixed expressions of satisfaction and disappointment. Satisfied because they finally got a confession from the suspect, but disappointed because this only revealed the surface of a much bigger plan.

"By admitting all this, you make our job a little easier," Rozman said in a slightly lighter tone, although still firm. "But I want to know, what is the reason behind all this? Who ordered you to do this?"

The man was silent for a moment, as if considering whether to provide further information or not. However, ultimately, he decided to remain silent.

"You don't need to know," he answered defiantly.

Rozman raised his eyebrows, a little surprised by the man's boldness. However, he wouldn't just give up. He knew that there was more that needed to be revealed.

"This man must be taken to the police station for further interrogation," Rozman told his team. "We have to find out who is behind all this, and what his motives are."

They immediately tied the man's hands with handcuffs and took him out of the room. The man was ushered into a police car waiting outside, while Rozman and Bayu led the convoy to the police station.

In the car, it was quiet. The man sat tensely in the back seat, while Rozman and Bayu sat in the front, contemplating what they had revealed. However, although they have succeeded in arresting the suspect, there is a feeling that they have only scratched the surface of something much bigger.

When they arrived at the police station, the man was immediately taken to the interrogation room for further information. Rozman and Bayu joined the rest of the team to examine the evidence they had collected and plan the next steps in this investigation.

However, amidst their busy schedule, one thing is certain: they have not found out who is the mastermind behind all this. And until they find the answer, this case will never truly be closed.