Chapter 12: Shadow of Darkness

Ayato sat beside the dark hallway with a pale and frightened face. His body shivered violently, caught in the terrible image of last night's events that he had just remembered. The amnesia that had covered most of his memories was slowly starting to fade, reopening memories that had been hidden in the corners of his mind.

"What really happened?" Ayato whispered in a shaky voice, barely audible amidst the silence of the hallway.

He felt his heart beating fast, every second filled with fear and anxiety. The terrible events of the previous night kept replaying in his head, making him sink deeper into fear. His hands shook as he tried to reach into the pockets of his tattered clothes, looking for something that could give him a little sense of security.

However, nothing could erase that terrifying image. Ayato could only hug himself, hoping that this nightmare would end soon. He felt very alone, without a place to hide or someone who could give him a sense of security.

Tears flowed freely down his dirty cheeks, reflecting the deep fear he felt. He couldn't erase the terrible image of last night's events.

Trembling, Ayato imagined the unknown man, covered in blood, committing vile and perverted acts on him. Disgust and hatred for himself took over his mind, adding to the burden on his heart which was already full of pain.

"Why... why is this happening to me?" he whispered softly amidst his tears, his voice almost drowned out by the roar of fear in his heart.

Even though the morning sun was starting to shine on the city, for Ayato, there was no glimmer of warmth that could drive away the cold from his heart. He felt completely resigned, lost hope.

In his solitude, Ayato hugged himself tightly, trying to endure the cold that penetrated his bones. The terrible images from last night continued to haunt him, making it difficult for him to breathe.

Ayato sobbed harder, hoping that a miracle could free him from this darkness.

Ayato felt the pain deepen, piercing his heart like a thousand needles. Her cries grew louder, echoing in the quiet dark alley. Memories of his past came rushing in, hitting him mercilessly. He remembers when he and his family moved from Japan to Melaka, looking for a better life. However, this hope was instantly dashed when he witnessed his parents being shot dead by robbers in front of his own eyes.

The trauma he experienced since then has never disappeared. Ayato ran away, through the night in terrible fear. He ran aimlessly, leaving behind everything he had ever known. With no family, no friends, he was homeless, forced to steal food to survive, and often beaten by those who found him.

Now, after experiencing an unspeakable abomination the night before, Ayato felt like his life no longer had any meaning. He felt deep psychological and mental devastation. "Mother... Father... I want to see you..." she whispered between sobs. His voice sounded so weak and desperate.

Ayato looked around, his eyes falling on a plastic rope lying nearby. He felt a strong urge to end his suffering. With trembling hands, he took the plastic rope. Tears continued to flow, wetting her pale cheeks. Slowly, he tied the rope around his neck, hoping that this pain would end soon.

As the rope stretched more and more around his neck, the image of his parents appeared in his mind. He remembered his mother's loving smile, and his father's calming voice. "I'm sorry, Mom... Yeah..." he whispered, his voice barely audible.

In the silence of that morning, Ayato ended his life with a deep sense of despair. In his last seconds, he hoped to find the peace he had never found in this world. Broken hearts and wounded souls finally found a way to stop feeling the pain. Among the morning light that began to warm the city, Ayato left, leaving behind a world that never gave him a place to truly feel safe and loved.

That morning, the sky looked bright but the atmosphere in the narrow hallway was very gloomy. Detective Rozman together with his friend, Bayu, and the police team arrived at the crime scene (TKP). Ayato's small body lay lifeless, covered with a blanket to cover the heartbreaking sight. The sunlight entering the hallway was unable to dispel the sadness that enveloped the place.

Detective Rozman observed the crime scene carefully, every detail not escaping his attention. Bayu stood beside him, his face full of concern. Other police were busy setting up a perimeter and collecting evidence that might explain this tragedy.

"How tragic," muttered Bayu, his voice full of pity. "This homeless boy is so young. What could have made him choose this path?"

Detective Rozman took a deep breath, his eyes still fixed on Ayato's body wrapped in a blanket. He knew there was more than just desperation behind this action. Slowly, he began to put the puzzle pieces together in his mind, trying to understand what happened to the poor child.

After a while, Rozman gathered his team and began presenting his analysis. "This homeless boy committed suicide," he said in a calm but firm voice. "But this is more than just an ordinary case of suicide. This is a malicious execution carried out by a perpetrator who deliberately destroyed this child's mental and psychological well-being."

All eyes were on Rozman. Bayu looked at his friend attentively, knowing that Rozman had sharp intuition in solving difficult cases.

Rozman continued, "Look around, look at the condition of his body. This is not just a child who has lost hope. There are signs that he has experienced very deep suffering before finally taking this step. Trauma so great that it makes him feel that death is one the only way out."

He pointed to several pieces of evidence at the crime scene. "Old scars, bruises that were starting to heal, all indicated that this child had suffered for a long time. But, more than that, there was something in the way he tied the rope, in the position of his body that indicated a deep sense of fear and desperation."

Rozman stopped for a moment, looking at the gloomy faces of his team. "The perpetrator who did this not only hurt this child physically, but also destroyed his soul. He made this child feel worthless, feeling that the only way to end his suffering was to end his life."

Bayu nodded slowly, understanding what Rozman meant. "So, we are not only looking for perpetrators who may have physically abused this child, but also those who have tortured him mentally and psychologically to the point that this child feels there is no hope."

Rozman nodded. "Exactly. We must find who is responsible for this suffering. Justice must be served, not only for his death, but also for all the suffering he experienced during his life."

"And the perpetrator," he said, his voice firm but filled with concern, "is the same as the perpetrator in Taufik's suicide in the park. This is not a coincidence, this is a recurring pattern."

All members of the police team were silent, listening carefully. Bayu, who was standing next to Rozman, felt the silence suddenly feel heavy. He knew how important Rozman's statement was.

Rozman continued, "The perpetrator is the same, I already understand the motive behind his actions. It's not just about causing pain or suffering, but about a deep desire to revel in the suffering of others. This perpetrator enjoys cruelty, getting satisfaction from watching others suffering. His hatred for others is so great, so deep, that he feels satisfied only when he sees others destroyed."

He walked over to Ayato's body which was covered in a blanket, then knelt down for a moment, looking at him with sadness. "This abuser has insatiable lust and jealousy burning in his heart. He cannot see happiness or goodness in others without feeling threatened or angry. So, he destroys, he destroys, he takes what is not his to appease hatred what's inside him."

Rozman stood back up, his gaze turning to his team. "This is not the first time we have faced a case like this. Taufik in the park was the first victim we knew about, and now Ayato. These two cases show the same traces, the same methods, and the same darkness in the perpetrator's heart."

Bayu nodded, realizing how serious the situation was. "We have to stop it before there is another victim," he said in a firm tone.

Rozman nodded in agreement. "That's right. We must act quickly and decisively. Every piece of evidence we find, every trail we follow, must lead us to the perpetrator. He must be brought to justice for his cruelty, and we must ensure that no one else suffers like Ayato and Taufik."

Detective Rozman looked at Bayu with a serious look. They stood side by side near Ayato's body wrapped in a blanket, the morning silence broken only by the sound of the forensic team's footsteps at work.

"This must be an autopsy," said Rozman, his voice low but firm. "Previous cases only attacked the victim's psychology, making it difficult for us to look for physical evidence or fingerprints. However, this time the perpetrator not only attacked Ayato mentally, but also physically. This could be a bright spot for us."

Bayu nodded, understanding what Rozman meant. "We need to find traces that can lead us to the perpetrator. Physical evidence from Ayato's body might provide the clues we need."

Rozman continued, "We know this perpetrator was very cunning. He hid his tracks well, using methods that left the victim in a very traumatic state. However, with this physical attack, we have a greater chance of finding something that could lead us to the identity of the perpetrator ."

While looking at Ayato's body which looked so fragile, Rozman felt his determination getting stronger. "This perpetrator cannot be allowed to roam around. Every victim he leaves behind adds to the burden of crimes that we must uncover. We must work harder, more carefully."

Bayu looked at Rozman, feeling the same enthusiasm. "I agree. We will make sure the autopsy is carried out carefully. Every detail will be examined, every possibility will be analyzed. We will find the perpetrator, Rozman."

Rozman nodded, feeling relieved by Bayu's support. "That's right. This is not only about upholding the law, but also about providing justice for helpless victims like Ayato and Taufik. They deserve the truth, and we will fight for it."

Alejandro and Mia walk through a forest that seems endless. The trees towered high, sheltering them from the hot sun. The leaves rustled softly, as if whispering about the mystery hidden behind the green canopy.

"We've been here 12 days," Alejandro said, his voice full of concern. "We have to get out of this forest. We can't check the latest news about Detective Rozman using our computer, because there's no internet connection here. But my intuition tells me that there are about two cases that the old man has to solve, so we're safe for now , because he wasn't focused on us."

Mia looked at Alejandro and smiled gently, even though fatigue was visible on her face. "Yes, that's right. I miss seeing the view of the city once again."

Alejandro took out a map from his bag and gave it to Mia. "I have described this entire forest area and made it into a map. This forest area is large, about 50 kilometers, with a path that is about 70 kilometers long. We must remain careful and follow this path."

Mia received the map and studied it carefully. "This is very helpful, Alejandro. We have to find a way out quickly."

Alejandro nodded. "I hope so too. We can't stay here forever. We have to move quickly and stay alert."

They continued their journey, stepping carefully between the tree roots that spread along the ground. Each step brought them closer to the edge of the forest, and they knew that their hope lay in the map in Mia's hands.

In the distance, the voices of forest birds could be heard loudly, as if encouraging them. Even though this forest is full of challenges, Alejandro and Mia are confident that with determination and cooperation, they will find a way out and return to civilization. In their hearts, there was hope and belief that this adventure would soon end safely.

As they walked deeper into the forest, Alejandro and Mia suddenly found themselves near a small village. Simple houses can be seen hidden among the trees, with thin smoke rising from their chimneys. Mia frowned, trying to understand this new place.

"Wait a minute," he whispered to Alejandro. However, before they could go any further, three armed men appeared from behind the trees, aiming their weapons at Alejandro and Mia.

"Who are you two! Witches?" snapped one of the men in a threatening tone.

Alejandro remained calm, his face without the slightest expression. He showed no signs of fear, while Mia beside him began to shiver in fear.

"No..." answered Alejandro in a calm voice, without the slightest tremor. He stood tall, showing no signs of surrender or fear. "We are adventurers, and we found this village by chance."

He slowly turned his head back, looking directly into the eyes of the armed men, revealing a gentle, reassuring smile. "Are you the tribe that lives here?" he asked, the smile still on his face. Alejandro displayed a very calm and confident demeanor, not giving the slightest impression that he considered them a threat.

"We also found this place accidentally," continued Alejandro in a friendly tone, his smile getting wider.

The men looked at each other, feeling the sincerity in Alejandro's words. They felt no threat from this man, although still alert, they began to lower their weapons slowly.

"Okay," one of them finally spoke, his voice starting to soften. "Come on into our village. But you have to follow our rules."

Alejandro nodded politely, gesturing to Mia to remain calm. "Thank you for the hospitality," he said in a sincere tone. "We didn't intend to cause trouble. We were just looking for a place to rest for a while."

The three men led the way, guiding Alejandro and Mia into the village. Mia, although still a little shaky, felt a little calmer seeing how Alejandro was able to handle the situation so well.

In the small village, they were greeted by residents who looked curious but not hostile. Children play around the house, while women are busy with daily activities. Alejandro felt the atmosphere was somewhat peaceful, although he remained alert.

Alejandro and Mia were taken to a large house in the center of the village, where the tribe leader lived. They know that this is a chance to prove their good intentions and perhaps get the help they need to get out of the woods. Alejandro, with his charisma and poise, hopes to win the trust of these villagers and ensure their journey to freedom is no longer hampered.

The three men opened the door to the mansion inhabited by Chief Lloyd. Inside, the wooden house is brightly lit by the soft light of candles, creating a calm and warm atmosphere. The tribe leader sat on a large wooden-backed chair, his face covered by a long, graying beard. His eyes were deep, reflecting deep wisdom and experience.

Mia and Alejandro entered the house carefully, observing the simple but elegant beauty of the room. Mia felt a little awkward, while Alejandro remained calm with a gentle smile on his face.

"You look like wizards in black robes," said Lloyd in a deep, calm voice, his eyes wandering as if seeing more than just their physical appearance.

"Heh heh, yeah..." Alejandro answered casually, responding to Lloyd's comment in a friendly tone.

"I am Lloyd, the Chieftain here," said Lloyd, looking at his two guests attentively. "How did you two get lost here?"

Mia remained silent, allowing Alejandro to answer, "We are not lost, but we chose to look for an alternative route that is further away. We happened to come across this village on our way."

Lloyd nodded, his expression showing deep understanding of their situation. "I understand. Our village is remote from modern technological civilization. We live like humans in the 19th century, believing in the existence of an omniscient God who resides within this earth. We feel His presence..."

Alejandro raised an eyebrow slightly skeptically. "An Omniscient God? It does exist, but the belief that it exists within this earth is truly..."

"Amazing, isn't it?" Lloyd cut in, with confidence in his voice. "I have studied the cosmos of this world for 34 years, and have even met angels."

Alejandro couldn't help but laugh in his heart, contemplating how fantastic Lloyd's beliefs were. "Is this old man dreaming?"

"Oh really?" Alejandro asked in a polite tone, trying to suppress the doubt in his eyes.

"Yes, it is," said Lloyd firmly, his eyes sparkling with confidence.

Alejandro just nodded, respecting Lloyd's belief even though he didn't completely believe it. Mia, on the side, felt amazed and a little fascinated by this unusual conversation.

In his heart, Alejandro pondered how different the worldview was between the beliefs of traditional society and the modern world where he and Mia came from. However, he also realized that in this village, customs and beliefs have a strong role in maintaining harmony and tranquility in the middle of a remote forest.

Detective Rozman stood tall in the middle of the crime scene, his sharp eyes tracing every corner of the gloomy hallway. He collected his thoughts for a moment, then continued his analysis with full confidence.