Chapter 13: Pawns on the chess board

Detective Rozman stood beside the autopsy table, looking at Ayato's stiff body with a serious look. The light from the autopsy room cast a faint shadow on the wall, creating a slightly eerie atmosphere. Bayu, his loyal partner, stood beside him, patiently waiting for the autopsy results.

"We still have to wait for the complete report from the forensic doctor," said Bayu, folding his arms across his chest. "But I know you already have a feeling about this, Rozman."

Detective Rozman nodded slowly. "I've examined Ayato's body carefully. There are no fingerprints, no signs of physical struggle that could lead us directly to the perpetrator."

Bayu sighed, "This is like the previous case, where the perpetrator did not leave any physical traces."

Rozman looked at Ayato's body with a look full of empathy. "This perpetrator is very clever, Bayu. He knows how to erase all physical traces, but the emotional and psychological traces he leaves behind are very deep."

"This is more than just a physical crime," Rozman continued. "This perpetrator destroys the victim from the inside. Attacks their mental and psychological state until there is no hope left."

Bayu nodded in agreement. "That's what makes it hard for us to catch him. He uses fear and manipulation as his main weapons."

"That's right," Rozman said, staring straight ahead, his eyes full of determination. "And Ayato is a tragic example of that cruel tactic. This perpetrator understands human emotions very deeply and knows how to exploit their weaknesses."

Bayu frowned. "So how do we approach this case? What's the next step?"

Rozman thought for a moment before answering. "We need to focus on the perpetrator's behavioral and psychological patterns. We need to dig deeper into the victim's background, find out how they became targets and what might link them."

Bayu looked at Rozman with determination. "Do you think we'll find something that could bring us closer to the perpetrator?"

Rozman nodded. "Yes, I'm sure. Every step we take, no matter how small, can bring us closer to the truth. We just need to stay alert and not give up."

At that moment, the forensic doctor entered the room with the initial autopsy results. "Detective Rozman, Bayu, we found something that might be interesting."

Rozman and Bayu immediately approached. "What did you find?" Rozman asked enthusiastically.

The forensic doctor opened the report and showed some important results. "There were signs of extreme stress on Ayato's body, especially in areas of the brain associated with emotion and fear. This suggests that he experienced tremendous psychological trauma before his death."

Rozman nodded, "This is in line with our theory. The perpetrator uses psychological tactics to destroy his victims."

Bayu added, "We have to find out who has the ability and knowledge to do this. Someone who has a background in psychology or related sciences."

After several days of in-depth analysis, Detective Rozman and Bayu finally got a complete background on Ayato. They found that the police had handled the case of the tragic death of Ayato's parents who were shot dead by robbers four years ago. The perpetrator, a man named Zamran, had been arrested and imprisoned since then.

At the police station, Rozman and Bayu sat in the conference room with a number of files scattered on the table. The hum of computers and the quiet conversations of other officers around them created a busy but focused atmosphere.

"Okay, so now we know Ayato's background," Rozman said, flipping through several pages of the report. "His parents were shot dead by Zamran, and that case was handled by our team as well. But what happened to Ayato after that?"

Bayu looked at the files in front of him seriously. "According to reports, Ayato ran away from home after the incident. He lives as a homeless person, and seems to have experienced deep trauma as a result of this incident."

Rozman nodded. "We have to dig deeper into Ayato's life after that event. Maybe there is something we missed, or someone who had a big influence on it."

The two of them spent a few more hours going through the reports, looking for any clues they might have missed. Eventually, they found the names of several neighbors who had lived near Ayato's family.

"Here it is," said Rozman, showing a document. "Some of the neighbors may still remember the incident and can give us more information about Ayato. We need to talk to them."

Bayu nodded in agreement. "Okay, let's arrange a meeting with them as soon as possible."

The next day, Rozman and Bayu were in a small house on the outskirts of town. They knocked on the door, and a middle-aged woman named Mrs. Hana opened the door with a face full of curiosity.

"Good morning, Mrs. Hana. We are from the police, I am Detective Rozman and this is my partner, Bayu," Rozman said while showing his badge. "We would like to talk to you about Ayato, a child who used to live in this neighborhood."

Hana's mother looked surprised. "Oh, Ayato... sure, come in. I will make tea for you guys."

They sat in a simple but neat living room. Hana's mother brought a tray containing tea cups and placed them on the table.

"What do you guys want to know about Ayato?" Mrs. Hana asked after they all sat down.

Rozman began gently. "We know that his parents were killed in a robbery a few years ago. We would like to know more about what Ayato was like after that. Is there anything you remember that could help us?"

Hana's mother stared at her teacup for a moment, then said, "Ayato was a good boy, but after that incident, he changed. He became very quiet and often disappeared. We, the neighbors, tried to help, but he always stayed away. I remember one time he said he heard strange noises."

Bayu added, "Is there anyone who might approach Ayato after that incident? Someone who looks suspicious or might be trying to manipulate him?"

Hana's mother shook her head. "There's nothing suspicious. But there was a man who was often seen around the park where Ayato usually played. I never saw him talk to Ayato, but he was always there, watching."

Rozman asked, "Can you give a description of the man?"

"He was around 40, with dark hair and a thin mustache. He always wore a black leather jacket and seemed very quiet," replied Mrs. Hana.

Bayu recorded all this information. "Thank you very much, Mrs. Hana. This information is invaluable to our investigation."

After leaving Ibu Hana's house, Rozman and Bayu discussed in the car. "We need to find out who that man is. Maybe he has a connection with the perpetrator we are looking for," said Rozman.

Bayu nodded. "I agree. We also need to look back at the robbery records. Maybe there's something we missed about Zamran or his motive."


In the office, they collect all the information they have obtained and begin to develop their next strategy. They realized that this case was not just about finding the physical perpetrator, but also uncovering a deeper web of psychological manipulation.

Rozman sat in the investigation room filled with whiteboards and photos of various cases. He looked at Bayu seriously, holding a pen in his right hand and a map in his left. "First of all, we have to know who the man is. Finding the man will take a long time, so we have to set a trap," he said in a calm but firm voice.

Bayu nodded in agreement, looking at Rozman intently. "Right, we need a smart strategy. If Ayato is dead, the perpetrator might be careful not to raise suspicion. We need to set up a surveillance area around the crime scene to see if the man will appear again."

Rozman thought for a moment, then quickly concluded. "We will guard the area secretly. Our team will go undercover and watch for any suspicious movements. We can also use technology to monitor the area in real-time."

Bayu added, "We can install hidden cameras around the scene. That way, we can monitor the area without being seen. And if that guy shows up, we can catch him immediately."

Rozman nodded. "Okay, let's put this plan in detail. We need a trained team for this operation."


A few days later, the police team was ready. They had installed hidden cameras around the area of ​​the incident and placed several team members disguised as local residents. Rozman and Bayu were in the control center, monitoring all activities in the area through a monitor screen.

"All units, remain alert. This man may be dangerous," Rozman said over the radio.

Bayu, who was sitting next to him, added, "Remember, we have to catch him alive. He might have important information about this case."

That night, the atmosphere around the scene was very calm. However, the calm was broken when the camera captured an image of a man with a description that matched that given by Mrs. Hana. The man walked slowly, his eyes constantly scanning the surroundings.

"Target sighted. All units, stand by," Rozman said in a firm voice.

The man approached the scene, appearing agitated and alert. When he got close enough, the police team moved quickly, surrounding him from all directions.

"Do not move! You are surrounded!" shouted one of the team members.

The man tried to fight back, pulling a gun from his jacket pocket. However, before he could do anything further, Rozman and Bayu were already in front, ready to catch him.

"Drop your weapons! You have nowhere to escape!" shouted Bayu.

The man opened fire, but police quickly controlled the situation. In an instant, the man was arrested and his weapon was confiscated. He was handcuffed and taken to a police car.

At the police station, the man sat in the interrogation room, looking angry and agitated. Rozman and Bayu entered the room with determined faces.

"Who are you and what is your purpose at the scene?" asked Rozman in a cold voice.

The man remained silent, staring at Rozman with hatred. "You will get nothing from me," he said in a challenging tone.

Rozman took a deep breath, trying to calm the growing tension in the interrogation room. The man in front of him remained silent, showing no intention of speaking. However, Rozman had another trick in his arsenal: cold reading. He studied the man closely, looking for clues in his body language and facial expressions.

After a few seconds of silence, Rozman began. "You think you can get away with this forever, huh?" He paused, watching the small reaction on the man's face. "I know you're not the main culprit. You're just a pawn in a bigger game."

The man remained silent, but Rozman saw a slight tension in his jaw. He continued, "You don't do it because you want to, but because you feel like you have no choice. Someone has manipulated and controlled you. They make you believe that this is the only way."

The man's eyes blinked rapidly, a small sign that Rozman's words had touched a nerve. Rozman continued in a softer tone, trying to understand the man's feelings. "That guy, he used your weakness, your fear. Maybe he promised you something you need, something you want. Security? Money? Or maybe something more personal?"

The man bit his lip, but remained silent. Rozman felt he was getting closer to the heart of the problem. "I know you feel trapped, but you don't have to stay silent. Letting us know who's in control could be your first step to freedom. That person doesn't care about you. He is just using you."

Rozman stopped for a moment, looking at the man's eyes which now looked more anxious. "I can see your fear, but I also see regret there. You don't want to be in this situation, do you? You were forced, threatened, or maybe even brainwashed."

The man took a deep breath, his eyes now fixed on Rozman more intensely. Rozman could feel the man beginning to doubt his decision to remain silent. "You are not a real criminal. You are just a pawn caught in a bigger game. But we can help. We can protect you and give you a chance to make things right."

The man took a deep breath, but still said nothing. Rozman knew he had reached a turning point, but needed one last push. "Listen, whoever is behind this, he is not worth ruining your life for. Tell us who he is, and you can start a new life."

Finally, the man looked at Rozman with eyes full of doubt. He was still silent, but Rozman could feel that he was struggling within himself. The man may not have provided any direct information, but Rozman had managed to make him think and doubt his blind loyalty to the real culprit.

Rozman stood up and walked out of the room, leaving the man to think about his words. Bayu approached Rozman outside. "How is it?"

"We're almost there," Rozman said firmly. "Let's give him time to think. He'll realize that protecting the main culprit will only destroy him further."

Bayu nodded. "What are we doing now?"

"We will continue our investigation from the other side," Rozman replied. "We have to make sure that when he is ready to talk, we have all the evidence we need to bring down the real perpetrator."

Rozman sat alone in a quiet hallway, focused completely on the unsolved mystery. The man he interrogated earlier still haunted his mind. He knows there is more to uncover, deeper than meets the eye.

In the silence of the hallway, Rozman replayed their conversation. He pondered every expression, every word the man had uttered. "He won't tell us directly," Rozman muttered to himself. "But he feels trapped, trapped in a situation he doesn't want to be in."

A footstep interrupted Rozman's thoughts. Bayu stood in front of him, carrying a cup of coffee. "Detective, you need to rest for a while. You've been here since morning."

Rozman stared at Bayu for a moment before taking the coffee cup. "Thank you, Bayu. But I can't stop now. There's something here, Bayu, something we missed."

Bayu nodded in understanding. "We need to look deeper. Maybe we need to re-examine all the evidence we have, or look for new witnesses."

Rozman sipped the coffee slowly, feeling the warmth of the liquid spreading down his throat. "The man won't just say it all. But he's there, Bayu, between the lines that aren't yet visible."

"Maybe we need to think from a different perspective," suggested Bayu. "There's something we could be missing."

Rozman nodded, considering Bayu's suggestion. "We need something that can force the real perpetrators to come out of hiding."

"Maybe there are witnesses we haven't met, or evidence that hasn't been examined thoroughly," Bayu continued.

Rozman took a deep breath. "We have to find the answer immediately. We can't let this case drag on."

Bayu nodded in agreement. "Let's start by looking back at our steps so far. Maybe there's a clue we missed."

Rozman rose from his chair, leaving his half-empty coffee cup on the table. "Let's start from there. We can't miss anything."

The two of them walked towards the investigation room, filled with new determination to solve the increasingly complicated case.

It was a cold night, with a strong wind blowing on the top of the building. Adam stood on the edge of the building, looking down at the glittering city below. In his hand, he held a chess piece, twirling the small object in his fingers. A sly smile was etched on his face, and his eyes glinted with a veiled evil.

"Haha, I'm playing chess with all of you," he muttered, chuckling softly. His voice echoed in the silence of the night. "This scenario is very well arranged, like chess pieces on a board, all in the places I have determined."

Adam looked up at the night sky and laughed softly again. "I played four-dimensional chess with all of you. Setting every trap, anticipating every possibility. You didn't even realize that I had carefully planned every move. I predicted your every move, every move of the humans in this city, and even this entire city. "

Adam visualizes the entire city of Malacca like a chess board, with himself as the player, and the people in the city as pawns.

His hatred began to flow out, as his thoughts grew darker. "Humans... weak and stupid creatures. You think you have control over your lives, but in truth, you are just pawns in my hands. I hate seeing you walk confidently, not knowing that your every step is predetermined by me."

Adam stopped for a moment, feeling the cold night breeze. "Playing you guys gives me satisfaction. Seeing you struggle and despair, without knowing who is pulling the strings behind the scenes. This is the most fun game, and I am the unbeatable chess master."

He gripped the pawn tighter, as if he felt the power he had in his game. "And you... all of you are just pawns that I will sacrifice whenever I want. This is a game of life and death, and I always win."

With one swift movement, Adam threw the chess piece into the air, letting it fall down silently. He watched him fall, feeling the power and control he had. "Goodbye, little pawns. You will all follow soon."

With a sly smile still plastered on his face, Adam turned and walked away from the edge of the building. The game had just begun, and he couldn't wait to see how all his pieces would move according to his plan