Chapter 25: OUR FIGHT PART 1

A few minutes ago…

Albert had gone to look for a way to quell his explosive anger. He came across a few of his men running away from someone. Intrigued, he went towards what they were running away from. Before him, the Njamba stood and all around them, his men were on the ground dead. He smirked. Finally, someone he can rant on. Without warning, he attacked one of them then pulled back. The Njamba all looked at him. Everything stood still. No one moved or breathed as both sides measured each other.

Chege looked at the man who had just arrived. His gut instincts told him to back off and run. The man oozed danger. However, he did the opposite. Rallying the rest, he went on the offensive. Albert let out a maniacal laugh. This was what he wanted, someone he could let out his anger on. From the moment they had invaded, they had faced more resistance than they had expected. This had made him rather irritated but he had had enough of the village. It was time to get what he came for and go back to his castle. For all he was worth, there was one thing Albert hated, dragging things for too long. To him this was too long. At first, he was put on the defensive. The Njamba seemed to overwhelm him when, suddenly he switched into offense. They found themselves scrambling to defend but it was too late. Albert killed them.

The remaining soldiers stood in awe. They had never seen Albert in action, this was the first time. "What are you standing around for"? Albert asked authoritatively. The soldiers flinched visibly. "Gather up as many villagers as you can and lead them to the hovercrafts we left at the entrance. Have the huge water trucks come in", he ordered them. The soldiers scrambled away, executing his orders. Albert stood there for a moment, he looked at blood trickling down his left arm. He was injured. He was upset. No one had been able to injure him in a long time. He had forgotten what it felt like to be of flesh and blood. To be human, till now. Sighing, he went to look for Alvin and the rest.

When he finally caught up with them, his eyes widened. There was a boy fighting the soldier and dodging Alex's gunshots. " Damn you, hold still"! Alex shouted in anger and desperation. Albert was impressed. The boy was good. But, he didn't have time for this. " Why don't you fight me instead"! He shouted bringing all their attention to him. Alex stopped firing and the soldier collapsed, bleeding profusely and nursing broken bones. Kim turned to him silently. Suddenly, Kim jumped and was on him, welcoming him with a double flying kick.

Albert felt raw unrefined power behind that kick. 'Not bad' he thought. Kim landed a few feet away and was about to attack him again when he lifted his hand and said "Wait, I want to do this properly." He dropped his weapons and stepped over them. "Alvin get the water, the trucks are rolling in. Alex make sure those trucks are full," he said quietly his eyes never leaving Kim. " Now then," he was closer to Kim," I think this is better since we have no weapons," he concluded eyeing the boy intensely. It was going to be hand to hand combat.

Once again both sides stood facing each other. It almost seemed like an old western style cowboy standoff complete with silence and unbridled tension. Who would draw first? Seconds felt like hours until, Kim went in. He pulled a right punch and hit Albert in the arm. He had seen it coming and blocked it. Unfazed, Kim turned midair and hit him with his heel. It landed on Albert's neck. He had made contact. Reeling from the kick, Albert staggered a bit then punched the boy's gut, almost bending him. Taking advantage of this, Albert punched Kim's temple area sending him to the ground.

He then kicked him on his side, hard, sending him flying. However, Kim recovered quickly and did a backflip then lunged at Albert.

Albert braced himself for any move the kid might throw at him. Seeing this, Kim stopped and stood still for a second then jumped up again. This momentum confused Albert for a second and that was what Kim took advantage of. He landed a hard kick on the man's gut area forcing him to bend over then delivered a beautiful uppercut that made Albert see stars for a few seconds. However, this was what Albert wanted. He grabbed the poor boy's arm then hurled him into a building. This stunned Kim. He tried to get up only for Albert to appear suddenly and throw him again this time through a house and into the street.

Kim tried to get up but couldn't . Albert was standing on his right leg. He pressed down and broke it. The boy screamed in pain. Albert grunted and walked back to his weapons. This fight was over. Kim whimpered and tried to stand with his good leg. At the corner of his mind, a soft metallic voice spoke clearly and plainly," Initializing... initializing...," it kept on repeating. That's when every muscle in his entire body shut down. Kim was horrified. His whole body refused to listen to his commands. This was bad, very bad.