Chapter 12: Epic Battle

"First Claw, your crime against the will of the Ancestors is atrocious. Your soul must be utterly erased from this world!"

Shun screamed with madness, her voice intertwined with thousands of others, giving an impression of complete insanity. Feng Yan's body was engulfed in a sinister black and white aura. The force of the aura dimmed the combat hall's light, making the golden and orange tower colors disappear. Feng Yan stood in the midst of this enormous ominous flame. Suddenly, the massive aura contracted, wrapping around Feng Yan's body, forming a white shield. His hair turned white, and his eyes became black with white irises. A sword formed from the white aura, enveloped in blazing black flames.

The five siblings watched Feng Yan transform into a terrifying embodiment of Shun before their eyes, with a shining white shield of noble aura and at the same time, a blazing black ominous aura! They looked in astonishment at the bizarre contradiction before them. Second Claw exclaimed in shock:

"Now there is no doubt that the will of the Ancestors has been tainted by the curse of corruption!"

"This is scary. Do we really have to fight this thing? Can't we just run away?" (Tenth Claw)

"Tenth Claw, it's too late to run anywhere. There's no way to avoid this battle!" (Third Claw)

"No time for nonsense, let's smash this lunatic's head. I want to go back to sleep!" (Fourth Claw)

"As you see, the enemy before us is very powerful. I believe it's the greatest we will face in our lifetime. Therefore, it's time to reveal our true nature as Eternal Heirs. It's time to show our real strength. It's time to awaken!"

With First Claw's shout, smiles of elation appeared on the faces of the other four. Simultaneously, their bodies began to glow with a green light. The bodies of the five puppets exploded, scattering parts everywhere. Only five blood bubbles floated, and visibly, bones, flesh, and internal organs began to form. In two minutes, the five bubbles transformed into five people. They opened their eyes and emerged from the bubbles, naked. Immediately, a unique aura surrounded each of them, forming clothes that covered their bare bodies. Third Claw laughed:

"I can't believe it. So, this is what it feels like to have a living body. How amazing!"

"I didn't know breathing could be this refreshing!" (Fourth Claw)

"The sensation of touch is very strange and also frightening!" (Tenth Claw)

"I feel my body is more resilient, but slightly weaker." (Second Claw)

"Second and Fourth Claw, what happened to you? Why are you girls???" (Third Claw)

Third Claw shouted in surprise when he noticed the bodies of Second and Fourth Claw. He realized they were girls, not boys. For a moment, he doubted himself and checked his own body spiritually to see if his male attributes were intact. He sighed with relief when he found everything in place. Both Second and Fourth Claw were annoyed by the strange looks from First Claw. Second Claw responded:

"I can't blame you. Even I sometimes forget that I am actually a girl because we were always in a spiritual state, almost all the time. So, I don't even know the difference between boys and girls!

And it's not just Fourth and me who are girls. Look to your side, Tenth is also a girl, and so is Fifth!" (Second Claw)

"Tenth, you're also a girl! I always thought you were a boy???" (Third Claw)

"And I am equally surprised by you are human. I always thought you were a bull!" (Tenth Claw)

Both Second and Fourth Claw burst out laughing at Tenth Claw's sharp retort. They had forgotten that this timid girl had a very sharp tongue. Third Claw's face turned red with embarrassment, realizing he had insulted Tenth Claw with his previous comment, which led to this biting reply. First Claw smiled at these amusing interactions but then looked seriously at the enemy before them and said in a serious voice:

"Thank you, Shun, for not attacking us during our transformation. As expected of an Eternal Noble Heir and Guardian of the Ancestors' Will."

"Where's the honor in attacking unprepared people? That's the act of a despicable person only." (Shun)

"Then let's begin the fight!" (First Claw)

First Claw, with a muscular yet agile body, advanced, contrasting with Third Claw's large and muscular physique. He stood in front of Shun, who was ready to attack with all her strength. At that moment, the humorous atmosphere disappeared, replaced by the tense air of a deadly fight that could explode at any moment.

Power of the Ancestors: Sword Technique: Noble Sword! (Shun)

"Third and Fourth Claw, advance!" (First Claw)

"Understood." (Third and Fourth Claw)

Immortal Hell Power: Awakening Technique: Blood Explosion!

Shock Body Power: Defense Technique: Rubber Body!

Shun unleashed her full strength, igniting her sword. She prepared to launch a side slash that would cut through all five floors at once. Following First Claw's orders, both Third and Fourth Claw advanced to defend. Third Claw's muscles swelled, turning pink, with veins prominently visible, and his heart glowed red from his chest. Fourth Claw, meanwhile, formed a strange aura around her body for defense.


An explosion occurred when Shun slashed with her sword, releasing a white and black fiery arc made of aura. The arc grew larger over time, heading towards Third and Fourth Claw. At the moment of collision, Third Claw's body exploded into thousands of pieces, and blood sprayed everywhere. However, Fourth Claw managed to deflect the terrifying arc.

"I killed one so easily! How wonderful." (Shun)

"Second, Third, and Fourth Claw, attack!" (First Claw)

"Understood." (Third and Fourth Claw)

Immortal Hell Power: Fist Technique: Hell Explosion!

Shock Body Power: Palm Technique: Destructive Shock!

Shun retreated at the sound of Third Claw's voice, whose body parts flew through the air. But suddenly, before Shun's eyes, the blood droplets reassembled into his body again, surrounded by a fierce red aura. All this fierce aura gathered into his fist, producing a high light and heat. With a wild smile, Third Claw descended like a meteor towards Shun. Meanwhile, on the other side, destructive power gathered in Fourth Claw's delicate palm, and she launched herself at Shun like a cannonball. In the moment Shun decided how to defend, she heard Second Claw's voice:

Chess Master Power: Control Technique: Chess Space!

Second Claw moved her delicate, beautiful hands, and in the blink of an eye, both Third and Fourth Claw disappeared. Suddenly, Third Claw appeared right in front of Shun, only a step away, and Fourth Claw appeared behind her, also just a step away! There was no time for Shun to use any combat technique at all!


"This must have defeated her, right?" (Tenth Claw)

"Don't be hasty, Tenth Claw. It won't be that easy, of course!" (Second Claw)

Neither First, Second, nor Tenth Claw could see anything due to the dust cloud. They didn't have to wait long before hearing Shun's angry scream. Before her scream ended, they heard another explosion that dispersed the dust cloud and sent Third and Fourth Claw flying like projectiles. Quickly, Second Claw moved and, with her special control technique, managed to save the two from crashing into the wall!

"Thank you, Second Claw." (Third Claw)

"Brother First, that crazy girl Shun, obviously won't give up easily!" (Fourth Claw)

"Let me help you!" (Tenth Claw)

Supreme Life Power: Healing Technique: Super Regeneration!

Tenth Claw extended her small palms, and the injuries of Fourth Claw began to heal very quickly. In just two seconds, the wounds were completely healed. Despite knowing the astonishing abilities of Tenth Claw, Second Claw couldn't help but marvel at her incredible power.

"It seems you don't intend to back down at all, First Claw. So from now on, I will show you my full power!!!" (Shun)

Power of the Ancestors: Transformation Technique: Sky Noble!

With these words, Shun released a new wave of power in the form of a giant column that pierced the ceiling, turning it to ashes. It also destroyed everything in its path. Then, a shadow of wings appeared from within the blazing column. After the column disappeared, Shun emerged, floating in the air with black wings. Her armor had turned black, and her sword was now white and nearly twenty feet long.

"Now I won't retreat even a little!" (Shun)

"My God, this is very scary!!!" (Tenth Claw)

"Second, Third, Fourth, and Tenth Claw, attack in a formation of two assault and two support!"

"Understood." (Second, Third, Fourth, and Tenth Claw)

All four advanced forward. Despite Tenth Claw's fear, she gathered her courage to fight. There was no time for unnecessary words. Third and Fourth Claw launched an attack on Shun, who smiled excitedly when she saw them. She swung her very long sword to kill both Third and Fourth Claw. And thus, a new round of battle began between Shun and the four siblings.

Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!!

The battle was intense and incredibly fast. Third Claw was immortal; no matter how many times his body was destroyed and turned into a bloody mist, he would regenerate, each time stronger than before. He attacked without any fear, charging relentlessly at Shun. On the other hand, Fourth Claw possessed a strange power, able to transfer damage to the surrounding earth and wind, and even absorb the energy of attacks and redirect it. However, Shun also had to contend with the second and tenth claws, who were incredibly annoying with their different abilities.

Due to the massive collision and immense speed, Shun, Third Claw, and Fourth Claw fought on the walls of the upper floors. Occasionally, puppets would appear, but they were destroyed before they could do anything due to the overwhelming power of the three fighters. Although Shun was superior in combat and able to suppress the four, she was not at all happy. She faced two significant problems.

First, the abilities of her four opponents were formidable. Third Claw had the power of Immortal Hell, granting him an unlimited regeneration ability and a strength increase after each injury. Although this power had limits and weaknesses, it required a lot of energy, making it a terrifying ability. Additionally, Fourth Claw had a shock body power, allowing her to transfer damage to connected entities and absorb shocks, making her nearly invincible. However, this power also had limits in terms of the number and quantity of shocks she could handle. On top of that, Shun had to deal with Second and Tenth Claw, who provided perfect support, controlling movements through Second Claw or restoring stamina through Tenth Claw. Although each of the four had weaknesses, their cooperation covered each other's flaws perfectly. However, this wasn't what frightened Shun the most. There was another, more significant issue.

The second problem was First Claw, whom she had almost forgotten about. Throughout the fight, he didn't participate at all, staying in the background. He didn't even protect the two support claws, Second and Tenth. Instead, he stood twenty steps behind them, roughly fifty steps away from Shun. For some mysterious reason, he maintained this distance all the time, exerting a strange pressure on Shun. She couldn't tell what he was preparing, but she was certain it was something bad for her. With time, Shun's tension increased.

A minute passed, then another, and another!

"That's enough! How long are you going to stand there, First Claw? If you won't move, then I will!"

Ancestor Power: Explosion Technique: Noble Explosion!

"Watch out!" (Second Claw)


A huge explosion filled the seventh floor they were on. Quickly, Second Claw moved her siblings to a safe place from the massive explosion. They were unharmed, but this was exactly what Shun wanted: to separate them from First Claw. She then focused her eyes on First Claw, who stood fifty steps away, his eyes closed as if in meditation. Shun knew well that he was preparing something and screamed in her heart: If she didn't stop him now, she would undoubtedly be defeated by the mysterious thing he was preparing!

Ancestor Power: Sword Technique: Evil Execution!

"First Brother, watch out!" (Tenth Claw)

"It's unfortunate that I couldn't complete it. I only reached seventy percent. What a pity, Shun, you couldn't wait a little longer!" (First Claw)

First Claw spoke calmly without a hint of fear from Shun's devastating sword attack aimed to annihilate him. He opened his eyes, releasing a spark of tremendous power. An aura ignited within him, and he said calmly but firmly:

World Destruction Power: Sword Technique: Seventy Swords in One!

"This is impossible! World Destruction Power? You are an Eternal Destruction Heir!"