Chapter 11: The Curse of Corruption

After Claw One's declaration and the other dolls' responses, the hall fell into an eerie silence. The quiet was so profound that the sound of a pin dropping would have echoed throughout the chamber. After a while, Claw Four yawned and started moving forward, speaking in a sleepy voice:

"Brother Claw One, since Claw Six went first, then Claw Five, it should now be my turn, Claw Four, to step up!" (Claw Four)

"Are you willing to fight her alone?" (Claw One)

"Brother, you know I prefer sleeping over fighting, so I'm asking for help from Claws Seven, Eight, and Nine." (Claw Four)

"Very well, Claw Four. Claws Seven, Eight, and Nine, you will assist Claw Four in defeating Big Sister as quickly as possible. Is that understood???" (Claw One)

"How wonderful! Finally, a chance to get some fresh meat and blood! I've been waiting for this moment!" (Claw Seven)

"What? What did Brother One say earlier? Did he say anything at all?" (Claw Eight)

"Idiot, we've been ordered by Brother One to assist Brother Four in defeating Big Sister!" (Claw Nine)

"Thank goodness I wasn't chosen by Brother Four to fight Big Sister. She's terrifying!" (Claw Ten)

The three dolls, Claws Seven, Eight, and Nine, moved forward under the lead of Claw Four. Feng Yan looked around and saw Claw Four standing ten steps in front of her, with the other three surrounding her from behind, right, and left, each twenty steps away. Feng Yan couldn't understand this strange formation and wondered if they were using Claw Four as bait. But before she could think further, she heard Claw Four's voice:

"Get ready, here I come!"

Claw Four charged at Feng Yan with all his might. Feng Yan focused all her attention on him. At that moment, Claw Seven moved cunningly from her left side, targeting her left flank. Claw Four reached her first, launching a barrage of swift attacks, forcing Feng Yan to channel a large amount of spiritual energy to fortify her body to evade Claw Four's onslaught.

Move! Move! Move!

Both Claw Four and Feng Yan moved at incredible speeds, creating multiple afterimages on the battlefield. The onlookers were awestruck by this breath-taking clash. Amid this storm, Claw Seven appeared on Feng Yan's left with the intent to strike, but Feng Yan detected his approach easily. With a mocking smile, she attacked Claw Seven, but Claw Four intervened, defending Claw Seven.


Feng Yan's devastating palm clashed with Claw Four's flying kick. Feng Yan wasn't surprised by this turn of events and tried to attack Claw Four with a side kick. Her leg shot out like a whip, aiming for Claw Four's waist. Everyone feared for Claw Four, but at that moment, Claw Eight intercepted with his claws.


Feng Yan couldn't believe the coordination among the three dolls. Before she could comprehend how they managed such synchronization, she felt a cold breeze on her left leg and quickly shouted:

"Movement Technique: Fluttering Butterfly!"

Feng Yan moved with immense speed, causing the three dolls close to her to be repelled by the force of her movement. She narrowly dodged Claw Nine's attack. Out of intense anger, she decided that Claw Nine would be her first target in this battle. She launched a powerful attack on Claw Nine, putting him in a perilous position, helpless against her. But in that critical moment, Claw Four intervened again, saying:

"No one will be destroyed while I'm here!"

"Thank you, brother!" (Claw Nine)

"Claw Four, is this your strategy? Engaging me in a prolonged fight to give your brothers chances to attack? Isn't that a dirty tactic, Claw Four?"

"I don't care as long as I can defeat you and get back to sleep. Any method is good in my eyes."

Claw Four unleashed another barrage of attacks on Feng Yan without any mercy, putting her in a very dangerous situation. The ambushes from the other three dolls increased, causing Feng Yan to sustain more injuries.

Blood began to drip. Feng Yan's body was covered with numerous wounds from the five claws etched into her skin. From the many injuries, Feng Yan bled profusely, to the point where she started hearing and seeing strange things. Despite everything, she didn't stop fighting due to the relentless pressure from Claw Four and his brothers.

Gradually, Feng Yan began to lose her senses and was pulled into her inner world...

In Feng Yan's inner world, her spiritual core spun fiercely to keep up with the demands of the fierce battle she was fighting with the four dolls. Feng Yan was aware of this, but what she didn't know was how she could continue fighting while losing consciousness simultaneously. She thought about it, but after a few minutes, she even lost the ability to think and sank into her inner world.


"This is bad, Shun, Feng Yan is starting to lose herself. This is very dangerous! Shun! I know well that you are the one behind pushing Feng Yan to this limit! So, stop what you are doing right now!!!" (Claw One)

"Rules are rules. To produce boundless talent, we must do what is required, even if it means waiting a billion years!" (Shun)

"Shun, this is madness! You're putting immense pressure on Feng Yan! No matter how extraordinary her character is, she's still a fourteen-year-old girl, and you're demanding too much from her. What she has achieved in such a short time already proves her unparalleled talent and indomitable will! So please, stop, I beg you, Shun!"

Claw One shouted angrily at Shun through telepathy. From what he saw, Feng Yan had literally lost consciousness and was fighting unconsciously under extreme pressure. He knew that pushing Feng Yan any further would break her. No matter how exceptional she was, she had her limits, and Shun's demands were utterly unrealistic. Claw One made up his mind and decided not to participate in this farce any longer, giving an order to Claw Four:

"Claw Four, retreat immediately!!!" (Claw One)

"I won't allow it!!!" (Shun)

Shun's voice roared from Feng Yan's mouth. Claw Four immediately retreated upon hearing Claw One's command, but unfortunately, Claws Seven, Eight, and Nine weren't as quick. They were caught by Shun's ominous aura. A black aura burst from Feng Yan's body, which Shun was controlling. With a simple wave of her hand, she launched an attack on the three dolls at once!

"Watch out!!!" (Claw One)

Unfortunately, Claw One's warning came too late. The three dolls were thrown like cannonballs against the wall, resulting in a massive explosion from their impact. The force of their collision made it clear to Claw One and his brothers that the three dolls were finished.

"Damn it, what just happened?!!" (Claw Four)

"Brothers, this isn't the time for questions, it's time for action. What are your orders, Brother One?" (Claw Two)

"For once, I actually agree with you, you coward!" (Claw Three)

"The only bad thing is that we have no information at all about the enemy before us to build any plan to defeat it?" (Claw Two)

"Plan? We have the best plan ever! A plan that always works in the hands of real men! The plan is: No plan!!!" (Claw Three)

"Now I realize we are truly doomed!" (Claw Two)

Claw Two hit his forehead in frustration, while Claw Three laughed heartily at his own foolproof plan. Claw One saw that even in these dire times, his brothers still found time for argument and laughter. He approached them with a happy smile on his face and spoke in a gentle voice:

"Brothers, you may not understand what we're facing; it is the will of the Ancestors. Brothers, I have made my decision: I will break the Eternal Tower's law. So if you don't want to stand by me, as your eldest brother, I won't blame you at all!"

Claw One stepped forward to face the monster that had taken over Feng Yan's body. Before he moved too far, he glanced back at Claws Two and Three, exchanging meaningful looks. Claw Four sighed and smiled crazily before they all spoke in unison:

"Brother One, we are with you!"

"I will join you too!!!"

Claw Ten emerged from nowhere and stood beside them. Everyone looked in surprise at their youngest brother, who was known for his cowardice, now joining such a deadly battle. They wondered if the sun had risen in the west or if some ghost possessed him. Claw Ten understood their thoughts from the looks in their eyes and defended himself:

"Brother One, I am a coward. I fear death, I fear you, and I fear everything. But the thing I fear most is losing all of you. If I lose you, who will stand by me in this harsh world? So I have decided to follow you anywhere, even to the place I fear the most, which is death! Therefore, I will accompany you to the end!"

The four brothers were silent for a moment after Claw Ten's heartfelt speech, then burst into laughter. Claw Ten was surprised by their reaction, and Claw One, trying to stop laughing, responded:

"Claw Ten, I always thought you were a useless coward, but today you have shown that you are not that at all! Today, I proudly say: You are my brother, the most cowardly Claw Ten I know, who has surpassed the bravest with his cowardice alone! Be proud of yourself, brother, you are a real man."

Hearing these words, Claw Ten felt tears welling up in his eyes, even though he was a doll without tears. He felt a profound relief, finally gaining his brother's recognition, something he thought was impossible. Amid this family and emotional atmosphere, Shun's voice broke through:

"Claw One, you have chosen the wrong path by attempting to stand against the will of the Ancestors! And now you must pay the price!"

Shun screamed from Feng Yan's body, which was engulfed in a black aura. The five dolls noticed that there were multiple chaotic voices overlapping with Shun's.

"As the Master said, the will of the Ancestors has been corrupted by the curse! The Eternal Tower was built to produce boundless talent ideally, to the extent that you began to seek boundless talent instead of producing it, as was the Tower's original goal!" (Claw One)

"Claw One, the will of the Ancestors is indisputable. By defying the will of the Ancestors, you deserve death!" (Shun)

Shun screamed wildly, releasing a powerful aura intending to intimidate the five dolls. But the result was entirely opposite. The five stepped forward with a unified heart, and Claw One said:

"Today, brothers, we will break the will of the Ancestors and cleanse the Eternal Tower of corruption!

We will face Eternity!!!"