chapter 21: Raw desire

The morning birds chirped as the golden rays of sunlight slipped into the room through the partly opened curtains.

Adria stirred in her sleep as she turned slightly, the rays casting a warm glow on her porcelain skin. Her eyes fluttered open as she slowly took in her environment. Sitting up on the bed she noticed that she wasn't in her dress from the previous night.

Rubbing the remaining sleep from her eyes, she took in the appearance of the room. Memories of last night came back to her as her eyes darted across the room, searching for a particular figure.

Feeling the empty space beside her, it was cold meaning he was already up. She stood up, walking towards a door she guessed was the bathroom, hoping he was in there. She knocked gently but then went in upon hearing no response.

The bathroom was still steamy from the recent shower. Adria concluded that he had used the bathroom not long ago. Standing in front of the sink as her hands moved, consciously washing her face, she took in her appearance.

She had that morning bed hair, running her hand through as she ruffled it, her gaze lowered to what she was wearing and she went wide eyed. She was wearing a black shirt which was clearly Andre's.

Her mind raced with thoughts, did he change her? Looking back into the mirror, her face was red, thinking about how he had changed her.

She also noticed that she wasn't wearing any underwear and she blushed furiously.

At least she had a short on, though it wasn't her size.

She took a new white shirt and a short from the closet before getting into the shower. She had also used a spare toothbrush she found in the drawer.

Adria wore the shirt she had picked, it fell to her mid thighs considering how large it was. The short was a problem as it wouldn't fit and kept falling down her waist. Keeping it back in the closet, she exited the room to locate where Andre was.

Her first guess was the kitchen and she was right because of the aroma that hit her on stepping out of the room did something to her stomach. The aroma smelled heavenly as her stomach growled, alerting her that she was a bit hungry.

Following the smell she was able to locate the kitchen. She stood at the entrance, admiring Andre's back profile as his muscles flexed while cutting up vegetable leaves. He was wearing only a grey sweatpant.

"I think I could get used to this." She said, walking fully into the kitchen.

Andre on hearing her voice turned to face her smiling at her words.

"Then I guess you should." He said smirking.

Getting closer to him, she wrapped her arms around his neck as she raised her self on her toes, pecking his cheek.

"Good morning."

"Morning sleeping beauty." He said as he slid his arms around her waist, the vegetable leaves he was cutting long forgotten.

He raked his gaze over her figure as his eyes darkened. She was wearing his white which when up close was see through but he knew she didn't know.

Her naivety only made matters worse as her arms around his neck raised the shirt higher up her thighs, revealing her smooth long legs. His eyes darkened further realizing she wasn't wearing any underwear, her twin peaks pointing at him through her shirt.

Looking back at her face, she licked her lips and he couldn't control himself any longer. With a blazing ferocity, he crashed his lips upon hers, consuming her whole.

He turned off the stovetop, pausing his cooking. With his body guiding her, he pushed her backwards, trapping her between the table and him as he kept on kissing her wildly.

The kiss was unrestrained and filled with passion as Adria tried matching his wildness. Her hand delved into his hair, tugging at them as her other hands raked around his naked chest, tracing his biceps which only turned him on the more.

His hands trailed downwards, gripping her behind as she gasped softly, giving him a chance to slide his tongue into her mouth. Like before they both fought for dominion but Andre won, taking complete control of the kiss.

Adria had never been kissed like this, it was intense and she loved it. Better it was Andre kissing her like this.

Breaking apart for air, he lifted her up as she immediately wrapped her legs around him, forgetting that she wasn't wearing any undies.

They both stared at each other breathing heavily as Andre walked to the couch in the living room. He settled down with Adria still wrapped around him. Trying to adjust comfortably on his lap, she moved around, grinding herself on him unknowingly.

Andre groaned and it sounded so sexy in her ears. She wanted to hear him make that sound again so this time she kept grinding herself on him on purpose.

He did groan more and she was enjoying it. Adria felt wet down there and it ached slightly, for a touch, for his touch. She wasn't completely naive and she knew exactly what she was doing. She wasn't experienced in these things as she hadn't done it before but she knew what often happened.

Andre's control was slipping as he felt like he wanted to ravage her utterly and completely. His hands gripped her thighs, restricting her from moving around. Adria feeling something hard poke her, on looking down, she saw his big bulge and her face immediately turned red as she avoided his eyes.

Andre smirked seeing her reaction, raising his hands, he held her face, turning her chin so she would look directly into his eyes. Her eyes mirrored his, filled with raw desire. Not being able to resist, he claimed her lips again but for a short while.

He took his face to her shoulder blade as he trailed kisses from her shoulder to her ear as her gently bit her earlobe. Adria shuddered at the intense feelings he was making her feel and also how she ached down there.

Still sitting on him she felt his bulge grow bigger as if begging to be released, her mouth slightly opened in shock. Seeing her reaction, he smirked.

"This is all your doing Tesoro. You make me want to release my little monster." He whispered hotly and sexily in her ear and she loved how much it turned her on.

Blushing furiously, she said in a small voice as she shyly pointed to his little monster;

" Your monster is not little and I didn't do anything, you kissed me first."

His bare hands trailing her thighs, going upwards as his palm rested on her waist.

"You sure love blaming someone else. Who was it that came to me wearing my revealing shirt with no single piece of underwear underneath? Who is it that is so tempting that it's hard to resist claiming her everytime I set my eyes on her, hmm?" He questioned, gazing intensely at her, his grey eyes filled with raw passion and desire.

Adria was lost for words as everything he said was true. Leaning on him as her breast pressed on his bare chest, the only piece of material being the thin white shirt she wore.

"Hmm, I admit it's my fault. But it's your fault I feel this way." She whispered seductively into his ear as he gulped nothing. Watching his Adam apple bobble did so many things to her.

"And how do you feel?" He questioned, trailing his hands further up as he traced the curves of her breast from under the shirt.

Her breathe hitched as her mind went momentarily blank. Getting some of her bearings back she replied sensually;

"Like I want more. Like I want you to touch me down there, it aches for you. Like I want you to ravish me utterly and completely."

"Fuck Adria." He groaned as she had suddenly grinded on him.

"If you continue doing that I won't be able to control myself." He gritted out as he was already on the edge of the little control he had.

"Then don't." She said temptingly as she grounded more on him.

"Damnit." He muttered as he quickly lifted his shirt over her head, discarding it. Her twin peaks were staring at him, looking so round. Her nipples were already hard and were calling out to him.

He kissed her as his hand gripped one of them, moulding and massaging. Adria moaned she felt intense pleasure. She kept on grinding oh him.

His left her lips as his mouth trailed kisses downwards. Getting to her chest, he took one of the peaks into his mouth while his hand worked on the second one.

"Mmm.....Ahh.....Andre." she moaned.

Andre moved on to the second one, giving it as much attention as the first. When he was done he trailed kisses back to her face and claimed her mouth.

Adria kissed him back, her hand moving down to free his length from his sweatpants but he caught her hand mid way. Pulling apart, she gazed at him through hooded eyes.

Shaking his head, he muttered 'no'.

She was about to question why when he suddenly flipped her on her back. She was lying on the couch as he hovered over her.

He was gazing at her as he gently slid in one finger into her honeypot. She moaned out, feeling his digit inside. He moved his finger inside her slowly before adding a second one.

Adria couldn't control it as she moaned out his name, closing her eyes but he suddenly stopped moving. Her eyes opened as a protest was about to come out from her mouth but he shut her up, covering her mouth with his.

Pulling away he whispered seductively;

"Eyes on me or I'll stop moving Tesoro."

She nodded at him, her eyes pleading for him to continue but he only tsked.

"Words Amore."

"Yes" she whispered Breathless. That was all he needed as he inserted his two fingers back inside her. He started with moving slowly but Adria wanted more.

Not being able to take it, she lifted her pelvic up as she began thrusting herself against his fingers.

Her eyes was locked onto his as he stared at her with a smile, proud and satisfied that she took over. Overcome with shyness she wanted to look away but his voice held her in place.

"Don't look away." He said in a deep voice that sounded like a command, and if possible it turned her on the more.

She was already reaching her peak as her eyes became unfocused, something intense building up within her. She felt like she was about to burst with ecstasy.

Andre's hands traced the curves of Adria's body with reverence, igniting a trail of fire wherever they roamed. Adria's nails dug into his skin as she arched against him, her breath hitching with every caress.

Adria's breath came in short, desperate gasps as the tension inside her coiled tighter and tighter. She could feel herself on the edge, teetering on the brink of something overwhelming. Andre's fingers moved with purpose, his gaze locked onto hers with an intensity that made her pulse race even faster.

Her nails dug deeper into his shoulders, her back arching off the couch as the pleasure built to an almost unbearable crescendo. Andre's name left her lips in a breathless moan, her voice trembling with need. "Andre... I'm so close..."

"Let go, Tesoro," he murmured against her lips, his voice a husky command that sent shivers down her spine. "Come for me."

With a final, deep thrust of his fingers, Adria's world shattered. Her body tensed, every muscle tightening as wave after wave of pleasure crashed over her. She cried out his name, her voice a mix of relief and ecstasy as she clung to him, her body trembling uncontrollably.

Andre continued to move his fingers inside her, prolonging her release, drawing out every last bit of her orgasm until she was left breathless and spent, her body going limp in his arms. He withdrew his fingers slowly, his touch gentle and soothing as he held her close, allowing her to come down from the heights of her climax. Adria's chest heaved with the effort of catching her breath, her skin flushed and glistening with a fine sheen of sweat. She looked up at Andre through half-lidded eyes, a lazy satisfied smile curving on her lips.

"That was incredible." She whispered softly, her voice still trembling.

Andre smiled down at her, brushing a stray strand of hair from her face as he caressed her face. "You are incredible Tesoro."

"We should go freshen up." Adria suggested.

"Yeah. I do need a cold shower." He replied gesturing to his little monster that was still hard.

Adria saw this and blushed a deep shade of red.

"Do you need help with that?" She asked with the little confident she has left.

His eyes darkened with desire at her words and he leaned in to capture her lips in a slow, sensual kiss.

"As much as I would love that we can't. If we're to continue I know I wouldn't be able to stop until I have ravished you completely and I don't want your first time to be like that."

Adria nodded understandably as he caressed her chin, his thumb brushing over her lips.

"Get dressed, we're eating out." He told her wearing her his white shirt he picked up from where it landed earlier, pecking her lips before leaving for the bathroom.

Hearing the bathroom door close and the water rushing as the shower was opened brought her completely back to reality.

This was real, everything that happened this past hour was really real. Adria knew this was a turning point in their relationship. What happened between them had enhanced their bond for each other and she could feel it.

She went into the room and was about to walk into the closet when her phone rang from inside her purse on the bedside table.

Picking it up, the caller id read Jade. She swiped on the green icon and placed the phone beside her ear.

"Hey Jade."

"Hey Adi, guess what?" She said with enthusiasm.