chapter 22: Reunion

"Hey Jade."

"Hey Adi, guess what?" Jade said with enthusiasm.

"What?" Adria asked, her interest piqued at the enthusiasm jade exuberated.

"Well I said you should guess." Jade replied.

Adria only rolled her eyes at her reply.

"Okay. You finally got a boyfriend?" She asked, teasing her.

"I didn't say a miracle happened." Jade said and Adria knew she was rolling her eyes at this.

"Well spill already, your suspense is killing me." Adria said, wanting to know why she had called.

"Well, my parents aren't getting a divorce." Jade told her happily as she jumped on the spot.

"That's wonderful jade." Adria replied, glad that Jade was happy. She remembered how downcast she was when she had overhead her parents argument.

"There's more. Jason's coming home today. I haven't seen him in two years." She squealed happily over the phone.

Jason was jade's elder brother who was schooling in another city. She hadn't seen him in two years and only spoke to once in a blue moon because he was always busy. He was studying to be a surgeon.

"Oh I'm so happy right now. Wait, switch to video I wanna show you something." She suddenly exclaimed.

Adria could hear shuffling in the background like she was moving some things. Their call was switched to video and Adria could see that jade was in her room, lying on the bed. She walked to the bed too and settled down.

"Soooo.... Tell me." Jade said wiggling her eyebrows.

Adria laughed lightly, "you look funny doing that. And I should tell you what? Thought you wanted to show me something?" She said acting like she didn't know what jade was referring to.

"Nah, just wanted to see your face and know how red it would get. Do I have to spell it out." Jade said sighing dramatically.

"How did the date go? I want details."

"Well it was awesome. He took us to his beautiful place near a beach. Their cuisines were delightful. The restaurant had glass ceilings and I could see the stars. It was like something out of a fairytale." Adria told her reminiscing on the previous night.

"Ugh, I wasn't asking about how the restaurant was built. I'm asking about how the date went." She said stressing on 'the date's.

"It was wonderful. We talked, had fun at the beach and spent the night at this cabin." She summarized.

"Oh dear Adria, do I have to say it bluntly." Jade said dramatically palming her forehead.

"Did you guys make out and did it escalate?" She put it bluntly.

Adria's face turned red as her mind went back to the events of this morning.

"Oh my gosh. It did. So did you guys use protection?" Jade asked flat out.

Adria's mouth fell open, she was speechless as she wasn't expecting that question.

"Don't tell me you guys forgot. Oh my gosh, I'm not ready to be an aunt yet. Wait maybe I am, I would..." She started rambling but was interrupted.

"Jade, Jade. Calm down. We didn't have sex. At least not that type of sex." Adria said the last part more to herself.

"Oh, you could have said that from the beginning. I was already planning baby names." She said faking disappointment.

They door behind Adria opened and revealed Andre coming out of the bathroom with a towel around his neck and another hanging dangerously low on his waist.

Adria visibly gulped as her eyes were drawn to his v line that disappeared behind the towel. Lifting her eyes away from his biceps with difficulty she caught his gaze and his smirk.

She averted her eyes quickly as scenes from this morning kept flashing in her mind.

"I can honestly feel the sexual tension oozing from you both. I better leave you guys to it. Don't do what I wouldn't do." Jade said teasing them as she hung up the phone.

"What was that about?" He questioned as he ran the towel through his hair, drying it. Her eyes were glued to his movements, the way his muscles flexed, the drops of water rolling down the chest and disappearing into the towel.

"Oh. Jason's coming today and her parents aren't getting divorced." She summarized but her focus wasn't on his face.

"It's high time he visited." He said but realized that she was distracted by him.

"Tesoro you might wanna stop looking at me like that if you want us to have breakfast today." He said smirking as he walked into the closet to get dressed.

Adria got off the bed and got into the shower. She spent a while as she needed to regain her composure around Andre, she can't keep getting distracted just by looking at him.

Sure he was devilishly sexy but she wasn't a fucking wolf on heat. She could control herself.

She came out and saw a dress on the bed. She smiled knowing who it was from. It was a peach off shoulder, knee length summer dress. Beside it was a pair of beach sandals.

On getting to the living room she saw Andre engrossed in his phone. He looked up when he heard her footsteps. He had a look of approval as he admired her in the dress he picked for her.

"Shall we?" He said standing up as she got to him. He held out his hand and she took hold of it, smiling up at him.

"We shall."

Adria and Andre walked hand in hand to the beachside restaurant, enjoying the warm sun on their skin and the sound of the waves crashing against the shore. They were shown to a cozy table by the window, and Andre pulled out Adria's chair for her to sit down.

"Thanks, handsome," Adria said with a smile, feeling a little shy but happy with how their date turned out.

"Anytime, beautiful," Andre replied, his eyes crinkling at the corners as he smiled back at her.

As they perused the menu, Adria couldn't help but steal glances at Andre, who was looking devastatingly handsome in his casual beachwear.

After ordering, they chatted and laughed, enjoying each other's company. Adria felt carefree and happy, like she hadn't in a long time. When their food arrived, they dug in, savoring the delicious flavors and textures.

"This is so good!" Adria exclaimed, her eyes widening in delight.

"I know, right?" Andre said, grinning. "This is where I normally come when my restaurant was still in progress."

As they finished their meal and prepared to leave, Adria felt a little sad that their date was coming to an end. But Andre surprised her by suggesting they take a walk along the beach, and she happily agreed.

As they strolled along the shore, holding hands and watching the surfers ride the waves, Adria felt like she was in a dream, with the sun, sea, and sand combining to create a perfect day.

When they returned to the haven, Jade was waiting for them, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Spill the beans, Adria." she demanded, pulling Adria aside.

Adria giggled, feeling a little shy but happy to share her experience with her friend. "It was amazing, Jade. We had so much fun, and Andre is"

Jade squealed, her eyes shining with delight. "I knew it! Now you guys are gonna start oppressing us singles."

Just then, jade's phone rang with an unknown number. Swiping the green icon, Rafael's voice came over the phone, sounding cheerful and upbeat.

"Hello ladies, guess who is looking at the latest limited editions of D'arcy's Couture that is a perfect dress for a gala theme called: A Night Under the Stars?"

Adria and Jade exchanged a thrilled glance, their hearts racing with excitement. "Rafael, you're a genius!" Adria exclaimed.

Before they left yesterday he had requested for their number so he would be able to contact them if he had any update.

"Of course I am darling" Rafael said, his voice dripping with satisfaction. "Would you ladies come yourself or would someone come to get them?"

They looked at each other and came to an agreement after their mind communication.

"Someone would come get the dresses. Thanks Rafael, you are the best." Jade said.

"Ok sure, I'll be waiting." After saying that he cut the call and went back to work.

"Today" Jade exclaimed as Adria agreed with her.

They spent the rest of the afternoon lounging in Jade's room, chatting and laughing, their spirits high.

Just as they were getting ready for dinner, the sound of footsteps echoed outside, followed by the doorbell ringing. Jade's face lit up with joy, and she rushed to open the door.

"Jason! Mom! Dad!" she exclaimed, flinging her arms around her family.

Adria watched, her heart full of warmth, as Jade's family reunited, their faces beaming with happiness. It was a moment of pure joy, one that Adria knew she would never forget.