chapter 26: intense training

"Finally, we never have to step foot in here again." Jade exclaimed, her hands thrown in the air as she did a little celebratory dance.

Adria laughed at Jade's antics, her happiness clearly over exaggerated. They had just stepped out from the examination hall after receiving a speech from the administration, their last exam papers done with.

"Well I understand your happiness that exams has finished but you know you all still have to be coming till graduation day, it is compulsory as it will be part of your grading. Am I understood?"

Adria face contorted into a stern one, trying her best in imitating the facial and voice expression of their headmistress who had dismissed them after their last paper.

"Yes Miss Martinez, clearly understood." Jade replied, her facing forming serious as she tried imitating their class' president voice.

They both burst out laughing at their failed attempt.

"Well we wouldn't be coming anyways. I don't know how Andre did it but he's wonderful." Jade said, her lips spread into a wide smile, her hands clasped at her front as her thoughts were filled with plans that had nothing to do with school.

They walked side by side into the parking lot, eyes searching for jade's car in which they came with but instead spotted Jason leaning on his own car, eyes fixed on them as girls ogled at him.

Jason had a killer smile on, hands tucked in his pockets, legs crossed as he waited for them to get to where he was.

As they approached Jason, who was leaning against his car with a charming smile, some girls also took it as their cue too when they began approaching him, some wearing flirtatious looks.

Jade turned to face them and warningly raised her hand.

"Hey, girls, don't even think about it. My brother is off-limits, and his fiancée is not someone to mess with." She gave them a playful but serious warning look.

Jason chuckled and pushed off from the car, his eyes crinkling at the corners. Opening the car door he gestured for them to get in while he got behind the wheels.

Once in they all burst out into laughter,

"Wow, I didn't know I had a fiance." Jason said.

"Yeah, Jade why don't you introduce us to his fiance." Adria inputted in-between laughs.

After they had calmed down, Jason started the engine and began the drive to their destination.

"You know, we could have driven home ourselves." Jade spoke, her attention moved from her phone while she addressed Jason.

"Whoever said we are heading home." Jason rebutted, his eyes glinting with mischief.

"Wait," Adria said, sitting up, her interest piqued at the topic of not heading home.

"If we aren't heading home, where are you taking us to?"

"Oh, no where far. Just kidnapping you two to your next training section." Jason replied, smirking playfully.

Jade rolled her eyes good-naturedly. "You mean our next grueling training session with you and Andre?"

Jason grinned. "The very same."

Adria's face lit up. "Andre's waiting for us?"

"Yup, your prince charming is waiting for you." Jason said.

"Ugh, that made me sound like jade." He stated, fake gaging.

"Well you are siblings." Adria stated, her tone casual, eyes sparkling in humor.

"Unfortunately." Jade muttered under her breath but was heard clearly.

As they drove to the abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of town, Adria's excitement grew. She had been looking forward to this training session all week. She and Jade had been working hard with Andre and Jason, honing their skills and building their strength. Adria felt a sense of pride and accomplishment every time she mastered a new technique or completed a challenging exercise.

When they arrived at the warehouse, Andre was already there, his eyes narrowed and his expression serious. "Welcome, ladies. Today we're going to focus on hand-to-hand combat and weapon training."

Jade and Adria exchanged a nervous glance, but Jason just grinned mischievously. "Don't worry, I'll be here to supervise and maybe even participate a little."

Andre led them inside, the warehouse echoing with their footsteps. The air was musty, filled with the scent of decay and neglect. Adria's heart raced as Andre began to explain the exercises, her mind focused on the tasks ahead.

The training was intense, Andre and Jason pushing them to their limits. They practiced disarming techniques, learned new ways to take down opponents, and honed their shooting skills. Adria's muscles screamed in protest, but she refused to give up. She was determined to prove herself, to show Andre and Jason that she was capable and strong.

As the sun began to set, casting the warehouse in a golden glow, Andre called a halt to the training. The girls collapsed onto the floor, exhausted, their bodies aching. Jason handed them water bottles, his eyes smiling with pride.

"You two are doing great," he said, his voice encouraging. "Keep it up, and you'll be pros in no time."

Adria smiled, her eyes meeting Jade's. They were in this together, and they would come out stronger on the other side. As they caught their breath, Adria knew that this was just the beginning of their journey, and she was ready for whatever lay ahead.

Andre walked over to them, his eyes softening as he looked at Adria. "You're doing great, Adria. I'm proud of you."

He whispered for her hearing, leaving a lingering kiss on her lips.

Adria's heart skipped a beat as he smiled at her, his eyes crinkling at the corners. She felt a rush of love and admiration for him, and she knew that she would do anything to make him proud.

As they packed up their gear and headed out of the warehouse, Adria felt a sense of excitement and anticipation. She knew that their training was far from over, but she was ready for whatever came next. She was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, knowing that she had family by her side.