chapter 27: The voice


Jason was defeated as he lay on the training ground, jade sporting a triumphant smile stood over him.

"Ouch" he exclaimed, his lips tilted sideways, eyes beholding a look of pride while he gazed up at jade.

She had on baggy black shirt and sweatpants. Today's training section involved teaching her how to gain an advantage no matter how big her clothes are.

Hours of practice later, she was finally able to perfect a move he taught her, landing him a special spot on the floor as she stood looking at him, all smiles.

"That was a powerful move, I think my spinal cord is broken." His eye gleaming with satisfaction while he sat up, elbows on the ground.

"Yay" she exclaimed, hands thrown up and feet's jumping, celebrating her little victory.

"I'm pretty sure I said my spinal cord is broken and you are dancing. Such a caring sister you are." Eyes rolling, voice dripped with sarcasm as he stood up from the floor.

"Yeah, a broken Spinal cord means you can't stand Einstein." She rebutted rolling her eyes while she continued her little victory dance.

"Yeah yeah. You only perfected one move, we still have more to cover." His words bursting her little bubble as her smile was replaced with a sad pout.

"But I perfected this move. I think I deserve a break."

He chuckled lightly, his dimples appearing while he ruffled her hair.

"Of course you get a break for getting one move, right jelly."

She slapped his hand away, patting down her hair into place.

"That name is outdated besides I hate it. Can we go get ice cream." Her lips pouting, mustering her best puppy dog look.

"Sure thing jelly." He replied mischievously, walking pass her into the locker room, grabbing his towel that was on the bench.

"You better be changed in five. The others are meeting us there." He said over his shoulder before the door closed behind him.

Jade's brows were furrowed, eyes darting in confusion.

"Wait, which others and where are we going?"

She threw the question but he was already in the room.

"What the hell am I doing? How's he supposed to hear me? But he so annoying, leaving me wondering. He could have at least said who was meeting us or where. *Huff*" She muttered to herself, palming her forehead as she walked into the girls locker room.

Ten minutes later, they were both in Jason's car while he started the engine, beginning the journey to where she still doesn't know.

She huffed for the upteenth time, arms folded across her chest with her gaze forward.

Jason sighed for the upteenth time, his eyes glinting mischievously as he effortlessly handled the steering wheel.

"Stop doing that." Jade said, her gaze not wavering from staring out the window.

"When you stop huffing, I stop sighing. It's that simple." He stated, turning the wheel right as the car took a turn into the next street.

"Well you don't want to tell me where we are going and who we are meeting." She retorted.

"Well if I do it wouldn't be much of a surprise, would it." He questioned rhetorically.

"Why don't you try guessing, who knows you just might get it."

"Fine." She replied childishly, bringing her tongue out while she shook her head at him.

Jason glanced at her then focused back on the road.

"So childish." He muttered under his breath but she heard it and chose to ignore it.

"Well for starters I know it's not Adria and Andre because there's no reason for you to hide meeting them besides I'm pretty sure they are still training. It can't be mom and dad because mom blackmailed dad into taking her for her spa treatment and he has to stay there with her. I'm convinced it isn't aunt because, well I don't have a reason but I know it's not her."

She counted off her finger as she listed who she suspected they weren't meeting.

"I know it's not peter or Marco they have work. That's it. I've run out of guesses. Guess I have to wait to know who."

Her eyes dimmed as she slid down the chair.

"You don't have to wait much longer. We're here." Jason informed as he pulled into the parking lot of what seemed like a five star restaurant.

She immediately sat up, her eyes brightened while she took in the building in front of her. She had always loved coming to this restaurant as they had the best ice cream combo and an incredible chicken pie.

It was a two storey building, the walls painted white and green. Outside were some umbrellas with a table and two chairs underneath. The entrance was a double glass door.

"Forget who we are meeting, please tell me we came here for the food." She was already salivating over the delicacy that she would spend her precious time savoring every taste and flavor.

Without waiting for a response jade rushed out the car, heading straight for entryway of the restaurant.

Jason only chuckled, walking behind her, watching her enthusiasm towards food. Memories from when they were little flooded into his mind.

He remembered how her eyes always lit up whenever food was mentioned. She had snuck out one night after she was restricted from having ice cream for the day.

Little Jade moved around, her tiny eyes searching for an ice cream truck but none was in sight. When she wasn't able to get ice cream that night, she turned around to head back home but came to the realization that she was lost.

Not letting it deter her, she tried her best in navigating her way but ended up in a completely unfamiliar street where she met 'him'.

Jason snapped out of memory land, bringing his consciousness to the present and the whole reason why they were here. He knew she wouldn't be happy with what he was doing but they needed 'his' help. He assumed that they would put their differences aside and work together.

Jason caught up to her where she was standing a bit away from the entrance, eyes scanning for an empty table.

"I already have a reservation." He informed her, walking to the receptionist and confirming their table while jade tailed him.

"Sure Mr Thompson. Your table is right this way and your guest is already waiting for you." The lady replied professionally as she led the to their table in the VIP room.

She opened the door to the VIP room which contained only three tables. The lady stood at the door and gestured them inside.

"A waitress would be assigned to your table. Do enjoy your day." She said with a slight bow and left.

Jason was stepping into the room when Jade grabbed his hand.

"Why did you reserve a VIP room? Who is in there right now?"

"You have to walk in and find out." He told her while entering the room.

She was directly behind him and wasn't able to see the person seated on the chair as Jason's broad frame blocked her view.

"Glad to see that you could make it." Jason said to the person as he stretch forth his hand for a handshake.

Jade filled with curiosity was about to move away from Jason so she could see who it was but the voice she heard held her in place. Eyes wide in shock, mouth parted slightly with her hand fisted tightly.

Her expression shifted from one of shock to betrayal. That voice was one she never wanted to hear again.

"I'm glad you reached out" the voice said.


In a dark room, the only source of light being from the rays of sun passing through the dark blinds covering the window.

A knock sounded on the door and the person entered when he heard a 'come in' from the figure in the dark room.

"Speak." Fiore ordered, his focus on the silver gun he held, glinting with the rays of sunlight escaping into the room.

"We have everything ready for the gala happening next week. We have received the new weapons and have upgraded them. The men have been briefed on what to expect and how to counter it. We are ready boss."

"That's what I like to hear. You are dismissed." He said with a flick of his hand at the door.

The member bowed before exiting the room.

A sick smile appeared on Marco's face. Twirling the gun in his hands as he stared into blank space.

"Very soon mi amor, your daughter would be mine to break and rebuild in my image and all you can do is watch helplessly." He laughed in a menacing manner, the sound echoing through the cold walls of the room.

"Soon mi amor, soon."