119. Sisters

By winning the Mineral Badge against Jasmine, Ash has already gotten 6 out of the 8 Badges required by the League to be able to participate in that tournament.

He is only 2 Badges away from qualifying for the the Johto Region Silver Conference.

Just as planned before, now they have to return to Ecruteak City before heading towards Mahogany Town for his seventh Badge against Pryce!

"La la la~"

Perhaps because she was in a good mood, Molly hugged Meganium and sang happy lullaby's along the way. Her mood also affected Ash and the other two. Even on the uphill road, their pace stayed pretty much the same as if they were walking on a regular road.

"Be careful!"

Suddenly several milk buckets fell down from above, which shocked Misty, Brock and Molly.

Just when they were about to run, they saw Ash staying motionless, with bluish pink light flashing in his eyes. The milk buckets were stopped by his Psychic and floated up in the air.

"Look like this this whole thing is completely empty!"

Ash controlled these milk buckets and led his group up the hill in a steady state. He saw an uncle's truck filled with these empty buckets.

"It's saved!" The uncle was relieved to see that no one was hurt and all of his milk bucket was mostly fine. "Thank you so much, I don't want to know what could have happened if you didn't stop them!"

Ash smiled and shook his head.

Seeing that there was a little girl among them, the uncle smiled and took out a smaller jug ​​of milk from the passengers seat and handed it to Molly, "Here, to express my gratitude, please drink it! This is from very healthy Miltanks."

"Miltanks?" Upon hearing this, Molly's eyes lit up, and she quickly thanked her and took it, "It's delicious just like how I remember it!"

Although they have regularly bought Moomoo Milk for their uses, they couldn't in the Whirls Isalnds.

In the Whirl Islands, they found it was illegal for any Miltank related products to be sold there because of an ancient myth there.

It was said that Miltank was a reincarnation of a demon, a being that should not be allowed to be touched because of its evilness.

Seeing Molly's expression of enjoyment, the uncle was also happy, "By the way, where do you guys want to go?"

"Ecruteak City!" Ash told the truth as he didn't have anything to hide from him!

"I see, then you can come with me! By the way, my name is Carter."

Under the leadership of this uncle named Carter, Ash and his team found a plane which was waiting for them, this was a plane that was going to the Moomoo Ranch, so Ecruteak City was nearby.

The world is very big, and the Johto Region has many vast forests.

In addition to traveling Trainers, if ordinary people want to travel to and from other cities, transportation convenience is particularly important.

Ash and his party had even seen the luxury tourist blimp flying around the Johto Region before, but this method was not suitable for them, so they never paid much attention to it other than Misty and Molly daydreaming about it from time to time.

This plane in front of them is very convenient. It would be great to be able to take this on the way back as well. It would take more than half a day and an hour of walking but with this ride it would be much faster for them.

Ash and his group reached Ecruteak City just before dark.

"Big Brother, I want to eat a delicious pizza!" Molly was hungry. Ash had taken her to eat the pizza here and she loved them very much. The last time they came here, Ash had buy several just for her alone.

When they boarded the plane, Misty had already sent a letter to Sakura and made an appointment to meet at the agreed upon Pizza shop, so now Ash and his party are eating Pizza while waiting for Sakura.

It was the same little girl who had an Eevee and wanted to travel with Ash and the others, but was frightened by Ash's Raikou.

"Big Brother, look!"

Molly held Jigglypuff and looked around waiting, but she found a mega cute Pokémon running towards them.

It's pink like a kitten, with a fork on the tail, and the red ruby on the forehead is very beautiful.

"It's an Espeon!" All of Eevee's evolved forms are very cute, and also very powerful.

"Misty!" Sakura ran over with her new Espeon, "Long time no see!"

It turns out that this Espeon evolved from her previous Eevee, just to save her from a wild Gastly.

With the addition of an Espeon, the five Eevee Evolution Sisters now really have collected the five evolutionary types of Eevee discovered in the two regions of Kanto and Johto.

The group followed Sakura to her home. The refreshments at the home of the five sisters were really delicious last time, and it was also one of the rare moments for Ash to dend out his Raikou.

Unexpectedly, they met Sakura's four beautiful older sisters waiting for them at the door step.

There is no doubt what Brock was thinking of!

"Miss Satsuki, Miss Tamao..."

This guy held the hands of all four beauties, and then he got so carried away that he fired a wave of confessions, "It's so awesome, four consecutive beautiful sisters, I'm really inside a dream!"

Satsuki suddenly said, "So, who do you think is the most beautiful among the four of us?"

Hearing this, Brock was startled and hurried back behind Ash, hiding behind him and trembling all over!

This is simply one of the worst questions that she could have asked him!

'This is the consequence of randomly firing confessions, now feel the horror of whatever you bought upon yourself!' Ash thought to himself but decided against telling this to Brock.

The four sisters said they were practicing a new dance, so they had to say goodbye for the time being, just so that Misty and Sakura could relax and talk a bit.

"Misty, I want to ask you something! Let my Pokémon fight your Pokémon!" Sakura practiced batting at home, that is, letting her Espeon practice fighting against several other Eevee evolutions. She finally saw the opportunity, of course she wants to challenge and see how her strength matches with her friend.

As a Pokémon Trainer, she really wants to see how far she and her Espeon came.

Of course Misty was very happy to accept this, "Okay, I'll see how powerful you and your Espeon is!"

"Okay, come on out, Corsola!"

Corsola vs. Espeon!

"Use Tackle!" They both said it at the same time.

The two girls gave the order to attack in unison, obviously preparing to test each other!

The two Pokémon jumped up hard and separated in the air.

"Espeon, use Quick Attack!"

Sakura decisively launched a Quick Attack, the figure of her Espeon accelerated suddenly, and then she flew out before Corsola could react.

"Sakura, you trained your Espeon very nicely, it's a strong one!" Ash praised her from the sidelines.

Misty hearing this got a little jealous as Ash never complemented her like this from the side.

"Corsola, Spike Cannon!" Corsola, who had the Rock typing, was not seriously injured, and Misty immediately launched a counterattack. She wanted to put her little anger on this Espeon.

However, the cannon's attack was easily avoided by the speedy Espeon, and then Corsola was knocked away again by one of her attacks!

"I will win, I'm sure to win this battle!" Seeing that she currently had the upper hand, Sakura became very excited.

"It's not over yet, Corsola will now show its true strength!" Misty was not worried at all, "Corsola, use Recover on yourself!"

In a flash of light, Corsola recovered from her injuries and was active again as if she was never even injured.

Just as the battle was about to continue, the four sisters came back in a hurry, "Sir Ash, it's not good!"

They came to Ash for help, because Ash's strength left a very strong impression on them!

It turns out that the people who were teaching them how to dance was Team Rocket all along, and all four of their Pokémon's were stolen from them!

"Got it! Noctowl, go find those three idiots and give them a good beating when you find them!" Ash threw out the Poké Ball in his hand. This Shiny Noctowl of his was very smart and could solve the problem on his own.

"By the way, how did they catch up with us?" Misty expressed her confusion. Neither Ash nor Brock knew how to respond to Misty's question.

At this moment, the Rockets Trio is in need of funds. And Eevee's evolved forms can certainly be worth a lot of money on the Black Market or even to Team Rocket.

"No, there is one missing, an Espeon! Eevee's evolved form is only valuable if you get the complete set..." Jessie was about to complain that the plan was only half successful, but suddenly stopped.


When she looked up, there was a brightly colored Noctowl standing in front of her.

"This seems to be that brats Noctowl!" Of course they remember such a special Pokémon and of course they remember all of Ash's Pokémon.

Then they had bad feeling in their hearts.

They saw the owl flying higher into the air, its body began to shine with white light, and it swooped down towards them!

This is the Ultimate Move of the Flying-type, the powerful attack was of course non other than Brave Bird!