Team Match 1

Jack looked at the three of them and laughed. "You think you can defeat me? You low grades just don't know your place in this school. I clearly told you that if we meet again, I'm going to teach you a lesson." He began to form a fireball in his hands.

"Are you going to attack or not?" Ryan asked, a smile on his face. Blake was contemplating how to copy Jack's ability. All he needed to do was touch him, but getting closer risked the fireball hitting him.

"Hey, guys, let's do this," Blake instructed.

Cole and Micheal nodded in response as they prepared for another confrontation. Just then, the robot spoke through the PA system again. Jack and the others turned and left.

"Dumbasses! Quit the charade and get to class. You can challenge each other in sparring classes. Now off you go, pigheads!"

"Darn this robot," Michael muttered, stomping his foot in frustration. Blake punched the wall, furious that he was about to copy a powerful ability. Once he succeeded, it would become his own, and he could develop it further.

Currently, he only had ice and wind abilities, which he had copied from Kaylee and Ryan. *Ding* A message came up on their screen.

Michael turned to Blake and Cole. "We're having a team meeting. At the library."  said with a smile, while Blake hit him on the head."You should have told us, dumbass,"

The three of them headed to class before going to library. He just had to wait for the team match and see if he would be able to level up. He smiled at the thought of leveling up soon.

Class ended after an hour, and Michael and the others walked out. "Hey, let's go to the library;  Kaylee and Lisa are waiting," Blake said.

They headed toward the library through the elevator instead of using stairs, after some seconds, they arrived.

The  school library had glass walls and floating shelves filled with physical books and digital tablets. Interactive holographic displays provide access to resources, while an AI librarian named "Lexi" assisted students with research and recommendations. Cozy reading nooks equipped with augmented reality enhance the reading experience. Its width was about 50 to 60 feet, 10,000 square meters. Micheal and Cole was quite amazed.

Lisa waved to signal them, her and Lisa sat at the library's corner. There weren't much students in the library.

They took a seat with her and Kaylee. Michael noticed that Kaylee was staring at him with a cold expression. He pondered what he should say.

An awkward silence hung in the air until Lisa finally spoke. "Micheal, we figured out that you are a bloodsucking demon, vampire. And just to clear you, as long as you don't drink anymore out..we won't. "

"Forget about that. What I want to know is if you can control your urge for blood. If you ever can't; i will make sure to end you personally," Kaylee said in a low voice, still staring at Michael.

Michael was shocked by their calm reactions and Kaylee's threat. "I just can'tunderstand, why do they wave it off like it nothing special. What in hell are they cooking? (Planning)" he thought.

After a lengthy discussion, they finally reached a decision. "Michael, the bullies will be your blood bags. Just tell us when you need them, and at night, we'll hunt them down one by one. I'll try to copy the doctor's healing ability," Blake said, with a wide grin.

Cole, Kaylee, and Lisa turned to Blake. "Did you just say copy. You bastard! You can copy abilities? A copycat!" Lisa exclaimed, annoyance evident on her face. The books on the table started to levitate. Lisa had psychokinesis. Kaylee's stayed calm.

Psychokinesis referred to the ability to move or manipulate objects with the mind without physical interaction. It centered on the concept of "mind over matter," where individuals could exert mental force to influence physical objects. It was a grade 4 ability.

Cole held Michael tightly. "I knew the two of you were hiding something. You knew about this, right?" he lied to keep himself out of the spotlight regarding Blake's ability. Lisa retaliated by slamming a book onto Blake's face, causing a nose bleed. "Bastard!"

It was now time for dinner. They entered the cafeteria and chose the table at the cafeteria's end. The team had grown closer, almost as if Michael's revelation had brought them together. Michael, Blake, and Cole realized that Kaylee wasn't as cold-hearted as they initially thought; she just didn't want to get too close to anyone.

Michael dug into his food without caring about the attention he was drawing. Kaylee and Lisa's eyes widened as they watched him eat like a beast. Once they finished dinner, they decided to head back to their dorm.

"Michael, use this tube to draw blood from your opponents after you defeat them. Make sure it's at night so no one notices. This tube is to prevent suspicions and investigation from the school," Lisa said, handing him a tube.

"Okay, thanks."

"Tomorrow is the team match; I want everyone to be prepared. We have to win," Kaylee said as she walked away with Lisa, who seemed to have become best friends with her.

Michael, Blake, and Cole headed back to their hostel. Once there, Michael jumped onto his bed, exhausted. Blake and Cole went to their beds to sleep and prepare for the next day's match. Michael, still hungry after dinner, decided to sleep it off.

(9 hours later. The next day)

The school alarm rang, signaling it was time to wake up. Everyone got ready for the team match.

"All students should head to the field with your team. The weekly match begins. The map tablet for Mewsa will be given to the team leader," the robot announced through the PA system.

The map tablet was a portable device designed for navigation. It had a high-resolution touchscreen display with multi-touch capabilities and integrated GPS for real-time tracking. The tablet allowed users to access customizable map layers and search for locations, while its digital overlay helped identify landmarks on the planet. With offline access and long battery life, it served as an essential tool for exploration and navigation. It was generally used by the ability academies and military to navigate around a planet.

Michael and the others prepared for the team match. "I'll test out my ability there," Michael thought, a smile creeping onto his face.

A knock came at their door. Cole rushed to open it and found Kaylee and Lisa waiting."Let's go, Team," Lisa said as she turned to lead the way, hopping like a rabbit. Kaylee followed her. Michael, Blake, and Cole quickly joined them.

A few minutes later, they arrived at the field. The system screen popped up in front of Michael:

Michael glanced at the notification, eager to be teleported to the planet. "I could complete the daily quest later. The moment am back."

A man appeared before the students, dressed in a green top and white trousers, with green hair and a serious expression.

"Hello, students. My name is Kevin, and I will be distributing the map tabs to each team. The team with the highest kills wins. No cheating, please; you will be disqualified if caught," he said coldly.

A portal appeared.The portal was a gateway that allowed travel across planets and dimensions decreasing the time between travels, in other words, a door. It appeared as a swirling vortex of light and color, surrounded by a faint hum. When passed through, it emitted a warm glow.

Each team began to enter it, collecting their map tabs. It was finally Michael and his team's turn. Kaylee collected the map tab, and they all stepped into the portal.

Traveling through the portal was an exhilarating experience. As they stepped into the portal, a rush of energy enveloped them, creating a sensation of weightlessness. Colors and lights mixed together, forming a dazzling display that shifted then pulsed with each second.

Time felt distorted; seconds stretched into what seemed like minutes as the surroundings morphed into abstract patterns. A gentle whooshing sound could be heard.Suddenly, a soft warmth signaled the nearing destination, and the chaos gradually faded. As they emerged from the portal, they found themselves in a new world.

Arriving on a planet covered in forests. Luckily for Michael, it was dark there, giving him a chance to win."Let's stick together; we have to win as a team," Kaylee said, forming an ice blade. Lisa's weapon trinket turned into a sword, while Cole had a beast weapon resembling a katana.

Blake asked Kaylee who held the map tab, "So where do we go to?!"

The system screen popped up, Micheal focused his gaze on the system screen:

"What the fuck? I can't understand this system. It's like a trick box. An endless void."