Team Match 2

Micheal immediately accepted the quest and followed the team deeper into the forest. Kaylee examined the map tab to determine their destination. After walking for a while, they arrived at a cave.

"Okay, this is the den of the Tensikat. It's a Grade 2 beast. We're going in now before any other team arrives; we should be done with this quickly," Kaylee said, activating her night vision along with the others, except for Michael. He could see clearly in the dark after he awakened the system.

They were lightweight, and made from a special material called Erictial, a grade 7 beast orb. The lenses could adjust automatically to the darkness and allowing the wearer to see everything clearly, even when the moon hid behind clouds.They also displayed information right in front of their eyes, like directions and warnings about things around them.  Users could even add extra features, like thermal vision or zoom lenses, depending on their needs.

Michael dashed into the cave ahead of the others, eager to kill the Tensikat before anyone else could. That was the only way he could secure the full reward from the system. Suddenly, the beast leaped in front of him.

"Hey guys, I'll take care of this one. You should all go after the other beast so we can finish this match. I'll catch up with you," Michael said, waving his hand to the team.

"Okay, make sure you survive. Don't let the spikes touch you," Blake replied as he walked away with the team.

"Are you sure he's going to be okay?" Cole asked, concern etched on his face.

"Come on, he'll be just fine. I believe in him," Lisa replied with a smile. Blake and Cole remained worried about Michael, despite his vampiric abilities.

The Tensikat jumped toward Michael, its claws elongating, and the system screen popped up:


Michael immediately dodged the attack, leaping to the side as he activated his ability:<-1 hp>.He formed a dagger from his blood, and the Tensikat lunged at him again.

This time, Michael struck, the blade slicing through the air toward the beast's neck. The attack was fast, but it seemed to have no effect, as if its skin were made of steel.

The beast's spikes flew toward Michael, but he swiftly dodged to the side. His could  see every detail of the beasts: the dark eyes and the deadly spikes along its back.

This time, he noticed a red mark on the Tensikat's forehead. Perhaps it was the beast's weak spot. If he could make a clean cut there, he would surely defeat it.

As the spikes came flying toward him again, Michael dodged once more and charged at the Tensikat. He sliced at the forehead where the red mark was, and the beast weakened. Seizing the opportunity, he moved quickly, striking the creature from various angles with speed and precision. The beast collapsed, dead.

Panting hard, Michael sat on the ground, a smile spreading across his face. The system notification popped up:


He accepted, and suddenly, his body felt weak; he was slowly losing consciousness. "What the heck is happening?" Michael thought as his vision began to blur, and he passed out.


"Kaylee, behind you!" Lisa shouted, slamming her Mace (war hammer) at the beast that was about to attack. The head scattered into pieces of flesh and blood, and it fell to the ground. It resembled a bird but was larger, with sharp wings capable of slicing through a tree.

Another beast appeared in front of them, the size of a boar, its teeth as long as daggers and whiskers resembling needles. Kaylee leaped toward it, swinging her ice blade at its head with incredible strength and speed. She decapitated the beast, blood spilling from its severed body as it fell.

Blake and Cole had split away from the others and headed in a different direction. Blake kept his hands in his pockets, whistling as he walked, while Cole followed behind, gripping his sword tightly, acting like a bodyguard.

Suddenly, Blake stopped, hearing a growl from behind them. Cole created a shadow slash with his sword, sending it towards the beast; the slash pierced its skin, and blood spilled out.

Shadow Slash is a swift and powerful attack that utilizes shadows or dark energy, often depicted with a trail of darkness following the slash. The user adopts a focused combat stance and channels their energy. They typically perform the technique with a sword, but it can also be executed with bare hands. The movement involves a quick, decisive slash, usually diagonally or horizontally, and may release a wave of dark energy toward the target.

Blake rushed forward, forming an ice chain blade and decapitated the beast's head, blood splattering everywhere."Nice move, Cole." Blake commended.

"I think we should check on Michael back at the cave. We haven't heard any feedback from him yet," Cole suggested, worriedly.

"I agree. I'm worried about him," Blake replied. They ran back to the cave to find Michael. A few minutes later, they arrived and activated their night vision, spotting Michael lying on the ground, the Tensikat's body in front of him.

"Michael, wake up! I'm sorry for leaving you alone; I thought you could handle it because you're a vampire. I'm so stupid! Come back to us, Michael!" Blake cried, tears streaming down his cheeks and falling onto Michael's face.

Michael opened his eyes. "What the heck? Why do you guys have so much water in your eyes?" he asked, bewildered.

"Man, his ghost is speaking to us! I can hear his ghost! Michael!!!" Cole exclaimed, tears still flowing.

"Fool, it's Michael," Blake said, pointing at him.Cole looked up, realizing, "We thought you were dead," he said, rushing to hug Michael along with Blake.

Michael raised a hand, stopping them. His body was in serious pain, so he opened his system tab to check his progress:


Michael wondered what his new ability could do and opened the info on it:

[Blood saver: User can store blood into the blood saver for future use.]

[Cost: None]

Michael smiled, placing a hand on Blake and Cole's shoulders. "I need blood. By the way, where are Kaylee and Lisa?"

"We split up. Let's go catch up with them now," Blake said as they walked out of the cave. They ran to find Kaylee and Lisa, who were currently heading back to the cave.

They had already killed six beasts, while Cole, Blake, and Michael had only killed two, making a total of eight beasts.They met up with Kaylee and Lisa on their way back to the cave. "Guys, it's time to head back; we have killed a total of eight beasts," Kaylee said, glancing at her screen, which displayed 'Beast Count: 8'.

A portal appeared in front of them as she tapped a key on the map tab. They stepped into the portal and found themselves back at school.

"Congratulations, your team came second," Kevin said with a cold tone.

"Who came first?" Blake asked Kevin.

Kevin ignored him and walked away."Rude jerk," Blake muttered under his breath so Kevin wouldn't hear him.