I woke up feeling extremely tired, but relieved to be safe. I could sense it as more sensations flooded over me. I could feel the strong presence of a male body beneath me, hearing his heartbeat. Damon and I were aligned, our chakras and magic symbols perfectly in sync.
Slowly, I could feel my powers seeping into him, a buzzing sensation coursing through me. It seemed that with each passing year, my powers grew stronger, and there was plenty to be shared between us. Perhaps this was a reflection of our pack's growth, or maybe it was a reaction to the infection I had. Who knows?
I lied there, completely exhausted, and as I turned my head, I noticed that even the curtains were drawn, indicating that it was dawn again. Great, he had knocked me out for the entire day. I remembered the creeping confusion, my mind becoming more and more muddled, until I lost all control. I had been helpless, but somehow, Damon managed to make it less distressing for me.
I was furious, and as I thought about it, my anger grew. I wasn't sure if it was a combination of his telepathy and the drugs, or something else entirely. My life was always full of surprises. I mean, come on, I had been cooking like a devoted wife for days to ensure my husband had enough food, and then on the one day I allowed myself to indulge a little more, I get drugged. It was unfair, so incredibly unfair.
"Baby, it's not unfair. It's just what I do to keep you safe, even from yourself. Besides, the temptation was too great. You were having too much fun with all those delicious ingredients," Damon said calmly, his ice-blue eyes open and amused as he looked at me.
He gently grabbed the back of my head and pulled me into a kiss that seemed to last forever. He was a great kisser, and the connection we shared through our chakras was absolutely sublime.
After our passionate kiss finally ended, he spoke, "Today, baby, is pampering day. It means you girls get to be pampered and all you have to do is enjoy yourself without worrying about a thing. We've got you."
I looked at him and asked, "So, is this your way of making it up to me?"
He remained neutral and calmly replied, "Nope. I don't regret what I did. In fact, it was wickedly fun, and there's no need for me to apologize. After all, I am the pack leader."
Really? He knocked me out for the entire day, and now he's smugly declaring he has no regrets. I kept a cool expression, but a few good comebacks rolled through my mind.
However, his chilling whisper made me lose my words, "Now, baby, you can enjoy this day or you can continue to be unconscious. Your choice."
So I kept quiet and let random thoughts fill my mind. It was a new era for me once again. Time to behave like a good girl and keep my opinions to myself. I rolled off of him, feeling our connection break as our chakras disentangled.
I lay on my back, naked, and Damon handed me a sheet, saying dryly, "Please, baby, I'm trying to make this day special, and you seducing me doesn't help."
Somehow, it was said in just the right tone that made me smirk.
I responded, "Good to know I still have an effect on you."
Damon looked at me and said, "Very much so, baby. Let me center myself so we can go to the shower. There's a spa day planned, but a little wash up won't hurt. After all, we were closely connected for quite some time."
I smiled innocently and said, "Well, my dear husband, why don't you center yourself while I go to the shower? You're free to join me once you regain your composure."
I kept my voice level, but let a bit of mischief color it as I rose up and sauntered to the bathroom. The bathroom had been remodeled too, with two showerheads and a large tub that had been moved there. The deep purple and gold tiles and ornately designed black ceiling added to the ambiance.
I walked into the shower and turned on the water, adjusting the showerhead just the way I liked it. As the warm water cascaded over my body, I tilted my head back, letting my blood-red curly hair get wet. It wouldn't take long to achieve the perfect pampering session.
Ah, what a nice day it was. My gentle baby bump was growing bigger with each passing day, but I didn't mind. My healing and supernatural abilities would ensure that I wouldn't have any stretch marks or other problems. Only love and, soon enough, babies.
I realized that I was eagerly awaiting the arrival of my little ones. I already had names in mind, but I didn't want to think about them too much. Surprises were sometimes nice to have. I had just gotten my hair wet when Damon walked in. I couldn't deny that he was quite a sight to behold – pure raw masculinity packaged in perfect sexiness. Naughty thoughts started to fill my mind as he looked at me and stepped into the shower, turning on his own showerhead.
I was already wet, and it had nothing to do with the water. Next to him, there was a shelf in the wall where we kept our shampoos. I hadn't grabbed mine yet, so I took a few steps closer, trying to reach my bottle. In the process, my naked, wet body pressed against his hard, firm physique. His hand wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer, and he kissed me passionately. I could feel his huge cock almost twitching, and it made me incredibly aroused.
Without hesitation, I jumped into his arms, wrapping my strong thighs around his waist. He wasted no time, lining up his huge, flared cockhead between my pussy lips. With a firm grip on my hips, he thrust into me with one stroke, kissing me at the same time, muffling my gasp. He lifted me up and down, slamming my back against the wall. Water cascaded over us as we fucked like animals in heat, moaning, grunting, and growling. The need to have each other was overpowering.
His cock stretched me so deliciously that I found myself panting. It was almost too much, teetering on the edge of pleasure and pain. But oh my god, the pulsating heat building up in the pit of my belly signaled my climax was approaching. His arms wrapped tightly around me, his sharp bites marking me. The cascading water and rising steam added to the intensity of the moment. It felt like our wild sex was everything in that moment, and I was fully present, living in the moment.
"I'm about to climax, oh my goodness," I panted in ecstasy.
Damon's dark murmur in my ear interrupted me. "Don't you dare, baby. You don't have permission to come yet. Hold it in."
Frustration washed over me as he used his lustful energy to deny my peak until he granted me permission. But when that moment came, it would be one intense orgasm. I wasn't even sure if my legs would be able to support me afterward. Damon was ravishing me, thrusting into me like a madman.
His grunting, biting, and kissing only heightened my pleasure, and I could feel my climax building up with each passing moment. It made me shudder and sweat. His thrusts became more erratic, and I could see the fierce expression on his face. He was just as close to climaxing as I was. His closed eyes and thrown-back head told me everything.
Finally, in a harsh and raspy whisper, he said, "Now you can come, baby. Come hard."
And with that, my climax exploded within me. My pussy clenched around Damon's cock, squeezing and milking it. I could feel his hot love cream flooding into my womb, pooling into my abdominal cavity as it leaked out from my fallopian tubes. He was filling me up once again. I gripped him with my thighs, and we continued kissing and panting.
In that moment, I couldn't tell where I ended and where Damon began. Our chakras had locked once more, and the connection, combined with the intense orgasm and ultimate pleasure, made this morning truly sublime. I held onto him for what felt like hours, and he kissed and bit me, marking me as his. We were still in the shower, and the scent of our passionate encounter lingered in the air.
Damon then whispered in my ear, a hint of amusement in his voice, "Did you know, baby? While I was ravishing you like a wild beast, Mariella asked what I was doing. She had heard about our pampering day and was simply checking if I was awake. I told her I was fucking your brains out in the shower. She didn't reply."
I giggled, feeling sorry for Mariella. It was probably the last answer she expected.
Finally finding my voice, I quipped, "Well, it seems you can surprise her, too."
Damon chuckled, his warm sound making my heart flutter. I was thoroughly enjoying our intimate connection. Damon's arms were wrapped around me, and at some point, he had turned off the water.
Sarcastically, I told him, "Well, this shower didn't cleanse me, but damn, it gave me a wonderful ride."
Damon laughed and replied, "I fucked you silly, baby. You're right, not much cleansing, but at least it's somewhat sanctified, a start."
He carried me back to the bedroom, and it took three more hours for us to continue our intimate activities. Of course, Mariella had asked again what we were doing when Damon was truly pounding into me and nearing climax.
Damon gave her a very explicit answer, describing how I looked and what he felt as he plunged into my velvety depths, listening to my moans of pleasure. He explained how he grabbed my breasts firmly, causing me to hiss in pain. His detailed story was enough to inspire Mariella to seek a similar experience. She wasn't jealous, per se, but rather intrigued.
As I lay there, completely satisfied, I couldn't help but express my gratitude. "God damn, I needed this. I had no idea how much I needed someone to fuck my brains right out of my skull so intensely."
Damon chuckled and said, "A little dopamine and oxytocin storm can work wonders. Look at your arm."
There was a very explicit picture tattooed on my arm, leaving nothing to the imagination.
I dryly remarked, "Well, it looks like I'll have to wear long-sleeved shirts for special occasions. Otherwise, I might attract some curious glances. I'm pretty sure no one has the Kama Sutra tattooed on their forearm."
Damon laughed and revealed his own explicit tattoo.
Oh, Wulfe would have a field day with this. But then again, I loved how this magic tattoo recorded not only our good times, but also our bad times. Or at least, my bad times. It was all about balance, the light and dark, the yin and yang.
As I lay there, I realized that even though my life had been pretty rough at times, I wouldn't change a single day. Not one damn day. Why? Because of the balance. Maybe I had finally learned that once you go through enough crap, the good times become so incredibly wonderful that it breaks your heart when they end.
Damon said, "Oh, I see you're a neurotic mess once again. But yeah, you're right. The bad times make the good times seem even better. And for me, it makes me want these times with you even more. I have this need to choose you, not always Mariella, but you. Because let's face it, baby, we belong together. Nothing and no one can truly separate us. I know there have been tough times, but look at us now, here together, experiencing five wonders."
I gazed at Damon's face. He looked happy. I could see it in his eyes. His brow was relaxed, his lips were genuinely smiling. There was no arrogance in his expression. And the scent of our sex, as well as our pheromones, told us so much about each other. I could see Damon taking a few deep breaths, analyzing my pheromones. It wasn't something that came naturally to him, but he was willing to delve into it.
I softly whispered, "This is the scent of love. Can you smell it? Our pheromones are filling the air, symbolizing our love."
He took a deeper sniff and grunted.
His voice became dark and lustful as he said, "Oh baby, it's more than just the scent of love. I can smell everything we've done here. It's not just hearts and rainbows; it's a strong mixture of pure lust."
I pouted, pushing my lower lip forward, and responded, "I tried to be romantic, you seductive devil. If you keep talking like this, I'm not sure when our pampering day will be, because I might end up raping you."
He smirked and replied, "Now, now, baby. It wouldn't exactly be rape if I'm more than willing to let you have your way with me."
I rolled my eyes and climbed partially on top of him, kissing his jaw and neck, whispering, "Don't tempt me. I might just have my way with you, and who knows when we'll be able to stop? Maybe not until I go into labor."
Damon responded darkly and seductively, "Oh, someone is feeling adventurous, planning months of sex holiday with her poor husband."
I looked at him and kissed him passionately.
As we finally stopped kissing, I said, "You bet I'm planning on ravishing you for months. Blame it on my hormones or my awakened pussy that is not yet satisfied."
We continued kissing and lying there for a few more moments until Damon said, "Come on, baby. It's time to get dressed and have a nice pampering day. You never know what my idea of pampering is, or anyone else's for that matter. But this was a great start. Maybe the best start."
I couldn't agree more. It was a fantastic beginning, and despite my naughty plans, I wondered where this day would take us. Who would end up being the seducer and who would be seduced?
I thought about how much my life had changed and how much our relationship had moved forward. Once, he could not take my love, take me, as it burned his mind almost, ending our seven-long separation. He had been scared that my love for him would take Mariella from his life, or something like that. He had never explained it in detail to me.
But when we got together, it was not easy. He had not yet grown enough as a husband, as he needed Mariella as his crutch, and I had had my mind blown apart, literally by some nasty guys. He got my mind back together, and maybe that was what brought us truly together. He went through almost all of my life, using my memories to patch me back up, even though there were no rainbows and flowers for a long time.
It was an almost cathartic moment for me, and I twirled these thoughts in my mind until his calm voice pulled me out of my reverie. It was time to be pampered, but what I could see in his face was not just light massage and stroking; there was something more.