13. Spending My Time.

Damon allowed me to wear only a light robe as we finally left our bedroom. He smirked at me and mused out loud when he saw Mariella exit from another room with number two. Mariella looked irritated.

"Baby, what do you say we lock our bedroom so the magic house can't clean it after we leave? We were sanctified it a little, and who knows how well it's sanctified. I'm not sure if I want them to clean our evidence."

I looked at him, feeling heated, and quipped, "Yeah, but then we'd have motivation to sanctify it again. Will we ever find a place so sanctified that our scent stays no matter who tries to clean it?"

Damon pulled me closer, and kissed the top of my head.

Mariella interjected, "Magic House is good at what they do; they can get our scent out too."

Damon smiled at her and said a little coldly, "Yeah, darling, but I am a wizard, an energy creature. If I want our sanctification to stay, no magic house can erase it. Don't be jealous, darling, it doesn't suit you."

Mariella replied, "As your wife, I am definitely jealous. You telling me about your encounters with Mimi doesn't sit well with me. I'm pregnant, hormonal, and I have needs and feelings, too."

I looked at Mariella and said, "Yeah, I never knew I needed him to pound my brains out of me like that. It was hard for us to stop. I even told him I was going to keep him here until I gave birth."

To my surprise, Mariella smiled and said, "It's good to see you embrace your carnal side, but it was hard for me to stop, too. After all, I am the lust queen."

We were led to the cellar floor.

Damon announced, "We have turned this into our luxurious pampering space. Get ready, girls; this will be something new."

I raised my eyebrows at Mariella, and she shook her head. Neither of us had any idea what was about to happen. A part of me rebelled against giving up my independence and decisions, not wanting to surrender. But another part of me yearned to surrender, though it was scared that we might overpower the men.

I thought to myself, "Talk about a complicated creature," as we finally reached a heavy-looking door in the dim, cool cellar space.

We had walked past the spa, and I knew that there were vast spaces meant for storage. It seemed that at least one of them had been remade for this event. 

The room was huge and warm, with soft lighting filtering from cleverly hidden little lamps above, creating a calm ambiance. It smelled of herbs and flowers, not a damp cellar, and had dark golden carpeting that made it comfortable to walk on.

On one side, there were six massage tables spaced amply, with huge sofas where men were sitting and some special-looking chairs, possibly massage chairs.

Damon softly instructed us, "Come on, get on the table, robe off, lie on your stomach. Mimi, your table is pink, Mariella, yours is peach, Mimosa, yours is blue, Shadow, yours is green, Katherine, yours is red, and Elena, yours is mauve."

I noticed other females being brought in as well. The men stood up and helped us onto the tables, making sure our arms were in a relaxed position in front of us. Each table had small jars with sticks and scented oils placed under where our faces would be, filling the air with scents like lily of the valley, lilacs, and herbs.

As warm hands began to massage my back, I felt myself relax and melt into the experience. Though the scents from the oils were pleasant, they also masked the identity of the person massaging me. It seemed like a strategic move to enhance our relaxation and surrender to the moment.

The skilled hands kneaded and massaged my tired muscles, revealing sore spots that reminded me of my time in the hospital and made me realize that I wasn't bouncing back as quickly as before. Amidst the hushed murmurs of the men and our content sighs, the experience was very enjoyable.

Despite the soreness in my back, one of the Salvatores informed me, "It works better if I manually work on these knots rather than using magic. Hang on, your back is a mess."

I nodded, trying to relax as the warmth spread wherever the skilled hands worked on releasing the knots.

At the same time, someone started massaging my legs. It wasn't Salvatore because these hands were smaller. I thought it could be Wulfe, but then again, Dresden and Constantine had smaller hands than Damon. On the other hand, Adam Charles had bigger hands. I wasn't sure about the hands of the boys, but my mind analyzed all these sensations.

They used some kind of oil or something, and the warm, skilled hands made me feel warm and relaxed.

My muscles felt loose, and when Damon said, "Now, let us turn you on your back. First, lift your head a bit."

I noticed a relaxing effect. I managed to lift my head. My neck was pretty weak, and Damon slipped a sleeping mask over my eyes. Skillfully, hands turned me onto my back and started massaging me everywhere - my shoulders, arms, forearms. I felt Damon's tattoo against mine at some point.

My breasts were massaged eagerly, making my nipples feel sensitive. Hands glided all over my body. My legs were spread, and while someone massaged my calves and feet, Salvatore's hands were on my thighs, his fingers occasionally touching my pussylips.

The oil seemed to work too well, leaving me with no strength to lift my hips. Frustrated sighs escaped from my lips. I realized, irritated, but part of me accepted that I had lost all power. I could only lay there, accept, and try to enjoy it - just relax. My alpha side wasn't too happy, but I suppressed it.

It was time for me to learn new tricks and let go of my control for a while. After all, I had once tried to demonstrate this trick to Lepard, Demon Adam, and Charles. It didn't go as planned because Mariella and Damon misunderstood. I was ready once again to let someone else make decisions for me. It felt liberating and scary at the same time.

As I lay there, I remembered how Damon used to do this kind of thing early on. He might drug me, kidnap me for a sex vacation, or use muscle relaxants on my pelvic floor, making it hard for me to resist. He used my body to make himself gasp, and he was the one making me gasp.

It feels like a long time ago. Maybe it was.

Damon's soft murmur near my ear caught me by surprise. "Oh baby, those were times that I cherish, times when everything was so much easier. But this is fun, isn't it? Feel my fingers just touching you like this."

His finger touched my clit, and I reacted by creaming myself in that spot.

He chuckled, "And you react so nicely. Oh, baby, this will be a good day, and who knows where we end up."

I could hear someone else softly murmuring to another female, and the air was filled with scents of arousal affecting everyone. The touching and caressing continued until I felt like I couldn't take it anymore. I had no idea how many times my body had reacted to being teased, my need pulsating within me.

Damon then removed the sleep mask from me and said, "Come on, it's time for a meal. I know your muscles are pretty paralyzed, so I will feed you as part of the plan."

He helped me sit, cradling me in his arms along with a few more Salvatores, then placed a black and gold decorated silk robe on me. Carrying me to some special chairs to sit, he made sure I was as relaxed as possible, with my legs slightly elevated in a truly wonderful chair.

Walking to one side of the room, there were movable tables filled with trays of food. He picked one up, presumably meant for me, and placed it next to me. He had a chair for himself too, not as nice, but comfortable enough. Uncovering the first tray, I saw my smoothies had been turned into jello. Damon fed them to me and ate some himself, part of the plan to share a meal.

While he fed Mariella and others were busy as well, my position limited my view to only what I was supposed to see. I could admire the shimmering ceiling with champagne-colored tiles adorned with silver shimmery diamonds. Soft spotlights on the ceiling added to the elegant atmosphere, creating a visually stunning setting.

Next, we moved on to the meat course. There were many plates with various meat dishes, no carbs in sight, only some nuts, berries, and seeds – not the typical carbs like pasta, rice, or potatoes. The food was delicious, and Damon lovingly and dominantly fed me.

It was clear who held all the power, and I didn't mind at all. This was a pampering day, so I embraced it and allowed myself to enjoy every moment, knowing it was a rare treat that made it all the more special.

Mariella inquired, "What's next? This has been wonderful, but can you tell me what's next?"

Number two grunted and whispered something to Mariella, and she didn't ask again.

Damon glanced at me, saying softly, "You're behaving, good girl."

I replied, "I'm just enjoying myself. I mean, I don't have to lift a finger. I have a group of extremely handsome menservants worshipping me and my body. What more could I ask for?"

Mariella chimed in, "Good point, Mimi. I hadn't thought of it that way, but we are indeed being worshipped here."

Damon gave me a sharper look but continued feeding me. It was important to show him I hadn't lost my edge or become submissive; my fire was still burning, it was just a matter of perspective.

After the meal, it was time for the spa. Since I couldn't move, Damon carried me to the renovated spa area where the scent of a hot sauna filled the air. He gently removed my robe and opened the sauna door, guiding me to a comfortable spot on the deck.

As the other men brought in the rest of the women, Damon said, "Now, just relax. There's an automatic water dispenser for steam. Let your mind wander, and we'll know when it's time for the next massage."

With that, he left us in the dimness and warmth of the sauna. 

It was a pleasant experience in the sauna. I could smell various flowers and something exotic as water cascaded over hot stones. The hot steam helped my muscles relax even more. Initially, we all enjoyed the silence, sighing contently for the first ten minutes or so.

However, Mariella eventually broke the silence by asking, "Is it just me, or are your needs growing alarmingly?"

Elena responded, "Yeah, if by needs you mean feeling horny, then yes, I'm definitely feeling it."

Mimosa and Shadow agreed wholeheartedly.

I had no choice but to admit, "I've been indulging in my dirty fantasies, creaming myself five times already, imagining what I'll do once my muscles are back online."

Mariella grunted in response, "What a nasty trick, paralyze us and then make us horny as hell."

I nodded in agreement, adding, "It's not pleasant to be helpless, at the mercy of others. We're surrounded by temptation, yet physically unable to act on it, except to beg and plead. Maybe that's the lesson here."

Mimosa sighed, lamenting, "My hands won't work; otherwise, I would have relieved myself already."

We endured another fifteen minutes in that torturous sauna, losing track of time as my mind wandered to carnal thoughts of what I would do once my muscles were functioning again.

When the door opened, Damon and the other Salvatores entered, picking us up in their arms with smug smiles. Mariella openly pleaded for someone to satisfy her. Mimosa described her desperate need for intimacy, and Shadow begged as well. I remained silent.

Damon noticed and remarked, "You have good self-restraint, baby, but let's see if we can break it."

He carried me back to my chair, tilting it further back, so that I was almost lying down. He spread my legs, put a sleeping mask over my eyes, and strapped my hands to the armrests. All I could do was surrender to the situation.

Mouths, hands were all over me. Someone's head was between my legs, his tongue swiping at my cunt lips. Two more mouths were sensually exploring my breasts and nipples, biting and licking me. Warm hands caressed my body in so many places. Whoever was eating me took his time. I was so close, so damn close.

As I exploded the first time, I thought I couldn't calm down my breathing at all. The next climax was rapidly building. Someone kissed me skillfully, demanding, while someone else was now eating my pussy, thrusting their tongue deep into my velvety sopping depths. I wasn't sure what I was saying, probably pleading and begging.

One of the Salvatores, not sure who, whispered in my ear, "Let's see how many orgasms I can wring out of you until you are a pleading, shuddering mess."

I was already one, more or less, but this sensual attack on my body kept going, and climax after another hit me like waves of love or a tsunami. I was sweaty but not satisfied at all. It seemed I needed something more, much more, harder, thicker.

Someone chuckled oh so dangerously, but I was more or less ready. Finally, it ended, and someone took the sleeping mask off me. I was not yet done. My muscles had little movement already.

To my surprise, it was number two who picked me up in his arms and murmured, "Good girl begged oh so nice, so master will give you what you want."

Just before we left, I saw number one and several other Salvatores all over Mariella, who was more than ready. Number two carried me to an opulent cream-colored bedroom with silvery hues on the curtains and bedspread. I was not that interested in checking out the decoration.

I was more focused on kissing my husband. He laid me on the bed and started to take his clothes off slowly, teasing me. Well, it doesn't take much imagination to understand what happened next. The sex beast had to be satisfied, and this version of a fucking machine was more than ready to do it.

To my surprise, soon number three and four walked in, stripped too, and then one thing led to another. That bedroom was sanctified by us like no other. Our passion knew no bounds, our sex drive pushed us forward, and time lost its meaning as pleasure took over.