167 - From the ashes

The filming crew around the set was doing the last adjustments to their equipment. The lights were already in place, and the subtle make-up that was almost non-existent on Daemon's face indeed worked as Lyne had touted.

As the director signaled for things to start, Lyne turned to the camera:

"Hello, everyone. I am Lyne Fogg. We are transitioning into a new year, 2023 ending and 2024 starting. And just like every year, as usual, our magazine is bringing to you the startups created in the year that is ending and which have been determined as having the most potential, whether economically or socially. This year, we have invited the CEO of one such company, a young elite who just made a name for himself and started his company. He pushed his ideals forward, and what he is building is sure to benefit society, and quite possibly on a deep level. Let us welcome Mr Daemon Peak."