A Power Shift

In the dim, aether-lit chamber of the Clock Tower, Constantine handed Damien a small, glowing fragment of the relic taken from Albus Rhea's body. Damien, ever meticulous, set up an analysis station with various aetheric instruments, adjusting his spectacles as he began his examination.

"This needs a closer look," Damien murmured, placing the fragment under a magnifying lens connected to an aether resonance detector. The device hummed softly, its readouts displaying the complex energy signatures of the artifact. He tweaked the controls, eyes narrowing in concentration.

Constantine watched, curiosity evident on his face. "So, what's the verdict?"

Damien, after a few minutes of intense examination, looked up. "This is definitely a Corrupted Divine artifact," he said, his tone a mix of fascination and concern. "By itself, it's not particularly useful. But I've got an idea. We could use the Divinity in this fragment to help Darryl or Shift ascend."