Using internal energy

Using internal energy

Hyu Jong, who caught the exclamation from Beob Gang from a distance, also approached Mujin with a surprised expression.

"Oh. So you were really practicing the inner energy."

Hyu Jong, who approached Mu-Jin closely, realized that Mu-Jin was also practicing inner energy and cleared his throat.

Suddenly, Mu-Jin, who was disturbed by the strange sounds made by Hyu Jong and Beob Gang surrounding him, looked at them with a puzzled expression.

"What seems to be the problem?"

"It's not a problem... per se. Mu-Jin. When exactly were you able to practice inner energy?"

Mu-Jin pondered Beob Gang's question for a moment.

It was, of course, the result of intense training in the secret training room for seven days and nights, but he couldn't say that out loud. It would be like confessing that he had done something else during secret training.

"Well... I just tried it for the first time now. The exercise of our family also emphasizes breathing, and when I exercised today after a long time, I found that the breathing technique of our family and the Tona method seemed similar, so I tried applying it once."

Beob Gang's jaw dropped at Mu-Jin's words. Hyu Jong, who also had experience, barely held back his surprise. It wouldn't be strange for his jaw to drop at any moment.

Originally, the practice of inner energy was only possible when one reached the highest level of the inner teachings. Of course, as the basic method of inner energy, after practicing for a few years, it was usually achieved.

However, it wasn't that everyone, even the senior disciples or higher-level monks of Shaolin, could practice inner energy.

The higher the level of inner teachings, the faster the accumulation of internal energy. Usually, rather than achieving inner energy, it was the rule to learn the foundation with inner energy and then move on to the higher-level teachings.

Because the efficiency of concentrating on exercising for an hour with the teachings of the higher-level was better than exercising for twelve hours with inner energy.

However, if one reached the stage of inner energy after learning it for only a few days, the story would change.

He would be able to accumulate more internal energy at a much faster rate than the other children, and even if he learned the higher-level teachings, it would be of no use.

When exercising, he would progress with advanced teachings, and during ordinary times, he would continue to practice inner energy with inner energy. And above all else.

'Just by trying it once, if inner energy can be unfolded so easily, he might succeed in practicing inner energy in the higher teachings in no time.'

Both Beob Gang and Hyu Jong were thinking of such thoughts.

"Ahem. Then, can you practice inner energy continuously even during normal times?"

At Hyu Jong's question filled with expectation, Mu-Jin tilted his head.

"It's only possible when practicing the family's exercises."

Although Beob Gang and Hyu Jong showed slightly disappointed expressions at Mu-Jin's answer, they quickly returned to normal.

'Perhaps I was being too greedy. Amitabha.'

Just being able to practice inner energy during exercise was already a great feat, so why ask for more?

And Mu-Jin realized one important thing in the conversation with them.

'Hmm. If I can continue to practice inner energy not only during exercise but also during normal times, it would definitely be useful.'

It was the moment when the next goal arose.

But a goal was just a goal.

"Then, can I exercise again?"

Muscle loss was muscle loss. It was unacceptable to have idle chatter during precious exercise time.

"Well, if you insist."

"Ahem. It seems like we were a disturbance."

Beob Gang and Hyu Jong could only withdraw with embarrassed faces at Mu-Jin's request. They had completely forgotten their purpose of training Mu-Jin in Shaolin's training.

* * *

Mu-Jin, who finished the early morning training for an hour, got up with a refreshed face.

'It was very rewarding.'

During the hour, not only did his muscles tighten, but also, thanks to the continued inner energy practice, he accumulated inner energy for an hour.

Day by day, it might be insignificant, but after spending a year or two like this, tremendous changes would occur. He, a fitness enthusiast for ten years, knew this very well.

When the entry-level disciples who finished their early morning training one by one cleared away the sandbags and headed to the meal hall for breakfast.


Mu-Jin started the Muscle Stretching Technique to loosen the muscles tortured for an hour. Since today's exercise focused on shoulders and arms, Mu-Jin loosened his upper body accordingly.

Beside Mu-Jin, Mu Yul, Mu Gyeong, and Mu Gung were also there.

"Oh. When did Mu Gyeong learn?"

"M-Mu Yul taught me. It hurts, but after doing it, my body feels, feels better."

Mu Gyeong said awkwardly, pointing at Mu Yul.

"Good job. Yul."

Mu Gyeong was a child who would become an outstanding successor in the future. Wasn't he even his bloodline successor?

Mu-Jin, who praised Mu Yul, loosened his body for a moment.


It didn't take long for him to notice a few strange things.

First of all, "Mu Gyeong's body is stiffer than I thought?"

Mu-Yul easily followed the postures he had been imitating, while Mu-Gyeong seemed to struggle quite a bit.

'Come to think of it, Beob Gang seemed to be in quite some pain too.'

Of course, Beob Gang didn't show any signs of pain and gritted his teeth.

Anyway, Beob Gang's knees were already broken, and his body had already fully grown.

'So I thought it was because of his age, but now I see, was Mu-Yul just naturally flexible?'

Come to think of it, Mu-Yul was not only good at Muscle Stretching Technique but also easily followed physical exercises.

'Is Mu-Yul more talented than I thought?'

But why hadn't Mu-Yul's name appeared even once in parts 1 and 2?

While contemplating this briefly, Mu-Jin soon realized the reason.

'Could it be... because he has a clear mind, he couldn't learn the Supreme Martial Arts?'

Somehow, he felt that if it was Mu-Yul, it would be quite plausible. In martial arts novels, outstanding martial artists usually had very complicated techniques.

'Still, if he's talented in physical activities, with a little help from the side, he might become quite strong, right?'

Until now, he had treated him like a cute nephew, but perhaps he could become a significant force in the future.

After organizing his thoughts to that extent, Mu-Jin looked at Mu-Gung to solve another question.

Somehow, unlike Mu-Gyeong and Mu-Yul, Mu-Gung was just watching from the side without participating in the stretching. 

"Why aren't you doing anything?"

"Hmm. Don't worry, I'll do it later."

With a blush on his face, Mu-Gung turned his head away from Mu-Jin's question.

It wasn't because Mu-Jin misunderstood that the Muscle Stretching Technique was an attack technique. That misunderstanding had already been cleared up thanks to Beob Gang.

He even tried to imitate it a few times and felt refreshed. Yet he was still just watching.

'Damn it. If it were him, he would definitely make fun of me.'

It was because he didn't want to show Mu-Jin his stiffness. More precisely, not just to Mu-Jin, but to all the other disciples as well.

To Mu-Gung, it was more shameful to show someone that he couldn't do something than to lose.

"What's the use of doing it after your body has cooled down, you idiot."

Not knowing such facts, or rather, not wanting to know, Mu-Jin approached Mu-Gung and forcibly began to stretch his body.

"Aargh!!! Let go!! Let me go!!"

"Wow. You're completely stiff like a wooden doll. A wooden doll."

And not long after, Mu-Gung realized that he was incredibly stiff.

"Yeah! I'm stiff! What about it!!!"

Thinking that Mu-Jin was making fun of him, Mu-Gung yelled in frustration, but Mu-Jin simply continued to press down on his body lightly.

"It's not a crime to be stiff, and what's there to be frustrated about. Besides, the reason you're stiff is because you're trying to become flexible through muscle stretching. People who mock others' efforts are the trashiest."

Sometimes there were people like that.

Those who laughed at overweight people who had come to the gym with a big heart to lose weight. The kind of scum who laughed at those who couldn't run much due to lack of stamina.

Mu-Jin disliked the behavior of those who mocked others' efforts, and above all else.

"Sigh. Just thinking about those members who left because of those jerks makes me want to smack them with dumbbells right now."

To him, who had suffered economic losses because of those jerks, they were nothing but teeth-grinding nuisances.

Of course, from Mu Gung's perspective, who didn't know such circumstances, it was quite a moving statement.

To show off to others, he had always secretly put in tremendous effort behind everyone's back. Being the most advanced among the novice disciples was partly due to his large build and his background in martial arts, but above all, it was because of his efforts.

"Hmm. Today, for the first time, you're saying something right. Yeah! You shouldn't laugh at people who make an effort."

"Yeah. So let's make an effort."

Impressed by Mu Gung's enthusiastic response, Mu-Jin immediately pressed down on Mu Gung's body.


Once again, Mu Gung's scream echoed throughout the training ground.

* * *

Except for enjoying various freeweights and starting to practice a new goal, Haeng-gong, there was no change in the daily routine of the novice disciples.

But on the tenth afternoon, a change came during the morning training session.

"Now that most disciples have mastered the Buddha's Heart Technique, it is time to move on to the next level."

At Hyu Jong's proclamation from the podium, two senior disciples suddenly performed the initiation ceremony of the Chain-Linked Fist.

"From now on, using the inner strength accumulated through the Buddha's Heart Technique, we will learn how to channel the inner strength beyond the forms and formulas of the Chain-Linked Fist."

Finally, they would learn how to use inner strength, moving beyond just accumulating it.

"The Heart-Mind Fist starts from the Dantian, rises through the chest, passes through the Kihae (氣海), Jungwan (中脘), and Geokwall (巨闕). The energy of the fourth and sixth forms passes through the gisa (氣舍) and into the Gyunwoo (肩髃) acupoint. The third form passes through..."

Following Hyu Jong's instructions from the podium, the two senior disciples each slowly unfolded the forms, gradually drawing upon their inner strength.

"Your posture must never falter. From now on, disciples who have mastered the Buddha's Heart Technique will begin practicing the Heart-Mind Fist, supporting themselves firmly on the ground with both legs and starting the training according to the arrangement!"

Hyu Jong's command resounded, and Mu-Jin also assumed the posture and focused his mind.

"The Kihae, Jungwan, and Geokwall... so it rises from the Dantian to the chest."

He calmly reviewed Hyu Jong's explanation and operated a small portion of the inner strength gathered at the Dantian.

"Divide the inner strength into the Gyunwoo acupoint on each shoulder after reaching the Geokwall near the chest."

Mu-Jin calmly focused his mind, slowly dividing the inner strength into two, then twisted his upper body, extending his right arm forward and balancing with his left arm while directing the energy gathered at the shoulder toward each arm.


Despite progressing slowly, a tiny breakthrough occurred when he extended his right fist at the end.


And in that one practice session, Mu-Jin was able to grasp the basic concept to some extent.

"By stimulating the acupoints with inner strength, is it the concept of strengthening each part?"

It seemed that was why he also directed some energy to his left arm while striking with his right. If he focused solely on his right arm, his posture would collapse because it couldn't withstand the force.

If the force exceeded a certain level, it could damage the muscles of the waist and back, and in severe cases, cause problems in the spine or lower body.

"It's fortunate that I haven't accumulated much inner strength yet."

Mu-Jin had just started to master the Buddha's Heart Technique and barely twenty days had passed. The inner strength he had gathered was negligible. If he had mindlessly gathered inner strength equivalent to several years' worth, his waist might have twisted out of shape by now.

With that in mind, Mu-Jin cautiously repeated the Heart-Mind Fist, hoping to prevent any potential injuries.

"But, even though I have little inner strength now, it seems like my waist or lower body might be in trouble later?"

No matter how he balanced with his left arm, if his lower body was weak, there would eventually be limits.

As Mu-Jin pondered such doubts.

"To properly use the Heart-Mind Fist, you must also send energy to the lower body."

Hyu Jong's explanation, as she watched the disciples' training, continued. It seemed she was trying to teach them one step at a time.

After mastering the path of sending inner strength to the lower body for the Heart-Mind Fist.

"This is more complicated than I thought."

Mu-Jin realized that inner strength wasn't a panacea. As much as it strengthened the body, appropriate distribution was necessary for each movement.

How much training would it take to accomplish that during a desperate battle, with just one breath?

With that thought, Mu-Jin's gaze naturally turned to Mu Yul.

"This guy took over five days just to memorize the blood map. Still, by the time Mujin finished the face wall, he had memorized all the blood diagrams...

"Tsk. That's bad."

Mujin sighed at the sight of Muyul struggling with his limbs in a strange way, wondering where on earth he was channeling his energy."