Group Training Supervisor (Group PT) (1)

Group Training Supervisor (Group PT(Group Physical Training)) (1)

Evening free time.

Mu-Jin and his companions were each taking their positions in the training ground, swinging their fists. They were practicing the first form of the Chain-Linked Fist they had learned during the morning training session. Although it was the most basic introductory martial art, it was quite complex for young children, so on the first day, they were only taught how to use the inner strength of the first form.

Mu-Jin speculated that perhaps from now on, they would be taught one additional form each day. And thanks to practicing the first form repeatedly during the morning training session, Mu-Jin could now use the first form quite steadily. When he assumed the posture and raised his inner strength to strike his fist, a breakthrough occurred without fail.

Beside Mu-Jin, Mu Gung also effortlessly used the first form of the Chain-Linked Fist. For Mu Gung, who had already experienced using inner strength due to his background in martial arts, the Chain-Linked Fist was not at a difficult level.

While Mu Gyeong was absentmindedly punching the air, he lowered his head deeply as he watched their actions. Mu-Jin noticed Mu Gyeong's self-doubt and approached him discreetly.

"What's not going well?"

"Yeah. I think I can do each part individually, but it's a bit difficult to divide and send the inner strength to the arms and legs."

The rest of his words were omitted, but it seemed like he was murmuring to himself, 'I guess I'm not good at it after all.'

"Everyone's like that. Look, there are hardly any kids doing it properly right now, except for Mu Gung and those who come from martial arts backgrounds or the Lay Disciples."

Mu-Jin gestured subtly to the other kids around him. In fact, they were not the only ones in the training ground at the moment. Due to the incident last time, this free time had become a free 'training' time. They were allowed to train their bodies like in the morning or practice martial arts, but training was necessary in any case, under the supervision of the senior disciples.

Among the novice disciples around them, there were only about ten who could use the first form of the Chain-Linked Fist properly like Mu-Jin and Mu Gung. All of those kids had experience using inner strength because they came from martial arts backgrounds.

Moreover, among the children who had been training for seventy days, about thirty of them hadn't even mastered the Buddha's Heart Technique yet, let alone the Chain-Linked Fist. Even after nearly twenty days, they still couldn't sense inner strength. In other words, although Mu Gyeong considered himself inadequate, he was still considered to be in the top tier in his own way.

"He was supposed to be a promising disciple in the future, and it's natural, but..."

If only his timid personality improved a bit, he would be able to fly around freely. Swallowing such regrets, Mu-Jin then pointed to Mu Yul, who was standing next to him this time.

"But still, you're better than Yul, right? You said you could do each part."

Seeing Mu Yul's awkward movements, which made it hard to tell if he was practicing martial arts or dancing, Mu Gyeong couldn't help but smile awkwardly. It seemed like he was restraining himself from laughing, fearing that it might upset the other.

"Anyway, Gyeong, you're doing well, so just practice a little more. I'll go help that idiot for a bit."

Mu-Jin comforted Mu Gyeong and then approached Mu Yul.

"Yul, what have you been doing since earlier?"

"Oh! I couldn't remember the sequence I learned from Master Sasukjo earlier. Hehe."

"Hmm. Shall I start from where you remember?"

"Um... From the Dantian, then Geokwall, Kihae, Jungwan?"

"...It's Kihae, Jungwan, Geokwall."

"Oh, right! Hehe. And then, divide the inner strength, and the seventh form goes to the left shoulder's Gisa acupoint and the Gyunwoo acupoint."

"The seventh form goes to the right."

"Oh! Is that so?"


"Hehe. I got confused."

Seeing his bright smile, Mu-Jin unconsciously raised both hands to scratch his head. 'Even though he's physically talented and felt inner strength earlier than me, he's still too ignorant.'

'Hmm. Should I try to minimize using his head as much as possible?'

After a moment of consideration, Mu-Jin decided to approach it in a simple way. It was a method he had used when teaching less skilled members as a trainer.

"All right. Let's not worry about the names of the acupoints for now. Can you raise inner strength up to here?"

When Mu-Jin asked while pressing the Kihae acupoint, Mu Yul responded with a bright smile.


"Then, can you go through here?"

"I can!"

When Mu-Jin pointed his finger from Kihae to Jungwan and Geokwall, Mu Yul confidently replied.

"Try doing just that much."


"…Did you do it?"

"Yes! I did it! Hehe."

"Then, take a moment to gather your inner strength, and again, don't worry about the names of the acupoints. After drawing up your inner strength to the same point as before, divide it and send it through these points, along the acupoints on both sides of your chest and into the acupoints in your shoulders."

When Mu-Jin explained the sequence by pressing each acupoint with his fingers, Mu Yul nodded as if he understood.

"Wow! I was getting confused with the names and locations of the acupoints, but this makes it easier!"

"That's a relief. Oh, and if you get confused or forget again, just ask. I have a feeling you might forget again."

"Yeah, yeah! Uh? Was it sending it from here to here?"

"…No. Not there, this way."

Seeing Mu Yul forget within a few seconds, Mu-Jin understood why Mu Yul's name didn't appear in the novel.

* * *

Forty days had passed since Mu-Jin began learning the inner strength techniques of the Chain-Linked Fist. As Mu-Jin had predicted, Hyu Jong and the senior disciples taught them one form each day, but since it was a basic martial art with not many forms, the teaching was completed in just ten days.

After that, the children continued their training according to their own progress, and now, a month later, not only Mu-Jin and Mu Gung but also Mu Gyeong and Mu Yul had managed to learn all ten forms of the Chain-Linked Fist.

Out of the seventy novice disciples, only about thirty had learned all ten forms of the Chain-Linked Fist. However, the most noticeable change in Mu-Jin was not just mastering the ten forms of the Chain-Linked Fist.

During the usual early morning training time, while Mu-Jin was doing squats with several sacks tied together on his shoulders instead of a barbell, Beob Gang, who was wandering around observing the novice disciples' training, noticed something.

'Mu-Jin's body seems much more robust than before.'

Rubbing his eyes and looking at Mu-Jin again, who was in the middle of his workout, Beob Gang couldn't hide his astonishment.

'Wait a minute. How many sacks is Mu-Jin carrying right now?'

Realizing he wasn't mistaken, Beob Gang was shocked. Building muscle through exercise doesn't show results overnight. Like stacking a tower, it takes daily effort that gradually reveals results over time.

Now, more than two months since Cho Kang-hyuk's spirit inhabited Mu-Jin, the results were starting to show. Of course, it was only a two-month achievement. Mu-Jin's body hadn't become like his former self with enormous muscles.

However, the muscles were clearly defined on Mu-Jin's body, which was just a normal child's body two months ago. Especially when compared to other children, the change was more noticeable. Mu-Jin, who was the last novice disciple to join, had begun to outpace the other young monks.

'…Could it be that Mu-Jin was right?'

Mu-Jin's claim that Shaolin's training methods were too harsh might actually be true, a thought that Beob Gang, as a Shaolin disciple, dared not entertain.

* * *

Is Shaolin's training method wrong? 

Beob Gang pondered this question alone for several hours. Due to his straightforward nature, he couldn't ask anyone about such a blasphemous thought that seemed to deny his Shaolin roots.

However, Hyun Song, who oversaw The Hall of Arhats, easily read the worry on Beob Gang's face.

"Beob Gang, you seem to have a deep worry on your mind."

"Ah… Master Sasukjo Hyun Song."

Lost in thought, Beob Gang belatedly greeted Hyun Song, not having noticed his approach.

"Worries often seem insignificant when spoken aloud. Don't worry and tell me. What's troubling you so?"


Beob Gang hesitated for a moment, but seeing Hyun Song's compassionate smile, he decided to share his concerns. He explained how he noticed Mu-Jin's progress and his blasphemous suspicion that Shaolin's training methods might be flawed.

"Well… so Mu-Jin has progressed that much in such a short time?"

Hyun Song murmured in amazement. He had been keeping an eye on Mu-Jin's character and talent in martial arts but hadn't paid attention to his training methods. In fact, he had considered the training methods as wasting Mu-Jin's talent.

Therefore, Hyun Song decided he needed to see for himself if Beob Gang's words were true.

"Can you bring Mu-Jin to the Main Hall?"


"Yes. We won't find the answer to this issue by discussing it among ourselves. It's better to see and talk to the boy in question directly, don't you think?"

"…Understood, Master Sasukjo."

Beob Gang bowed to Hyun Song and headed to the novice disciples' quarters.

Watching Beob Gang's back, Hyun Song, now burdened with a new concern, made his way to the Main Hall.

* * *

'Did I cause some trouble without realizing it?'

That was Mu-Jin's first thought when Beob Gang suddenly told him, "The Head Monk wants to see you."

But at least since returning from his wall meditation, Mu-Jin had been behaving well. As he pondered this, Mu Yul, Mu Gyeong, and Mu Gung, who were training with him, nodded in agreement.

"Mu-Jin, did you hit someone again?"

"Mu-Jin Sahyung, this time you should just apologize immediately, okay?"

"Tsk. Did you get into trouble again?"


Had they already forgotten the kindness of raising and teaching them? They were speaking very rudely.

"What are you waiting for? The Master is waiting for you. Let's go."

"…Yes, Sasuk Beob Gang."

Mu-Jin raised his fist to warn the three and then followed Beob Gang to the Main Hall.

"Master Hyun Song. This is Second Disciple Beob Gang, and I have brought Mu-Jin with me."

"Come in."

With Hyun Song's permission, Mu-Jin entered the Main Hall with Beob Gang.



For some reason, though, Hyun Song, who had summoned him, just stared at him with a peculiar expression, saying nothing.

And it wasn't Mu-Jin's face he was looking at, but various parts of his body.

'Ahem. I'm embarrassed because I haven't built much muscle yet.'

Compared to his body in his past life as Cho Kang-hyuk, his current physique was still quite lacking, so Mu-Jin felt a bit embarrassed and subtly adjusted his posture to flex his muscles.

"What are you doing?"

"Side chest… I mean, I was just adjusting my posture a little."

Mu-Jin had struck a bodybuilding pose to emphasize his modest muscles. Thanks to this, the silence in the Main Hall dissipated, and Hyun Song continued speaking.

"It seems like it's been a long time since we last talked face to face."

"Yes. I believe this is the first time since that last incident, Master."

"Haha. That last incident was not a pleasant one."

"Did you call me because of that incident?"

At Mu-Jin's bold question, Hyun Song shook his head.

"That is not why I called you. I wanted to verify something with my own eyes. And after seeing you in person, I think I understand now."

Mu-Jin tilted his head in confusion at Hyun Song's cryptic words.

"What do you mean?"

"The truth is, Beob Gang told me that your body has been growing at a much faster rate than the other novice disciples. And seeing you now, it seems that what he said is true."

Mu-Jin felt embarrassed by Hyun Song's words. It felt awkward to receive such praise for muscles that were still modest.

"But I didn't call you just to see your growth. I was curious if your growth is really due to the training method you are using."

From Hyun Song's continued words, Mu-Jin quickly grasped the situation.

"Do you want to verify if my training method is truly superior to Shaolin's?"

"That's right."

Hyun Song nodded at Mu-Jin's question and added.

"However, the fact that your body has grown quickly doesn't necessarily mean your training method is better. It could simply mean that you are exceptionally talented."

So, he was about to suggest that Mu-Jin try Shaolin's training methods for a while.

If Mu-Jin's growth continued even with Shaolin's training, it would indicate that his talent was the key factor. Plus, this would also serve to get Mu-Jin to adhere to Shaolin's methods.

However, before Hyun Song could make his suggestion, Mu-Jin spoke up first.

"Then there is a simple solution."

"A simple solution?"

"Yes. We can select a few disciples and have me lead their training. Then we can compare the progress of the group I train with the group that follows Shaolin's training methods. Wouldn't that give us a clear result?"


Hyun Song pondered Mu-Jin's suggestion for a moment.

'It's a pity that I can't get this child to follow Shaolin's training…'

But indeed, comparing groups rather than just Mu-Jin alone would provide a more accurate result.

"Then you can choose the disciples you will train."

"I already have some in mind."

"You have some in mind?"

"Yes. I would like to choose Mu Yul, Mu Gyeong, and Mu Gung."

Finally, an opportunity had come to save his trio of friends from the grueling Shaolin training methods.

'I will train you properly, kids.'

Those guys definitely didn't choose me because they treated me like a problem child.