The Blank Paper(1)

Blank Paper(1)

Right after Hyun-Kwang's treatment, it was evening.

As Hyun-Kwang lay resting after the treatment, he spoke softly, "Mu-Jin, can you show me the martial arts technique you used during your entrance examination?"

"Yes, Grandmaster."

"Haha, it's alright if you call me grandpa."

"Understood, gra... grandpa," Mu-Jin responded awkwardly.

Humans often find it easier to offer solutions and advice to others than to address their own issues, not fully understanding themselves. Mu-Jin was no different, failing to recognize the sense of indebtedness he felt towards his grandparents. The word "grandpa" made him feel increasingly awkward, as he began to see his grandfather in Hyun-Kwang.

Hyun-Kwang, understanding Mu-Jin's feelings, smiled warmly and nodded. "We need to move, so let's go outside."

Before Hyun-Kwang's words had even settled, Beob Gun, his disciple, moved to help, but Mu-Jin was quicker.

"Master, you've been busy taking care of Grandpa since morning. Please rest. I will carry Grandpa."

Beob Gun, who was about to stand, looked at Hyun-Kwang awkwardly. Seeing Hyun-Kwang's satisfied nod, he stepped back and let Mu-Jin take over. Mu-Jin carried Hyun-Kwang, and Beob Gun followed them out. After setting Hyun-Kwang down on the porch, Mu-Jin took his position in the yard.


Taking a deep breath, he began demonstrating the martial arts techniques he had developed. With each punch, palm strike, hand technique, kick, and stance, powerful shockwaves emanated from his movements.

"Haha, truly impressive," Hyun-Kwang said.

"Indeed, Master," Beob Gun agreed, watching Mu-Jin with satisfaction.

After a while, as Mu-Jin finished his demonstration, Hyun-Kwang spoke in a low tone, "Mu-Jin."

"Yes, grandpa."

"Your current martial arts are excellent, but if you push for more power, there will come a point where your external techniques alone won't suffice."


"So, I suggest you start learning the Diamond Fist technique."

"The Diamond Fist?"

When Mu-Jin asked, Hyun-Kwang nodded and continued his explanation, "As the name suggests, the Diamond Fist is based on the Diamond Sutra, much like the Small Red Fist you have learned. There are many principles connecting the two, which will make it easier for you to enhance your techniques."


"Additionally, the Diamond Fist includes principles to control its immense power. Focus on understanding the first, sixth, and eighth principles. The first principle states, 'All conditioned phenomena are like dreams, illusions, bubbles, shadows, like dew drops or a flash of lightning; thus should you meditate on them...'"

Starting from the first principle, Hyun-Kwang explained the essentials of each technique and how Mu-Jin could integrate them into his own martial arts.

"However, this is just an explanation of the principles. To truly incorporate them into your techniques, you'll need persistent effort."

"Thank you, grandpa!"

Deeply moved, Mu-Jin bowed his head to Hyun-Kwang. Since falling into the world of martial arts novels, no elder had guided him so precisely in his path forward. It wasn't just since he entered the novel; even after losing his grandparents and being forcibly discharged, Mu-Jin had to grow stronger on his own for over ten years.

For a moment, Hyun-Kwang's figure overlapped with that of Mu-Jin's grandfather. He remembered learning how to ride a bicycle, the painful walks to and from elementary school, holding his small hand, and the memories of his grandparents taking on parental roles.

Feeling his vision blur, Mu-Jin shook his head vigorously, dismissing the sentimental thoughts. It was better to focus on achieving the novel's ending. Mu-Jin recalled the principles Hyun-Kwang had taught him and practiced his punches.

"Grandpa, is this correct?"

For some reason, the word "grandpa" felt more natural this time.

"Haha, you're doing well."

Hyun-Kwang and Beob Gun watched him with satisfaction.

* * *

Mu-Jin's treatment continued without pause. Hyun Kwang's condition had severely worsened, requiring treatment for his entire body. However, treating the entire deteriorated body simultaneously would only burden it further.

Therefore, Mu-Jin divided the treatment into four parts, similar to setting a routine for exercise, and proceeded with treatment every three days. One day focused on calves to feet, another on knees to thighs, another on pelvis and lower back, and the last on shoulders and arms. It was natural for Mu-Jin to combine electrical and heat therapy with the help of Hyun Kwang and Hyu Dam.

However, Mu-Jin's original role was not that of a physician but that of one of the three disciples of Shaolin.

"Master, Grandpa, I'll be going again today."

Apart from the treatment, Mu-Jin still had to visit The Hall of Arhats every day.

"Haha, go ahead and take care, my boy."

"Master will take care of Grandpa, so don't worry and go ahead."

Leaving the greetings of Hyun Kwang and Beob Gun behind, Mu-Jin headed cheerfully towards The Hall of Arhats. As Mu-Jin reached the entrance of The Hall of Arhats, he was greeted by Beob Gang standing there.

"Mu-Jin, Master Hyun Song is looking for you. Let's go to the training hall together as his attendants."

Thinking it was related to Grandpa Hyun Kwang, Mu-Jin went to the training hall with Beob Gang. However, what Hyun Song said had nothing to do with Hyun Kwang.

"Thanks to Head Monk's assistance, additional budget has been allocated to The Hall of Arhats. In a few days, newly produced exercise equipment will be coming to The Hall of Arhats."

"Does that mean new equipment for me too!?"

Mu-Jin asked eagerly, filled with anticipation. For almost a year and a half, he had been using the sandbags, steel rods, and weight plates at The Hall of Arhats. Now, he was eager to use heavier weight plates and new exercise equipment.

Seeing Mu-Jin's excited smile, which was rare for his age, Hyun Song smiled strangely and added, "Actually, I called you to inform you about the new exercise equipment. Since the Head Monk has acknowledged your training method, all physical training conducted in The Hall of Arhats will be based on your method from now on."

"Does that mean I have to teach the training method to all the three disciples and novices in The Hall of Arhats?"

Mu-Jin asked, to which Hyun Song shook his head.

"Do you think I can take away your time like that? Moreover, it's not an efficient method. Once the new equipment arrives, you just need to explain the usage to the junior disciples of The Hall of Arhats, in addition to the sandbags, steel rods, and weight plates they've been using."

It had been almost a year and a half since Mu-Jin served as a training instructor for novice disciples. Naturally, the senior disciples who had watched him from the side were familiar with most of the bodyweight exercises and movements using sandbags.

Therefore, if they learned how to use the new equipment, Mu-Jin's training method could be easily passed down even without him.

"If that's the case, I'll be more than happy to help."

As Mu-Jin energetically replied, Hyun Song handed him a stack of blank papers.

"Then, please write down the equipment and details needed for your training method here."

Since he had experienced this when ordering the sandbags and steel rods, Mu-Jin dipped the brush in ink and began to draw the exercise equipment on the paper.

New exercise equipment was coming in, and even the ones he wanted. As he doodled with excitement, something came to Mu-Jin's mind, and he stopped the brush, looking at Hyun Song.

"Master The Hall of Arhats, if possible, is it okay to order exercise equipment not for The Hall of Arhats but for somewhere else?"

"Somewhere else? Where are you referring to?"

"I'm considering ordering equipment for Grandpa to use."

"... Are you referring to Grand Master Hyun Kwang?"

At Mu-Jin's words, Hyun Song furrowed his brows slightly. It wasn't just because of Mu-Jin's lack of manners, but it wasn't appropriate to keep pestering about Grand Master Hyun Kwang's business. More than that...

"Master Hyun Kwang's body isn't fully recovered yet. Wouldn't it be too much strain on his body to start exercising again? Especially when his condition hasn't improved significantly?"

It was unnecessary to worsen his condition with unnecessary exercise when the effects of treatment hadn't even properly manifested yet.

"It's not for immediate use. It's for when at least a month has passed, and he can move on his own. And the equipment for Grandpa is not for training like I used to do, but for therapy. The structure is entirely different."

The equipment Mu-Jin wanted to order was the equipment used in Pilates. Although Pilates had strangely become mainly associated with women for body management in modern times, there were many women-only Pilates centers, but originally, Pilates was developed for the rehabilitation of war prisoners and injured soldiers during World War I.

It was a perfect exercise for Hyun Kwang.

"Hmm, if it's for Grandmaster Hyun-Kwang's treatment, the Abbot probably wouldn't refuse either. That's how it should be," Hyun-Song replied. Before Mu-Jin could finish sketching the Pilates tools on the paper, a thought struck him. "But can these be made in this era?"

He pondered the materials used in Pilates equipment, such as foam rollers, resistance bands, Pilates arcs, and reformers. Most of them were made of rubber, styrofoam, or plastic. Mu-Jin began to reconsider the raw materials for the Pilates tools he was sketching, considering what could be sourced in this era. He added annotations to his drawings. "Well, we could probably make the springs. After all, it's just twisting metal like a dragon's whisker. And if we use iron as the framework instead of plastic or styrofoam and cover it with thick leather..."

Mu-Jin started to disguise the materials needed for the Pilates tools he was drawing, considering what could be sourced in this era. The only problem he foresaw was that the cost of materials might skyrocket compared to conventional gym equipment. "Well, I don't know everything," Mu-Jin shrugged.


After concluding his meeting with Hyun-Song and arriving at the training grounds of The Hall of Arhats, Mu-Jin was greeted first by the trio he had been with since his novice days.



"P-Pardon, Master, you're a bit l-late today?"

Mu-Jin simply waved his hand in response to the cheerful martial artists, the somewhat sluggish Mu Gyeong, and Mu Gung, who still hadn't fully overcome his speech impediment.

"How have you all been lately?"

While they still spent mornings and early afternoons together, evenings were spent separately with their respective masters. Naturally, Mu-Jin's question was about how well they were getting along with their respective masters.

"Hehe, it's been fun!"



Their reactions were quite peculiar. While Mu Gyeong always seemed down except for when his eyes lit up, Mu Gung was exhaling deep sighs that seemed to come straight from the depths of his soul.

Curious, Mu-Jin asked Mu Gung, "Is something wrong? Any problems?"

He used to be the one who looked like he was about to fly with joy when he succeeded in becoming one of the Three Disciples and was chosen as Hyu Dam's successor.

"It's just... a bit suffocating."

In response to Mu Gung's complex feelings, Mu-Jin recalled Hyu Dam's image in his mind.

"Cheer up."

With a light tongue click, Mu-Jin offered sincere comfort to Mu Gung, who seemed dreadfully solemn.

Though Mu-Jin had encountered Hyu Dam several times while caring for Grandmaster Hyun-Kwang, he hardly remembered seeing him speak at length.

The thought of spending every day in the same room with such a person was suffocating just to imagine.


Somewhere within the vast Soryeong Temple, there lies a hall.


A middle-aged monk was sighing deeply, similar to Mu Gung, but he was not Hyu Dam, Mu Gung's master. He was none other than Hyu Gul, the current successor of the Shaolin Five Thunder Fist.

"Heh heh heh heh."

"With a deep furrow in his brow, he was now reminiscing about Mu Yul, who had become his successor.

"Sigh... Who knew he could be so ignorant."

Indeed, Hyu Gul had only now realized that he had been deceived by Mu Yul."