The Blank Paper (2)

That afternoon, after finishing the day's work at The Hall of Arhats and looking at the successor who had come, Hyu Gul sighed deeply once again.



It was hard to scold the beaming face in front of him with such a bright smile. Suppressing the bubbling frustration within, Hyu Gul forced a gentle tone as he spoke.

"Mu Yul."

"Yes, Master!"

"How did you learn martial arts during your novice days?"

"During my novice days? Mu Jin helped me!"

"Mu Jin?"

"Yes! And Mu Gung and Mu Gyeong also helped a little!"

Mu Yul added, but Hyu Gul repeated Mu Jin's name not because of that.

"If it's Mu Jin, then surely... it was the name of the child Grandmaster Hyun-Kwang took in as his successor."

He had been noticeable since the entrance examination. However, he diverged from the path of Shaolin Five Thunder Fist, and Hyun-Kwang gave up on him as he wished.

But that wasn't important now.

What mattered most was the secret that had brought this naive, or rather pure, successor to his current level.

"Mu Yul."

"Yes, Master!"

"I'm thinking of visiting Mu Jin for a moment. Would you like to come along?"

"Sure! Hehehe."

After hearing Mu Yul's cheerful response, Hyu Gul headed to the study chamber where Hyun-Kwang resided, accompanied by Mu Yul.

Since he was the Grandmaster's successor, Mu Jin would surely be there too.


As usual, Mu Jin was treating Hyun-Kwang's body and practicing martial arts in the courtyard when a robust voice echoed.

"Greetings, Hyun-Kwang Grandmaster!"

Along with the booming voice, a fierce-looking middle-aged monk appeared in the study chamber.

"Hehehe. Hyu Gul Sahjil, welcome."

"My apologies for not visiting frequently due to my disciple's negligence."

As Hyu Gul entered the study chamber and said this, Mu Yul was with him.

"Greetings, Hyun-Kwang Great Sage! Hello, Mu Jin~!!"

Mu Jin chuckled in response to Mu Yul's greeting. He was always cheerful wherever he went.

While Mu Yul and Mu Jin exchanged pleasantries, Hyun-Kwang asked Hyu Gul.

"Hehehe. While guests are always welcome, there must be a reason why a busy man like you has come here."

"Ahem. I apologize, Grand Sage. The reason I've come today is because I have some business with Mu Jin."

As Hyu Gul explained cautiously what he had experienced, including his attempt to teach Mu Yul the basics of Hakkwon, the foundation of Shaolin Five Thunder Fist, and the fact that Mu Yul had hardly followed the content until now.

Lastly, he mentioned that Mu Yul learned martial arts during his novice days thanks to Mu Jin.

After hearing Hyu Gul's explanation, Hyun-Kwang looked at Mu Yul.


Facing the Grand Sage's gaze, Mu Yul responded with an undeniably bright smile.

"Hmm. First, it seems we need to directly confirm why you took in that child as a successor. Mu Jin."

"Yes, Grandfather."


When Mu Jin replied as "Grandfather," Hyu Gul couldn't help but flinch unknowingly. However, whether he reacted or not, both Mu Jin and Hyun-Kwang seemed completely indifferent.

"Would you like to spar with that child Mu Yul?"

"Yes. I sparred with him frequently during his novice days. Grandfather."

Confidently responding, Mu Jin addressed Mu Yul.

"You know, Mu Yul? Just have fun."

"Yeah yeah!"

As Mu Yul brightly responded, Mu Jin stepped back and assumed a stance.

In response, Mu Yul also took his stance, and Hyun-Kwang's eyes gleamed as he watched Mu Yul's stance.

"Hehehe. Just have fun."

Having watched the exchange between the two, Hyun-Kwang stopped the spar with a satisfied smile.

"Indeed, you seem to be a talent worth cultivating."

Mu Yul's free-spiritedness was indeed suitable for the Shaolin Five Thunder Fist.

In fact, despite being one of the representative martial arts of Shaolin, the Shaolin Five Thunder Fist did not belong to the seventy-two arts of the temple.

To be precise, it was a kind of heresy. If it weren't for the martial arts created by Master Dalma, it might have been abolished at the Library of Scriptures.

That's because while other Shaolin martial arts were all associated with patience and asceticism, the Shaolin Five Thunder Fist inherently contained a freedom to unleash energy recklessly.

In a sense, it could be considered more akin to the Taoist martial arts rather than Buddhism. However, just as in Taoism, where one ultimately achieves enlightenment and freedom from all distress and obsessions, the same applies to Buddhism. So, it wasn't entirely out of line.

Perhaps that's why Master Dalma, upon completing the Enlightenment, completed the Shaolin Five Fist in his later years, and the later generations of Shaolin did not reject it.

However, because it was different from other Shaolin martial arts, the lineage of the Shaolin Five Fist was barely maintained.

Unless one completed the Buddhism like Master Dalma did, learning the Shaolin Five Fist while learning other heavy martial arts of Shaolin would actually be poisonous.

If the Destroyer of Demons Division was treated as heresy due to the mission entrusted in Shaolin, the Shaolin Five Thunder Fist was closer to heresy itself.

Therefore, the relationship between those who learned the Shaolin Five Fist was unusually tight compared to those of other Shaolin martial artist.

This was partly because of its free-spirited nature compared to other martial arts, and partly because those who learned it were so rare.

"Hehehe. It seems Hyu Gul Sahjil was quite anxious."

Thus, Hyun-Kwang thought.

Hyu Gul might have been anxious because he had chosen the wrong successor and was afraid that the lineage of the Shaolin Five Fist might be severed.

But that wasn't a big deal. As someone of Hyu Gul's caliber, he could find a solution even if it took some time.

With that in mind, Hyun-Kwang looked at Hyu Gul with a strange smile.

"Resolving the issues of Shaolin disciples is a natural duty for a master. Take Mu Jin with you."

"Thank you, Grandfather."

"But, there's a condition."

"A condition... you say?"

Hyu Gul asked with a puzzled tone. It was unexpected for Hyun-Kwang to impose conditions, as he usually didn't take things seriously.

Looking at Hyu Gul's puzzled face, Hyun-Kwang spoke in his usual vague manner.

"Instead of Mu Jin helping Mu Yul with his training, for a while, Mu Jin's training will be entrusted to you, Hyu Gul. Teach him the same content that Mu Yul is learning."

"Me? But the Shaolin Five Thunder Fist..."

"Hehehe. Don't worry. It'll be helpful for Mu Jin."

Hyun-Kwang still looked at Mu Jin instead of giving a direct answer.

"Mu Jin."

"Yes, Grandfather."

"From now on, train under Hyu Gul's guidance while assisting Mu Yul. It will greatly help you in practicing the martial arts you are learning."

"I understand, Grandfather."

Although he answered first, Mu Jin was also puzzled.

But once again, instead of giving a direct answer, Hyun-Kwang added a cryptic remark.

"Just remember this, Mu Jin. Rather than what appears on the surface, the true intention is what matters."

"Understood, Master."

And so, Mu Jin's entrusted education began. Or perhaps it was the role of being Mu Yul's guardian.

* * *


Hye Gul, having returned to his hall, crossed his arms and looked at the two novice monks standing before him. He felt like he had gained another problem while trying to solve the issue with Mu Yul.

'It's his decision. There must be a reason.'

Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, Hye Gul spoke in a gruff voice.

"Then, for today, I will teach you the form of the Crane Fist, which is considered the foundation of the Shaolin Five Fist."

As Hye Gul said this, his disciple and Mu Yul's teacher, Beob Hyun, who was standing like an assistant nearby, assumed the initial position of the Crane Fist.

'Hmm. It's certainly different from other Shaolin martial arts.'

The movements of the Crane Fist were indeed unique. As a martial art that mimics the movements of a crane, it involved softly walking like a crane strutting, then abruptly stopping, and suddenly thrusting out a fist like a crane pecking with its beak. The movements were a curious mix of softness and precision.

One thing was clear: although it was collectively referred to as a 'fist' style, the Crane Fist was a martial art that combined footwork and body techniques.

"Now, you two try to follow along."

As soon as Beob Hyun finished demonstrating twice, Hye Gul spoke. 

Since they were only learning the form, Mu Jin began to mimic the movements demonstrated by Beob Hyun, recalling them from memory. However, Mu Yul, who was beside him, also tried to imitate the movements but...


Despite merely imitating the form, Mu Yul lost his balance after barely three moves.

At this sight, Hye Gul and Beob Hyun couldn't help but sigh. They had been witnessing the same scene for five days now.

Mu Jin, who was practicing alongside, tilted his head in confusion.

'Why is he like that?'

Mu Yul was not dumb. In fact, he had an exceptionally agile and flexible body, almost animal-like in its prowess.

When learning martial arts, even if he got the sequence mixed up, he could flawlessly replicate each movement. So why was he struggling now?

"Mu Yul, what's wrong?"

"Hehe. It feels awkward."

In response to Mu Jin's question, Mu Yul smiled brightly as usual and scratched his shaved head.

Watching this, Hye Gul sighed again and spoke to Mu Jin.

"This is why I came to you. I heard that during your novice days, you taught him martial arts. So tell me, how did you teach Mu Yul?"

Teaching Mu Yul? It wasn't anything special. Mu Jin simply pointed out movements with his finger, focusing on repetitive practice without worrying about muscle names, joints, or pressure points.

When Mu Jin explained his method, Hye Gul's forehead furrowed.

"Hmm. Certainly, it seems to be a good method for basic martial arts. But..."

Though he didn't say it outright, Hye Gul felt a bit dejected. It wasn't much different from what they were already doing. They hadn't even moved on from the basic form of the Crane Fist in five days. By now, even a monkey should have memorized the form.

So what was the problem?

Mu Jin, Hye Gul, and Beob Hyun pondered deeply, surrounding Mu Yul, who tilted his head with a monkey-like expression.


After watching Mu Yul's bright expression for a while, Mu Jin decided to check his condition first.



"You said the Crane Fist form feels awkward, right?"

"Yeah, yeah."

"Specifically, what feels awkward? Is it connecting the movements?"

"Hmm? I'm not sure. Maybe it's the way it moves? Or the way it stops?"

As he answered, Mu Yul tried to perform the Crane Fist form again, but once more, he lost his balance after a few moves.

'Hmm? It doesn't seem like a memory issue. He remembers the form.'

Watching his movements, Mu Jin realized that Mu Yul remembered the form without Beob Hyun's demonstration.

So, Mu Jin asked Hye Gul and Beob Hyun.

"Is the Crane Fist originally an awkward martial art in connecting moves?"

"Absolutely not. The Shaolin Five Fist was created by the great Bodhidharma, inspired by animal movements. It's one of the most natural-flowing martial arts in Shaolin."

Hye Gul answered proudly.

'So it's not the connection of the moves either.'

As Mu Jin fell silent in contemplation, the hall fell into a tense silence.

In this suffocating atmosphere, Mu Jin recalled the words he had heard before coming here.

Grandfather Hyun Kwang had said that the essence, rather than the appearance, was important.

So, what was the essence of the Crane Fist?

Though it was his first day learning the Crane Fist, a thought struck Mu Jin like lightning.