The Blank Paper (3)

Mu Jin, thinking he had nothing to lose, asked Mu Yul a question.

"Yul-ah, have you ever seen a crane?"


Mu Yul tilted his head and raised the end of his sentence. From the way he spoke, it was clear he didn't even know what a crane was, let alone having seen one.

'Just as I thought…'

Mu Jin wasn't someone who enjoyed deep and philosophical thinking. So, he kept it simple.

The essence of Crane Fist.

It was the movement of a crane.

Given this, Mu Yul was trying to mimic the movements of a crane without knowing what a crane looked like.

"Then what were you thinking while following Beob Hyun Sasuk's movements?"

"Hmm? I wasn't thinking about anything. I just tried to follow exactly what my master was doing. Hehe."

With Mu Yul's answer, Mu Jin suddenly felt certain. But this certainty was only his own. Hye Gul and Beob Hyun still looked puzzled.

"What is the problem with that?" Hye Gul asked.

"The master's words are correct. The Shaolin Five Fist is a natural martial art inspired by the movements of animals living in nature. The movements are designed to be naturally connected

. Are you suggesting that Mu Yul is unable to follow my movements because they are awkward?"

Beob Hyun asked incredulously. He wasn't offended, but if his movements were awkward, how could he execute all the forms of Crane Fist so seamlessly?

"I'm not blaming Beob Hyun Sasuk's movements. But think about it. You say the movements of animals are natural, but that's because they fit the form of those animals. How can imitating them with a human body be considered natural?"

Mu Jin continued without waiting for an answer.

"Moving softly, suddenly lifting a leg and stopping, then flapping and pecking—these are all natural for a crane but highly unnatural for a human. 

Therefore, Crane Fist adapts these crane movements for the human body, transforming the pecking into a punching motion, for instance. People who have seen cranes can understand and mimic these adaptations naturally. But Mu Yul, who has never seen a crane, is just copying Beob Hyun's movements without understanding their meaning.

"Beob Hyun Sasuk, you use the essence and experience to perform the forms, but Mu Yul can't do that. He's simple-minded. He needs the basic framework and to be allowed to move as his body leads him."

"Letting his body lead him?"

"Yes. Mu Yul might be slow-witted, but his body is quite capable. If he is consistently shown the crane's movements, he will eventually mimic them on his own."

Listening to the conversation, Mu Yul asked, "Am I a stone head?" But the three remained serious.

Particularly, Hye Gul realized something from Mu Jin's words.

'Grandfather Hyun Kwang sent this child for a reason.'

Why did he take Mu Yul as a disciple? Because of Mu Yul's free-spirited nature and animal-like physique.

So, when did he start being confined by the forms and principles of martial arts?

Despite inheriting the Shaolin Five Fist, the most free-spirited martial art in Shaolin, why was he fixated on the forms created by Bodhidharma rather than the essence of the Five Fist?

'Without realizing it, I developed an inferiority complex.'

Maybe, because the Shaolin Five Fist differed from other Shaolin martial arts, he clung to it to gain legitimacy.

Grandfather Hyun Kwang probably foresaw this. And as for Mu Jin...

'Is it because he's still young? He's not bound by preconceived notions.'

Realizing this, Hye Gul decided to accept Mu Jin's suggestion. He had nothing to lose anyway.

"Then, we must show Yul a crane."

"Yes, Hye Gul Sasukjo."

Mu Jin nodded but then hesitated for a moment.

'Wait a minute. The Shaolin Five Fist includes Crane, Snake, Leopard, Tiger, and Dragon, right?'

So, do we need to show a tiger for Tiger Fist and a dragon for Dragon Fist?

'A tiger might be possible, but a dragon... well, it's a martial arts novel, so who knows?'

Mu Jin thought it through but then nodded nonchalantly.

Whether it's a dragon or a tiger, capturing them is the job of Mu Yul's master and Sajo, not his concern. 

Yes, exactly.

* * *

The next day.

After treating Hyun Kwang, Mu Jin headed to Hye Gul's hall and witnessed an unusual scene.

"Look, Yul-ah. This is what a crane looks like."


Hye Gul was acting like a father taking his youngest son to the zoo.

And as the crane, which had been let loose in the courtyard, suddenly flapped its wings and took off into the sky,



Hye Gul and Beob Hyun leaped into the air, mimicking the movements of Crane Fist. Watching them, Mu Jin thought,

'What is this? Performance art?'

While Mu Jin made a face of disbelief, Mu Yul clapped happily as he watched his master and teacher catch the crane in mid-air.


It looked just like a scene from a zoo. Or perhaps a circus?

The sad part was that Mu Jin also had to join this performance art or circus, whatever it was.

From that day, Mu Jin and Mu Yul spent every evening for the next fifteen days with the crane.

Specifically, whenever the crane made a movement, Hye Gul and Beob Hyun would demonstrate how each form of Crane Fist depicted those movements.

The fascinating part was that even Beob Hyun and Hye Gul, who were already highly skilled, found their movements becoming smoother as they practiced alongside the crane.


"Ooh! Wonderful, Mu Yul."

"It's like watching a crane flapping its wings, Master."

"Indeed. Amitabha."

By the fifth day, Mu Yul was executing Crane Fist properly.

However, Mu Yul's Crane Fist was different from that of Hye Gul and Beob Hyun.

Mu Yul's natural talent and animal-like instincts led him to adapt the movements to his own body, creating actions that resembled a crane even more closely.

'If this kid were born in modern times, he would have become a world-class dancer,' thought Mu Jin.

Even Mu Jin, who had trained for decades, couldn't match Mu Yul's instinctive grasp of movement.

However, Mu Yul's adaptations were not perfect.

Since he had modified Crane Fist to fit his body, the original techniques and principles could no longer be used as they were.

This issue was resolved by Hye Gul, who was already a master and Mu Yul's teacher.

"Look, Mu Yul. The greatest strength of Shaolin Five Fists is that all the forms connect naturally. I will help you make your Crane Fist flow just as smoothly."

Hye Gul adjusted the principles to match the modified movements Mu Yul had created.


Mu Yul began dancing in the courtyard, his movements resembling those of a crane. The motions flowed in a unique way, unrelated to the original sequence of Crane Fist forms.


"As expected, he is a child of extraordinary talent, Master."

Hye Gul and Beob Hyun watched Mu Yul's dance with satisfied smiles. Although Mu Yul hadn't yet fully mastered the revised principles, his form was nearly complete.

It was a new version of Crane Fist, different from what Hye Gul and Beob Hyun had learned.

Over time, perhaps, as Hye Gul had once predicted, Mu Yul might perfect his own version of the Shaolin Five Fists.

It would be slightly different from the original created by Bodhidharma.

As Mu Jin watched Hye Gul and Beob Hyun admire Mu Yul's dance, he approached Hye Gul with a bow.

"I believe my role here is done."

"Hmm. Are you not planning to come back starting tomorrow?"

"That's right."

Hyun Kwang had told Mu Jin that he would gain something by training with Mu Yul and Hye Gul.

However, Mu Jin had not yet mastered Crane Fist. Despite this, he felt he no longer needed to visit, and Hye Gul did not question his decision.

Hye Gul understood that Mu Jin had gained something other than the form itself.

Indeed, Mu Jin had discovered something crucial during the fifteen days he spent with them.

The method of modifying principles and making them flow naturally.

Mu Jin found clues to two things. During his early training, he had already created his own martial art. What he needed to do now was to learn new martial arts and principles and integrate them into his own creation. Hyun Kwang had never explicitly told him to master Crane Fist. Instead, he had advised Mu Jin to learn Diamond Fist and incorporate its principles.

The gap between the core principles of Small Red Fist and the key points of Guanyin Hand and Arhat Palm. By integrating the essential elements of Diamond Fist, one can enhance power while minimizing repulsive force."

Watching Hye Gul modify the principles of Crane Fist for Mu Yul, Mu Jin gained insight. Hyun Kwang had told him that the true essence (本意) was more important than what appears on the surface. This likely meant that Mu Jin's own martial art was his true essence, not Crane Fist.

Therefore, Mu Jin felt he no longer needed to visit. His task now was to incorporate his new understanding into his martial art.

"It seems you've already gained what you needed. You may leave now."

"Yes. Please take good care of Mu Yul, Hye Gul Sasukjo, Beob Hyun Sasuk."

As Mu Jin left, a thought occurred to him.

'Wait. Did Hyun Kwang anticipate all of this?'

The more Mu Jin thought about it, the more he marveled at Hyun Kwang's foresight.

* * *

"Is it really okay to let him go, Master?" Beob Hyun asked, watching Mu Jin leave. Hye Gul laughed heartily.

"Hahaha. There is no need to worry. What that boy needed to learn was never Crane Fist in the first place."

Though not as insightful as Hyun Kwang, Hye Gul had spent enough time with Mu Jin over the past fifteen days to understand Hyun Kwang's intent. The surprising part was,

'That young boy understood Hyun Kwang's intent at nearly the same time as I did.'

Hye Gul couldn't help but think they were indeed an extraordinary master and disciple.

* * *

While Mu Jin continued to refine his Diamond Fist and principles, the treatment for Hyun Kwang also continued. About a month into the treatment, there was a noticeable change.

"Grandfather, I will start the manual therapy now."

"Hahaha, go ahead."

As usual, Mu Jin massaged Hyun Kwang and began the treatment. Observing from the back, Hyun Cheon noticed something different.


He had been watching the same scene daily, but today something had changed.

"Big brother! Is it okay for you to move like that?"

"Hahaha. Now that you mention it, it does feel more comfortable, Abbot."

Hyun Kwang, who previously moved only under Mu Jin's guidance like a corpse, was now moving slightly to facilitate the treatment on his own. Even the smallest movements, which had once caused him great pain, now seemed manageable.

"This improvement in your condition is remarkable! Your treatments are working!" Hyun Cheon exclaimed with childlike excitement. Hyun Gong and Hye Dam, who had been waiting outside, also rushed in, astonished.

"Are the treatments really effective?" 

Though they had been skeptical, seeing the improvements firsthand changed their perspective.

"Mu Jin! You are the benefactor of our Shaolin!"

"Please, ensure that Big Brother's body is fully healed!"

Their trust in Mu Jin skyrocketed, but he was not content with just this level of improvement. After another month, the dislocated joints and ligaments began to stabilize, reducing the pain from simple movements. However, Mu Jin's goal was more ambitious: he wanted Hyun Kwang to be able to walk on his own two feet.

Thus, he began exercise therapy. About five days into this new phase, Mu Jin realized there was a significant issue that required special measures to address.