Diet Therapy (1)

Entering into exercise therapy for the fifth day.

"Slowly lift your upper body and then slowly lower it. Don't worry, I've got your back. Just give it all you've got, Grandfather."

Mu Jin supported Hyun Kwang's back and helped him gradually lift and lower his upper body to activate the abdominal muscles, repeating the motion of lying down. After assisting him in standing up by holding his hand, Mu Jin then helped Hyun Kwang take steps on his own.

It was like a patient with injured legs practicing walking at a rehabilitation center.

'Huh. I still lack muscle in my body. I can hardly use Pilates equipment.'

But there was a problem. 

For decades, Hyun Kwang had relied on the strength of others to move due to his dislocated joints and ligaments. In other words, his entire body's muscles were severely atrophied. Continuing with manual therapy, muscle extension surgery, or electrical stimulation therapy would be futile. No, it might even worsen the situation.

Already, Hyun Kwang's cartilage had degenerated due to age. If he continued to move without muscles, the condition of his joints could worsen.

Nevertheless, it was said that muscles needed to be built quickly before joint problems arose.

'Perhaps there's no other way.'

Mu Jin realized that extraordinary measures were needed. And these measures were not something he could proceed with on his own.

* * *

In the abbot's office of the Shaolin Temple, Hyun Chun, Hyun Sung, Hyun Gong, and Hye Dam welcomed Mu Jin.

"Well then, did you have something to discuss regarding Hyun Kwang's treatment?" Hyun Chun asked Mu Jin with a pleased expression.

The sternness with which the abbot had scolded Mu Jin when he first called Hyun Gong "Grandfather" had long since disappeared. "Grandfather" was now a term of endearment. All four of them were thinking the same thing as they alternated glances at each other.

And Mu Jin, facing the four who looked at him with satisfaction, calmly began to speak.

"Yes. I have come because there have been some issues in Hyun Kwang's treatment process."

"Issues? What do you mean by that!?"

"Hasn't his condition improved? Haven't we moved on to the next stage where Hyun Kwang is moving himself?"

Before Mu Jin could finish his sentence, Hyun Sung and Hyun Gong exclaimed in surprise.

After exchanging glances with the two of them, Mu Jin responded calmly.

"Yes. I discovered some issues in the next stage of treatment."

"If there are issues, explain in detail what they are."

Even though he was the abbot of Shaolin, Hyun Chun maintained a solemn tone as he asked.

Mu Jin opened up about the problem he had realized. To properly treat Hyun Kwang's body, muscles needed to be built. And to build muscles, the first thing needed was...

"Hyun Kwang needs to eat meat."

He was advocating for a carnivorous diet.


A chilly silence fell in the abbot's office at Mu Jin's statement.

In reality, the debate over whether meat was necessary to build muscles still raged on in modern times. Vegetarian advocates claimed that a healthy muscular physique could be achieved with vegetables alone, and as someone who often looked up exercise science materials as an amateur expert, Mu Jin was aware of this debate. However, building muscles with a vegetarian diet required complex conditions. Both plant-based and animal-based proteins were composed of amino acids, but there were subtle differences in those amino acids. Ultimately, to build muscles in the human body, one needed to consume a variety of vegetable amino acids and figure out how to combine them into animal-based proteins. Moreover, unlike meat like chicken breast, which was mostly composed of protein and moisture, even protein-rich beans actually contained substantial amounts of fat and carbohydrates.

It was clear that such a method was not suitable for the patient, Hyun Kwang.

But that was just Mu Jin's opinion.

"You are outrageous!! How dare you suggest eating meat at Shaolin!"

"Unless you are trying to insult Hyun Kwang, how dare you speak such words!"

After a brief silence, the expected reaction exploded from the four. Especially since they had placed great expectations on Mu Jin, the resistance from Hyun Gong and Hyun Sung was even stronger. Hye Dam remained silent as usual, but her eyes were just as fiery as the others.

The only one maintaining some composure, Hyun Chun, asked Mu Jin, "Why do you say that you need to eat meat to build muscle? Haven't you yourself achieved a healthy body without eating meat?"

Mu Jin, at Hyun Chun's question, almost flinched unconsciously. It was because he had memories of hunting and eating animals while undergoing face-to-face training in the past. Managing to keep his expression, Mu Jin calmly replied, "It's possible to substitute meat with beans and mushrooms. However, that's just a substitution; it doesn't compare to eating meat."

"If that's the case, couldn't the abbot also substitute meat with beans and mushrooms?"

"Our situations are different! I could withstand it because I'm still young, but for the abbot, it's an urgent situation!"

Although he anticipated resistance, Mu Jin found himself growing increasingly angry as he engaged in a heated exchange with the senior monks.

"Why does our Shaolin forbid eating meat? Isn't it a form of asceticism to overcome worldly worries, desires, and the desire for food? Therefore, I willingly gave up eating meat. However, asceticism only has meaning for those who can endure it! If one were to die because of that asceticism, wouldn't that go against the law of inevitable suffering? Wouldn't that be violating the law of suffering?"

"You scoundrel!! You haven't even carried Hyun Kwang on your back for a moment! How dare you discuss Shaolin's law in front of me!"

At Mu Jin's words, Hyun Gong, the Disciplinary Head, was about to rise with anger in his eyes, but Hyun Chun calmed him down. 

"Refrain yourself, Disciplinary Head."

Hyun Chun then addressed Mu Jin, "There is reason in what you say this time. But it's not definitive proof. And violating Shaolin's law, which has been upheld for thousands of years, without evidence, is unreasonable."


"However! It's also unreasonable to turn a blind eye to the abbots who have upheld Shaolin for a thousand years."


"Disciplinary Head!"

Despite the Disciplinary Head's shout, the abbot continued, "There is a way to feed the abbot meat while upholding Shaolin's law. After eating meat, he can receive appropriate punishment. What do you think about this?"

As if posing an exam question, the abbot asked Mu Jin, who responded with resolve, "Since I suggested eating meat, I will take the punishment on his behalf."

"You still don't understand how strict Shaolin's law is. The punishment you received last time was very mild. Perhaps this time, you may have to perform a month of face-to-wall training. Are you still willing to take that punishment?"

Mu Jin didn't flinch at Hyun Chun's question.

A month of face-to-wall training?

That might scare children, but it meant nothing to Mu Jin.

"I will gladly accept that punishment, abbot."

As Mu Jin boldly replied, Hyun Chun couldn't help but burst into a chuckle, as if he had heard the answer he wanted, like a senior monk.

"Hehehe. Disciplinary Head."

"Please speak, abbot."

"In the name of the temple's abbot, the Green Jade Buddha, I would like to change one law."


"I will add an exception clause to Shaolin's law prohibiting meat consumption. It states that meat consumption is allowed for those who are severely unwell and require it for treatment."

"That cannot be allowed, abbot!"

"I understand that it cannot be allowed. Therefore, as the abbot, I will also accept the punishment along with Mu Jin, as decided by the Disciplinary Head."

With these words, Hyun Chun gave a wry smile to Mu Jin.


The timing of Mu Jin's punishment from the Disciplinary Head was delayed by several days because of the ongoing treatment of Hyun Kwang. However, they couldn't indefinitely postpone the punishment until Hyun Kwang recovered. Eventually, a period of seven days and nights was allocated. During this time, Mu Jin concluded the meeting by imparting his knowledge of treatment methods to the monks.

And the next morning...

Hyun Kwang looked at Mu Jin, who was facing death, with a complex gaze. He knew that the porridge Mu Jin offered contained meat.

Hyun Kwang had abstained from eating meat for over fifty years. It was confusing for him to suddenly adapt to eating meat due to his current situation.

Nevertheless, Hyun Kwang had no choice but to accept the spoon offered by Mu Jin. Originally, as a true disciple of Shaolin, he would have refused the spoon offered by Mu Jin.

However, he accepted it because of his conversation with Hyun Chun the previous night.

"Great Monk, I intend to entrust the future of Shaolin to Mu Jin."

"Hehehe. What are you suddenly talking about, Abbot?"

Hyun Chun recounted the events of the previous night to Hyun Kwang.

"That's what I've been thinking, Great Monk. Perhaps Shaolin has not stagnated for the past thousand years out of a desire to uphold tradition."

In Hyun Chun's eyes as he spoke, there was deep regret.

Hyun Chun had suddenly taken over as the abbot due to Hyun Kwang's injury, and ultimately became the abbot. From the time he was an ordinary disciple until now as the abbot, he had been struggling to uphold tradition with his limited abilities. At least, that's how he judged himself.

Because of his shortcomings, Shaolin had lost its former glory. While other sects progressed, Shaolin remained stagnant, merely maintaining its position. Although it was a prestigious sect recognized by all, it had lost the title of "the best in the world."

"Abbot, change doesn't always come easily. Amitabha."

"I understand, Great Monk. That's why I chose Mu Jin. I simply had a hope that he might bring about a good change. That's all."

Hyun Kwang couldn't ignore the mixed feelings of regret and determination in Hyun Chun's eyes. Moreover, he couldn't help but think about Mu Jin, who had led the situation by confronting the patriarchs for his own treatment.

In this complex state of mind, Hyun Kwang chewed and swallowed the meat porridge that entered his mouth. It was the first time he had eaten meat since joining Shaolin.