Catch the tail (1)

Although the professional treatment facility initially aimed for one-on-one sessions, it could accommodate up to two people simultaneously. Ryu Ji-Gwang, the head of the large trading group, was thorough in his preparations. In case the high-end equipment broke down, he had spare tools ready. With the help of those dispatched from the Heavenly Flow Merchant Group, Mu-Jin retrieved the spare tools from the warehouse, enabling simultaneous treatment and exercise for Ahn Hee-Seung and Kang Jae-Wan.

Kang Jae-Wan, who was dragged there by Ahn Hee-Seung, also left the clinic very satisfied after his treatment.

'The number of people seeking the professional facility will surely increase.'

Mu-Jin sensed that his marketing efforts were successful once again. He hadn't anticipated that Ahn Hee-Seung would use the treatment facility for hosting guests, though.

'It might be better to prepare two sets of equipment and inform the head to prepare more spares for hosting guests.'

If the facility could double as a place for hosting guests, their income would increase, and Ryu Ji-Gwang would likely be pleased.

* * *

A few days later.

As Mu-Jin predicted, Ryu Ji-Gwang gladly had additional equipment made for the professional facility. In the meantime, the strange nickname "Buddha Hand Boy" spread even wider in Deungbong-hyeon, and the number of patients seeking Mu-Jin increased.

"Buddha Hand Boy!"

"Grandma, it's okay to just call me Mu-Jin! 'Buddha Hand Boy' is too much."

"Oh dear, if you heal our bodies, you're like a doctor to us. How could we call you anything else?"

Even just showing his face outside the facility caused a commotion, making him feel like a modern-day idol.

'No, more like a trot singer than an idol?'

Upon reflection, he realized his fans were mostly elderly.

As if reading his mind, an old man standing next to him added,

"Oh, our young monk is not only kind-hearted but also tall and handsome. I wish he could meet my granddaughter."

"You, how can you say that to the young monk! Don't listen to him, young monk."

Another elderly man, who scolded the first, added with a kindly smile,

"Instead, I'll introduce you to my granddaughter."

The middle-aged and elderly people waiting in line burst into laughter at his words.

'That would actually be nice.'

Mu-Jin thought to himself. If it weren't for the senior monks watching him, he would have immediately asked for the introduction.

'Once I finish my tasks for the Heavenly Flow Merchant Group and gain enough skills, I'll escape for sure.'

The closer Mu-Jin got to the secular world, the stronger his desire to leave Shaolin became. This was probably why Shaolin rarely let their disciples venture outside.

Ultimately, Mu-Jin responded to the jokes with a moderately innocent demeanor.

"Haha. It would be great if you could bring them along. Learning rehabilitation exercises or Muscle Stretching Techniques from a young age helps maintain health even in old age!"

Despite saying this, Mu-Jin knew that he had less and less time to take care of these people.

Since Ahn Hee-Seung brought Kang Jae-Wan for hospitality, the number of people seeking high-end treatments increased. Consequently, Mu-Jin had less time to see the elderly in the free clinic.

"Mu-Jin, could you teach us the pressure point and manual therapy techniques too?"

Naturally, Hyu Min and the second-generation disciples had no choice but to ask Mu-Jin for such requests. While Mu-Jin was tending to patients in the high-end facility, the elderly in the free clinic were clearly looking for him, even though they didn't say it outright.

The Shaolin disciples came to help the people, and they enjoyed the gratitude from those they treated. Thus, they wanted to learn more proper treatment methods.

In fact, the second-generation disciples had only learned Pilates and Muscle Stretching Techniques for about a month, so they only knew a few basic moves. They had no time to learn pressure point or manual therapy. For now, they could manage with basic moves, but eventually, they would need to learn more complex and varied techniques.

"Yes. Additionally, I'll teach you a few more uses for the rehabilitation tools."

Eventually, Mu-Jin promised to teach the second-generation disciples during lunch, early mornings, or evenings when both the free and high-end facilities were closed.

Moreover, Mu-Jin had another concern.

'She's come back after a long time, hasn't she?'

While managing the clinic, Mu-Jin noticed that Ryu Seol-Hwa and Hong So-Hee had returned to the clinic. Although he didn't know why, Ryu Seol-Hwa kept glancing at Mu-Jin and the Shaolin disciples while inspecting the treatment facility.

Mu-Jin couldn't help but wonder as he observed Ryu Seol-Hwa.

'Is she really the same person as the character I read about in the novel?'

In the second part of the novel "The Chronicles of the Unorthodox Tyrant", the future Heavenly Flow Merchant Group was depicted as a corrupt organization. Their main secret businesses were drug trafficking and human trafficking. Ryu Seol-Hwa, known as the Golden Raksasha, was heavily involved in the human trafficking operations.

But that shy-looking teenage girl was supposed to become that vicious woman in the future?

'...Well, if Mu-Gyeong can become a Blood Monk, it's not impossible.'

Having experienced something similar before, his prejudice started to fade a little.

'Hmm. If she's like Mu-Gyeong, she might be shy on the outside but have hidden madness. Or is it just her personality getting twisted because of her appearance?'

In the novel, Ryu Seol-Hwa was depicted as extremely obese. She was so large that she couldn't move on her own, with multiple layers of fat on her arms, legs, and stomach. The flashy rings on her eight fingers, except her thumbs, were buried in her flesh to the point where they couldn't be removed.

Perhaps because of her inferiority complex about her appearance, she participated in the human trafficking business, instructing her subordinates to kidnap and imprison slender and beautiful women, selling them into the red-light district. Occasionally, she would secretly torture and kill one for her pleasure.

Hong So-Hee, who was with her now, used to carry out the tortures and killings in front of Ryu Seol-Hwa, as the latter couldn't move due to her extreme obesity.

'But she's not that bad right now.'

Although she was overweight, it wasn't to the point where she couldn't walk or had multiple layers of fat on her limbs.

'Hmm. Looking closely, she might be worth trying to help.'

After observing her twice, Mu-Jin's trainer instincts kicked in. Over his ten-year career, he had helped hundreds of people, both men and women, lose weight.

People often referred to an obese person as an "unclaimed lottery ticket," and Mu-Jin, with his experience, could estimate their potential even before they started losing weight.

'Her eyes are naturally big and pretty. It's just that her nose and sagging cheeks are buried in fat, and her skin is greasy from lack of care and obesity. Her nose might be quite prominent if she loses weight.'

He couldn't tell the exact shape of her face due to the fat, but he had a feeling she could be quite attractive if she lost weight.

'Tsk. Her appearance isn't the main issue right now.'

Although she was destined to be a villain, he couldn't tell if she was involved with any dark schemes at the moment.

'The circumstances are suspicious, though...'

While Mu-Jin was lost in thought, a small voice came from Ryu Seol-Hwa.

"So, So-Hee, I think we should leave now."

"Yes, Miss."

At Ryu Seol-Hwa's words, Hong So-Hee took a step forward and bid farewell to Mu-Jin and the Shaolin disciples.

"We'll be leaving now. Miss Ryu Seol-Hwa asked me to thank you on behalf of the Heavenly Flow Merchant Group for the treatment."

'Ryu Seol-Hwa never said anything like that...'

As Mu-Jin, whose senses were heightened after fully absorbing the Invocation Pill, showed a puzzled expression, Hong So-Hee and Ryu Seol-Hwa left the clinic.

* * *

That evening, Mu-Jin was deep in thought.

Why did Ryu Seol-Hwa and Hong So-Hee visit the clinic intermittently?

It could be out of curiosity, considering Ryu Seol-Hwa was the daughter of the trading group's head. But Mu-Jin knew what kind of people they would become in the future.

Moreover, this clinic was a joint venture between Shaolin and the Heavenly Flow Merchant Group. Although Shaolin's sole purpose was to help people, from the outside, it could seem like Shaolin and the Heavenly Flow Merchant Group were collaborating.

If he were a member of a shadowy group, he would certainly want to investigate such a clinic.

And here was a future villain, visiting a clinic that hadn't even officially opened yet.

Anyone would feel like they were spies trying to gather information in this situation.

'Hmm. Should I try probing them a bit?'

How could he probe them without causing problems even if they weren't involved in any shady activities? As he pondered this for a moment:


Mu-Jin, who had thought of a good method, immediately took out a brush, paper, and ink. He ground the inkstone, dipped his brush in the ink, and began writing on the letter.

"Sss. This doesn't seem right."

After reading what he had written, Mu-Jin felt something was off and crumpled up the paper, tossing it aside. He took out a new sheet and started writing again.

Drawing on the content he remembered from twenty years ago when he was obsessed with the second part of the novel, *Saga of the Demonic Emperor*, Mu-Jin continued to jot down phrases on the paper. He repeatedly wrote, crumpled up, and discarded the paper until finally, he held up the last letter he had written. He examined it carefully, word by word, as if reviewing a test paper.


He nodded in satisfaction, indicating he was pleased with the final result.

* * *

A few days later, Hong So-Hee and Ryu Seol-Hwa visited the clinic again. Mu-Jin and the Shaolin disciples greeted them with simple bows and then stepped outside the clinic. Although it was a break time for treatments, patients were still forming long lines at the clinic's entrance.

After exchanging a few whispered words, Hong So-Hee and Ryu Seol-Hwa followed the Shaolin disciples outside.

"Granny Jang, you're here again today? It's not even your treatment day."

"Oh, Buddha Hand Boy! Don't worry. I haven't registered today. I just came to see if I might run into you."

Mu-Jin skillfully conversed with the elderly, massaging the bodies of some who didn't look well. Thanks to his frequent help during the clinic's break times, his nickname, Buddha Hand Boy, was becoming more and more renowned.

Of course, Mu-Jin wasn't doing this for fame. He simply couldn't bear to leave the elderly sitting in line, looking in pain.

Ryu Seol-Hwa, who was watching from a distance out of shyness, had a somewhat dazed expression.

At that moment, Mu-Jin, who was busy treating the elderly, suddenly called out to Hong So-Hee.

"Benefactor Hong So-Hee! We're short-handed here. Could you lend a hand?"

Hong So-Hee hesitated for a moment, conflicted, then bowed to Ryu Seol-Hwa, saying, "I'll be right back, Miss," and moved to assist Mu-Jin.

While Hong So-Hee was helping to support the elderly during Mu-Jin's treatment:


A little boy approached Ryu Seol-Hwa and spoke to her. He was the grandson of one of the elderly ladies who were currently praising Mu-Jin as Buddha Hand Boy. His parents worked from morning until evening, so he often spent time here with his grandmother.

When Ryu Seol-Hwa looked at him in surprise, the boy pulled out a letter from his clothes and handed it to her. Naturally, Ryu Seol-Hwa was bewildered by the situation. Feeling puzzled, she reached out and took the letter.

As she unfolded it and read a few lines, her face turned as red as a ripe persimmon.

(While walking, I happened upon a small flower.)

(Seeing it in bloom, it seems spring has come.)

(The spring breeze warmly shakes the forest of my heart.)

The letter in her hand contained phrases that, to anyone, would look like a love letter.