Catch the tail (2)

"H-ho, ho, uh, uh, do you know who gave you this letter?" Ryu Seol-Hwa asked, her face turning red as she fumbled, and the child, with a bright face, shook his head.

"I didn't see their face because they were covering it!"

"Y-you, you don't know who it is?"

"Heheh. Nope!"

Disappointed with the child's answer, Ryu Seol-Hwa added one more question.

"Have you read the contents of this letter?"

"I don't know how to read!"

Disappointed by the child's innocent response, Ryu Seol-Hwa made a regretful expression, and the child added another word.

"Oh! The person who gave you the letter said they hoped you would read it 'alone'."

"Well, that's polite."

Responding in this way, Ryu Seol-Hwa quickly folded up the letter and put it in her sleeve. She felt too embarrassed to show such a love letter to anyone else.

A little later, Hong So-Hee, who had gone to help Mu-Jin, returned to Ryu Seol-Hwa's side.

"S-sohee, can I go now?"

With a flushed face and strained voice, Ryu Seol-Hwa asked, and Hong So-Hee looked at her with a slightly cold expression for a moment.

"Yes. You may go."

And after a few seconds, Hong So-Hee finally gave her 'permission.'

* * *

That evening, as she returned to her chamber at Heavenly Flow Hall, Ryu Seol-Hwa looked at Hong So-Hee with a slightly tense expression, even though they were clearly in a mistress and servant relationship.

"S-sorry. Hong, um."

"I'm fine."

As Ryu Seol-Hwa offered an apologetic tone, Hong So-Hee replied in a toneless manner. Then, she added to Ryu Seol-Hwa's apology with indifference.

"Continuing to postpone your business like this is not good for you."

"W-well. This was something Hong recommended..."


Cutting off Ryu Seol-Hwa's words abruptly, Hong So-Hee continued.

"I only presented my 'opinion.' I said if you actively participate in the new business the headmaster is starting, the headmaster would be pleased. But the judgment is entirely up to you."


Ryu Seol-Hwa nodded slightly with a downcast face, and Hong So-Hee added with a soft smile as she watched her organize her thoughts.

"So, next time, you'll have to endure a little longer than this time. You are the lady of the Heavenly Flow Hall, and you don't need to care about anyone's opinions, even if they are from the Shaolin."


As Ryu Seol-Hwa was about to say something more, she ultimately bowed deeply under Hong So-Hee's stern expression.

Observing Ryu Seol-Hwa for a moment, who seemed so, Hong So-Hee approached her and gently patted her head.

"It's just something you need to do to gain the headmaster's approval. Please be a little stronger."


In response to Hong So-Hee's urging, Ryu Seol-Hwa replied with some determination.

Ryu Seol-Hwa was very afraid of Hong So-Hee leaving her. Just as the others had done before. 

'Right. I have to do well! I can't afford to lose Hong So-Hee like I lost the previous mistresses and caregivers.'

Her mother had left her behind to enter the world, and her father was a busy headmaster. The one who had taken care of Ryu Seol-Hwa, who had been neglected without receiving the care of her mother and father, was a caregiver who had raised her since childhood.

But when Ryu Seol-Hwa turned five years old, Ryu Ji-Gwang replaced her caregiver.

Through rumors spreading among the residents of the upper echelons, Ryu Seol-Hwa heard that she was too dependent on her caregiver. 

After that, caregivers and mistresses were changed regularly every three to four years.

Having seen those she depended on driven away by her father several times, Ryu Seol-Hwa closed the door of her heart and fell asleep.

However, Hong So-Hee succeeded in breaking down her defenses with active efforts.

The only problem was that Hong So-Hee had been in charge of her for about a year and a half. Ryu Seol-Hwa was destined to be replaced within a year and a half at the fastest, or three years at the latest.

That's why Ryu Seol-Hwa followed Hong So-Hee's words, wanting to gain recognition from her father. If she gained recognition from her father, then Hong So-Hee wouldn't be dismissed.

For a moment, Ryu Seol-Hwa enjoyed the touch of Hong So-Hee, who was both her father, mother, and teacher. Then, with a hesitant voice, Ryu Seol-Hwa asked, "H-ho, what do you think would happen if a man who likes me appears?"

Recalling the survey she had just received, she asked with a flushed face. But when Hong So-Hee received that question, her face was only cold.

"Certainly, approaching you believing in your wealth and authority is certain."

"T-that's true?"

As Ryu Seol-Hwa bowed her head with a disappointed expression, Hong So-Hee added.

"But that's not necessarily a bad thing."


"Ordinarily, men fall in love just by looking at a woman's face and figure. So, if a man approaches you, it means he doesn't care about those things."

It was a straightforward expression. It meant that there might be men who would approach her without being swayed by her appearance.

"Conversely, it means a calculating man, not a foolish wolf who falls in love just by looking at your appearance and wealth. And, for a lady leading the upper echelons, such a man might be more suitable."

As Ryu Seol-Hwa bowed her head deeply at this straightforward expression, Hong So-Hee added another word.

"But, it doesn't mean there are only such men. Miss. There may be men who approach you after seeing your inner self."

"My inner self...?"

"Yes. But to see your inner self, it takes a long time together. Like me."


"So, Miss, you need to develop the ability to distinguish whether someone approaches you based only on your abilities or, like me, based on your inner self."

Saying that, Hong So-Hee hugged Ryu Seol-Hwa affectionately.

* * *

Hong So-Hee, who comforted Ryu Seol-Hwa, left the chamber a while later. She inwardly scoffed at the foolish Ryu Seol-Hwa.

'Ha. Does she think a man who truly loves her will appear?'

Of course, what she had done to Ryu Seol-Hwa was part of her own plan.

It was the result of Ryu Seol-Hwa, as the lady of Heavenly Flow Hall, growing up in various places receiving both expectations and reproaches. 

'It seems that growing up as a rich girl makes her easy to play with.'

Originally, Hong So-Hee was nothing more than a minor spy.

Since she was about ten years old, she had been educated as a spy in an unknown place.

To children, it might seem like very complex and difficult education, but in reality, it was even more brutal.

Children who couldn't keep up with the education received severe abuse, and those who couldn't follow after the abuse lost their lives.

Those who regularly watched the sight of their peers dying or being abused had to suppress their childlike selves.

Hong So-Hee also grew up as a spy in such an environment, and when she was about ten years old, she was given her first mission.

It was to infiltrate Heavenly Flow Hall under the guise of a servant and collect trivial information. Literally, it was a small, insignificant task suitable for a minor spy.

In other words, it meant that the security of Heavenly Flow Hall was just as thorough. Unless it was someone who had served in the upper echelons for over a decade, critical information could not be obtained.

For that reason, Hong So-Hee had been working as a spy since she was about ten years old, doing small tasks, and serving as a spy for over ten years.

Perhaps the heavens favored her, or surprisingly, she was given the task of assisting Ryu Seol-Hwa.

Hong So-Hee saw this as an opportunity. She used Ryu Seol-Hwa. Therefore, Hong So-Hee did her best to open Ryu Seol-Hwa's heart.

And after more than a year of effort, she established herself as a close aide to Ryu Seol-Hwa. No, she had gone so far as to be able to manipulate her with just a word.

And recently, another opportunity came to her.

'The cooperation between Shaolin and Heavenly Flow Hall. If I can get as much information as possible about those members, surely my position will rise.'

Suddenly, Shaolin, who had been acting alone on the mountain, had joined forces with Heavenly Flow Hall. There was no information passed on to her, but she could intuitively understand that this was something that would be a hindrance to the group she belonged to.

While thinking about such things, she arrived at her destination without realizing it.

As she entered the chamber she had reached, an old man handed her the surveillance report she had written in their secret code.

"Looks like you're late today."

"I had some business to take care of."

Saying that, Hong So-Hee handed over the report about the place.

"Is this the information about that place?"


Hong So-Hee, who answered succinctly, bowed her head and was about to leave the chamber. She didn't want to risk unnecessary suspicion by delaying too long at such a late hour.

However, as she was about to leave the room, an old man spoke to her.

"Recently, aren't you being too greedy?"

"It's just for the greater cause."

A strange staring contest ensued for just a moment.

"Just go."

At the old man's words, Hong So-Hee nodded slightly and walked out the door.

But once she had nodded, she was seething inwardly.

'Hmph. Seems like the old man is afraid of losing his place.'

Hong So-Hee considered that the old man was jealous of her.

At that moment, at the outskirts of Deungbong Hyeon, an abandoned house.


There, Mu-Jin was hiding completely, covering his body and face with a black robe.

"It seems Ryu Seol-Hwa is not the one."

She didn't react to the bait he had laid.

Then, there was a high possibility that she hadn't contacted the Black Robes yet.

"Then, this time, it's Hong So-Hee's turn."

Muttering to himself, Mu-Jin began to write another surveillance report.

A few days later,

Ryu Seol-Hwa and Hong So-Hee once again visited the clinic.

For some reason, Ryu Seol-Hwa ended up staying at the clinic for quite a while this time, even though she was sweating profusely.

"Would you like to go out together again this time?"

Thanks to that, Mu-Jin, who couldn't engage in any conversation with them due to overlapping treatment times, headed to the entrance of the clinic with them after finishing the treatment.

At the entrance of the clinic, the old people warmly welcomed Mu-Jin as the Buddha Hand Boy.

Mu-Jin approached them and gave them acupressure or demonstrated some simple exercises, and he also called Ryu Seol-Hwa over.

"Would Miss Seol-Hwa like to join us today?"

With a thoughtful expression, Ryu Seol-Hwa glanced at her side for a moment, and as Hong So-Hee nodded, she approached Mu-Jin.

And as Hong So-Hee watched the two with sharp eyes,

"Pretty sister~!"

Another time, a little kid who came here every day, led by the old man, approached her.

The kid tactfully blocked his body to shield Hong So-Hee from the gaze of the people around and handed her a surveillance report.

Hong So-Hee accepted the report with a stern face. And she quickly hid the surveillance report in her sleeve, trying to conceal her startled expression.