Catch the tail (3)

That evening.

After coaxing and convincing Ryu Seol-Hwa, Hong So-Hee cautiously left the Heavenly Flow Merchant Group. Fortunately, it was still a busy time with many people coming and going in the Heavenly Flow Merchant Group. As long as she didn't do anything conspicuous, there shouldn't be any problems returning after leaving the upper levels.

'It's surprising how the opportunity has come so early.'

She had to make an effort to hide her ecstatic expression. Whenever she recalled the contents of the surveillance report she received from the little boy during the day, her lips involuntarily twitched upward. The contents of the report were undoubtedly coded. But why? She was moving towards a location not mentioned in the current code.

'This is the opportunity to undercut that old man!'

The surveillance report, disguised as a code, was actually composed of the code system used by the organization she belonged to. And after decoding the cipher, it contained the desire to directly contact her about the Heavenly Flow Merchant Group and Shaolin. The fact that she was being summoned using this code meant that the sender of the surveillance had a higher position than the old man who was her current superior.

Suppressing her swelling chest, she headed to the abandoned house on the outskirts of Deungbong Hyeon. And as if waiting for her, a man in black attire with his face covered, who had already arrived at the abandoned house, calmly stood up. The man with his face covered was none other than Mu-Jin.

'Just as I suspected.'

This confirmed that Hong So-Hee was indeed a pawn associated with the Black Robes. In the past, Mu-Jin had read the code system used by the leaders of the Black Robes through the novel "The Chronicles of the Unorthodox Tyrant". Although it was a memory from twenty years ago, the system lingered in his mind from the days when he deciphered and played with the code during his school years.

It had been a while since he'd used this memory. And going through the process of disguising the surveillance as a code report, he ended up writing dozens of surveillance reports.

'Or maybe it was done out of curiosity, but it's easy to take the bait.'

Even if the other party didn't take the bait, since the surveillance had been disguised as a code, there would be no way for it to be traced back. Sending surveillance to a woman was nothing special. In order to avoid causing chaos in Shaolin by using the surveillance, and to avoid suspicion from Hong So-Hee, he had subtly asked the grandsons of the regular old men at the clinic to hand out the surveillance.

Approaching the tail that took the bait, Mu-Jin approached and, with a forced deep voice, opened his mouth.

"What about Ryu Seol-Hwa?"

In response to the question from the man in black, Hong So-Hee calmly replied.

"She must be resting at the headquarters. To avoid suspicion from the upper levels, it seems prudent to return early. Please let me know what I should do in the future."

"It's the same as before. Dig up information about the Heavenly Flow Merchant Group and Shaolin while by Ryu Seol-Hwa's side."

With that said, Mu-Jin approached Hong So-Hee and extended his hand. Mu-Jin was only fourteen, but thanks to the ironing he had undergone over the past year and a half, his palm, which Hong So-Hee held in her hand, resembled that of a seasoned warrior.

Hong So-Hee pulled out a piece of surveillance from her sleeve. It was a kind of report that briefly summarized what she had seen and heard while accompanying Ryu Seol-Hwa and Mu-Jin. However, instead of handing over the surveillance right away, she opened her mouth as if to examine the other person.

"Because I am tied to Ryu Seol-Hwa's fate, it is not easy to come out like this every time. Please advise me on how to approach in the future."

"I'm planning to enter the Heavenly Flow Merchant Group soon. At that time, I will make contact within the upper levels. Send a message."

In response to Mu-Jin's answer, Hong So-Hee handed the surveillance she had been holding to Mu-Jin. As Mu-Jin grasped the offered surveillance, he simultaneously extended his left hand to attack her by surprise.


Realizing that something was wrong only then, Hong So-Hee urgently waved both hands. Feeling that her usefulness had come to an end, she used the martial arts she had learned to survive during her training in the past.


With a noise like hitting a piece of iron, Mu-Jin's attack and Hong So-Hee's counterattack clashed. At that moment, a single question flashed through Hong So-Hee's mind. The fact that the martial arts weren't as strong as expected for someone coming to eliminate her. However, before she could resolve that doubt, survival was the priority.

She raised her counterattack to block his attack and aimed her sharp nails at his chest as she moved forward.



But to her surprise. Before she could fully comprehend the situation.

As the Black Robe's knee struck precisely at Hong So-Hee's abdomen, who had plunged forward, she was hit by an intense pain as if her internal organs were shaking, making it difficult for her to even groan properly. Meanwhile, the Black Robe swung his left hand toward the back of her neck as she bent over in pain.

As her mind became hazy from the blow to the back of her neck, the last thing she murmured was, "Orange...?" A glimpse through the torn black robe revealed a crimson hue.


Thud. Right after Hong So-Hee collapsed to the ground, Mu-Jin made sure she was indeed unconscious before removing the black robe.

"Tsk. It hurts like hell."

The area of her chest struck by his left hand was not only torn by the black robe but also pierced by the crimson hue. To make matters worse, her flesh was slightly torn. If she hadn't toughened her skin, she would have suffered a serious injury.

She survived not as a master who could repel life force (수기), but simply because she wasn't at that level. Of course, it was a bold judgment knowing she wasn't at that level.

In "The Chronicles of the Unorthodox Tyrant," Hong So-Hee had only learned martial arts to protect Ryu Seol-Hwa. Although she had learned martial arts, she had not reached the level of a master. Therefore, Mu-Jin had expected that she had learned martial arts after being associated with the Black Robes. And as soon as he was sure she was already associated with the Black Robes, he acted after calculating that she had learned martial arts.

Thanks to this bold decision, he was able to quickly conclude the matter before Hong So-Hee caused unnecessary trouble or engaged in strange actions such as escape or suicide.

Additionally, there was another reason for intentionally taking a blow.

"I should tidy up before she wakes up."

First, Mu-Jin took care of the aftermath here.

He checked her mouth to make sure it wasn't the kind of poison often seen in martial arts novels. It was to prevent her from biting her tongue and committing suicide before she woke up.

After tying up the unconscious Hong So-Hee, he set fire to the black robe he was wearing a little away from the abandoned house.

After finishing the cleanup, Mu-Jin confidently lifted the bound and unconscious woman onto his shoulder and headed somewhere.


In the evening, on the streets of Deungbong Hyeon.

People who always lived busy lives had now discovered Mu-Jin, who had become a famous figure in Deungbong Hyeon.

"Lord Bulsu. What brings you here at this hour...?"

"Uh, what happened to the woman you're carrying on your shoulder?"

Of course, the sight of the woman being carried on his shoulder was also noticed.

"No need to worry. It's nothing serious. Hahaha."

"I have some business to attend to at the Heavenly Flow Merchant Group."

Mu-Jin gave a brief reply to the people of Deungbong Hyeon and headed towards the Heavenly Flow Merchant Group.

Naturally, the gatekeepers standing guard at the main gate of the Heavenly Flow Merchant Group also looked at Mu-Jin with puzzled faces.

"Mu-Jin, what about that woman? She clearly seems to be Ryu Seol-Hwa's companion?"

"Yes. It is indeed Ryu Seol-Hwa's companion. Therefore, please inform the upper level. I've caught a spy who was stealing information from the Heavenly Flow Merchant Group and Shaolin."


With that one word, chaos erupted in the Heavenly Flow Merchant Group.

One of the gatekeepers urgently rushed into the upper level to deliver Mu-Jin's message, and shortly afterward, the two chiefs hurriedly came out and escorted Mu-Jin inside.

And in the place where Mu-Jin arrived, a bunch of key figures from the Heavenly Flow Merchant Group, led by the chief Ryu Ji-Gwang, emerged.


"Yes, Chief Seju."

"That woman is not only Seol-Hwa's companion but also a woman who has served in our upper levels for over ten years. You claim she was stealing information. Can Mu-Jin prove this?"

Unlike his usual favorable attitude towards Mu-Jin, Chief Ryu Ji-Gwang asked in a blunt tone.

Setting aside the fact that she was his daughter's companion, she had been a servant in the Heavenly Flow Merchant Group for over ten years since she was a child. The accusation of her being a spy was not a matter to be taken lightly.

Behind Ryu Ji-Gwang, the faces of the key figures of the upper levels showed various expressions.

Some seemed to watch rather than step forward before Ryu Ji-Gwang. There seemed to be those who thought that the third disciple of Shaolin causing a commotion in the upper levels was not a good thing.

And before Mu-Jin could answer Ryu Ji-Gwang's question, a commotion was heard from behind, and someone approached Ryu Ji-Gwang and whispered

Mu-Jin confidently carried the woman and crossed through Deungbong Hyeon all the way to the Heavenly Flow Merchant Group, and this news reached the ears of the Shaolin disciples who were present in the Yuan.

Realizing that the stage was now set, Mu-Jin calmly began to speak.

"A little while ago, after finishing my duties at the clinic, I was walking through the streets of Deungbong Hyeon. During that time, I happened to see this woman, who is indeed Seol-Hwa's companion, walking alone through Deungbong Hyeon. It seemed strange. Why would this woman, who is Seol-Hwa's companion, be walking alone instead of accompanying Seol-Hwa?"

"...Is that the only reason she's called a spy?"

In response to Ryu Ji-Gwang's incredulous question, Mu-Jin shook his head and continued his explanation.

"So, I secretly followed this woman. She entered an abandoned house on the outskirts of the town and was having a conversation with a man covered in black robes there. It was a discussion about a joint business venture between our Shaolin and the Heavenly Flow Merchant Group."


As Mu-Jin finished his explanation, various reactions erupted from both the Heavenly Flow Merchant Group and the Shaolin disciples.

"How can we believe such words?"

"Chief, there's no doubt that this Mu-Jin fellow is playing a trick!"

Of course, the reactions from the Heavenly Flow Merchant Group were generally negative.

"Are you now daring to suspect a disciple of Shaolin?"

On the other hand, the Shaolin disciples, though doubtful, were still leaning towards supporting Mu-Jin.

At that moment, Ryu Ji-Gwang, the owner of the Heavenly Flow Merchant Group, spoke up.

"Everyone, please calm down!"

Indeed, it seemed that the owner of the Heavenly Flow Merchant Group was different in some ways. Even though his voice showed no internal energy, the audience quickly quieted down.

"Mu-Jin, just your testimony alone cannot be evidence that this woman is a spy."

Having calmed everyone down, he spoke as if exercising his last patience.

"You're saying evidence is needed?"


To Ryu Ji-Gwang's statement, Mu-Jin inwardly chuckled.

In this world of martial arts novels, there were no cameras, no CCTV, no recording devices. There wasn't even fingerprint comparison technology, and DNA testing through bloodstains was impossible. In this world where forensic investigation was impossible, how could one collect direct evidence?

Therefore, Mu-Jin had considered that in this world, the only evidence one could use was circumstantial evidence and the testimony of witnesses.

Upon careful consideration, he realized that there was one piece of evidence that was possible in this world.

Mu-Jin pointed to the wound on his chest.

"This wound is the evidence. How could a mere companion like this woman be skilled in such malicious martial arts?"

The most representative evidence in the world of martial arts novels was the trace of martial arts.

"If I hadn't learned the Iron Skin Technique, I would have been pierced through my chest."

As he spoke, Mu-Jin gently laid down the unconscious Hong So-Hee on the ground and revealed her wrists.

Sure enough, there were traces of flesh and blood on her nails.

And through the revealed wounds and traces, those who were skilled in martial arts could discern the type of martial arts she had used.

It specialized in assassination, suitable for assassins or those who wished to be assassins.

Of course, these techniques were not suitable for the disciples of the Heavenly Flow Merchant Group.

"And there are also marks on this arm where she clashed with my Iron Skin Technique. If you wish, you can compare it with her hands."

Mu-Jin extended her left hand, which had clashed with her iron palms.

"If this is not enough, the last evidence is this report. It was the report this woman was about to hand over to the man in black robes at the scene. Please verify if this is her handwriting."

Finally, one of the most commonly used evidence in the world of martial arts novels, handwriting.

Naturally, with Mu-Jin's words, the credibility of the evidence increased.

"Gold Chief Executive."

"Yes, Chief."

"Compare the handwriting in the documents written by the spy with her handwriting."

"I will make sure of it."

As Ryu Ji-Gwang's command was issued, the elderly man known as the Gold Chief Executive, without delay, began to move.

Shortly thereafter, the attendants and the spy carried various reports, and the elderly man known as the Gold Chief Executive began to compare the reports presented by Mu-Jin with the report presented by Hong So-Hee.

Perhaps due to the repetitive chaotic situation, Hong So-Hee, who had been unconscious, finally opened her eyes with a painful groan.

Of course, as soon as she opened her eyes, she couldn't help but be perplexed by the sight of the audience surrounding her.

And Ryu Ji-Gwang, the owner of the Heavenly Flow Merchant Group, abruptly asked her without giving her a chance to regain her senses.

"Why did you, despite being Seol-Hwa's companion, venture alone to the upper levels at this hour?"
