Weight Loss (1)

The following evening, after finishing all his duties at the clinic, Ryu Ji-Gwang visited.

"Welcome, Chief Benefactor," said Hye-Min, the head of the clinic.

"Nice to see you, Monk Hye-Min."

After a brief exchange of greetings with Hye-Min, Ryu Ji-Gwang signaled to his servants standing behind him. With a heavy thud, the servants set down a box they had been carrying, producing a weighty sound.

"Since the novice monk Mu-Jin captured a spy infiltrating our merchant group, it's only right that we offer a reward."

"Our Shaolin does not wish for such compensation."

"Hahaha. As I mentioned last time, repaying kindness is a human duty. If this money makes you uncomfortable, you can use it to help the needy."

Faced with Ryu Ji-Gwang's words, Hye-Min had no valid reason to refuse the gift and eventually accepted it.

"Ah, and I apologize, but I would like to have a private conversation with the novice Mu-Jin."

At Ryu Ji-Gwang's request, Hye-Min looked at Mu-Jin.

"Very well."

When Mu-Jin agreed, Hye-Min nodded and bowed to Ryu Ji-Gwang.

"We will use the gift from the Heavenly Flow Merchant Group for a good cause."

Ryu Ji-Gwang, likewise bowing to Hye-Min, then headed to a private room with Mu-Jin. As it was a time when there were no patients, the room became a large, secluded space for just the two of them.

"What brings you to see me, Chief Benefactor?" Mu-Jin asked, as he prepared an expensive Longjing tea, typically reserved for high-status patients.

Instead of answering immediately, Ryu Ji-Gwang took something hidden in his sleeve and handed it to Mu-Jin.

"You were the one who captured the spy, Mu-Jin, so I can't just reward the Shaolin. Haha. This is a voucher from our Heavenly Flow Merchant Group, Mu-Jin. It's a secret from Shaolin, so feel free to use it without any worries."

The voucher, presented as if it was nothing special, had a value of one hundred taels of gold. This was a considerable sum, equivalent to the yearly food expenses for the entire Shaolin Temple, making it an enormous amount for Mu-Jin to use personally.

Ryu Ji-Gwang handed over the voucher, curious about Mu-Jin's reaction to such a large amount of money.

"Thank you, Chief Benefactor. I will use this to help the less fortunate. Amitabha."

Mu-Jin accepted the money with a very calm demeanor. Of course, the "less fortunate" he referred to was himself. Having lived for decades in the mountains, unable to experience romance and subsisting on a vegetarian diet, what could be a more unfortunate life than that?

'Great! This will be my escape fund from Shaolin!'

The thought of having future funds made Mu-Jin inwardly rejoice. As he watched Mu-Jin accept the voucher without any hesitation, Ryu Ji-Gwang thought,

'No matter how you look at it, this child doesn't seem suited for the monastic life.'

Although Mu-Jin did not openly show a desire for money, his demeanor in planning business and lack of aversion to money made it hard to see him as a Buddhist. Plus, there was that strange hairstyle.

While Ryu Ji-Gwang was mulling over these thoughts, Mu-Jin, having tucked the voucher into his sleeve, spoke.

"So, what brings you here personally? If it was just to deliver a gift, you could have sent a servant or the head steward."

"This morning, the woman we captured as a spy died."


Ryu Ji-Gwang delivered the shocking news in a very calm tone.

"During the interrogation, she suddenly died from physical exhaustion."

"That's… strange."

Naturally, Mu-Jin suspected that Ryu Ji-Gwang was trying to erase evidence, but his suspicions were quelled by Ryu Ji-Gwang's next words.

"In truth, this is not the only strange occurrence happening in our Heavenly Flow Merchant Group."

As Mu-Jin looked at him in surprise, Ryu Ji-Gwang took a sip of the cooling Longjing tea and continued.

"Recently, there have been signs of unrest in our regional branches."

"What do you mean by unrest?"

"To be honest, we haven't identified any specific details. Everything has been progressing so smoothly that it feels unnatural. It's just a sense I have from long experience. And during such a time, you managed to capture that spy."


"I believed that there were no issues within our main house, but you prevented a major disaster."

"But now, the evidence of the spies has disappeared, hasn't it?"

"Although she died, we can piece together her statements and past actions to some extent."

Ryu Ji-Gwang, speaking with a calm but confident tone befitting the head of a major merchant group, looked at Mu-Jin, who began to sort out his thoughts.

'Is there really no need to suspect the merchant group leader?'

While it could be an attempt to deceive him, the chances of that seemed slim.

'Whether it's true or not, the real issue is how much of the internal cleanup will be done.'

Even though the merchant group leader spoke confidently, if he had been unaware until now, it would be difficult to sort everything out, no matter how much he probed. Just as you can't burn down an entire house to catch a flea, getting rid of everyone even slightly connected to Hong So-Hee, who had worked there for ten years, would paralyze the merchant group immediately. 

In the process of selection, a few rats might survive. However, Mu-Jin couldn't meddle in the Heavenly Flow Merchant Group's internal affairs on his own.

While pondering this, an idea suddenly came to Mu-Jin's mind.

"Oh, what happened to Benefactor Seol-Hwa?"

Ryu Ji-Gwang's face briefly showed bitterness at Mu-Jin's question, but as a seasoned merchant, he quickly composed himself.

"That spy operated under Seol-Hwa's supervision, stealing information about Shaolin and our merchant group, so we investigated her as well."

"Was there any connection?"

Ryu Ji-Gwang shook his head.

"There was no connection. It appears the spy used Seol-Hwa."

As expected, thought Mu-Jin.

"However, Seol-Hwa could not escape punishment. Those in high positions cannot use ignorance as an excuse."

Mu-Jin could sense the bitterness Ryu Ji-Gwang tried to hide.

'To set an example for others, I see.'

With this thought, Mu-Jin cautiously asked, "If it's not too much to ask, what punishment was given to Benefactor Seol-Hwa?"

"She was ordered to stay in seclusion."


Mu-Jin almost laughed at the unexpected leniency of the punishment. After his initial surprise, a sense of unease crept in.

'Is she going to be used again?'

From their recent encounters and her depiction in the novel, she seemed to have very low self-esteem. If there were still spies within the Heavenly Flow Merchant Group, she would be an easy target.

'Wait a minute, then wouldn't it be better if I approached her?'

The word 'approach' had negative connotations, but Mu-Jin had no intention of using her to harm the merchant group. He just wanted to help her, and in return, maybe receive some gifts later, just like he received a hundred taels of gold from Ryu Ji-Gwang.

'There's no harm in getting close to the daughter of a rich family.'

Mu-Jin entertained these thoughts in front of the rich man's daughter's father.

* * *

The next day, Mu-Jin was deep in thought about how to approach her, become friends, and extend his kindness to her.

He had a basic plan. He would teach her exercise and help her lose weight. If he could help her lose weight, there would be several positive outcomes.

Firstly, the time spent helping her lose weight would strengthen their bond, making it easier to block any covert approaches. Additionally, losing weight would boost her self-esteem.

The biggest reason body management through exercise positively impacts self-esteem is not just appearance but the fact that the appearance is 'achieved through one's own effort.'

Exercise is tough. In that struggle, if she experienced the gradual results of her efforts, she would naturally gain confidence, thinking, 'I can do it too.'

Moreover, there were physical benefits, such as increased stamina and vitality.

Teaching her exercise had many positive effects. The problem was that her self-esteem was currently very low. 

If someone she wasn't close to suddenly offered to help her lose weight, she might interpret it as, 'Hey, fat pig, lose some weight.'

Mu-Jin racked his brain for a way to encourage her to exercise without hurting her self-esteem.

Despite these thoughts, he couldn't neglect his duties at the clinic.

"Thank you for visiting our clinic again today, Benefactor Ji-Hyun."

Ahn Hee-Seung, now a regular, had come alone to the clinic today.

Although it had only been twenty days since the clinic opened, Ahn Hee-Seung had already visited eight times, coming every two or three days. Mu-Jin continued treating his regular patient without showing any signs of concern. After completing basic acupressure, manual therapy, and tendon manipulation, they moved on to full-scale rehabilitation exercises. During a break after a few exercise movements, Ahn Hee-Seung asked an unexpected question.

"Mu-Jin, I have something to ask you."

"Please feel free, Benefactor Ji-Hyun."

"Does this place not accept female patients?"

"Are you referring to female patrons?"

"Yes. I've been here a few times with others for treatments, and it made me think of my wife."

For Mu-Jin, it was an absurd question.

"I handle treatments here alone. Given the nature of my treatments, it would be difficult to treat women. As you know, my methods involve a lot of physical contact, which could lead to problems. Amitabha."

Even in modern times, male trainers engaging in excessive contact with female clients during personal training or Pilates could lead to issues. In this martial arts world, where the principle of men and women not sitting together after the age of seven was more than a joke, treating female patients could be problematic. The patrons of the free clinic were mainly elderly and commoners, and since Mu-Jin and the second disciple were monks, minor issues were overlooked. 

In the case of Yeon Ga-Hee, she was elderly and saw Mu-Jin as a grandson, so allowances were made. However, if Mu-Jin were to physically treat a woman from a prestigious family visiting the high-end facility, the consequences could be dire.

Ahn Hee-Seung seemed to reach the same conclusion and accepted Mu-Jin's explanation.

"Hm… that does seem to be the case."

Despite expressing his inability, a thought crossed Mu-Jin's mind—how to treat women at the high-end facility while also approaching Ryu Seol-Hwa and helping her lose weight.

"However, in a few months, we might be able to accept female patrons as patients."

Mu-Jin had thought of a way to solve all three issues simultaneously.

* * *

As they say, strike while the iron is hot. 

In the evening, as the clinic's activities wound down, Mu-Jin headed to the Heavenly Flow Merchant Group and was guided by Chief Yang to the hall where the leader was present.

"I feel like we just saw each other yesterday. What brings you here, Mu-Jin?"

Instead of beating around the bush, Mu-Jin got straight to the point.

"Merchant leader, are you aware of an issue we face when accepting patients at the high-end facility?"

"Hmm, I need to know if it's the same issue I'm thinking of."

From the merchant leader's response, Mu-Jin instinctively realized that the leader was already aware of the problem.

"The issue is that we cannot accept women as patients at the high-end treatment facility."

"Hahaha, if you've realized that, do you also have a solution in mind?"

As expected, the merchant leader had already noticed the problem. Mu-Jin was pleased to share his solution.

The solution to accepting women at the high-end facility while simultaneously approaching Ryu Seol-Hwa and helping her lose weight.

"Your daughter, Benefactor Ryu Seol-Hwa, can learn my treatment methods."

The solution was for Ryu Seol-Hwa to learn Mu-Jin's treatment techniques. This way, she could exercise under the guise of learning the methods.