Weight Loss (2)

"Seolhwa is currently under probation, Mu-Jin Dongja."

"I heard that she is still receiving education even during probation, Head Chief-nim."

"Hahaha. Learning medical techniques also counts as education, so it doesn't matter."

The Head Chief, who had burst into a cheerful laugh, then adopted a serious expression and asked again.

"Do you really intend to teach your medical techniques and exercises to my daughter, Mu-Jin Dongja?"

"I am on a path to save sentient beings. There is no reason to withhold knowledge about medical techniques, which are not martial arts."


Pleased with Mu-Jin's answer, the Chief let out a hearty laugh and asked one more question, as if testing Mu-Jin.

"By the way, why did you specifically choose my daughter, Mu-Jin Dongja?"

It wasn't a question of whether he dared to target his daughter. Knowing this, Mu-Jin shared his reasoning.

Why the Head Chief had remained silent about this matter until now.

"Since Shiju-nim Seolhwa is your daughter, there is no risk of the techniques being leaked if she learns them."


Delighted with Mu-Jin's answer, Ryu Ji-Gwang clapped his hands with a rare, hearty laugh.

Ryu Ji-Gwang had two main reasons for remaining silent about the matter despite being aware of it.

One was that the medical techniques belonged to Shaolin, and specifically to Mu-Jin. Therefore, he couldn't easily ask for them to be taught and had waited for Mu-Jin to bring it up himself.

The other reason was to prevent the leakage of techniques.

If Mu-Jin's medical techniques were taught to a woman and she then ran a successful clinic, the biggest advantage of 'monopoly' would be lost if she eloped.

Although it was hard to imagine a woman willing to commit such a brazen act against the Heavenly Flow Merchant Group, it also meant that there were four other factions comparable to the Heavenly Flow Merchant Group. Under the assumption that they would be protected, anything could happen.

But now, Mu-Jin had directly offered to teach his skills to Ryu Ji-Gwang's relative and a woman, Seol-Hwa. This made Ryu Ji-Gwang feel relieved in two ways simultaneously.

"This matter requires a conversation with my daughter first. Let us call her in."

"That would be greatly appreciated."

When Mu-Jin bowed in gratitude, Ryu Ji-Gwang called in Chief Yang, who was waiting at the entrance.

"Bring Seolhwa here."

"As you command."

Chief Yang responded with a bow and left the room. A moment later,

"Father, it is Seolhwa."

"Come in."

With a small noise, Ryu Seolhwa entered the room, looking more intimidated than the last time she was seen.

She hadn't expected to see Mu-Jin in the room, so she glanced up briefly, met his eyes, and then quickly looked down again.


Ryu Ji-Gwang's eyes showed a fleeting hint of pity as he looked at his daughter.

But as a seasoned merchant, he quickly masked his expression, not wanting to show such an emotion in front of a guest.

"Raise your head, Seolhwa."

"Yes, Father."

Ryu Seolhwa, still sounding timid, raised her head and glanced uncomfortably at the table between Mu-Jin and Ryu Ji-Gwang.

After observing his daughter for a moment, Ryu Ji-Gwang spoke in a calm tone.

"Do you resent me for ordering you to stay in your room?"

"N-no, Father."

Ryu Ji-Gwang continued speaking to his daughter, who responded in a voice as small as a crawling ant.

"You've been to the bone and muscle clinic a few times, so you must know what Mu-Jin Dongja does there. Isn't that right?"

"Y-yes, that's right."

She answered, feeling ashamed, knowing that her visits had been used by Hong So-Hee.

But surprisingly, her father did not bring it up to scold her.

"You know the kind of treatment done there, so I have a task for you."

"For, for me?"

"Yes. After learning medical techniques and exercises from Mu-Jin Dongja here, you will be responsible for treating women."

"But I am still under probation, how can I..."

Ryu Ji-Gwang continued, forcing himself to maintain a calm expression as his daughter, like a frightened turtle, lowered her head again and answered quietly.

"Even during probation, you are still receiving education, aren't you? Starting work immediately is not the case. During the probation period, you will receive 'education' from Mu-Jin Dongja. And this task was suggested by Mu-Jin Dongja who is here."

When Ryu Ji-Gwang pointed to Mu-Jin and spoke, Ryu Seolhwa looked at Mu-Jin with a bewildered expression.

"W-why would you assign such a task to me?"

"Because I believe that if it's you, Shiju-nim Seolhwa, you can handle it."

It was a paternalistic remark thrown out to boost her morale.

However, upon hearing Mu-Jin's words, Ryu Seolhwa's mind naturally recalled the reconnaissance she had received a few days ago.

'Right. Come to think of it, that child at the clinic handed me that reconnaissance!'

The problems that had been entangled in her mind were instantly untangled.

Why Mu-Jin suddenly decided to help her. Why Mu-Jin chased and caught Hong So-Hee, who was walking in the streets.

'Ah, the one who sent the reconnaissance was Mu-Jin Dongja!'

Having completed her deduction up to that point, Ryu Seolhwa's plump cheeks turned red in an instant.

It was the first time a man had courted her so actively.

Naturally, the image of Mu-Jin she had seen so far came to her mind.

The kind figure taking care of the elderly at the clinic. The figure praised as a compassionate doctor by patients. And even the sturdy muscles occasionally revealed amidst the care.

Of course, there was the significant issue of him being a 'monk's disciple.'

'What should I do~!!'

The term 'forbidden love' had a strange power to beat the heart of a teenage girl with two bats.

With her face flushed, she threw a question to calm herself down.

"C-can I really do it?"

"I will help you do it. Don't worry. Won't you assist me in saving sentient beings? Amitabha."

But when Mu-Jin confidently told her to trust only him, Ryu Seolhwa's already plump face turned so red that it was about to burst.

'Does he mean 'let's be together'? He's saying we'll be together for life, right!?'

In her extreme fantasy, in order to stop the wings of imagination in her mind, she desperately shouted out.

"Then, I'll give it a try!"

Seeing her daughter, who had been timid, now full of confidence, Ryu Ji-Gwang nodded satisfactorily.

'I didn't expect Seolhwa to be so proactive! This is all thanks to Mu-Jin Dongja!'

While it was thanks to Mu-Jin, it felt like something else.


The next day.

As agreed last night, Ryu Seolhwa arrived at the clinic early in the morning.

"Welcome, Shiju-nim Seolhwa. It's been a long time. Grandma!"

With her grandmother, Yeon Ga-Hee, who was also Ryu Ji-Gwang's mother.

Ryu Seolhwa found it hard to conceal her surprise at how comfortable Mu-Jin was with Yeon Ga-Hee.

"It seems our Mu-Jin Dongja has been busy and kept coming to visit the Shaolin Temple frequently."

"Hahaha. You didn't go to see Grand Master Hyun-Gwang, did you?"

"Ohoho. I can't say that I didn't."

Even Yeon Ga-Hee was treating Mu-Jin as comfortably as a grandson, so her surprise could only double.

Of course, the reason Yeon Ga-Hee had come here was not to surprise her granddaughter.

"Hohoho. I heard from Head Chief about it. You're going to heal this old lady's body and teach my granddaughter the treatment, right?"

Yeon Ga-Hee came here for Ryu Seolhwa's education. In advanced facilities, various treatments are provided. In addition to muscle and tendon lengthening techniques and rehabilitation exercises (Pilates), there are also aquatic therapy and acupressure.

To teach such things, direct contact was inevitable. If there was a problem, it was that Mu-Jin could not touch Ryu Seolhwa's body.

Therefore, Yeon Ga-Hee was selected as the person to supervise the practice, once Mu-Jin demonstrated it.

"Yes, Grandma!"

Mu-Jin, who responded in a friendly tone that could make anyone mistake him for a close nephew rather than a grandson, led her to the bed, conversing with Yeon Ga-Hee.

And as always, he performed acupressure on Yeon Ga-Hee and conducted aquatic therapy. It was an added bonus to explain to Ryu Seolhwa while he worked, and after Mu-Jin finished explaining and demonstrating, Ryu Seolhwa practiced under Mu-Jin's guidance.

"Haha. Seolhwa, you don't have to be so nervous. Grandma is fine."

"Yes... Grandma."

Whether it was because they were in the position of a patient and a doctor, or because they were the instructor and the test subject, or perhaps because a bond between the grandmother and granddaughter, which had not existed until now, was slowly forming, the conversation between them naturally continued during the practice.

"Hoho. Our Seolhwa is doing very well. To help the Head Chief , she's even stepping up to such a difficult task."

At her grandmother's words, Ryu Seolhwa, who was about to turn to Mu-Jin, stopped her head just in time and replied.

"Ah, my father ordered me to do it…."

"Even if the Head Chief gave the order, isn't it your decision to take on the task? That alone is commendable."

Whenever the conversation between the two came to a lull and silence threatened to set in, Mu-Jin would take the opportunity to intervene.

"It's okay to press a little harder on the left hand side of the lower back muscle, Shiju-nim Seolhwa. Instead, gently massage Grandma's leg with your right hand. And then slowly push it to the left."

Most of the time, he filled the silence with explanations for Ryu Seolhwa's education.

And when the atmosphere became somewhat warm and cozy.

"When I wondered who Seol-hwa benefactor resembles, it turns out she resembles her grandmother and is such a beauty! Hahaha."

"Ohoho. Our Mu-Jin Dongja indeed has a discerning eye. Isn't that right, Seolhwa?"

Mu-Jin, who praised them both together to boost her self-esteem, was expecting her to receive it well, but she was so embarrassed, her face was so red, and she couldn't say a word.

'Hmm... I guess I should avoid praising her appearance for a while? She looks terribly embarrassed.'

Looking at Mu-Jin and Ryu Seolhwa's reactions, Yeon Ga-Hee suddenly made a strange expression and burst into laughter.

"Our Seolhwa seems a little surprised, Mu-Jin Dongja."

"I apologize. That was not my intention, Shiju-nim Seolhwa."

"N-no, no, it's not that!"

When she suddenly shouted, an awkward silence fell.


'I should probably save the compliments about her appearance until she's lost a bit of weight.'

'What if he thinks I'm a strange woman and is disappointed in me?'

Against the backdrop of Yeon Ga-Hee's laughter, the two of them were having completely different thoughts.


Right after treating Yeon Ga-Hee with Ryu Seolhwa, Mu-Jin headed toward the clinic entrance with both of them.

He was going to check on the elderly at the entrance while allowing Ryu Seolhwa to observe the treatment process.

"Oh my, it's the compassionate monk!"

As always, the elderly who had gathered at the entrance warmly welcomed Mu-Jin.

But after being called a compassionate monk for more than twenty days, there had been a slight change in the scenery in front of the clinic.

"Isn't he really cute?"

"His face is cute, but look at his body. Look at those arms! My brother works with wood, and compared to him, my brother's arms are like twigs!"

Not only the patients but also those who had heard rumors about the compassionate monk began to come out to see him.

Thanks to the elderly constantly praising Mu-Jin, a significant number of young women, curious about him, also started to show up.

Mu-Jin only glanced at these women from the corner of his eye, trying not to show any interest.

'Damn, if only my seniors weren't here.'

This was because other Shaolin disciples were also with him.


Ryu Seolhwa, who had come out to the entrance with Mu-Jin, also heard the voices of women talking about Mu-Jin.

She didn't like the conversations of those who were eyeing Mu-Jin, but she was also moved by Mu-Jin's attitude of focusing solely on the treatment without giving any attention to them, feeling a strange emotion.

"Hohoho. It seems our Mu-Jin Dongja is quite popular in Deungbong County."

"Y-yes, Grandma."

She, who had been glaring fiercely at the women in Deungbong County, was startled by her grandmother's sudden words and replied.

"There are so many women who like Mu-Jin Dongja, so you will have to work hard to get his attention."

"Y-you mean those women?"


Yeon Ga-Hee merely laughed off Ryu Seolhwa's surprised question.

As a fellow woman and her grandmother, Yeon Ga-Hee had already noticed Ryu Seolhwa's feelings.

However, despite it being a forbidden love, she had no intention of stopping her granddaughter.

Just as noble families often arranged strategic marriages, Yeon Ga-Hee was also married into the Heavenly Flow Merchant Group through such an arrangement.

And her husband, the former head of the merchant company and Ryu Ji-Gwang's father, was an even more severe workaholic than Ryu Ji-Gwang.

Having lived as the wife of such a man for decades, Yeon Ga-Hee thought, experiencing such love in youth wasn't a bad thing.

Even if it was a forbidden love that could never be fulfilled, it would become a cherished memory over time.

Perhaps because of Yeon Ga-Hee's encouragement, Ryu Seolhwa began to look at the women of Deungbong County differently.

She lowered her head and looked at her arms, legs, and belly.

'There are so many women who are slimmer and prettier than me….'

Hong So-Hee, who had tried to use her, had said that men are simple and fall for a woman's appearance.

Although Hong So-Hee had tried to take advantage of her, at least that statement seemed true.

It takes a long time to get to know someone's inner qualities, and it's natural to become interested in either ability or appearance.

But her abilities were actually her father's abilities, not hers. As a woman, Ryu Seolhwa wanted people to be interested in her appearance rather than her background.

'I need to lose weight!'

To achieve that, she would need to make persistent efforts, just as her grandmother had said.