Regional Branch (1)

The Next Day. 

Early at dawn, Mu-Jin woke up from his sleep. The Muscle and Bone Treatment Clinic operated from 9:00 to 11:00 in the morning and from 5:00 to 7:00 in the evening. However, Mu-Jin, who had already gotten used to waking up before dawn in Shaolin, or rather, who had always been an early riser since his days as Cho Kang-hyuk, would wake up every day from 5:00 to 7:00 in the morning.

After waking up, Mu-Jin would lightly stretch using his Muscle Stretching Technique, then gradually warm up his muscles by lifting light weights with a sandbag. Once his body was properly warmed up, he would start his rigorous external martial arts training. This included flipping tires, performing the three main exercises using steel bars and weight plates hung on a lathe, and other training tools provided by the Heavenly Flow Merchant Group.

A human body naturally tends to revert to its original state. A physique developed through exercise can only be maintained by continuing to exercise. To build a stronger body, even more intense training is required. Hence, Mu-Jin would always train his body every early morning, even after coming to Deungbong County. On days without any special events, he would also practice martial arts in the evening.


After a solid hour of training, Mu-Jin was drenched in sweat. He washed up with pre-prepared water and then had breakfast with the other second disciples. Around that time, Yeon Ga-hee and Ryu Seolhwa arrived at the clinic.

Just like the previous day, Mu-Jin treated Yeon Ga-hee and provided guidance to Ryu Seolhwa. But today, there was more to it.

"To quickly master the treatment methods, reviewing is important, Shiju-nim Seolhwa."

Mu-Jin encouraged Ryu Seolhwa to exercise separately from the treatment. The main purpose was to help her lose weight quickly. The exercises done during Yeon Ga-hee's treatment were not sufficient for Ryu Seolhwa to effectively lose weight. Mu-Jin didn't say outright that it was for weight loss, to avoid hurting her self-esteem, but he implied it.

"I-I'll do it!"

Strangely, Ryu Seolhwa seemed much more motivated than the day before.

'They said you lose weight by exercising a lot!'

In fact, Mu-Jin didn't need to persuade her much. On the way back to the trading company the previous evening, she had learned from a bodyguard that the more she moved, the more weight she would lose.

To match her high enthusiasm, Mu-Jin selected an exercise regimen focused on cardio and core strength, suitable for weight loss.

"When you step onto the box, lift your knee as if hitting the person in front of you with it. And when stepping down, extend your left leg as far back as possible. Move your arms vigorously too! Yes, we've done twenty reps, now let's do it with the left leg."

For instance, he placed a reformation box on the floor and had her step on and off it as if climbing stairs.

"Just support yourself with your arms! Hold yourself with the strength of your waist and abdomen while stretching your legs."

She gripped the footbar of the reformation device with both hands, placed one foot on the wooden plate below the footbar, and the other foot on the carriage of the reformation device, pushing against the springs.

As they progressed through various exercises,

"Let's take a short break and then continue, Shiju-nim Seolhwa."

"I can do more!"

Despite her arms and legs trembling from excessive exercise, she insisted on continuing.

'If I lose weight, Mu-Jin Dongja won't look at other women, right?'

It was the most basic motivation often thought of by young men and women who decide to lose weight. However, like many beginners, she was eager but her stamina and muscles were already at their limit.

"Overdoing it will only make you sore and force you to rest for days. Exercise should be done moderately and consistently, Shiju-nim Seolhwa."

As a skilled trainer, Mu-Jin began to persuade her to stop.

Reluctantly, she tried to get up from the reformation device, but her legs gave out due to the excessive exercise.

Mu-Jin quickly moved to support her as she was about to fall.

When Mu-Jin's hand touched her arm, Ryu Seolhwa's face turned red without fail.

'...Is it hypertension?'

Seeing her face turn red so often, Mu-Jin thought it might be at a dangerous level. He realized that for her health, losing weight was indeed necessary.


Ten days had passed since capturing the spy Hong So-hee. Feeling that the Heavenly Flow Merchant Group had somewhat stabilized, Mu-Jin headed towards the company after finishing his duties.

The gatekeepers, recognizing Mu-Jin, stepped aside to let him pass, and following Yang Chong-Gwan's guidance, he headed straight to the company head's office.


And so, Ryu Ji-Gwang, the leader of the merchant group, warmly welcomed Mu-Jin, who had visited after a long time.

"I've heard the stories, Mu-Jin Dongja. Recently, Seolhwa has become much more proactive. Haha."

Ryu Ji-Gwang couldn't help but burst into a satisfied smile at the change in his once dispirited daughter.

"It seems I always receive help from you, Mu-Jin Dongja."

"It is Seolhwa Shijun who is putting in the effort. I have done nothing. Amitabha."

Mu-Jin's words were partly out of humility and partly genuine. Ryu Seolhwa had been so diligent that Mu-Jin was actually holding her back for the sake of her health.

After exchanging several more trivial conversations, Ryu Ji-Gwang decided it was time to get to the main point.

"But tell me, Dongja, what brings you to the merchant group today?"

"Actually, I've come to suggest that it might be time to open a local branch. Shijun."

"A local branch, you say?"

"Yes. Shijun, you did not start this business merely to open a clinic in Deungbong County, did you?"

At Mu-Jin's words, Ryu Ji-Gwang lightly laughed because Mu-Jin was right. No matter how well-connected Ryu Ji-Gwang was with high officials and wealthy individuals, he couldn't always bring them to Deungbong County. For the sake of profit, establishing clinics in various counties and cities was essential.

Of course, Mu-Jin didn't bring up the idea of a 'local branch' just to make money for the Heavenly Flow Merchant Group. The main reason he thought of local branches was due to a previous conversation with Ryu Ji-Gwang. Ryu Ji-Gwang had mentioned that the movements of the Heavenly Flow Merchant Group's local branches were suspicious. From Mu-Jin's perspective, it meant there were hidden forces approaching these local branches. Therefore, Mu-Jin intended to use the pretext of setting up local clinic branches to approach these suspicious branches. Naturally, he had no intention of tracking down all the numerous local branches of the Heavenly Flow Merchant Group. Mu-Jin had a specific location in mind, and fortunately, Ryu Ji-Gwang asked about it first.

"Then, where do you plan to establish the local branch, Mu-Jin Dongja?"

Smiling lightly, Mu-Jin replied, "Nanchang in Jiangxi Province would be the best place, Shijun."

Jiangxi Province's Nanchang. Unlike other branches, this one was almost certainly connected to the dark forces.

The branch leader there was the future leader of the merchant group, as seen by Mu-Jin in the novel. Still, Ryu Ji-Gwang asked, seemingly puzzled.

"Why choose Nanchang in Jiangxi Province instead of closer places like Luoyang or Zhengzhou?"

The reason was simple. Having severed the tail named Hong So-Hee, Mu-Jin now aimed to catch the body, the future leader of the merchant group. However, he couldn't simply say, "Your son is destined to become a very wicked man in the future." So, he gave a different reason.

"This area near Deungbong County is like the front yard of the Heavenly Flow Merchant Group and our Shaolin. We can expand here anytime. However, once we move beyond Henan Province, or even to the outskirts of Henan, other sects and clans will voice their objections."

"Are you saying that while we can expand to Luoyang or Zhengzhou anytime, we'll face resistance as we move farther, so we should go straight to Jiangxi Province this time?"

"Yes, Shijun."

Mu-Jin's explanation seemed reasonable to Ryu Ji-Gwang, who nodded in agreement.

North of Dongting Lake was Hubei, and south was Hunan. Many of the major orthodox sects and clans were located north of Dongting Lake. From Henan, where Shaolin was based, to the west was Shaanxi with Mount Hua and Zhongnan Mountain, to the east was Shandong with the Huangbo Clan and Anhui with the Namgung Clan, and to the north was Hebei with the Peng Clan. To the south was Hubei with the Zhuge Clan and Wudang. This made the area north of Dongting Lake dominated by the orthodox sects, but they were so busy keeping each other in check that expanding their territories was difficult. Given that all these sects claimed to be orthodox, they were stuck in endless battles over justifications rather than direct conflict.

In this situation, if Shaolin, which had remained aloof like a high scholar in the mountains, tried to extend its reach to other regions, the other sects would not just sit and watch. On the other hand, Jiangxi Province, located east of Hunan, did not have a major orthodox sect. However, since Anhui Province was right to the north, the unorthodox sects couldn't dominate it either. It was a so-called neutral zone or disputed area.

"Hmm... We might avoid the scrutiny of other major sects, but it doesn't seem like an easy place either."

"At least it will be easier than opening a clinic in a place dominated by a single major force. It's also the closest among the neutral zones."

Another reason Mu-Jin targeted this location was because it was still a disputed area. In the future, this region would be taken over by a black sect force called the Dominance Group. The Demonance Group handled the dirty work for the corrupted future Heavenly Flow Merchant Group, such as kidnapping and imprisoning individuals for human trafficking or manufacturing drugs. But Mu-Jin's aim was not just to prevent human trafficking or drug dealing.

During the kidnapping and imprisonment process, the Path of Tyranny would secretly separate children with unique constitutions like the Yin-Yang Body or the Sun Body. The primary purpose of the dark forces partnering with the Heavenly Flow Merchant Group was to acquire these uniquely constituted children, not just human trafficking or drug smuggling.

Therefore, Mu-Jin intended to preemptively deal with both the future merchant group leader and the still-nascent Dominance Group.


A few days later.

Mu-Jin and Ryu Ji-Gwang ascended Mount Song after a long time. Although Ryu Ji-Gwang had expressed approval for the local branch, fundamentally, Mu-Jin couldn't leave for Jiangxi Province without Shaolin's permission. After all, Mu-Jin was still bound to Shaolin.

Thanks to the advance visit arranged by Ryu Ji-Gwang, they could head straight to the Abbot's office as soon as they arrived at Shaolin.

In the Abbot's office where they arrived, Abbot Hyun Chun and Hammer Registry Hall Head Hyun Myung were waiting for them.

"Long time no see, Shijun."

"Nice to see you again, Abbot ."

After exchanging greetings with Ryu Ji-Gwang and Abbot Hyun Chun, Abbot Hyun Chun immediately got to the point.

"So, why did the busy Shijun and Mu-Jin come here today?"

In response to that question, Ryu Ji-Gwang replied that he intended to open a new clinic branch in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province. However, the reactions of Hyun Chun and Hyun Myung were not particularly positive.

"Shijun, I'm sorry, but our Shaolin disciples are not numerous. By increasing the number of clinics, there will be more disciples scattered around the regions than those remaining here in Deungbong County."

"Another problem is Mu-Jin. If Mu-Jin goes there to open the Nanchang branch, who will manage the advanced facilities here in Deungbong County?"

But the reasons for the opposition were quite different from before. It wasn't simply the fear of the world's pointing fingers as it used to be.

To address their concerns, Mu-Jin spoke up.

"First of all, if some time passes, our Shaolin disciples won't need to manage the regional clinics anymore."

He explained the plan like pouring cold water on hot iron, as he had been thinking about this even before catching Hong So-Hee.

"Because we can let the affiliated clans manage the branches."

"Let the affiliated clans manage them?"

"Yes. Is there any problem with just teaching the healing methods to the affiliated clans, which aren't one of the seventy-two sects or skilled in martial arts?"


As Hyun Chun and Hyun Myung pondered Mu-Jin's words, he continued.

"There are two major advantages to this approach. First of all, our Shaolin can assist the affiliated clans. Especially considering recent events, this is something we cannot afford to overlook. Shouldn't we at least repay those who have upheld our Shaolin's principles until the end?"

Upon Mu-Jin's words, both Hyun Chun and Hyun Myung made a small cough, feeling overwhelmed.

This was a story targeting nearly half of the affiliated clans who had left Shaolin over the past year. It was a bizarre event where they did the right thing, and the affiliated clans left.

"And the second advantage is that we can control the defection of the affiliated clans."

"Control the defection?"

"Yes. The basic management of the clinics will be done by the affiliated clans, but we will send Shaolin disciples from the external halls or registry hall regularly. We can justify it as confirming whether the treatment is properly conducted and re-teaching the healing methods. Wouldn't it be a means to check whether the affiliated clans harass the common people or take their money?"

"Hmm. During that process, are you also going to treat the surrounding commoners and confirm whether the affiliated clans are harassing them or taking their money?"


Upon Mu-Jin's words, both Hyun Chun and Hyun Myung felt stunned.

What was the reason nearly half of the affiliated clans had left? It was because Shaolin had punished the sects that had defected.

But according to Mu-Jin's words, they could help the remaining affiliated clans of Shaolin without punishing defections. Moreover, they could prevent the affiliated clans from defecting by controlling them with Shaolin's martial arts or healing methods.

It felt like the best solution, but there was still one practical problem remaining.

"But isn't it too early? If you leave for Nanchang, who will be responsible for the clinic in Deungbong County?"

Upon Hyun Chun's question, Mu-Jin smiled and replied.

"Anyway, it takes quite a while to open a new clinic. And during that time, there is someone who can develop their skills enough to take over my place."

Upon Mu-Jin's words, Hyun Chun, Hyun Myung, and Ryu Ji-Gwang, who was with them, all fell into deep thought.

Who could develop their skills to the extent of replacing Mu-Jin in just a short while?

And before long, they all came up with an answer.