Regional Branch (2)

"Are you perhaps referring to Beob Gun?"

"Yes. If it's my master, he can definitely take my place."

In name, Mu-Jin's master was Hyun Kwang, although it was actually Beob Gun who was teaching him. Most importantly, Beob Gun had observed Mu-Jin treat Hyun Kwang for the longest time. In fact, it was Beob Gun who was currently treating Hyun Kwang in Mu-Jin's absence after he left for Deungbong County.

"Hmmm. We should discuss this matter with Beob Gun and Sahyung Hyun Kwang first."

However, Beob Gun was also tied to Shaolin due to Hyun Kwang's treatment. For Beob Gun to take charge in Deungbong County, both he and Hyun Kwang would have to go there together. For this reason, Hyun Chun, Hyun Myung, Mu-Jin, and Ryu Ji-Gwang left the Abbot's office and headed to Hyun Kwang's residence.

"Master! Grandmaster! Your disciple has been remiss in not visiting more often."

"Hahaha. What brings you here today, from Deungbong County?"

Mu-Jin, seeing Hyun Kwang and Beob Gun for the first time in a while, greeted them with a bright smile. Hyun Kwang welcomed him with a clear laugh.

After Hyun Chun, Hyun Myung, and Ryu Ji-Gwang finished their greetings, Hyun Chun explained the reason for their visit to Hyun Kwang and Beob Gun.

"Are you asking me to do this?"

Beob Gun, after hearing the explanation, asked in a bewildered tone, glancing at Mu-Jin and Hyun Kwang. Though he could handle martial arts, he was uncertain if he could completely replicate Mu-Jin's treatment methods or if it was appropriate to drag his master Hyun Kwang to Deungbong County.

Hyun Kwang, with a kind smile, responded to Beob Gun.

"Hahaha. I'm fine with it, Beob Gun. Why don't you take on the task? You have sacrificed so much for me. This is a good opportunity for you to take on the role of a Shaolin disciple, not just my disciple."

Beob Gun had been taking care of Hyun Kwang since he became a third-generation disciple. Because of this, he lacked time to practice martial arts or handle other Shaolin duties. Although all Shaolin disciples understood Beob Gun's role, Hyun Kwang felt sorry for his disciple. Therefore, he saw this task as a chance for Beob Gun to fulfill his role as a Shaolin disciple.

Encouraged by his master's support, Beob Gun straightened his mind and bowed to Master Hyun Chun.

"Though I am an unworthy disciple, I will do my best. Amitabha."

* * *

After Beob Gun and Hyun Kwang expressed their willingness to take on the task, they entered into a meeting to determine the specifics. Mu-Jin led the meeting, having planned this in advance to target the Dominance Group in Jiangxi Province.

'It's not much different from what I did in the modern day.'

Mu-Jin was already accustomed to setting up branches, hiring and training staff, and deploying them, thanks to his experience running five fitness centers in Seoul.

Based on Mu-Jin's various suggestions, the framework was mostly decided, and only detailed matters remained.

"Abbot, since there are many unorthodox sects and black factions in Nanchang, we'll need more forces there than in Deungbong County to prevent any mishaps."

Mu-Jin planned to eliminate the black factions involved in human trafficking, including the Dominance Group, making battles inevitable.

'I will indeed rely on Shaolin's power this time, as Master Beob Gang suggested. Haha.'

The enemies were involved in human trafficking and drug smuggling. Unlike capturing spies, he could fully utilize the Shaolin disciples.

"Don't worry about that part. We will send not only the disciples for treatment but also those well-versed in dealing with unorthodox sects," replied Master Hyun Chun confidently.

As Ryu Ji-Gwang watched them, he smiled and spoke up.

"It seems we have roughly set the framework. Abbot."

"Indeed, Head of the Merchant Group."

"Haha. Continuing this heavy meeting must be tiring. Abbot, there's something I've been curious about. May I ask if it's not too much trouble?"

"Hahaha. Please speak freely, Head of the Merchant Group."

"If a true disciple of Shaolin must inevitably return to secular life due to unavoidable circumstances, what kind of punishment does Shaolin impose?"

Hyun Chun, looking at Ryu Ji-Gwang with a peculiar expression, answered.

"Such cases are very rare, Amitabha. In such instances, the disciple is allowed to return to secular life after agreeing not to pass on the martial arts except for the basic ones permitted to lay disciples. If this agreement is broken, their martial arts are abolished."

"What if they want to teach martial arts to their children or disciples? Wouldn't they want their children to learn Shaolin martial arts?"

"Ha ha ha ha. Well, you could just send your children or disciples to Shaolin, couldn't you, Head Merchant?" Master Hyun Chun responded, hiding his curiosity about why such questions were being asked. The first question was understandable, but the second one was something that someone of the Head Merchant's status could easily infer.

Ryu Ji-Gwang posed another question, as if he was trying to dig deeper.

"Then, what if it's not for inheriting the family but for forming alliances between families? In other words, if a family seeks you out for an arranged marriage, what would you do?"

"…Whether it's for family reasons or because of a woman he loves, if someone wishes to return to secular life for such worldly reasons, we strip them of all their martial arts before allowing them to leave."

"Ha ha ha. I'm sorry for asking such foolish questions that might upset you, Abbot."

Ryu Ji-Gwang, seemingly having no more questions, now turned to Mu-Jin with a curious look.

"Mu-Jin, I heard that your healing techniques come from your family."

"Yes, Amitabha," Mu-Jin replied, trying to hide his unease. He wondered if Ryu Ji-Gwang was trying to find his non-existent family. However, what followed was beyond Mu-Jin's expectations.

"So, Mu-Jin, do you have any thoughts of continuing your family line?"


Not only Mu-Jin but also Master Hyun Chun and Hyun Myung looked at Ryu Ji-Gwang with shocked faces. This implied whether Mu-Jin had any intention of leaving the monkhood.

There was no reason for Ryu Ji-Gwang to be interested in Mu-Jin's unknown family. In the end, Ryu Ji-Gwang's objective was clear.

'He's targeting Mu-Jin!'

Master Hyun Chun realized that Ryu Ji-Gwang intended to bring Mu-Jin into the Heavenly Flow Merchant Group by making him leave the monkhood. And just as Master Hyun Chun guessed, Ryu Ji-Gwang had been eyeing Mu-Jin not simply because he had received help from him multiple times, which could have been repaid with money, but because of Mu-Jin's remarkable business talents.

'This child is truly born with a natural talent for business. Why is he in Shaolin?'

From the moment Mu-Jin persuaded the owner of The Hammer Registry Hall to set up a clinic and proposed a framework to operate it, Ryu Ji-Gwang had been paying close attention. Watching Mu-Jin grow the clinic and plan for local branches only solidified his conviction.

'His intelligence, sagacity, and boldness are beyond what one would expect at his age. He is truly a born business talent.'

Mu-Jin's business acumen exceeded that of key figures within the Heavenly Flow Merchant Group, even though he was not yet 20 years old, not even 15.

Ryu Ji-Gwang kept thinking how fortunate it was to have met Mu-Jin and wondered what it would have been like if Mu-Jin had been born into the Heavenly Flow Merchant Group.

'Yes. Even the Tang family in Sichuan is considering taking in a son-in-law. Why shouldn't we, the Heavenly Flow Merchant Group, do the same?'

The only issue was that Mu-Jin was already a senior disciple of Shaolin.

'It's not a problem to have his martial arts stripped. What's important is his business talent, not his martial arts.'

This was a manageable issue for Ryu Ji-Gwang.

"Hmm. Mu-Jin is a highly valued disciple in Shaolin, Head Merchant. Your words are excessive."

"Ha ha ha. Isn't the most important thing Mu-Jin's own will, Abbot?"

"Mu-Jin's healing techniques are outstanding, but they cannot compare to his martial arts talent. If Mu-Jin dedicates himself to training for ten more years, he could master the 72 supreme arts and be called the greatest talent in the world. That's why we bestowed our treasure, the Invocation Pill, upon him."

Determined not to lose Mu-Jin, Master Hyun Chun spoke with a smiling face but with veins bulging on his forehead. He considered Mu-Jin as a talent that could elevate Shaolin to the next level and would rather cut off his own arm than lose him.

"Ha ha ha. Although the Invocation Pill is a treasure of Shaolin, there are countless treasures in the secular world, Abbot. With Mu-Jin's abilities, he could surely acquire those treasures."

This implied that the Heavenly Flow Merchant Group could provide such treasures.

"Therefore, whether he leaves or stays in Shaolin should ultimately be Mu-Jin's decision, don't you think?"

Ryu Ji-Gwang said this, looking at Mu-Jin with a smile, while Master Hyun Chun and Hyun Myung, also smiling awkwardly, looked at Mu-Jin.

'…What is going on suddenly?'

Mu-Jin found the situation absurd. He understood that Ryu Ji-Gwang wanted to recruit him and found the offer tempting. The Heavenly Flow Merchant Group was one of the top five in the world, equivalent to a modern-day conglomerate. Accepting the offer could mean a life of luxury.

But what about Shaolin?

Setting aside the martial arts, life there was just as a monk, praying, chanting sutras, and eating vegetarian food.

Mu-Jin planned to leave Shaolin once he mastered enough martial arts because he didn't want such a life.

Ryu Ji-Gwang's offer was tempting, but Mu-Jin couldn't give up martial arts since it would make dealing with his enemies difficult.

'Once I've learned enough martial arts, I'll leave Shaolin and join the Heavenly Flow Merchant Group. I can always change my identity if needed, maybe even wear a mask like in martial arts novels.'

After making this calculation, Mu-Jin bowed and spoke.

"Amitabha. I'm sorry, Head Merchant."

"Hmm. So, you're committed to martial arts?"

Ryu Ji-Gwang barely managed to keep his expression neutral, while Master Hyun Chun and Hyun Myung smiled broadly.

Mu-Jin's next words caused them to adjust their expressions again.

"More than martial arts, I have no home to return to. Amitabha."

"No home to return to? Surely not?"

"Yes. My family was wiped out a long time ago. Amitabha."

Silence fell over the room as Mu-Jin calmly lied, managing his expression.

Mu-Jin had two reasons for this excuse. One was to avoid showing clear allegiance to Shaolin, allowing him to leave later without appearing inconsistent. The second was to erase his non-existent family to avoid future complications. This excuse silenced both Ryu Ji-Gwang, who coveted Mu-Jin, and Master Hyun Chun.

"Since the main framework has been decided, may I go and greet my grandfather now?"

"Yes, go ahead."

"We will handle the details. Mu-Jin."

There was no better option than this.

* * *

The next day.

Hyun Kwang descended Mount Song with Beob Gun and arrived at the clinic in Dengfeng County.

"Ha ha ha. It's been a long time, Lady Yeon. Amitabha."

"Ho ho ho. I've missed visiting Shaolin, but I never expected you to come and see me. Master, Amitabha."

Yeon Ga-hee and Hyun Kwang, meeting at the clinic after a long time, exchanged greetings with the atmosphere of an elderly welfare center.

While Mu-Jin led the treatment for Yeon Ga-hee and Hyun Kwang, he also instructed Beob Gun and Ryu Seol-hwa.

Additionally, he treated patients who came to the advanced facilities and handed over the details of each patient's characteristics to Beob Gun.

"Don't overexert yourself, Donor Seol-hwa."

"I, I can do it!"

He also helped Ryu Seol-hwa with her exercises.

As always, he cared for the elderly who visited the clinic, practiced external techniques at dawn, and martial arts in the evening.

About a month passed in this way.

One day, Ryu Ji-Gwang personally visited the clinic, as preparations to establish a branch in Jiangxi Province were finally complete.

"Mu-Jin, I leave it in your capable hands."

Next to Ryu Ji-Gwang were twenty Shaolin disciples.

They were the ones who would accompany Mu-Jin to Jiangxi Province.

'I doubted the rumors about their mastery of unorthodox methods, but…'

The person chosen as the leader of this expedition was Hyu Gwan, known as the Immovable Asura and the first disciple of Mu Gyeong.

Half of those heading to Jiangxi Province were second disciples of the Destroyer of Demons Division who had fought demons alongside Hyu Gwan.

"Heh heh heh. Having greeted the Head Merchant, let's get going."

Hyu Gwan, standing in a casual posture, said this lazily and climbed into the carriage first.

Following him, Mu-Jin and the remaining Shaolin disciples also boarded their respective carriages.

It was finally time to depart to Jiangxi Province.