CHAPTER THREE: A Slave Contract?

As Rox was pacing around thinking, he heard some of the guards of the mansion rushing to his side. Before he could do anything, One of the guards lifted him and started rushing him to the Bunker. Rox shouted; "What are you doing?".

"I'm sorry young Master but we have to take you to safety. The mansion is been attacked. If anything happens to you, we will all have to forfeit our lives so please forgive my rudeness." The guard said politely while still rushing to the bunker.

Rox was born into one of the ten families that rule the planet Soyzy. Nide Ben Sol, like his father, is now one of the rulers of the planet. No one would question him if he did away with a few foolish guards who were unable to do their job properly. Even the citizens will push for their execution if they fail to do their job as Rox is the one and only son of their Lord. Rox knew this so he decided to let them do their job all the while thinking that maybe, what was happening was actually about him since he realized after checking his status that he was now one of The Seeds. He was even thinking that he heard someone say to him that he had been chosen as one of the seeds before he collapsed from memory overload which was actually true. In a short while he found himself in the bunker being protected by ten strong guards in a room which is protected by both scientific technology and magical enchantments.

~~~~~Rox's POV~~~~~

The guards have brought me into this bunker for my own safety but I think the intruders probably came for me and not to kill me too. They are probably here to take me to the Supreme God. But, the guys here with me look really strong.

As I was observing the guards I heard a mechanical feminine voice in my head saying,

You have acquired the skill, Advanced Appraisal. You can now identify any object in the lower mortal realm and level one of the high mortal realm as long as you are not resisted.

Whow! I wasn't expecting that. Is it because I have been chosen as a Seed? Probably... If getting skills were this easy... Nevermind. Even the strongest person on this planet is level sixty-seven. Although I've heard that some people have ascended from the mortal realm in history, I've never heard anyone saying there are lower and higher mortal realms. So, probably those who ascended only got to the higher mortal realm. But judging by how powerful even the guards around me whose levels range from 25 to 39 are, a higher mortal should be very powerful. And, it is said that each and every level increase gets harder and harder so the fact that we are living in peaceful times has made us weaker and weaker making it even harder for people in the current era to level up. We are currently compensating for the fact that we have grown weak with science or maybe we got weak because of science. Regardless, I think based on the stories of old, that a level 99 can destroy a country or an island alone. Even if it's been exaggerated they should be quite powerful.

It seems someone is coming in. The gate opened slowly and ten new guards came in and informed us that the intruders had now been received as guests. Their mission here is to find someone and they would recognize the person on sight. The moment I heard that I knew they were probably looking for me but the fact of the matter was that they only came to swap with my current guards. I should inform them that they are probably looking specifically for me. But... what if they are here to kill me? I know I shouldn't panic because His Existency would probably not let them kill me this early in the game. I took a deep breath and "Wait! Lemme go with you"

"But, Young Master-"

"I think they came looking specifically for me. "

"What?... Please don't kid around, how would you know -"

"I order you to take me along and that's final. I don't wanna hear any excuses."

"Yes, My Lord"

Is that fear that I see in their eyes? And they changed from calling me Young Master to my lord. I guess they've never seen me this way before. Did they call me lord because they saw my father in me? I guess that is how my father acts when I'm not around. Well, putting that aside, we are now on our way to meet the guests. Wait a minute, that guy is huge. He reminds me of a larva giant in Greek mythology but he looks more like a certain demon I saw in a game my friend plays. Ouch... Why did I try to appraise him? I almost destroyed my eyes. And the woman sitting on the hovering throne is quite beautiful... Maybe too beautiful. I would believe it if someone told me she was the goddess of beauty. But, why is she sitting on a hovering throne? Is she compensating for her height compared to the other one? If that is the case, I'll say she is quite insecure. She'd kill me if she could read my thoughts though. I guess she can't. It seems all the servants and guards of the mansion are here. We are now more than 200 here. My parents are seated in front of the guests.

I hurried to my parents while asking, "Mom, Dad, what is going on?"

The moment I got closer, the giant knelt in front of me and said. "Greetings, Lord Rox"

Well, I guess I was right. They indeed came for me. But... Why is the beauty looking at me like that? Is she like one of those rich girls who look at poor people with disgust? I've had my share of meeting them in my previous life. They insulted me because I wasn't having enough money to buy proper clothes. Thank you Junior for borrowing me some of your used clothes.

I looked up at the beautiful woman and asked, "Why are you looking at me that -"

"Shut up mortal." I almost held my chest because that little statement almost brought me to tears. As Owusu, I've been looked down on so many times that I've grown resistant to it. But Rox has never experienced anything close to this. But I won't forgive this. I'll get my revenge when I get stronger. I've suffered enough in my past life. In this life, I will not experience that hell again.

"Please forgive her my lord." Why is it that the 'angel' acts like a devil and the 'demon' acts like an angel? Are they trying to turn my view of the world upside down? Wait a minute. This may be how things are over here. I almost forgot I am in a whole other multiverse. How do you even get multi-multiverses? I don't think I can comprehend that now so let's forget about it for now.

As I was thinking, I felt two soft mounds touch me from behind. A pair of arms held me caressingly and I heard my mother's sweet voice speaking into my ears, "Don't mind that mean lady up there my love. Come sit with your mother."

"Disgusting." Did I just hear someone say the word disgusting? I'll definitely get my revenge. But before that, lemme enjoy my mother's warmth for a while. This may be my last time.

"Okay, Mom." She picked me up and started heading to her seat. Thinking about it, I've never asked about their levels. Level thirty seven eh? And what about my father? Sixty-two... Sixty-two... my parents are quite powerful. And what about the head guard? Sixty-five erh? I thought he was the current strongest. Did no one tell my father that over-doting parents make weaker kids? The average kid my age should be level four but I am still level one. I know I asked for a loving family but I guess too much of everything is bad huh?

"So what is your business with me?" I asked while enjoying the warmth of my mother on her improvised throne which is big enough to accommodate the both of us.

The giant who was still kneeling stood up and introduced himself and the other one to me. According to him, The Supreme God, the one who created this universe and eleven others has decided to retire. But, the multiverse can not be without its Supreme God so he decided to create ten Seeds with the potential to become the next Supreme God. He (Baartu) and Aicis are part of one hundred and twenty beings called Messengers who serve the supreme being. I thought the Messengers were basically 'errand boys and girls' for the Supreme Being so I said, "So you are basically 'errand boys and girls' for the Supreme God?" But that one who's called Aicis refuted saying, "You know nothing, mortal. Excluding The Supreme God, there are only twelve other people who are more powerful than us. Of course, we can't easily destroy universes like they can but we can easily destroy galaxy clusters."

This girl is dangerous. Looking around, I can see that I am not the only one thinking that way. I guess she has every right to be supercilious. But, is that any way to talk to someone who can potentially become your superior? "I know you are powerful and all but don't you think you are being rude to someone who can potentially become your Supreme God?"

"As if a mortal like you can ever become the Supreme God... Okay, I shall make it easier for you. If you can achieve the divine realm in thirty multiversal years, I Aicis shall become your servant. If you fail, you will serve me. But if you fail and you still become the Supreme God, you will make me a guardian and you won't interfere in my business." Well, she may be arrogant, but she isn't stupid. If she can make a Supreme God candidate serve her, she will get a powerful servant with no limits. Even if I turn out to be weak, she can just brag about having a Supreme God candidate as her servant. She can even offer me to the next Supreme God for benefits. If I win, then she will be serving a potential Supreme God who is not one of the mortals she disgusts. When it comes to the third condition, I think the current Supreme God wouldn't want a puppet Supreme God so she chose power and independence. Wait a minute, does it mean Messengers can not Disobey the supreme God? For my side, If I win, I'll get a multiversal beauty who can at least destroy galaxies with ease to serve me. But I'm currently a level one lower mortal. Can I do it? Lemme ask the handsome and good Baartu about it. A quest window just popped up in my field of vision.

"Baartu, is it possible for me to do it?"

"My lord, please check your system if you have received a quest."

"I have."

"What is the colour of the quest window?"


"It is possible, but it will be extremely hard. By the way, if I may ask, why are you still level one?"

"As you can see how my Mom is caressing my hair right now, ... I have been over-pampered so I never got the chance to level up." Mom looked at me with a sad face but it had to be said.

"Okay, then I understand the fact that you don't know about quests and quest difficulties but even with a mortal system, you should be at least, level 3 by now."

After Baartu made his statement, my father made a difficult face and said; "My wife and I suffered a bit before we could beget our son. Unfortunately, we realized after his birth that he couldn't gain levels. He was our one and only son and with how we suffered before my wife could conceive him, we decided to raise him with as much love as we possibly could. After all, he was and still is, the most adorable child on the planet. You see, a long while after our marriage, we realized my wife couldn't give birth. After looking into it, we realized her eggs couldn't be fertilized. We did all we could to find a way to make them fertile but it was to no avail. It even got to a time that she asked me to get a concubine but I couldn't since I loved her so much. Then it happened. One day out of nowhere she rushed to me holding a pregnancy test indicating she was pregnant. It was a miracle. After his birth, we checked and her eggs were still not fertile and we gave all our love to our miraculous child regardless the fact that he couldn't level up. And we forgot to tell him about his disability." Never have I seen my father this way before. His speech was even jumbled up, but I got to know the circumstances behind my birth. Did He deliver me to them because they couldn't give birth or he made it that way so that they will cherish me. I guess this is one of the questions I would have to put in the fridge.

"I thought I will never get to give birth and hold my baby in my arms." Is my mother crying? I guess I should thank them for all the love they have given me.

"Mom, Dad, thank you for all the love you have given me." After listening to my thanks Dad came closer and hugged both Mom and I. What happened after that was just embarrassing so I don't want to talk about it. What I can say is that it was filled with a lot of 'we love you son' and them not wanting me to leave.

After some time, I cleared my throat and, "Mom! Dad! We have visitors and what you are doing is embarrassing. Even if I leave, I'll come back later." After talking some sense into my parents, I turned to Baartu and Aicis "Baartu, I'll only come with you if you promise to protect my parents and this planet as a whole."

"I'll do my possible best in protecting your planet. "

"Also since Messengers are supposed to serve the Supreme God, are there any other ways for a Seed to get a Messenger to serve them? "

"Of course, when a seed becomes the Supreme God, all of us will automatically have to serve them. Also as you grow powerful, you will in time be capable of summoning some of us to serve you. And the third one is what just happened between Aicis and you, My Lord."

"Aicis, I'll accept your quest but I'm going to tell you now so that you can't say I am mean when I do it after I make you my servant. The first order I'll give to you will be to kneel down and lick my boots."