CHAPTER FOUR: The Best Armor?

~~~~~ Rox's POV~~~~~

For a while, after I said I would make Aicis lick my boots, there was total silence. I could see her facial muscles visibly twitching but she chose to utter not a word. If she could kill me or even destroy my planet, I know she most definitely would. Well, she is certainly powerful enough to do so but she came here with a mission and I don't think she can do anything that would go against that. This confirms it, Messengers can not disobey the Supreme God. I accepted the quest and then said to her; "I have accepted your quest but don't think I'm going to wait for that long before I make you mine."

After making my statement I saw her blush. Wait a minute... Did she blush? That is the first time I have seen someone visibly blushing. I've seen on TV and other media that people do blush but never have I seen it in person. Maybe, as blacks, we do blush but it doesn't show because our skin is darker or thicker than the whites. For the people on this planet, our hair glows brighter when our emotions fluctuate. Based on the wavelength of the glow, one can tell whether the person is angry or happy. But some people can control it. Especially nobles so it's not wise to trust it. "Well, if you do, then I guess I'll be yours..." Did her character just change now or is she misunderstanding me? "As if I'll be happy to serve a mortal like you! Keep dreaming." Now that's the Aicis I know. I thought she was going to be one of the characters who misunderstands you and falls in love with you for no reason.

I turned to Baartu and asked, "How much time do I have to prepare?" And he replied politely, saying; "25 hours My Lord."

My Mom, almost about to tear up said; "Please son, we don't want you to leave. Please say you will stay with us forever. We-"

"Please Mom, don't make it any harder on me. You know I've always been under your care but this time, the one summoning me is the creator of the multiverse. I can't begin to guess what he would do if I went against his summons. Dad, I know no one on this planet knows more about responsibility than you so please.."

"Son, you know I also don't want you to go."

"Yes, but you do know that I must. Please convince Mom for me."As I was trying to convince my Dad, a new idea popped up in my mind and I said to myself 'Why didn't I think of this earlier?'

I looked straight into my mother's eyes and said; "Mom, do you want them to kill me for disobeying the Supreme God?"

"No, my son. I'll never." My mom's hair started glowing purple and I knew she was panicking.

"Look Mom, that is exactly what will happen if I don't go. The Supreme God is probably watching us right now.

Mom calmed down, collected her thoughts and said; "I'm sorry my love. I was being selfish."

"Don't worry Mom, I wouldn't want you to leave me either. I don't know what will happen if I leave, but I think I will have to go through something like a tournament to decide who will become the Supreme God."

"Then is there a way that we can spectate?"

I turned to Baartu and inquired; "Is there?"

"I can not let them see everything that you do, but I can make it such that they can see the highlights of your endeavours. But... There is an even bigger issue. The reason why Aicis said thirty multiversal years is because the first half of your competition will last thirty years. During these thirty years, we the messengers can not interfere in the competition unless a seed summons us into it. This thirty multiversal years will translate to a little more than 60 years on this planet. That is, even if your parents do not die before your return, you will most likely come and see them on their deathbed."

"Can you please do something about it for me?"

"I can. I can create another you for your parents and make them forget about what just happened." As if in sync, both of my parents said they didn't want to forget about me. "Please, let me finish. I can also make it such that your mother will no longer be barren so that even if they die before your return, you will come and see their descendants and thirdly, I can make it such that this solar system's time will be slowed down to the point that the thirty years will only amount to 3 years on this planet, but regardless the choice you make, if the Supreme God decides against it, then I'll have to follow his will.". Wow, the Messengers are truly powerful. Time manipulation on this scale and he didn't put out any conditions.

"Can I pick two?"

"I'm guessing you want the last two."

"Yes, I would like to have a younger sibling and if I succeed, I don't think I'll be able to succeed my parents since I'll have the whole multiverse to govern. There is also the probability that I may die so please. If you do, I'll make sure to reward you wholesomely if I succeed."

"Okay, My Lord." Baartu snapped his fingers and continued; "Your mother is no longer barren. I'll slow down their time when we leave."

"Thank you very much Baartu. I'll spend the remaining time with my parents."

"Yes, My Lord, we shall wait for you."

"Listen Mortal. Finish your preparations as fast as possible for I will not wait a second more for you on this filthy planet."

"Yeah-yeah... I've heard you loud and clear. You don't have to keep on insulting us.". This bitch really gets under my skin. My hair almost fluctuated although I'm doing my best to suppress my emotions. Anyway, my parents and I went into the mansion and the servants and guards dispersed.


When we got into the mansion, Mom said she would make today the best day of my life before I left. It was already my birthday so there was supposed to be a party anyway, but with her enthusiasm, how she was instructing the servants and how many calls she was making with her terminal, I knew this was gonna be one heck of a celebration. Then, before she went to the kitchen to personally cook for me, she came to me and asked me to relax on my special sofa. I sat on my sofa and it served me some sweets.

~~~~~ Nide's P.O.V~~~~~

I Nide (pronounced as 'kneedei') Ben Sol have always known that my son was special. My wife was barren. Magic couldn't heal her because she was born that way, and science couldn't heal her. Of course, we could have just put someone else's eggs in her but that would mean the child wouldn't be really hers. As one of the rulers of this planet, I could get almost every girl on this planet if I wanted, but I am deeply in love with my wife. If I even asked that I needed someone to donate their fertile reproductive organs to my wife there would be a line of women in front of my mansion. They would do this even if it would kill them but as I said, the child who will be born from that wouldn't really be my wife's child. There was a time when she even asked me to take in a concubine but I refused. Maybe, I was just being stubborn. But I wished with all of my heart that she would be able to conceive at least one child. I swore that if that happened, I would love and cherish that child for the rest of my life and in a year, my wife came to me and informed me that she was pregnant. I was happy beyond compare but frankly, I knew in my heart that I would have given in to her demands if she didn't get pregnant in that year. And so, eleven years after our marriage, my wish was granted. Currently, I am on my way to meet the other nine rulers. I want to ask for the most powerful armor on the planet which belongs to no one ruler for my son. I know I would have to owe them a debt of gratitude if they accepted my proposal. I secretly recorded everything that happened and I will most certainly use it to coer... no convince them to hand me the armour.


The meeting went splendidly. My wife's family was already on my side. There was already an agreement between my family and another family that our children would be engaged during my son's sixteenth birthday celebrations. Her father wanted them to have a night together before he left and I agreed so he joined my side from the start. Frankly, both my wife and I wanted Rox to enjoy himself the most today. For the rest, I just put pressure on them after letting them watch the proceedings. Some bribery also took place but who cares. And the nail in the coffin was 'Do you really want to go against someone with the potential to become the ruler of the multiverse? Even if he fails, he will most definitely come back strong enough to destroy us all.". After making this statement, all the stubborn ones gave in and accepted my 'gratitude'. Huh, what I do for my son. Not that I would have needed to do all this if he was chosen a year or two later.

Since he was born with a disability, I was worried about leaving him with no protection when I die. So I've been building an even more powerful armour for him. Unfortunately, it's not been completed. That armour would have made him the most powerful although he can not level up. I've already encoded his genetic code into it so no one else can wear it. Now, should I rush and finish it? No! Haste makes waste. Thinking about it, I can take the best of both armours and build him the best armour ever to grace this planet. Well, maybe the third best but if we take the messengers out, it will be the best. Let me rush to the laboratory. I operated my terminal and ordered all the people working on the armour to rush to the laboratory if they weren't already there. I guess it's going to be a long day... and night.