CHAPTER FIVE: Love And Devotion

~~~~~Nana's P.O.V~~~~~

Ever since I was a baby, I was told who my future husband would be. He is basically always being protected by several if not many guards and I think I may be the only friend he has. I do have friends but apart from him, the rest are only girls. My name is Nana and I am the first Daughter of Doku Ben Droo, one of the rulers of this planet. Ever since childhood, I've always liked Rox. Maybe it's because he is so kind. Or, maybe it's because my parents have always been telling me that he will be my life's partner and that I should always love him. Personally, I don't know if I fell for him because he is a disabled boy who is always trying his best or just because he is the only boy I have as a friend. But what I know is that I love him and I don't know what I'll do without him.

The moment I heard he had to leave I didn't realize when I started crying but I was. But my mother sat me down and talked with me. It was a very nice talk that gave me hope. I am currently preparing to go meet my fiance. I don't know if it will be the last but I hope not. Regardless, I want to spend the night with him and take his seed. I'll forever wait for him and hopefully, he'll come back to see me and our future child together. Yeah, it just came to my mind that my Mom said he has been chosen as a Seed, a person capable of becoming the next Supreme God. Before today I wasn't even aware that gods were real and now my love has the potential to become the ruler of all the gods. I wanted to have him for myself but I can't be selfish. And I don't want to do anything that will make him hate me so I'll do my best to support him. I don't know what it means to be the wife of the Supreme God but if he does become the Supreme God, I'll do my best to stand by his side. Frankly, I thought I'd be the one to protect him since he was born disabled but what can I say?

The maid who was dressing me up showed me to the mirror. Is that me in the mirror or is that an angel? My parents really went all out making this engagement gown for me. I thought long and hard about what I'll give him for his birthday gift but now I know the perfect gift to give him.

Please, current Supreme God, let him share the night with me. Please let us become one. I know I've never prayed to you before. I didn't even know you existed but please, please and please again let me...

"Milady... Milady... Milady!".

"Eh. Ergh Yes?"

"You must really love him."

"Yes I do but why are you saying that?"

"Your hair is glowing green."

Calm down. Calm down. Breathe in. Breathe out. It's disgraceful for a noble to wear his emotions. "I'm sorry Kaka, I know I shouldn't show my emotions."

"Oh no, Milady, I don't think anyone will criticize you for showing your feelings today. In fact, I think he'll love you more if he sees you this way today.".

"Really!" I turned around and grabbed her in need of confirmation because I didn't know how I'd be able to suppress my emotions in front of him today.

"Y-yes Milady.".

"Thank God."

"Wow, that's the first time I've heard you say that Milady. By the way, it is time."


~~~~~Rox's POV~~~~~

In my previous life I had a birthdate but I never properly celebrated my birthday. The only ones who ever gave me birthday gifts were Junior, his family and sometimes I'd get some presents at school. My family blamed me for my parents' deaths and they called me 'Ba bone'(pronounced as ba-bornie) in Akan which literally means bad or evil child, so they chose to not take care of me. They thought they would also die if they tried to take care of me. After all, my caretaker also died. Out of greed, some of my relatives also wanted to take from me my parents' house. If you are asking yourself why they would do that then it's because they wanted me dead. Luckily, Junior's parents helped me keep it. They may even have taken me in but my relatives said they were only helping me because they also wanted to lay claim to my inheritance so... Enough with my sad past. Today is supposed to be my happiest day. I almost cried but what can I say, the contrast between my past and current life is huge.

Looking around, I saw a lot of people around. They are all here just to celebrate my birthday. Something I never experienced in my past life but I've experienced it so many times in this life that Rox sees it as normal. But the Owusu in me is in awe. But, it's odd, people should have started approaching me by now, but it seems even my bodyguards are getting away from me. Wow! Is that Nana or an angel? I've never seen her this beautiful before. Not that she is normally not beautiful but she is looking exceedingly beautiful today. If not for the fact that I just saw Aicis I would have named her the most beautiful. Do they want me to have regrets about leaving? And her hair is glowing green too. It doesn't even seem she is trying to hide it. I know you may not understand but there are a lot of differences between this world and my previous one. One of these is the fact that Earthlings attribute pink to the emotion of love or lust. At least that's what I think based on the web novels I've read. I'm not exactly a veteran in this field since I died a virgin. I found it hard to trust based on my circumstances and because I was poor, I was afraid of making a mistake. So I was afraid of doing it. The Holumni on this planet attribute green to love and lust. And I can tell the angel coming my way is dyed in green. By the time I realized, my legs had started walking me to her.

The moment we met, there was a short silence before I said; "Nana, I know today was supposed to be our engagement but I am sorry. I have to leave. And there is no guarantee that I will return. So-"

"I know."

"You know?"

"Yes. By the way, when I saw you, I realized you were sad."


"I could see a faint glow of blue in your hair. Why were you feeling sad?"

That's awkward. How can I tell her I was sad because I remembered things in my past life? After all, nothing has happened in this world that should make me sad. No! Something has happened that should make Rox sad. I can feel it. "You see, ever since my childhood, everyone around me has loved and taken care of me. I have only ventured out on my own once. It was today and I collapsed. Don't be distressed. I am fine. That was when I was chosen as a Seed and I got a new system, which means I am no longer disabled. But, it doesn't mean I have everything under control. I want to spread my wings and fly."

"I know. And I know you can do it. I believe in you. I haven't told you this but I wanted to be the one to protect you. Since you are no longer disabled, I don't know what will happen but this shouldn't make you sad."

"I'm not sad because I can now fly. I am sad because of the ones I'll have to leave behind. I am sad because I have to cancel our engagement since I can stay with you no longer."

"Should I tell you my gift for you today? I thought long and hard about it and I hope you will accept it."

What could it be? Last year's gift was my special sofa which feeds me and massages me when I sit in it. It can even transform into a bed for me and it has some more gimmicks to it. Based on that, I can't even imagine what her gift will be. "I'll accept it no matter what it will be.".

"Then please accept me. My love and my devotion."

"Wait wait wait. You do know I have to leave right?"

"Yes, but I don't want to live without you."

"It's too dangerous. Aicis can't kill me but she'll most definitely kill you if you try to follow me. She hates mortals. I don't think she'll willingly travel with two mortals."

"Then please grant me your seed. Let's spend the night together. If you grant me this selfish wish of mine, myself and our future child will await your return even if we have to wait a lifetime."This resolve. I thought I had resolved myself enough to end this relationship so that nothing would hold me back. But... I don't think there is any man in this world who will be able to say no after experiencing this.

"You know, I came here to end this relationship because I felt it wouldn't be good for me to marry you and leave. But, I accept you, your love and your devotion. But, you may not be the only one. The fact that I accepted you although I wanted to break up with you means I may have to accept others."

"I don't mind. As long as you make me your wife." Come to think of it, making her my wife means she'll be my queen. In Akan, a queen can be Addressed as Nana. Of course, the one in Akan is pronounced differently but they are both spelt the same way in English. The Nana in Twi is used in addressing royalty but it can also be used to call precious kids. Well, it can also be seen as a form of insult in English but I'm talking about the Akan meaning of the word.

"Nana, I know today is our engagement day but if you will accept me as your husband today then I will make you my queen. Let's make today our wedding day instead."

"I do." Urm... Was it not supposed to be something like 'Yes' or 'I will' then we'll both say I do during the celebration? Has she already acknowledged me as her husband even before the ceremony?


Why is she approaching me that way? Am I experiencing my first kiss in this life right now or am I dreaming? Her soft lips and beautiful fragrance is making me feel intoxicated. No, I should be the one taking the lead. I am no longer that loser who died. I am Rox, the one who will be the next Supreme God. I took control and kissed her back deeply. For about a minute we were still kissing. Then we heard an applause. Did we forget that we are at my party? That's embarrassing.

The individual Nana Sen Doku of the house Mormontu has been acknowledged as the partner of the host.

Error... The individual Nana has a tier-one system. Upgrading the individual Nana's system to a tier-nine system.

Completed. The individual Nana is now at level one since she can not have a higher level than the host.

What is happening here? Did she also notice? Of course, she would. Okay, I planned all this from the beginning.

"Nana, did you receive my gift?"

"Do you mean the system upgrade that I just got?"

"Of course."

"I-I don't even know what to say or how to thank you. I have already given you all of myself and although I don't know the difference between a tier-one system and a ninth-tier system, I can presume that the difference is tremendous. To start with... it just spoke to me. How were you able to do that?"

How would I know? It came as a surprise to me as well. I think I heard the system's voice before but I collapsed and I don't know a thing about how to use it. But, since they said the Seed System is the highest system there is, I think it should be able to answer my questions. {System, what is the difference between a first-tier system and a ninth-tier system? Also how many tiers of systems are there and how and why did you give her a ninth-tier system?}.